United Nations

At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
In a spectacular display of solidarity and strength, envoys from Beijing and Havana, Moscow and Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas, Damascus and Managua and numerous other states stood together, side by side, in front of the UN Security Council
For the UN to even speak of “Sustainable Development Goals” while the UN Security Council is notorious for “destroying the infrastructure necessary to support human life” in the countries devastated by the military actions and sanctions the UN has authorized, is the worst form of hypocrisy and duplicity.
Today, North Koreans heroically persevere in their socialist development, despite the criminal sanctions being inflicted upon the DPRK by the UN Security Council, in craven servility to US interests.
Video: “Never Again Is Now!” Palestine’s UN Rep. Nada Abu Tarbush Exposes Israel’s War Crimes in Gaza By Nada Abu Tarbush, November 23, 2023
Abandoning Palestine and the UN By Renee Parsons, November 22, 2023
Five Nations Call for ICC Investigation Into ‘Israel’s’ Genocide in Gaza By Al Mayadeen, November 21, 2023
Turkey Files Lawsuit Against Netanyahu with ICC Over Gaza Genocide By Al Mayadeen, November 21, 2023
Kenyan Police Deployment to Haiti Remains Uncertain By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 17, 2023
Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 14, 2023
“The Horror, The Horror” in Gaza. Chris Hedges. What Is the UN Good for? Where Is the Human Rights Commission When It Is Needed? By Chris Hedges and Peter Koenig, November 13, 2023
Change in Canada’s UN Vote Not Enough to Help Palestinian Refugees Under Attack By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 10, 2023
Israel Declares Most of Humanity Illegitimate and Irrelevant By Ann Garrison, November 06, 2023
Targeting the United Nations and UN Officials: 23 Killed as Israel Bombs 4 UN Shelters in Gaza By Middle East Monitor, November 06, 2023
The United States Has Its Fingerprints All Over the Chaos in Haiti By Branko Marcetic, November 04, 2023
Video: Former UN official Craig Mokhiber on Gaza, Israel and Genocide By Craig Mokhiber, November 03, 2023
The World Say No to US Blockade of Cuba By CODEPINK, November 03, 2023
Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence” By Kieran Kelly, November 02, 2023
UNRWA Chief Says 70% of Gaza Victims Are Children, Women By Middle East Monitor, November 02, 2023
Resignation of Director of the New York Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: This is a Text-Book Case of Genocide. US, UK, EU Governments are “Fully Complicit, Actively Arming the Assault” By Centre for Research on Globalization, November 02, 2023
More than 3200 Children Already Killed by Israel in Targeted Airstrikes. “Netanyahu must be Indicted and Brought before the ICC in The Hague” By Hans Stehling, October 31, 2023
US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 31, 2023
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Wears Nazi-era Yellow Star as He Slams UN Security Council ‘for Staying Silent’ as Jewish Babies Are Burned by Hamas By Stephen M. Lepore, October 31, 2023
Israel’s Unchecked Power: A Dangerous Precedent for International Law By Shehab Al Makahleh, October 31, 2023
Muddled Interventions: Haiti, the UN and Resolution 2699 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 30, 2023
Will the United Nations Firmly Acknowledge “Israel’s Criminal Agenda” Against the People of Palestine? Statement of UNSG Antonio Guterres By Centre for Research on Globalization and António Guterres, October 27, 2023
International Criminal Court’s Response to Palestine, Ukraine Raises Impartiality, Political Influence Concerns: Experts By Necva Tastan, October 27, 2023
The Day UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Became Relevant. Israel Calls for His Resignation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 27, 2023
UN General Assembly Head Approves Declaration to Form a Global Pandemic Authority with Lockdown Enforcement Powers By Cassie B., October 21, 2023
US, Allies Defeat UN Security Council Resolution for Gaza Ceasefire By Dave DeCamp, October 18, 2023
Video: The UN General Assembly Declaration on “Pandemic Preparedness Treaty”: U.N. Just Committed Fraud and Countries Have Noticed By Liberty Talk Canada, October 17, 2023
Video: “Israel has chosen the Path of Committing Genocide against Two Million Civilians”: Mike Adams Interviews Martin Armstrong By Mike Adams and Martin Armstrong, October 12, 2023
United States: End Detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy, UN Experts Say By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, October 05, 2023
Hands Off Haiti! By Black Alliance for Peace, October 05, 2023
Zelensky Should Have Stayed Home. Visit to Attend the United Nations General Assembly and Meet Biden Turns Out Badly By Philip Giraldi, October 03, 2023
Canada Launches UN Declaration Targeting Online ‘Disinformation’ By Amanda Brown, September 28, 2023
Global Leaders Plead for Peace in Ukraine at UN By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 28, 2023
Israel-Saudi Arabia: Netanyahu Promotes Normalisation with New Map Erasing Palestine By Middle East Eye, September 27, 2023
Video: “Permanent Pandemics and Vaccines”. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, September 26, 2023
African Voices Full of Complaints over Democracy, Resource Plunder and Development at United Nations By Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 25, 2023
The Big Business of War. A Clandestine Arms Market in Ukraine By Manlio Dinucci, September 25, 2023
President of the UN General Assembly Approves Pandemic Declaration — Privacy Experts Warn of ‘Digital Gulag’ By Michael Nevradakis, September 23, 2023
Harvard’s Jacinda Ardern Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War By Jonathan Turley, September 21, 2023
US Mass Media UN General Assembly Coverage: Yugoslavia 1999-Ukraine 2022 By Michael Averko, September 20, 2023
G77 Rejects “Digital Monopolies” and Calls for “Reform” of the Financial System By Gabriel Vera Lopes and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 19, 2023
9/11 and the War on Afghanistan: America’s Neocolonial Drug Trafficking and the British Empire By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 03, 2023
UN Report: The Legality of the Israeli Occupation, Of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem By UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, September 01, 2023
The US Deepens the Lebanese Suffering By Steven Sahiounie, August 30, 2023
Transition to a New Global Order By Jacob Nordangard, August 03, 2023
Let Them Eat Bugs: Challenging the WEF’s Corporate-Driven Food Reset By Colin Todhunter, July 31, 2023
Video: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation. Helen Caldicott By Dr. Helen Caldicott and Michael Welch, July 29, 2023
Video: Max Blumenthal Addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine Aid By Max Blumenthal, July 17, 2023
The U.N. Is Planning to Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers with Biden’s Support. “The Privatization of the UN?” By Justin Haskins, July 08, 2023
Impending Demise of the new IHR cum WHO Pandemic Treaty By Peter Koenig, July 03, 2023
False and Deceptive UN and WEF Narratives – All Part of the One World Government Agenda of Control By Mark Keenan, July 02, 2023
The Ministry of Truth – Revisited By Jacob Nordangard, June 19, 2023
US Planning to Overhaul UN Security Council By Kyle Anzalone, June 14, 2023
WHO Launches Digital Health Partnership with Europe By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 13, 2023
Russia Forewarned UNSC and UN Secretary General of Kiev’s Plan to Destroy the Kakhovskaya Dam By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 07, 2023
WHO: The Reckless Power Grab. Health Tyranny Postponed? By Peter Koenig, June 04, 2023
A Dangerous Proposal: The Foreign Policy Establishment’s Love Affair with Zelensky Knows No Bounds. Expelling Russia from the U.N. Security Council By Ted Galen Carpenter, May 25, 2023
“Collective Security” and the United Nations System of International Relations By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, May 19, 2023
No More Foreign Interference in Haiti. The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Core Group Do Not Represent Haitian People! By Black Alliance for Peace, April 27, 2023
US Espionage Within the UN Is a Story that Repeats Itself By Thalif Deen, April 20, 2023
Leaked Pentagon Document Reveals US Spying on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres By Dave DeCamp, April 19, 2023
The United Nations Is Being Used by the U.S. in Its Propaganda War Against Nicaragua By John Perry, April 07, 2023
The U.N. Is Coming for Your Water By Cheryl K. Chumley, April 04, 2023
UN Security Council Won’t Probe Nord Stream Bombing By Dave DeCamp, March 29, 2023
“Sexual Deviance” at the WHO? The “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” Project By Stop World Control, March 28, 2023
IRAQ 20 Years after “Shock and Awe.” The Wealthy Prevail at the Expense of World Safety and Freedom By Michael Welch, Denis Halliday, Scott Ritter, Prof. Marjorie Cohn, and Mike Prysner, March 24, 2023
Afghanistan and Pakistan: How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in Its Post-9/11 Wars? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 20, 2023
5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity By Claire Edwards, March 18, 2023
Video: Seymour Hersh in Conversation. On U.S. Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipelines By Seymour M. Hersh and Michael Welch, March 13, 2023
“Deconstructing the Obvious” – From My Lai to Nord Stream. Interview with Legendary Muckraker Sy Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, Ray McGovern, and Michael Welch, March 12, 2023
The Unilateral Illegal Secession of Kosovo Is the Outcome of NATO Aggression By Živadin Jovanović and Belgrade Forum, March 10, 2023
One of the World’s Largest Oil Corporations to Lead Climate Change Talks in 2023 By Pablo Fajardo Mendoza and Gadir Lavadenz, March 07, 2023
The UN Discusses Darkening the Skies to Combat Climate Change By Igor Chudov, March 02, 2023
UN Report: ‘Avoid Speculation’ About Responsibility for 2022 Nord Stream Pipeline Incident, Official Urges Security Council, Stressing United Nations Cannot Verify Claims By United Nations, February 23, 2023
U.S. Routinely Violates International Law, with Impunity — And Seeks to Replace U.N. By Eric Zuesse, January 31, 2023
Orthodox Bishop Denounces Ukrainian Crimes at UNSC By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 22, 2023
The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, January 05, 2023
Video: Towards A Worldwide Monkeypox Fear Campaign? Illegal WHO Global Heath Emergency (PHEIC), Based on “Fake Science” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Peter Koenig, December 31, 2022
Harmful Instruments, False Solutions, and Private Interests Take Over Global Biodiversity Summit By Indigenous Environmental Network, December 22, 2022
2022 Was Deadliest Year for Palestinians Under Occupation on Record, with 153 Killed by Israeli Forces, Squatters: UN By Prof. Juan Cole, December 20, 2022