United Nations

At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
In a spectacular display of solidarity and strength, envoys from Beijing and Havana, Moscow and Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas, Damascus and Managua and numerous other states stood together, side by side, in front of the UN Security Council
For the UN to even speak of “Sustainable Development Goals” while the UN Security Council is notorious for “destroying the infrastructure necessary to support human life” in the countries devastated by the military actions and sanctions the UN has authorized, is the worst form of hypocrisy and duplicity.
Today, North Koreans heroically persevere in their socialist development, despite the criminal sanctions being inflicted upon the DPRK by the UN Security Council, in craven servility to US interests.
Dueling Ideologies in New York: Putin v. Obama By Stephen Lendman, October 02, 2015
A Game of Dice With Russia: “Do You Realize What You Have Done?” By Luciana Bohne, October 02, 2015
“Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes”: The Threat of Ilisu Dam By ICSSI BAGHDAD, October 01, 2015
US Blocks Russian Draft on Middle East Conflict Settlement By Pravda.ru, September 30, 2015
Putin Trumps Obama at the U.N. By Margaret Kimberley, September 30, 2015
Arrest Tony Blair for War Crimes and Genocide, Britain is A Signatory of the ICC By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 30, 2015
Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as a Country That Supports U.S. Policy By Prof Michael Hudson, September 30, 2015
UN Disregard for Victims of Saudi-Supported ISIS by Appointing Saudi Arabia Head of UN Human Rights Panel By Saman Mohammadi, September 29, 2015
‘Do You Realise What You’ve Done?’ – Putin Pulverizes Western Actions in Syria at UNGA By Stuart Hooper, September 29, 2015
‘Constructive & Surprisingly Frank’: Putin Meets Obama on Sidelines of UN General Assembly By RT, September 29, 2015
The Iran Nuclear Agreement Within the “Grand Chessboard”. Decline of American Power By Jack Dresser, September 29, 2015
Obama Deifies American Hegemony. The UN Has Done Nothing to Stop America’s Invasions and Bombings By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 29, 2015
America’s Proxy War in Syria: Are Washington War Hawks Losing their Grip over Middle East Politics? By Sean Stinson, September 29, 2015
Stop Anglo-American Dominance in UN! – Former Assistant Secretary-General Hans von Sponeck By Sputnik, September 28, 2015
The U.N. Resolution Condemning the US Trade Embargo on Cuba By Dr. Birsen Filip, September 28, 2015
Time for UN to Shift Mission in Yemen. Long history of Saudi Military Intervention By Nicola Nasser, September 28, 2015
Will Saudi Arabia Prevent the UN From Investigating Its War Atrocities in Yemen? By Sarah Lazare, September 27, 2015
The UN Releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet Censorship By Michael Krieger, September 27, 2015
State of Crisis: Explosive Weapons in Yemen By Robert Perkins, September 27, 2015
Despotic Saudi Arabia Chosen to Head UN Human Rights Panel By Stephen Lendman, September 26, 2015
America’s “License to Kill” By Luciana Bohne, September 25, 2015
Obama and Putin to Meet at UN By Stephen Lendman, September 25, 2015
US Blockade of Syria: A War Crime By Christopher Black, September 25, 2015
Yemen as Laboratory: Why is the West So Silent About This Savage War? By Martha Mundy, September 25, 2015
Washington “Welcomes” UN Decision to Appoint Saudi Arabia as Chair of UN Human Rights Council (UNHCR) By Sputnik, September 25, 2015
Understanding the UN Security Council Veto Power. America Threatens Russia By Stephen Lendman, September 24, 2015
United Nations Farce: Saudi Arabia to Head UN Human Rights Council By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 24, 2015
UN Condemns Ukrainian Government Cover-Ups By Eric Zuesse, September 22, 2015
World Inaction Is Driving the Slow Death of the Gaza Strip By Sharif Nashashibi, September 20, 2015
Swedish Foreign Aid to Allies of Al Qaeda By Patrik Paulov, September 13, 2015
US Petition Drive to Arrest Netanyahu, ahead of his Scheduled UN General Assembly Address By Stephen Lendman, September 12, 2015
When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti? The UN “Destabilization Mission” By Dady Chery, September 11, 2015
Towards an Independent Palestinian State By Anthony Bellchambers, September 11, 2015
The US-led Coalition’s Human Rights Record in Iraq (2010-2015). Extensive War Crimes By Harmeet Sooden, September 07, 2015
The “Collateral Damage” of US-NATO Wars: Europe’s Refugee Crisis, Depraved Morality of UK Prime Minister David Cameron By Colin Todhunter, September 06, 2015
Why the Refugee Crisis? By Stephen Lendman, August 31, 2015
“Israel’s Near War with Iran”. Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s Tales Conceal “The Real Story” By Gareth Porter, August 31, 2015
Cameron Ennobles Director of British Israel Lobby, 100,000 British Citizens Demand Netanyahu’s Arrest for War Crimes By Anthony Bellchambers, August 30, 2015
Israel’s “Thug Diplomat” at the UN. A Cruel Joke on the International Community By Jonathan Cook, August 26, 2015
Netanyahu Sidelined As UK Re-Opens British Embassy in Teheran By Anthony Bellchambers, August 26, 2015
South Sudan Civil War: Collapsed Economy, On the Verge of Starvation By Antony Loewenstein, August 24, 2015
Ukraine and the MH17 Crash: Washington’s Use of the UN Security Council as an Instrument of Propaganda, “Regime Change” and War By Carla Stea, August 22, 2015
History: UN Security Council Western Agenda: Demonization of the Serbs By Carla Stea, August 20, 2015
Netanyahu, the Nuclear Zionist Committed to “A Greater Israel” Threatens the UN By Anthony Bellchambers, August 18, 2015
Handout photo shows Saadi Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, inside a prison in Tripoli
Torture and Show Trials Are Common in Neo-Colonial Libya By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 11, 2015
Under-Reporting of War Deaths – or Genocide? By Global Research News, August 05, 2015
The Malaysia Airlines Disaster over Ukraine: Russia Pulls UN Cover Off MH17 Propaganda By Ulson Gunnar, August 04, 2015
Iraq: Widespread Use of Torture and Ill-Treatment By Hans von Sponeck, August 01, 2015
More Illegal US Sanctions against Russia By Stephen Lendman, July 31, 2015
Russia’s UN Security Council Veto on MH17 Resolution to Establish and Ad Hoc Tribunal: Next Step the ICC? By Dr. Christof Lehmann, July 31, 2015
Irresponsibly Bashing Russia Veto Against Establishing Kangaroo MH17 Tribunal By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2015
UN Vote on MH17 Tribunal Resolution Staged to Implicate Russia By Sputnik, July 30, 2015
The March to War: Fighting ISIL is a Smokescreen for US Mobilization against Syria, Iran By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 28, 2015
UN Remains Barred From Visiting US Prisons Amid Abuse Charges By Thalif Deen, July 26, 2015
Understanding the U.S. War State. “Watching the War Crime Unfold” By Prof. John McMurtry, July 26, 2015
UN Resolution: Israel the World’s Only Violator of Economic and Social Rights By Mark Tapson, July 25, 2015
Yemen: The World’s Newest Humanitarian Catastrophe, and How Britain Helped to Create It By David Wearing, July 24, 2015
Gaza Lost in the Fog of War: Hillary Clinton and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 17, 2015
Yemeni Genocide Proceeds Apace, US and the “Islamic State” are De Facto Allies By William Boardman, July 12, 2015
UN Hunger Relief Group Pushes For New Genetic Engineering Techniques By Heather Callaghan, July 08, 2015
Requiem for the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Nuclear Armageddon? By Carla Stea, July 07, 2015
Economic Growth and Poverty in the Third World. UN Millennium Development Goals Reveal Mixed Results By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 07, 2015
Following Scathing Report, Israel Considering Leaving UN Human Rights Council By Sydney Barakat, July 05, 2015
UN Human Rights Council Resolution Calls for End to Israeli Occupation of Palestine By Middle East Monitor, July 04, 2015
UN Declares Highest Humanitarian Emergency Level in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, July 04, 2015
Yemen Facing Famine as Saudi-GCC War Impacts Millions By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 30, 2015
The Sanctions Regime against North Korea: The Mudubong Cargo Ship Detained in Mexico on Orders of the UN Security Council By Ronda Hauben, June 29, 2015
Libya : Lawless, Alarming, Unpredictable, Dangerous By Alexander Mezyaev, June 28, 2015
Malaysian Pressure Forces The MH17 Investigation to UN Adjudication By Eric Zuesse, June 27, 2015
How the World Bank’s ‘Payday Loans’ Are Increasing Dire Water Shortages in Latin America By Dr. Barbara G. Ellis, June 24, 2015
Germany, Italy, Japan and the UN Charter’s “Enemy State Clause”: Obstacle to an Asian and European Peace? By Dr. Christof Lehmann, June 24, 2015
Yemeni Peace Talks Sabotaged by United States Supported Elements in Geneva By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 23, 2015
Israel Bombing Elementary Schools Not Considered War Crimes, “Collateral Damage” according to UN Commissioned Task Force By Sydney Barakat, June 21, 2015
Eritrea, Human Rights, and Neocolonial Propaganda By Eric Draitser, June 21, 2015
As UN Scandals Uncovered, Independent Media Banned from Open Meeting on Peacekeeping By Inner City Press, June 19, 2015
Yemen Talks Stalled Over Terms of Negotiations in Geneva By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 16, 2015
Lebanon’s Palestinian Refugee Camps Protest UNRWA Aid Cuts By Louisa Lamb, June 12, 2015
Israel in Action: Spoiling the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 11, 2015
“Gaza is on the Brink of Collapse”: Humanitarian Crisis, Imminent Explosion to Rock Gaza By Global Research News, June 11, 2015
United Nations Official in Gaza Quits, Spotlights Gazans’ Spirit By Ghada Ageel, June 11, 2015