Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
Looming Health Crisis: Wireless Technology and the Toxification of America By James F. Tracy, December 30, 2013
The Dangers of Microwave Radiation Cannot be Ignored By Richard Stossel, December 27, 2013
Big Dairy Wants to Medicate our Milk By Rady Ananda, December 25, 2013
The Future of Planet Earth. Are We the Last Surviving Generations? Radioactivity and the Gradual Extinction of Life? By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, December 12, 2013
Nuclear Energy, Ground Water and “Uranium Bioremediation” By Global Research News, December 08, 2013
Biotechnology, GMO and Scientific Analysis: The Powers of Corporate Manipulation By Colin Todhunter, December 06, 2013
GMO, Additives, Contaminants and Pesticides. European “Food Safety” on Behalf of the Food and Drink Conglomerates By Colin Todhunter, December 04, 2013
Who’s Nuking Your Food? Orwellian Irradiated “Franken-Foods” Are The New Normal By Andrew McKillop, December 04, 2013
What Is The ACTUAL Risk for Pacific Coast Residents from Fukushima Radiation? By Washington's Blog, December 01, 2013
How to Reduce Your Risk of Radiation from Fukushima By Washington's Blog, November 27, 2013
Is Monsanto’s Glyphosate RoundUp the New Agent Orange? By Global Research News, November 26, 2013
Glutathione: Boost Your Health and Help Protect Yourself From Radiation By Washington's Blog, November 25, 2013
Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Has Damaged the Thyroids of California Babies By Chris Busby, November 23, 2013
A New Flu Season of Pain, Profit and Politics By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, November 21, 2013
The Fallout from Fukushima in the Global Nuclear Industry By Arnie Gundersen and James Corbett, November 19, 2013
CO2 and the Ideology of Climate Change: The Forces Behind “Carbon-Centric Environmentalism” By James F. Tracy, November 12, 2013
Messing with Our Minds: Psychiatric Drugs, Cyberspace and “Digital Indoctrination” By Greg Guma, November 11, 2013
What You Should Be Doing Now to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation By Washington's Blog, November 10, 2013
Saskatchewan’s Nuclear Addiction Contaminates Both Politics and the People Global Research News Hour Episode 42 By Michael Welch, November 07, 2013
Criminal Health Care Industry: US Government Exempts New Health Exchanges from Anti-Fraud Standards By David Walsh, November 06, 2013
Syria: From Fermenting Uprising to Delivering Polio By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 01, 2013
Scientific Research and Development in the U.S. and Around the World By Global Research News, October 30, 2013
Dangerous Dilemma: Nuclear Monitoring Systems Not Working Correctly By Maggie Gundersen, David Lochbaum, and Lucas W Hixson, October 24, 2013
Genetically Modified Foods and PR Wars: Fighting Against Biotech Giants By James Corbett, October 11, 2013
Agribusiness is “Playing Chicken” with our Health: FDA Admits Supermarket Chickens Test Positive for Arsenic. By Global Research News, October 09, 2013
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) By Global Research News, October 08, 2013
Neuroweapons, Neuroscience and “Brain Circuit Manipulation”: Inside Story of Obama’s Mind Control Project By Global Research News, October 08, 2013
England’s Wildlife Killing Fields: H.M. Government’s Badger Culls Kill Scientific Honesty By Lesley Docksey, October 03, 2013
Man: The Chemical Ape By Global Research News, October 03, 2013
Rise of the Medical Machines By Global Research News, October 02, 2013
Fukushima Radiation: Japanese Babies With Congenital Physical Polydactyly Anomalies By Global Research News, September 30, 2013
Why the WHO Report on Congenital Anomalies in Iraq is a Disgrace By Chris Busby, September 29, 2013
WHO Refuses to Publish Report on Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq Caused by Depleted Uranium Ammunition By Denis Halliday, September 13, 2013
“Addicted to Digitial Devices”: Practice Safe Social Media By Global Research News, September 05, 2013
Monsanto’s Glyphosate: Impacts on Human Health and Plant Life By Prof Don Huber, August 26, 2013
WHO Is Delaying Release of Iraqi Birth Defect Data? By Kelley B. Vlahos, August 20, 2013
Professor Richard Shepherd and the Unnatural Death of Dr David Kelly: Haemorrhage from Cutting the Ulnar Artery. A Sole Cause of Death? By Dr. David Halpin, August 13, 2013
Two Births: A Gilded Arrival and a Poisoned Legacy By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 13, 2013
Rise of Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq: World Health Organization Refuses to Release Data By Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, July 31, 2013
Modern Man’s Shrinking Brain By Washington's Blog, July 31, 2013
CIA Is Funding Government-Led Chemtrail Project: Spy Agency to Help Study “Security Impacts” of Geo-engineering By Steve Watson, July 20, 2013
GlaxoSmithKline Alleged to Pay Bribes in China By Pratap Chatterjee, July 19, 2013
Impacts of Chemtrails on Human Health. Nanoaluminum: Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects By Dr. Russell Blaylock, July 13, 2013
Playing God, Creating Hell: the Arrogant Misuse of Science By Lesley Docksey, July 01, 2013
GeoEngineering, Global Climate Disruptions, Chemtrails: “Our Atmosphere is a Massive Physics Lab” By Dane Wigington, June 25, 2013
GMO and Monsanto: Glyphosate Weed Killer Found in Human Urine across Europe By Friends of the Earth, June 13, 2013
FDA approves first GMO Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus By Jonathan Benson, June 07, 2013
Diet Drinks: America’s Passion for Poison By Charles Foerster, May 28, 2013
From Iraq a Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the War Criminals By John Pilger, May 27, 2013
Medical Marijuana: Big Pharma’s Campaign to Eliminate State-Sanctioned Cannabis Competitors? By Clarence Walker, May 20, 2013
Poison is Treatment: The Campaign to Fluoridate America By James F. Tracy, May 17, 2013
Petition to End the Fluoridation of Drinking Water By Global Research News, May 15, 2013
The Extinction of Animal and Plant Species By Rebecca Sato, May 09, 2013
Globalism, Violent Oppression and Electronic Warfare: 2 + 2 = 5 By Michael T Winter, May 05, 2013
Cancer, Parkinson’s and Infertility: Popular Monsanto Product Linked to Major Health Problems, Study Says By Reuters, April 28, 2013
Nestlé is Trying to Patent the Fennel Flower By Global Research News, April 21, 2013
War Related Post Traumatic Stress: An Issue of Human Preservation and Consciousness By Global Research News, April 07, 2013
Definitive Link Confirms Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Transmits from Livestock to Humans By Global Research News, April 07, 2013
What are the Causes of Breast Cancer? New Epidemiological Study By Socialist Project, April 03, 2013
Fukushima Radioactive Fallout in California and Alaska: Health Impacts on American Children By Global Research News, April 03, 2013
What are the Causes of “Catastrophic Incidents”? The Impacts of Geo-Engineering on Climate and the Environment By R. Teichmann, April 02, 2013
Fake Science Alert: Fukushima Radiation Can’t Be Compared to Bananas or X-Rays By Washington's Blog, April 01, 2013
Cancer Pandemic: Reaping the Seeds of Nuke Tests By John LaForge, March 28, 2013
Financial Crisis, Austerity, and Health in Europe By Lancet, March 27, 2013
Forced Medicine: The Philosophy Behind Fluoridation By James Corbett and Anthony Gucciardi, March 21, 2013
Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12, 2013
Outlawing Natural Health, The Fracking Bubble, The Life and Death of Hugo Chavez By Michael Welch, March 09, 2013
Poison in the Food Chain: The Health Impacts of Aspartame By Global Research News, March 08, 2013
The REAL Source of Cavities and Gum Disease By Washington's Blog, February 28, 2013
Giant Food Corporations Work Hand-In-Glove With Corrupt Government Agencies To Dish Up Cheap, Unhealthy Food By Washington's Blog, February 27, 2013
Meteorite hits Russian Urals, up to 1,200 injured By RT, February 16, 2013
Genetically-Engineered Meat Isn’t Tested for Human Safety By Washington's Blog, February 16, 2013
Our Coming Environmental Catastrophe: Geoengineering and Weather Warfare By James Corbett, February 14, 2013
The Cost of America’s Wars: At Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations By Spencer Ackerman, February 10, 2013
Multimillion Dollar Bonanza: Nuclear Waste from US Weapons Industry To Be Sold for Profit? By William Boardman, February 05, 2013
GMOs: Changing the Human Genome One Meal at a Time By Kirk Rutter and Paul Davies, February 04, 2013
Our Understanding of the Effects of Fluoride Is Like Our Understanding of Lead in the 1970s By Washington's Blog, February 03, 2013
Health Care in Syria before and During the Crisis By Global Research News, January 25, 2013
GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans By F. William Engdahl, January 22, 2013
Treat Depression … Naturally. Little-Known Secrets to Boosting Mood By Washington's Blog, January 21, 2013