US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Washington Included in its “Truce List” Syrian Rebel Groups Fighting within ISIS-Deash and Al Nusra Front By Sputnik, October 30, 2016
UN Warns US-Saudi War Threatens Mass Starvation in Yemen By Bill Van Auken, October 30, 2016
The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case. “Donald Trump will win the Popular Vote for President” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 30, 2016
Preparing for War with Russia and China: America’s Quest for Global Domination Depends on Space Technology By Bruce K. Gagnon, October 29, 2016
Video: Washington’s Plan B for Syria: Massive Supplies of Weapons to Al Qaeda Terrorists By South Front, October 29, 2016
How Britain’s “Party of War” Gave the Green Light to the Saudi Attack on Yemen By Peter Oborne, October 29, 2016
Video: US-NATO are Beating the Drums of War. “The US is Threatening Every Country on Planet Earth”, Michel Chossudovsky By Press TV and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 29, 2016
It’s Official: US Threatens To Arm Al Qaeda and ISIS-Daesh Terrorists With Anti-Air Missiles By Tony Cartalucci, October 28, 2016
The Syrian School Airstrike Killing 22 Schoolchildren: Another US “False Flag”? Blaming Russia By Joachim Hagopian, October 28, 2016
US-Russian War Tensions Mount Over Eastern Europe and Syria By Bill Van Auken, October 28, 2016
NATO Preps “Biggest Military Build-Up On Russia’s Borders Since Cold War” By Nika Knight, October 27, 2016
U.S. Media Roll Out Welcome Mat For “Humanitarian” “No Fly Zone” War In Syria By Belén Fernández, October 27, 2016
Fact Check: Trump Is Right that Clinton Might Trigger World War III By Washington's Blog, October 27, 2016
Military Escalation in the Wake of the U.S. Presidential Elections? Stopping Hillary’s Coming War on Syria By Shamus Cooke, October 27, 2016
The Russians are Coming: War Propaganda Goes into High Gear. Renewed NATO Military Deployments on Russia’s Doorstep… By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 27, 2016
Syria: NATO Expresses “Concern” Over Defeat of Al Qaeda Terrorists in South West Aleppo. Turkish Military Advance Inside Syria By South Front, October 26, 2016
Russia Destroys Most ISIS-Daesh Heavy Weaponry, U.S. Promptly Airdrops 50-Tons Of Weapons Into Syria for the Terrorists By Jay Syrmopoulos, October 26, 2016
Civilian Toll Mounts As Mosul Offensive Enters Second Week By Bill Van Auken, October 26, 2016
Aleppo Cancer Kids Denied Medical Aid and Food As Part of US-EU Sanctions Against Assad By RT News, October 26, 2016
Djibouti Turns into Springboard for US Military Intervention in Africa and the Middle East By Andrei Akulov, October 26, 2016
Syria: US Backed Al Qaeda Rebels Suffer Major Losses In Western Ghouta. Advance of Turkish Armed Forces in Northern Aleppo Province By South Front, October 25, 2016
Obama Administration Split On “Plan B” For Syria Intervention, Requiring Significant Increase in Supply of Weapons to Al-Qaeda Militia By Bill Van Auken, October 25, 2016
Video: Major Military Confrontation between Al-Nusra Terrorists and Syrian Government Forces By South Front, October 24, 2016
Mosul and Aleppo: What’s The Difference? US-Saudi “Humanitarian Corridor” for the Terrorists By Mehmet Ersoy, October 24, 2016
The ‘White Helmets’ Controversy By Rick Sterling, October 24, 2016
US Seeks To Deploy Marines To Norway Amid Escalating Russian Tensions By Whitney Webb, October 24, 2016
Renewed Al Qaeda Jihadi Attack On Aleppo Supported By “Western” Propaganda Fakes By Moon of Alabama, October 24, 2016
Trump, Clinton, and “Nuclear Launch Codes” By Dillon Aubin, October 24, 2016
The Syrian Tragedy: Western Foreign Policy and its ‘Useful Idiots’ By Adeyinka Makinde, October 24, 2016
Why the Brookings Institution and the Washington Establishment Love Wars By Eric Zuesse, October 24, 2016
NATO Continues To Prepare For War With Russia By Peter Korzun, October 23, 2016
ISIS Daesh Equipped with US-made Missiles, Attacks Syrian Army In Deir Ezzor By Leith Fadel, October 23, 2016
Yemen False Flag? In An Effort To “Save Saudi Arabia” From The Houthis, Has The U.S. Created Another Gulf Of Tonkin? By Brandon Turbeville, October 23, 2016
Shrinking the Technosphere, U.S. War-mongering Toward Russia Interview with Dmitry Orlov. Global Research News Hour Episode 156 By Michael Welch and Dmitry Orlov, October 23, 2016
Video: Major Jaish Al-Islam Terrorist Stronghold Near Damascus Surrenders To Syrian Government Forces By South Front, October 22, 2016
Vietnam War and Yemen False Flags. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident vs. The Alleged Missile Attack on USS Mason off the Coast of Yemen By Joe Clifford, October 22, 2016
Syria’s “White Helmets”: Assad Says The “Boy In The Ambulance” Is Fake – This Proves It By Moon of Alabama, October 22, 2016
Behind The Presidential Debates, What They Reveal For 2017: More Military Adventures, Limits on Civil Liberties,…. By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 22, 2016
Turkish Bombing In Syria Threatens Wider War By Bill Van Auken, October 22, 2016
Syria and the “White Helmets”: Fake Humanitarian Entity Supported by US-NATO. A Politically Motivated Hoax? By Rick Sterling, October 21, 2016
Canada’s PM Trudeau’s Statement To U.N: Tacitly Endorses Illegal “Regime Change” under a Fake Humanitarian Mandate By Mark Taliano, October 21, 2016
The Sana’a Massacre. America’s War on Yemen By David Macilwain, October 21, 2016
Video: President al-Assad: “Fighting Terrorists is the Way to Protect Civilians in Aleppo”. Vicious, Shabby Interview by Swiss SRF-TV By Bashar al Assad, October 21, 2016
Video: US Backed Terrorists Leave Aleppo… Retreat of ISIS Forces in Iraq By South Front, October 21, 2016
Syria And “The Left”: Time To Break The Silence. Misunderstanding of Reality. There is No “Revolution” in Syria… By Eric Draitser, October 21, 2016
Russia Has Proof: Vladimir Putin Threatens to Publish Details of Secret NATO, Belgian Bombing Raids in Syria By Alexander Mercouris, October 21, 2016
The Aleppo / Mosul Riddle By Pepe Escobar, October 21, 2016
The Siege of Mosul and the Crimes of US Imperialism By Bill Van Auken, October 21, 2016
Mosul Offensive Threatens To Inflame Sectarian Conflicts In Iraq And Syria By Jordan Shilton, October 20, 2016
Hillary’s Criminal Record Suppressed by “Obama Regime”: Smearing Trump, Accusing Putin… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 20, 2016
Libya: Five Years After Gaddafi’s Brutal Murder By Abdus Sattar Ghazali, October 20, 2016
Has World War III Already Started? German Tanks Once Again Advancing towards Russia’s Border By Nick Giambruno, October 20, 2016
Video: Interview of Syria’s First Lady Asma Al-Assad By Asma al-Assad and Russia-TV24, October 19, 2016
Washington Moves To Silence WikiLeaks By Bill Van Auken, October 19, 2016
What Washington Really Wants In Syria. Providing Financial Support to Extremists “Sympathetic to Al Qaeda” By Joseph Thomas, October 19, 2016
War in Ukraine: Foreign Mercenaries Arrive in Donbass, from US, Canada, EU Countries By South Front, October 19, 2016
Terrorists Protected by US? Coalition Warplanes Allow ISIS-Daesh Military Convoys to Flee Mosul into Syria By Fars News Agency, October 19, 2016
The New U.S. Way Of War: Special Ops, Mercenaries, Rebels, Proxies, Drones By Moon of Alabama, October 18, 2016
Generating Hate against Russia: The Absurd New Anti-Russian Propaganda From The New York Times By Robert Parry, October 18, 2016
The Story Changes: The Pentagon Is No Longer Sure Yemen Fired Missiles At US Warship By Zero Hedge, October 18, 2016
War between US and Russia Could Be Sooner than Later. “The Danger of a Nuclear War” By Joachim Hagopian, October 18, 2016
Washington and London Call for Yemen “Ceasefire” amid Escalation Of U.S. Bombings… Dangerous Crossroads in Syria and Iraq By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 18, 2016
The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Aleppo. The Crisis is Washington Loosing its ISIS Mercenaries By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 18, 2016
Whether to Go to War Against Russia Is Top Issue in U.S. Presidential Race By Eric Zuesse, October 18, 2016
Canada Goes To War. Trudeau Postures For The UN By Jim Miles, October 17, 2016
Military Operations In Aleppo And Mosul against Al Qaeda and the ISIS By South Front, October 17, 2016
War in Ukraine: NATO Military Instructors Were Onboard Helicopter Shot Down in Donbass By South Front, October 17, 2016
Hybrid Warfare and US Geostrategy A Conversation with Andrew Korybko. Global Research News Hour Episode 155 By Michael Welch and Andrew Korybko, October 16, 2016
Washington and Paris Reboot The Propaganda Machine Against Syria By Thierry Meyssan, October 16, 2016
“Remember The USS Mason!” Attacked by Yemen? Or Was it a False Flag? By Kit, October 16, 2016
Debunking the Western Media’s Coverage of the War on Syria By Daniel Espinosa Winder, October 16, 2016
Al-Qaeda Fighters In East-Aleppo Encircled and Besieged… Western Media Propaganda Goes Wild By Moon of Alabama, October 16, 2016
Going Beyond Propaganda. Nuclear Conflict, Deception or Real Threat? Pentagon: A “Preemptive” Nuclear Strike against Russia is still Valid By Federico Pieraccini, October 16, 2016
US Media Finds “Hidden Hand” In War On Yemen. U.S. Acted in “Self-Defense” against Yemen By Moon of Alabama, October 15, 2016
Will Turkey Leave NATO If Clinton Becomes President? By Eric Zuesse, October 15, 2016
NATO — Private Club Of War Criminals By Adeyinka Makinde, October 15, 2016
I Support A No-Fly Zone In Syria – A Real One That Applies To NATO Too By Craig Murray, October 15, 2016
Britain’s Seven Covert Wars: RAF Drones, Embedded SAS Forces By Mark Curtis, October 15, 2016
Canada Goes To War, Pretending To Keep The Peace By Jim Miles, October 15, 2016
US Bringing World To The Brink Of Nuclear War By Cindy Sheehan, October 15, 2016