Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism By Mary Holland, January 04, 2016
Vaccines, Are They Safe and Effective? The Greatest Medical Controversy of Our Time By Richard P. Milner, January 03, 2016
The Health Impacts of Fluoridated Water. “Shaky Science” By Washington's Blog, January 02, 2016
A Year of Achievement for Cuban Healthcare By Ollie Hopkins, December 31, 2015
The GMO Issue: False Claims, Pseudo Analysis, A Politically Motivated Agenda By Colin Todhunter, December 26, 2015
Monsanto’s Gamble: Biotech Lobby Pushes Genetically Modified GM Food into Europe By Colin Todhunter, December 23, 2015
Massive Fukushima Radiation Cover-Up: Government-Funded Scientists Now Claim Radiation Won’t Hurt You By David Gutierrez, December 21, 2015
Biological Warfare and the People of Iraq By Ian Roberts, December 13, 2015
US Nuclear Weapons Complex Leaves ‘Legacy of Death on American Soil’ By Deirdre Fulton, December 11, 2015
Scientific Revolution in Internet Transmission? Li-Fi. “Light Transforms any LED Light into Internet Bandwidth” By, December 10, 2015
Radioactive Contamination of Our Shores: Fukushima Cesium Detected Off US West Coast By Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, December 07, 2015
Voodoo Science: The Myth of Vaccine Efficacy By Dr. Gary Null, December 07, 2015
The Toxicity of Monsanto’s Glyphosate Roundup Herbicide By Corporate Europe Observatory, December 06, 2015
Toxicity of GMOs and Pesticides: Séralini’s Team Wins Defamation and Forgery Court Cases By Gilles Eric Séralini, December 01, 2015
Climate Change, Rising Levels of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming By Jack A. Smith, December 01, 2015
Chemtrails. The Realities of Geoengineering and Weather Modification By James F. Tracy, November 30, 2015
Triumph of “Digital Toxicology”: Why the US won’t Regulate Deadly Chemicals By Valerie Brown and Elizabeth Grossman, November 30, 2015
Uncovering the Cover-Up: Scientific Analysis of the Vaccine-Autism Connection, Deeply Flawed US Vaccine Policies. By Dr. Gary Null, November 28, 2015
Worldwide Spread of “Panama Disease” in Bananas: Caused by One Single Clone of the Fusarium Fungus By Global Research News, November 20, 2015
The First Genetically Modified Human Could Exist Within 2 Years By Julie Fidler, November 19, 2015
Malaria in the Asia-Pacific Region By J. Kevin Baird, November 13, 2015
War Crimes: Agent Orange, Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Other Ugly Legacies of the Vietnam War By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 13, 2015
Fukushima Fallout: New Report Expects up to 1 Million Cancer Deaths By Christina Sarich, November 12, 2015
Big-Pharma Seeks Monopoly Over Life-Changing “Gene Therapy” By Tony Cartalucci, November 12, 2015
Poisoned Agriculture: Depopulation and Human Extinction By Colin Todhunter, November 06, 2015
Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are “Reaching Epidemic Proportions” By Colin Todhunter, November 05, 2015
Monsanto Under Fire: Maker of Cancer-Causing Herbicide Sued by US Workers By Lauren McCauley, November 05, 2015
The Genius and Scientific Discoveries of Nikola Tesla By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 02, 2015
Big Pharma and the Money-Making Business of Medicine By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 01, 2015
Why are so Many Healthy People Dying from the Flu After Receiving the Flu Vaccine Shot? By Health Impact News, October 31, 2015
Tampon Industry and FDA Wage Massive War on Women with Revisionist History to Memory Hole Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, October 30, 2015
Big Pharma Dangerous Drugs and “Drug-Injured Patients” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 29, 2015
Prolonged Exposure to Even LOW Level Radiation Increases the Risk of Cancer. World Health Organization (WHO) By Washington's Blog, October 29, 2015
World Health Organization Describes Cuba’s Health System as Exemplary By Prensa Latina, October 29, 2015
Does Red Meat – or “Fake Meat” – Cause Cancer? The US Government Protects Industrial Livestock Production By Washington's Blog, October 27, 2015
Human Activities in Space: Issues and Framework of the United States Law Concerning Outer Space By David Liechty, October 26, 2015
Tampons, Sterile Cotton, Sanitary Pads Contaminated with Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide (Glyphosate) – Study By RT, October 24, 2015
Will Obama Name This Big Pharma Insider as Head of the FDA? By Christina Sarich, October 22, 2015
Depression Drug Medical Fraud: Vast Majority Prescribed Dangerous Mind-altering Drugs Don’t Even Have Depression By Daniel Barker, October 21, 2015
Deaths and Mutations Spike around Fukushima; No Safety Threshold for Radioactive Cesium Exposure By David Gutierrez, October 16, 2015
United Nations Doctor Outlines 5 Key GMO Dangers in Recent Talk By Christina Sarich, October 13, 2015
Over 40 Rodent Feeding Studies Show Genetically Modified Food is Disastrous to Health By Christina Sarich, October 09, 2015
The Secret History of Cannabis in Japan By Jon Mitchell, October 06, 2015
Regulators’ War on Americans: FDA Covers Up Crimes for Big Pharma; EPA for Chemical Companies; USDA for Biotech; and CDC for Vaccine Industry By J. D. Heyes, September 30, 2015
The Human Consequences of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accidents By Eiichiro Ochiai, September 29, 2015
Health Impacts of Wireless Radiation on Children By Global Research News, September 23, 2015
Nuclear Power Kills! The Real Reason the NRC Cancelled Its Nuclear Site Cancer Study By Chris Busby, September 22, 2015
Russian Scientists Find Ancient Bacteria That Could Lead to ‘Elixir of Youth’ By Sputnik, September 18, 2015
The Niburu Planet X System and Its Potential Impacts on Our Solar System By Joachim Hagopian, September 06, 2015
Flibanserin (Addyi), the Alleged “Libido Pill For Women” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 03, 2015
Growing Doubt: a Scientist’s Experience of GMOs. “Flawed Processes of GMO Risk Assessment” By Dr. Jonathan Latham, September 02, 2015
The Insidious Relationship between The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Big Pharma By Jon Rappoport, August 25, 2015
Ireland: Obesity, the “Western Diet” and the Global Food Challenge By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, August 23, 2015
The Hidden Truth Behind The High Cost of Hepatitis C Drugs By Prof Peter Erlinder, August 21, 2015
The Age Of Transition And Scientistic Fraud By Jay Dyer, August 21, 2015
US Torturers Lose Psychologists’ Corrupt Cooperation: APA Votes to “Prohibit Psychologists from Participating in National Security Interrogations” By William Boardman, August 17, 2015
The Links between Vaccines and Autism: Congressman Bill Posey Calls For Investigation Of CDC Whistleblower William Thompson By Derrick Broze, August 14, 2015
Monsanto’s Roundup (Glyphosate) Narrowly Missed Being Classed as Known Human Carcinogen By GMWatch, August 14, 2015
Pesticides a “Major Cause” of Infertility, Male Erectile Dysfunction: Study By Christina Sarich, August 13, 2015
California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties for those Who Refuse By Health Impact News, August 12, 2015
HPV Vaccine Linked to Debilitating Illness in Teenage Girls By Lori Alton, August 11, 2015
Chemtrails, Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare and Global Warming By Dane Wigington, August 10, 2015
Fukushima’s Radioactive Baby Milk Formula. Japan’s “Contaminated Exports” to China By John LaForge, August 07, 2015
Cellphones, Wireless Devices Connected to Cancer – Study By RT, August 06, 2015
Mainstream Media To Pro-Vaxxers: Don’t Argue The Facts, Show Scary Pictures! By Brandon Turbeville, August 06, 2015
Danish TV Documentary Exposes Gardasil Vaccines for Triggering Wave of Disease Among Young Girls By Jonathan Benson, August 05, 2015
Ebola Merck Vaccine Trial in West Africa “Said to Be Promising”: 7500 People Tested By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 04, 2015
Mandatory Vaccination in California: Follow the Big Money By Jon Rappoport, August 03, 2015
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine (Gardasil) Mandated for All Rhode Island Middle School Students By Heather Callaghan, August 03, 2015
Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is Carcinogenic: World Health Organization’s Full Report By Christina Sarich, August 03, 2015
U.S. Government Begins Human Trials of Genetically Modified Ebola Vaccine By Ethan A. Huff, July 31, 2015
US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Scientist: ‘We Scheduled Meeting to Destroy Vaccine-Autism Study Documents’ By Sharyl Attkisson, July 31, 2015
International Agency for Research on Cancer’s Full Report on Glyphosate (Monsanto’s Roundup) By GMWatch, July 30, 2015
Neoliberal Ebola: The Agroeconomic Origins of the Ebola Outbreak By Rob Wallace, July 30, 2015
Chemotherapy Use, Performance Status, and Quality of Life at the End of Life By Global Research News, July 29, 2015
U.S. Government Agents Raid Research Facility to Seize Breakthrough Cancer Treatment GcMAF, Doctor Found Dead 3 Days Later By Mike Adams, July 28, 2015
People Living Near Fracking Sites Suffer Severe Health Problems: Study By Julie Fidler, July 27, 2015
Proposed US Legislation Mandating Child Vaccinations By Stephen Lendman, July 27, 2015
Threats to the Medical Pharmaceutical Regulatory Complex? Seven Doctors have Died under Suspicious Circumstances By James F. Tracy, July 26, 2015
Picked Out a Coffin Yet? Take Ibuprofen and Die By Mike Whitney, July 26, 2015