United Nations

At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
In a spectacular display of solidarity and strength, envoys from Beijing and Havana, Moscow and Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas, Damascus and Managua and numerous other states stood together, side by side, in front of the UN Security Council
For the UN to even speak of “Sustainable Development Goals” while the UN Security Council is notorious for “destroying the infrastructure necessary to support human life” in the countries devastated by the military actions and sanctions the UN has authorized, is the worst form of hypocrisy and duplicity.
Today, North Koreans heroically persevere in their socialist development, despite the criminal sanctions being inflicted upon the DPRK by the UN Security Council, in craven servility to US interests.
Syria asks UN Security Council to Prosecute Turkey for Supporting Al Qaeda Terrorists By Press TV, January 01, 2014
Iranian Parliament: Tehran Does Not Officially Recognize the Geneva-2 Talks on Syria By Global Research News, December 31, 2013
United Nations’ drones: A sign of what’s to come? By Global Research News, December 22, 2013
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Defeat of the Palestinians? By Norman Finkelstein, December 17, 2013
UN’s Syria “Aid” Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, December 16, 2013
The UN Syria Mission Confirms that Rebels Were in Possession of Chemical Weapons By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Julie Lévesque, December 13, 2013
The Real Story About Canada’s Role in Haiti By Yves Engler, November 27, 2013
UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution for Israel to Withdraw from Syrian Golan By Global Research News, November 27, 2013
Iran, 5+1 Reach Nuclear Deal By Global Research News, November 24, 2013
UN Economic and Finance Committee Demands Israel End Occupation of Arab Lands, Including Syrian Golan, and Cease Violations International Law By Global Research News, November 18, 2013
Geneva Talks on Iran’s Nuclear Program: Lavrov Reveals Amended Draft Circulated at “Last Moment”, Russia not Consulted By Gareth Porter, November 17, 2013
UNHCR Refugee Camp in Jordan: Safe Haven for Jihadist Rebels and Arms Shipments into Syria By John Rosenthal, November 12, 2013
US Sanctions and Iranian Nuclear Program By Nikolai Bobkin, November 08, 2013
Haiti: Uruguay Will Withdraw from MINUSTAH, President Says Beginning of End of UN Occupation of Haiti? By Kim Ives, November 01, 2013
Deadlock in America’s War on Syria. Moscow Confronts Washington, Significance of UNSC Resolution 2118 By Thierry Meyssan, October 29, 2013
21 Nations United Nations Resolution against the US for Spying on World Leaders By Press TV, October 27, 2013
A New Kind of War Is Being Legalized By David Swanson, October 22, 2013
Saudi Arabia Turns Down UN Security Council Seat By Peter Symonds, October 22, 2013
America’s War on Syria, With or Without the Authorization of the U.N. Security Council? By Carla Stea, October 20, 2013
The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: How US Pressure Bends UN Agencies into Compliance By Robert Parry, October 17, 2013
Ongoing Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima: Time for Accountability By Harvey Wasserman, October 12, 2013
Nuclear Danger: World Action Now on Fukushima By Harvey Wasserman, October 10, 2013
Iraq War Crimes: The United Nations in Violation of UN Charter, Complicit in Abetting US-UK Aggression Global Research News Hour Episode 39 By Michael Welch and Denis Halliday, October 09, 2013
Chemical Weapons Expert Opinion on the UN Report on Syria By Global Research News, October 01, 2013
Syria’s Chemical Weapons and UN Security Council Resolution 2118: Reality, Resolutions, Representations By Maximilian Forte, September 30, 2013
Deal Reached on Syrian Chemical Weapons By Stephen Lendman, September 28, 2013
Confrontation at the Security Council? New UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) Report on Syria is “Biased and Selective” By Global Research News, September 28, 2013
Top US and Iranian Officials Meet to Thaw US-Iran Relations By Jon Queally, September 27, 2013
Venezuelan President Maduro’s Life Threatened? By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, September 27, 2013
Top 45 Lies in Obama’s Speech at UN By David Swanson, September 25, 2013
Obama at the UN: A Defense of Unilateral Aggression By Bill Van Auken, September 25, 2013
Questions Plague UN Syria Report. Who was behind the East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack? By Sharmine Narwani, September 24, 2013
US and Iran Set to Meet at UN By Bill Van Auken, September 24, 2013
WMD Double Standards: 51 UN Member States Vote to Keep Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Hidden from Public View By Global Research News, September 23, 2013
Syria: Maneuvers at the UN Security Council: Obama Seeks to Lay Basis for UN Sanctioned Military Intervention By Brian Becker, September 22, 2013
The Chapter 7 Controversy: Washington Pressuring Moscow into passing UN Resolution on Syria allowing for Military Intervention: Lavrov By RT, September 22, 2013
Revisiting “Red Lines.” Saving Syria from Chemical Weapons by “Punishing” With Chemical Weapons? By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 20, 2013
Russia Challenges UN Report on Syrian Gas Attack By Peter Symonds, September 19, 2013
The Sellstrom Report: The United Nations’ Syria Inspector Shills for NATO and Israel By Yoichi Shimatsu, September 18, 2013
Syria Gas Attack: Assad Wrongfully Blamed By Stephen Lendman, September 18, 2013
Syria: The UN Report on the Chemical Weapons Attack. 25 Questions By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, September 18, 2013
Murky Clues from UN’s Syria Report By Robert Parry, September 17, 2013
Syria: Fabricating Chemical Lies. Who is Behind the East Ghouta Attacks? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 17, 2013
Five Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack By Tony Cartalucci, September 17, 2013
The Syria Chemical Weapons Agreement. What it Means, Why it Came about By Richard Becker, September 15, 2013
Syria’s “Rebels” Threaten UN – Will Use US Weapons By Tony Cartalucci, September 15, 2013
Suppressed WHO Reports on Rise of Cancer and Birth Defects in Iraq. Cover-Up of War Crimes Committed against the Iraqi People By Global Research News, September 14, 2013
WHO Refuses to Publish Report on Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq Caused by Depleted Uranium Ammunition By Denis Halliday, September 13, 2013
Hans Blix: US Government Disrespects United Nations By Dr. Hans Blix, September 11, 2013
Waking Up from World Order Amnesia By Greg Guma, September 11, 2013
Is the U.S. Trying to Torpedo Syria Peace Talks? By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2013
Syria: The Case for Peace. Appeal against Precipitous Military Strikes against Syria By Global Research News, September 04, 2013
UN Cannot Foster Peace When US Sidesteps It for War By Michael Mandel, August 28, 2013
Lies and Fabrications to Justify War: UN Admits It Didn’t Ask for Access in Syria Until Saturday By Global Research News, August 28, 2013
In Rush to Strike Syria, U.S. Tried to Derail U.N. Probe By Gareth Porter, August 28, 2013
WHO Is Delaying Release of Iraqi Birth Defect Data? By Kelley B. Vlahos, August 20, 2013
Israel Deserves to Be Expelled from UN, Miguel D’Escoto Says By Global Research News, August 16, 2013
John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian talks are a cover for Aggression and Annexation By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 09, 2013
Duplicitous Committee of Inquiry on Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 03, 2013
Mercenary Association Seeking UN Contracts Despite Human Rights Violations By José L. Gómez del Prado and Julie Lévesque, August 03, 2013
Mercenary Association Seeking UN Contracts Despite Human Rights Violations By José L. Gómez del Prado and Julie Lévesque, August 01, 2013
Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Al-Jaafari: Israel’s Occupation of Arab Lands Reached Dangerous Stages By Global Research News, July 24, 2013
The Privatisation of War: “Private Security Companies” on Contract with UN “Humanitarian” and “Peace Keeping” Operations By José L. Gómez del Prado, July 09, 2013
Cross Purposes at the United Nations: Sabotaging Hope for a Negotiated Peace in Syria By Carla Stea, June 18, 2013
International Gathering Calls for UN Troops to Leave Haiti By Haïti Liberté, June 06, 2013
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: The 20th Anniversary of an Illegal Court By Alexander Mezyaev, May 27, 2013
Malaysia Supported UN General Assembly Resolution on Syria By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 26, 2013
HAITI: Continental Conference to End Military Occupation by UN’s MINUSTAH By Kim Ives, May 23, 2013
Non-Aligned Movement urges UN Action against Israel for Syria Raids By Global Research News, May 08, 2013
The Hypocrisy of Ban Ki-moon about Israel’s Attacks on Syria By Global Research News, May 05, 2013
The “Criminalisation” of International Criminal Justice By Alexander Mezyaev, April 23, 2013
How the West Fueled the Ever-Growing Carnage in Syria By Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 12, 2013
Conflict in North Somalia: “Congo” Style War for Resources By Mahdi Ali, April 09, 2013
“Operation Mali”: United Nations Complicit in Recolonization of Africa By Alexander Mezyaev, April 08, 2013
United Nations Arms Trade Treaty’s Deadly Loophole By Nile Bowie, April 07, 2013
Human Trafficking By Media Freedom Foundation, April 02, 2013
Russia Urges the UN to create a Global Response System against Space Threats By Ria Novosti, February 24, 2013
UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay: “Pretext-maker” for Western Military Aggression By Ken Stone, February 20, 2013
America’s WMD Pretext to Wage War on Iraq – Ten Years after Colin Powell By Michael Welch, February 08, 2013
US Violating Human Rights of Children, Says UN Committee By Allison Frankel, February 07, 2013