Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
Surgical Face Masks: No Statistically Significant Benefit Against COVID-19. Danish Study in Annals of Internal Medicine By Daniel Horowitz, November 19, 2020
Catholic Priest Says Face Mask Wearing Spreads Lies and Harm; Not Love and Charity By John C. A. Manley, November 19, 2020
The Secret Agenda of the World Bank and the IMF By Peter Koenig, November 19, 2020
Leading Canadian Health Expert Outraged at Government Response to COVID By Children’s Health Defense, November 19, 2020
Media Hypes Moderna’s COVID Vaccine, Downplays Risks By Children’s Health Defense, November 19, 2020
Video: How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated. Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek By Dr. Annie Bukacek, November 19, 2020
Is the CBC Drowning Itself in a Second Wave of Corona Disinformation? By John C. A. Manley, November 18, 2020
UK MP Suggests People Shouldn’t be Allowed to Work Without COVID Vaccine By Steve Watson, November 18, 2020
Civil Disobedience Is the Solution for this COVID-19 Madness By Cheryl K. Chumley, November 18, 2020
COVID Offices and the Religion of Remote Work By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18, 2020
Why COVID-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 18, 2020
The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19: Doctors Worldwide Protest the Disaster By Elizabeth Woodworth, November 17, 2020
Will Biden Listen to the Science? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 17, 2020
Video: German Lawyer Sues the World Over Coronavirus By Reiner Fuellmich and Patrick Bet-David, November 17, 2020
Video: The COVID Cult. “The Greatest Public Health Fiasco in World History” By Thomas E. Woods, Jr., November 17, 2020
Video: Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19? By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, November 17, 2020
Even a Military-Enforced Quarantine Can’t Stop the Virus, Study Reveals By Jeffrey A. Tucker, November 16, 2020
UK Health Study Found 26,000 “Extra” Non-COVID Deaths at Home Amid Lockdowns By Zero Hedge, November 16, 2020
COVID-19: Politicisation, “Corruption,” and Suppression of Science. The British Medical Journal By Kamran Abbasi, November 16, 2020
“Biggest Monster Rebounds!” COVID “Pandemic” Has Triggered a Global Hunger and Population Displacement. UN Report By Carla Stea, November 15, 2020
US – UK Intelligence Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media By Whitney Webb, November 14, 2020
The Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR): RF Emissions from Mobile Phone Networks, Wi-Fi, and the Rollout of 5G By Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment, November 13, 2020
Who Chooses the Official, Governmentally-Approved “Health Experts”? By Prof. Bill Willers, November 12, 2020
How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Designed By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 11, 2020
Dr. Fauci Told the Truth About COVID-19 Tests in July and Has Been Misleading the Public Ever Since By Stacey Lennox, November 11, 2020
Viral Optimism: The Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 10, 2020
Gun Shot Wounds: Experience of Medical Students, US versus Cuba By Don Fitz, November 09, 2020
Health Effects of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster By Dr. Hisako Sakiyama, Prof. Katsuya Hirano, and Prof. Hirotaka Kasai, November 09, 2020
Big Telecom 5G Networks: The Devious Art of Camouflaging Its Dangerous 5G Telecommunication Towers By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 09, 2020
Dr. Fauci Versus Frontline Doctors and Science: “Pandemic Malpractice” By Joel S. Hirschhorn, November 09, 2020
Wisdom from Courageous – and Silenced – Whistle-blowing “Vaccine Skeptics” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 08, 2020
Fur Trades and Pandemics: Coronavirus and Denmark’s Great Mink Massacre By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 08, 2020
The Covid-19 Roadmap: Towards Global Economic Chaos and Societal Destruction By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 07, 2020
Coronavirus: Powerful Voices have their Say on Lockdowns and “Pandemic Salvation” By Michael Welch and Rocco Galati, November 07, 2020
Video: British Healthcare Assistant Reveals the Lies on Covid Testing and the Lockdown. We Say No the Army and the Police By Unnamed Nurse, November 06, 2020
Former British Prime Minister May Leads Lockdown Rebellion as UK Struggles Against Second COVID Wave By Johanna Ross, November 06, 2020
COVID Testing: We’ve Been Duped By A. Castellitto, November 05, 2020
It’s All Wrong: Sage U.K. Forecast of 4,000 Deaths a Day Is ‘Misleading’ By Unredacted, November 05, 2020
“New Normal”on Social Distancing and the Facemask: Neglectful Caring and Compassionate Tyranny By John C. A. Manley, November 05, 2020
Europe’s COVID-19 Spending Spree Unmasked By Adriana Homolova and Dada Lyndell, November 04, 2020
Unprecedented Move: The CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season By Brian Shilhavy, November 04, 2020
The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully By Robert J. Burrowes, November 04, 2020
Are Ventilators Killing More People Than They’re Saving?? By Mike Whitney, November 04, 2020
5G’s Assault on Civil Rights: Let’s Not Forfeit Local Power being Trapped into Surveillance By Megan Sherman, November 04, 2020
COVID-19 Tracing Methods: United Nations Special Rapporteur Warns of Danger of “Intrusive Surveillance” By Carla Stea, November 04, 2020
Same Story, Different Decade: How WHO’s Definition of a Global Pandemic Benefits Big Pharma By Jeremy Loffredo, November 03, 2020
The Global Spread of the “Virus of Fear” By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 03, 2020
Pre-Vaccination Immunity Determines Effectiveness of Vaccines By Bill Sardi, November 03, 2020
No Vaccine for Tyranny By Rep. Ron Paul, November 03, 2020
COVID and Its Man-Made Gigantic Collateral Damage: The Great Reset – A Call for Civil Disobedience By Peter Koenig, November 03, 2020
The Flawed COVID-19 Vaccine Testing Programs By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 02, 2020
New COVID-19 Security Measures Will Make Health a Prerequisite for Travel By Raul Diego, November 02, 2020
Millions of Iranians at Risk as US Sanctions Choke Insulin Supplies By Rohollah Faghihi, November 02, 2020
Open Letter to the COVID-Corrupted Media. Non-stop Reporting, Alarming and Fearmongering By Peter Koenig, November 01, 2020
Video: The Corona Virus and the Health Impacts of the Lockdown: Interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Welch, October 31, 2020
Is Euthanasia Ethically Acceptable? Ethics vs. Morality By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, October 31, 2020
Coronavirus and the Biotech Complex. A Conversation with Whitney Webb By Michael Welch and Whitney Webb, October 31, 2020
The ‘Very, Very Bad Look’ of Remdesivir, the First FDA-approved COVID-19 Drug By Jon Cohen and Kai Kupferschmidt, October 30, 2020
To Lockdown or Not to Lockdown: Britain Debates By Johanna Ross, October 30, 2020
Nine COVID Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance By Jeff Harris, October 30, 2020
COVID-19: Government Poised to Amend Regulations to Allow Use of Unlicensed Vaccine By Clare Dyer, October 30, 2020
“The Attention Economy” in Our Lives: Memory Failure Predicted by Attention Lapsing and Media Multitasking By Kevin P. Madore and et al., October 29, 2020
The Virus-story: Breaking the Chains of Medical Civilization. “Mind Control par Excellence” By Jon Rappoport, October 29, 2020
The Dangers of Environmental Toxins By Jemma Nott, October 28, 2020
Lock Step, This Is No Futuristic Scenario: Panic and the Post-Pandemic Future? By F. William Engdahl, October 28, 2020
Open Letter to the COVID-Corrupted Media. Non-stop Reporting, Alarming and Fearmongering By Peter Koenig, October 28, 2020
VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls” By Helen Buyniski, October 28, 2020
The Neoliberal Capitalist Lockdown: Class Consciousness in the Age of COVID By Colin Todhunter, October 28, 2020
Why So Gullible About Government in the Face of COVID-19? By Donald J. Boudreaux, October 28, 2020
Video: Stand Up, Say No to “New Normal”. Leeds Protest Speech by Mark Devlin By Mark Devlin, October 27, 2020
“Mask Mouth”: Wearing Facemasks Causes Decaying Teeth, Gum Disease, Skin Blemishes, Pimples, Acne By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 27, 2020
US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Study Refutes Official Covid-Sars-2 Narrative By Makia Freeman, October 27, 2020
The Cult of the Brave New Normal By Dr. Bruce Scott, October 27, 2020
Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence By Swiss Propaganda Research, October 26, 2020
Nobel Prize for a Gene Bomb By Silvia Ribeiro, October 26, 2020
Amnesty International Condemns Johnson Government By True Publica, October 26, 2020
WHO Crusader to Counter “Conspiracy Dissident Groups” and Sway Covid “Vaccine Acceptance” By Jeremy Loffredo, October 25, 2020
“Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of Democracy By Peter Koenig, October 25, 2020
COVID-19 as a Weapon. The Crushing of the Disposable Working Class – by Design By Cory Morningstar, October 25, 2020
Coronavirus: Killer Virus or Common Flu By Michael Welch, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Prof Mark Crispin Miller, October 24, 2020