United Nations

At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
In a spectacular display of solidarity and strength, envoys from Beijing and Havana, Moscow and Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas, Damascus and Managua and numerous other states stood together, side by side, in front of the UN Security Council
For the UN to even speak of “Sustainable Development Goals” while the UN Security Council is notorious for “destroying the infrastructure necessary to support human life” in the countries devastated by the military actions and sanctions the UN has authorized, is the worst form of hypocrisy and duplicity.
Today, North Koreans heroically persevere in their socialist development, despite the criminal sanctions being inflicted upon the DPRK by the UN Security Council, in craven servility to US interests.
Obama at the United Nations: The Arrogant Voice of Imperialism By Bill Van Auken, September 22, 2011
Moral Bankruptcy: will U.S. veto Palestine? By Jim Miles, September 20, 2011
Stop NATO bombing in Libya! Email campaign By Human Rights Investigations (HRI), September 18, 2011
ALBA countries oppose Libyan rebels’ UN seat By Global Research, September 18, 2011
Palestinian factions: PLO step to seek seat in the UN threatens the cause By Global Research, September 17, 2011
Palestine, Now or Never By Mahboob A. Khawaja, September 17, 2011
UN Secretary General’s “Preventive Diplomacy” By Dr. Pyotr Iskenderov, September 16, 2011
When War Becomes Peace: US to Launch Nuclear-Capable Missile on United Nations’ International Day of Peace By Global Research, September 16, 2011
FAQ: Palestinian Statehood By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, September 15, 2011
VIDEO: Global Policeman: NATO Uses Libya To Match, Surpass and Supplant UN By Dmitry Rogozin, September 06, 2011
Turkey-Israel Relations: The Palmer-Uribe Report of the UN Panel of Inquiry on the Gaza Flotilla By Richard Lightbown, September 04, 2011
Over 200 African Leaders: NATO’s Libyan War Part Of Plan To Recolonize Continent By Global Research, August 25, 2011
Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable By Thierry Meyssan, August 21, 2011
NGOs Cry “Sabotage” Over U.N. Meeting on Racism By Thalif Deen, August 12, 2011
VIDEO: Military Intervention in Syria Will Lead to Extended War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 04, 2011
The UN’s “Green Helmets”. Climate Change as a Pretext for Military Intervention? By Devon Douglas-Bowers, July 22, 2011
The Role of the UN Security Council in Unleashing an Illegal War against Libya By Ronda Hauben, July 20, 2011
VIDEO: Foreign Intervention Behind Creation of South Sudan By James Corbett and Keith Harmon Snow, July 18, 2011
VIDEO: West Funnels Illegal Weapons Into Libya By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 09, 2011
World Population to Hit Seven Billion by October By Thalif Deen, July 08, 2011
The War on Libya is at a Dangerous Crossroads By Boris Volkhonsky, June 10, 2011
Somalia: A UN Managed Catastrophe By Thomas C. Mountain and Ann Garrison, June 05, 2011
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon Should be Fired. Upholds the Violation of International Law. Abuses his UN Mandate By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 29, 2011
Israel files UN complaint over Malaysian Gaza-bound ship By Global Research, May 26, 2011
The Media War on Libya: Justifying War through Lies and Fabrications By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 02, 2011
France and UN Bear Responsibility for Massacres by Ouattara Forces in Ivory Coast By Ann Talbot, April 11, 2011
UN Praised Libya’s Human Rights Record. Washington Attempted to Block Release of UNHRC Report By Global Research, April 05, 2011
Libya: Country Profile of Human Development Indicators By United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), April 05, 2011
Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and War Crimes By Justice Richard Goldstone, April 04, 2011
What does Goldstone know now? – By Abdul-Hakim Salah, April 04, 2011
Who is Muammar Al-Qadhafi: Read his Speech to the UN General Assembly By Global Research, March 23, 2011
America’s Hidden Hand Behind The UN Resolution For A No-fly Zone Over Libya By Enver Masud, March 21, 2011
VIDEO: Foreign Intervention in Libya: Creation of World’s 4th War Theater By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 19, 2011
UN Security Council Resolution on Libya: No Fly Zone and Other Measures By Global Research, March 18, 2011
Libya, Hypocrisy and Betrayal by the United Nations: Death and Destruction. US-NATO’s New War in North Africa By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 18, 2011
“Imaginary Panic”: The H1N1 Pandemic was a Multibillion Dollar Fraud…. By Global Research, March 12, 2011
U.S. Veto: Speaking With Forked-tongue. By Jim Miles, February 20, 2011
The United Nations Security Council: An Organization for Injustice By Kourosh Ziabari, January 20, 2011
UN Vehicles Attacked in Ivory Coast By Global Research, January 14, 2011
Massive Atrocities in The Congo By Global Research, December 28, 2010
The UN Mission in Haiti By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, December 26, 2010
Washington’s Dirty Tricks: Bugging The United Nations. Breach of UN Treaty Obligations by US By Global Research, December 18, 2010
Lost Human Rights: Human Rights’ Day Has Not Yet Dawned By David Swanson, December 10, 2010
Julian Assange, Tariq Aziz, a Death Sentence and the United Nations Day of International Human Rights By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 10, 2010
Haiti: One More Shameful UN Betrayal By Peter Hallward, November 25, 2010
Protesters Shot Dead as Haiti Cholera Toll Tops 1,000 By Bill Van Auken, November 17, 2010
UN issues record number of human rights recommendations to US By Global Research, November 11, 2010
Haiti: U.N. MINUSTAH Forces Crack Down on Anti-Occupation Demonstrators By Isabeau Doucet, October 25, 2010
Canada’s international do-gooder image shattered: Ottawa Loses Bid for UN Security Council By Eric Walberg, October 21, 2010
No International Justice for Congo. UN Coverup of War Crimes By Ann Garrison, October 12, 2010
Media Disinformation: The Facts About Ahmadinejad’s UN Speech By Jack A. Smith, September 26, 2010
Obama at the UN: The Arrogant Voice of Imperialism By Bill Van Auken, September 25, 2010
The Criminalization of Justice at The Hague: Former Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte Faces Charges of Witness Intimidation By Benjamin Schett, September 07, 2010
Statement of U.N. Special Rapporteur on U.S. Targeted Killings Without Due Process By Global Research, September 05, 2010
Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO By Jurriaan Maessen, September 04, 2010
VIDEO: Greg Palast Confronts WTO Director-General By Global Research, August 20, 2010
The UN Security Council Regime of Tribunals and Sanctions: A Smokescreen for Military Seizure of Regions and Resources By Niloufer Bhagwat, August 18, 2010
Int’l Peacekeeping Drill Starts in Mongolia By Global Research, August 09, 2010
UN’s Big Five Facilitate Arms Transfers to Human Rights Violators By Thalif Deen, July 21, 2010
Dubious Intelligence on Iran’s Nuclear Program Used to Justify UN Sanctions and US War Threats By Gareth Porter, July 03, 2010
A Global Push for Reducing Poverty? Millennium Goals Revisited: Noble Ideas, and Feel-Good Moments By Ramzy Baroud, July 01, 2010
Iran Warns it Will Retaliate Inspection of Ships By Global Research, June 28, 2010
“Nuclear Diplomacy”: Brazil and Iran. Our Motives and the Bullying Trio By Tomás Rosa Bueno, June 18, 2010
Crimes by Israel, Sanctions for Iran By Kourosh Ziabari, June 16, 2010
275,000 Refugees Flee Southern Kyrgyzstan Violence – UNHCR By Global Research, June 15, 2010
Brazil Slams UN Security Council Sanctions Resolution Against Iran By Global Research, June 12, 2010
Iran and the Balkans: Russia Risks Making the Same Mistakes By Dr. Pyotr Iskenderov, June 12, 2010
Security Council Imposes Sanctions on Iran: Complete Transcript of Resolution 1929 (2010) By Global Research, June 11, 2010
UN Security Council Imposes Additional Sanctions on Iran By United Nations, June 11, 2010
UN “Green Light” for a Pre-emptive US-Israel Attack on Iran? Security Council Resolution Transforms Iran into a “Sitting Duck” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 11, 2010
Hillary Clinton Says Iran Will Face the Toughest Ever Sanctions By Global Research, June 09, 2010
The IAEA: From UN Nuclear Watchdog to US Lapdog By Finian Cunningham, June 07, 2010
Security Council Condemns Acts Resulting in Civilian Deaths During Israeli Operation Against Gaza Bound Aid Convoy By Global Research, June 03, 2010
UN Security Council Only Calls for Investigation of Attack By Global Research, June 03, 2010
VIDEO: Prime Minister Erdogan Condemns Israeli Raid on Gaza Aid Ship By Recep Tayyip Erdogan, June 03, 2010
Israeli Murders, NATO and Afghanistan By Craig Murray, June 03, 2010
Israel’s Raid on Freedom Flotilla: UN Security Council Ignores Basic Precepts of Justice and International Law By Julie Webb, June 02, 2010
Israel’s Raid of Freedom Flotilla: Turkish Foreign Minister’s Speech to UN Security Council By Ahmet Davutoðlu, June 02, 2010
Iran, the US and the UN Nuclear Conference By Peter Symonds, May 06, 2010
IAEA presses Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection By Global Research, May 06, 2010