United Nations

At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
In a spectacular display of solidarity and strength, envoys from Beijing and Havana, Moscow and Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas, Damascus and Managua and numerous other states stood together, side by side, in front of the UN Security Council
For the UN to even speak of “Sustainable Development Goals” while the UN Security Council is notorious for “destroying the infrastructure necessary to support human life” in the countries devastated by the military actions and sanctions the UN has authorized, is the worst form of hypocrisy and duplicity.
Today, North Koreans heroically persevere in their socialist development, despite the criminal sanctions being inflicted upon the DPRK by the UN Security Council, in craven servility to US interests.
Security Council Authorizes 300 Syrian Monitors By Stephen Lendman, April 22, 2012
SYRIA: UN Working With NATO to Provide Pretext for Intervention By Tony Cartalucci, April 21, 2012
SYRIA. THE MILITARIZATION OF UN PEACEKEEPING: Ban Ki-moon’s Helicopter Nonsense By Global Research, April 19, 2012
VIDEO: UN Delegate Confronts Double Standards on Syria By Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari, April 16, 2012
Kofi Annan is the “War-maker” in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 08, 2012
SYRIA AND THE UN: Diplomatic Confrontation at the UN regarding The Kofi Annan Syria “Peace Plan” By Ronda Hauben, April 08, 2012
From the Cold War to NATO’s “Humanitarian Wars” – The Complicity of the United Nations By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 04, 2012
CONTAMINATED FUKUSHIMA FISH RECYCLED AS FOOD AID: Canned Fish from Tohoku sent to Developing Countries, With Help of WFP By Global Research, April 01, 2012
Who is Kofi Annan? The United Nations “Peacekeeper” Handpicked by the CIA By Thierry Meyssan, March 31, 2012
Details of Talks with IAEA Belie Charge Iran Refused Cooperation By Gareth Porter, March 21, 2012
“The Most damning Video on Syria” is a Fake By Marinella Correggia, March 14, 2012
Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities By David Swanson, March 12, 2012
The Global Financial Crisis is a Global Human Rights Crisis By Danny Schechter, March 11, 2012
The United Nations Accuses Syria of “Crimes against Humanity” By Julie Lévesque, March 04, 2012
The UN Charter and Kofi Annan’s Role in the Syrian Conflict By Ronda Hauben, March 04, 2012
Threats Against Iran are Criminal Under International Law By Global Research News, March 02, 2012
China, Russia Vote Against UNHRC Resolution on Syria By Global Research, March 02, 2012
Using the UN General Assembly to Justify War and “Regime Change” in Syria By Ronda Hauben, February 19, 2012
Wrongheaded UN Vote on Syria: US-NATO “Arm Twisting” at the General Assembly By Stephen Lendman, February 18, 2012
SYRIA: Ban Ki-moon and Churchill’s Shadow: UN Secretary General endorses US-NATO War Propaganda By Dmitriy Sedov, February 18, 2012
HAITI UNDER MILITARY OCCUPATION. Haitians Want MINUSTAH to Leave and Compensate Victims of Cholera By Global Research, February 16, 2012
Defending the UN Charter by Use of the Veto: The Security Council Resolution on Syria By Ronda Hauben, February 12, 2012
Argentina Appeals To UN Over British Military Buildup In South Atlantic By Global Research News, February 09, 2012
Preventing the UN Security Council from becoming Washington’s “Rubber Stamp” By Zhong Sheng, February 09, 2012
World War and the Russia-China Veto: Towards a Break Point at the UN Security Council? By Carla Stea, February 08, 2012
IRAQ: Unspoken Crimes against Humanity Committed against the People of Iraq By Dirk Adriaensens, February 08, 2012
WAR AND THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: The Russia-China Veto: Will it Contribute to Reversing the Tide of Global Warfare? By Matthias Chang, February 08, 2012
Syria and the Seeds of World War By Bill Van Auken, February 08, 2012
RUSSIA CHINA DOUBLE VETO: Veto of UN draft aims at political solution to Syrian crisis By Yu Zhixiao, February 05, 2012
BREAKING: Russia Points to “Armed Groups” in Syria, Vetoes UN Security Council Draft Resolution By Global Research, February 04, 2012
Russia, China Veto UN Resolution on Syria: Moscow to Send Top Foreign Policy and Intelligence Officials to Damascus By Global Research, February 04, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Text of proposed UN Security Council Resolution on Syria, to be Vetoed by Russia and China By Global Research, February 04, 2012
UN Security Council Showdown on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2012
VIDEO: SYRIA: Armed Opposition Groups Supported by “Foreign Powers” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 03, 2012
BREAKING: Stalemate at the UN: Moscow Says NO to a “Humanitarian War” on Syria By Global Research and Global Research, February 03, 2012
SYRIA: New Flawed UN Security Council Resolution: Evidence of Terrorist “Armed Entity” By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2012
VIDEO: Syria. The Lies of the UN Security Council are Revealed By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Maria Portnaya, February 02, 2012
VIDEO: Syria Resolution Part of Proxy War Against Iran By Neil Clark, February 02, 2012
Palestinian protesters in Gaza throw shoes at UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon By Global Research, February 02, 2012
BREAKING: Russia warns against foreign forces meddling in Syria’s internal affairs By Global Research, February 01, 2012
US, Arab League Push For UN Action Against Syria By Jean Shaoul, January 30, 2012
NEO-NAZISM: United Nations Anti-Nazi Resolution and Falsification of History By Carla Stea, January 22, 2012
Russia opposes Military Deployment and Sending of Foreign Troops to Syria By Global Research, January 17, 2012
Pressure Israel, Not Iran. Israel has an Arsenal of 200-300 Nuclear Weapons… By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 17, 2012
The War With Iran Will Not Be One-Sided. Should World War III break out, it would differ from World Wars I and II By Sandhya Jain, January 17, 2012
Manipulation of the UN Security Council in support of the US-NATO Military Agenda By Carla Stea, January 10, 2012
HAITI: MINUSTAH Must Take Responsibility for Cholera Epidemic that Killed 7000 People By Mark Weisbrot, December 20, 2011
The Justification to Wage War: Libya and UN Security Resolution 1973 By Ronda Hauben, December 15, 2011
Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: NATO’s “Humanitarian Watchdog” By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, December 11, 2011
The Chongryon: Japan’s Continued Colonial-Style Discrimination against Koreans By Dr. Kiyul Chung, December 09, 2011
Using Arable Land for Bio-fuels: Carbon Credits in the ‘Valley of Death’ By Jeremy Kryt, December 06, 2011
VIDEO: More Violence in Kosovo: NATO Tells Troops to Use Live Ammunition By Sasha Knezev, November 29, 2011
VIDEO: Syria: We are Seeing the Initial Steps of a New Cold War By Patrick Henningsen, November 27, 2011
Libya Déjà Vu in Syria: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 20, 2011
Russia warns of serious global ramifications if Iran attacked By Denisova Olga, November 14, 2011
NATO’s Law of the Jungle in Libya By Peter Dyer, November 12, 2011
Crisis at UNESCO: US Funding Freeze Could Trigger Collapse of UN Body By Global Research, November 11, 2011
NATO in Libya – UN And ICC Risk Becoming Irrelevant to Africans By Yaw Asare Adu-Otu, November 10, 2011
Russia Opposes New Iran Sanctions As “Regime Change” Pretext By Global Research, November 09, 2011
No Consensus on Palestinian UN Bid By Global Research, November 08, 2011
Another Shoddy Week for the “International Community. Balfour’s Legacy : Piracy, Lawlessness, Culture of Peace Denied By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 06, 2011
VIDEO: America Bashes UNESCO for “Democratic” Vote on Palestine By Sami Kishawi, November 01, 2011
VIDEO: The Assassination of Gaddafi By James Corbett, November 01, 2011
Washington Cuts off Financial Support to UNESCO in Reprisal for “Democractic” Vote on Palestine Membership By Jonathan Allen, October 31, 2011
UNESCO to vote on Palestinian membership By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 29, 2011
Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Hidden Agenda Behind UN Security Council Resolution By Ronda Hauben, October 28, 2011
ASSASSINS R US. Libya: The UN and NATO Enjoin “Multi-State Terrorism” By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 22, 2011
Obama at the United Nations General Assembly: Sacrificing Palestine for Zionist Campaign Funds By Prof. James Petras, October 10, 2011
Haiti, Occupied Country By Eduardo Galeano, October 06, 2011
Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria By Global Research, October 05, 2011
Why Palestine Already Is a State By Joe Lauria, October 04, 2011
Speech of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN General Assembly By Global Research, October 01, 2011
Rising Tensions: Russia Rejects UN Security Council Resolution on Syria By Global Research, September 30, 2011
UN Mission in Libya: An Attempt to Legitimize NATO Aggression By Alexander Mezyaev, September 29, 2011
Barack Obama at the United Nations: A Wonderful speech, a beautiful speech… By Uri Avnery, September 29, 2011
Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 29, 2011
Russia Blasts NATO For Ignoring, Undermining United Nations By Global Research, September 28, 2011
Obama opposes Palestinian bid for U.N. Recognition By Richard Becker, September 26, 2011
Palestine Self-Determination: UN Bid Heralds Death of Palestine’s Old Guard By Jonathan Cook, September 26, 2011