Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
Truth Slips Out in Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths ‘Fact Check’? By Adam Dick, February 19, 2021
The Twilight Zone: Covid, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Eugenics By Peter Koenig, February 19, 2021
Pandemic Revelations By David Cayley, February 18, 2021
Huge Victory: Under Pressure, New York Ends Mandatory COVID Testing in Schools By Children’s Health Defense, February 18, 2021
Pathologist: FDA ‘Misled the Public’ on Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy By Children’s Health Defense, February 18, 2021
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform’s New Policy … By Project Veritas Action, February 18, 2021
Why Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and Covid By Jonathan Cook, February 18, 2021
Science and Power as Fellow Henchmen: How the “Land of Poets and Thinkers” Sinks into the Swamp of Corruption By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 17, 2021
46 Residents in Spanish Nursing Home Die after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine By Life Site News, February 17, 2021
Former Downing Street Chief of Staff Lobbied for ‘Friends’ to Get Fat Contract for COVID Focus Groups By Adam Bychawski and Peter Geoghegan, February 17, 2021
At the Crossroads of the Corona Crisis: The “Chicago School”. What It Really Is and Why It Matters By Matthew G. Andersson, February 17, 2021
“Far-Reaching Violation”: Dutch Government Ordered To Lift ‘Illegitimate’ Pandemic Curfew By Hague Court By Zero Hedge, February 17, 2021
What VAERS Data Reveal About Cardiac-Related Reactions to COVID Vaccines By Children’s Health Defense, February 17, 2021
Did The Virus Trigger the 2020 Worldwide Economic Crisis? Bankruptcy and Global Enrichment By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 16, 2021
The Dubious COVID Models, The Tests and Now the Consequences By F. William Engdahl, February 16, 2021
Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes By Mark Taliano, February 16, 2021
UK Government Is ‘Considering’ Vaccine Passports to Enter Pubs, Shops, Events By Steve Watson, February 16, 2021
The Enforcement of a “New Normal”: “The Deadly Human Experiment with Vaccination” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 15, 2021
653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show By Children’s Health Defense, February 15, 2021
Biden’s “100 Days” “Back To Normal” to Be Replaced by an “Indefinite COVID Regime”? By Jordan Schachtel, February 15, 2021
Why the Flu Has ‘Disappeared’ By Swiss Policy Research, February 15, 2021
The Great Vaccine Scam By Vasko Kohlmayer, February 15, 2021
Using Herd Immunity Myth to Justify COVID Vaccines for Kids Is Deceptive — and Dangerous By Children’s Health Defense, February 15, 2021
Against the Misuse of Science in the So-called “Pandemic”. The RT-PCR Test By Prof. Dr. Thomas Aigner, February 14, 2021
Vaccine Transparency: Why Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Might be a Ticking Time Bomb By Dr. Rob Verkerk, February 14, 2021
Selected Quotes from Courageous Big Pharma Whistle-blower Robert F. Kennedy, Jr By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, February 14, 2021
Corona Fake Pandemic: Italy Subjected to a Holy Inquisition of False Science By Global Research News, February 13, 2021
Health Diplomacy: China Made Vaccine Donations to Equatorial Guinea and Zimbabwe By Kester Kenn Klomegah, February 12, 2021
UK COVID Police State: Travellers Must Quarantine in Hotels at Their Own Cost, Have 3 Tests, £10k Fine for Going Outside, and 10 Years Prison if Caught Trying to Avoid ‘The Law’ By Steve Watson, February 12, 2021
Do Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremberg Code? By Makia Freeman, February 12, 2021
Trouble in Vaccine Land: The Wiliness of South Africa’s Coronavirus Variant By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 12, 2021
Safe and Sanitized: Jordan Henderson’s Latest Coronavirus Painting. Interview By Jordan Henderson and John C. A. Manley, February 11, 2021
Video: COVID and the Vaccine: Truth, Lies, and Misconceptions Revealed By Vaccine Revealed COVID Edition, February 11, 2021
Ontario “Covid Measures” Are Destroying Our Public Health By Mark Taliano, February 11, 2021
The Pharma-Med Cartel Consider the Immune System Their Competition By Reggie Selwyn, February 11, 2021
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic : Council of Europe (PACE) Report and Testimonies: “Millions Vaccinated for No Good Reason” By Paul Flynn, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and et al., February 11, 2021
CDC Begins Recommending Wearing Two Masks By Zero Hedge, February 11, 2021
Red Alert Warning About Pfizer and Moderna COVID Inoculations By Stephen Lendman, February 11, 2021
COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless By Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, February 11, 2021
Big Pharma’s COVID Vaccine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 10, 2021
Germany’s Ministry of the Interior Hired Scientists to Justify “Tough Corona Measures” By Anette Dowideit, February 10, 2021
UK Government’s Admission COVID Is Not Categorised as a ‘Serious’ Workplace Risk Is ‘Beyond Belief’ By Lamiat Sabin, February 10, 2021
Report: UK Government Considering Knocking on Doors of Vaccine Refusniks By Steve Watson, February 10, 2021
Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness By Children’s Health Defense, February 10, 2021
South Africa Halts Rollout of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine By Matthew Herper, February 09, 2021
Are the New COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Actually Killing and Injuring Some Patients or Are the Deaths and Injuries Just Coincidental? By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 09, 2021
Urgent Warning on COVID-19 Vaccine-related Deaths in the Elderly and Care Homes By UK Medical Freedom Alliance, February 09, 2021
Poll: 32% of Americans Oppose Government Vaccine Mandates By Children’s Health Defense, February 09, 2021
Did The Virus Trigger the 2020 Worldwide Economic Crisis? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, February 08, 2021
Merck Statement Against Ivermectin Exposing ‘Big Pharma’ Lobbyists By Swiss Policy Research, February 08, 2021
Vaccine Passports and Health Passes: Is Showing Your “Papers” the “New Normal?” By Robert Wheeler, February 06, 2021
The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Psychological Coup d’Etat By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, February 06, 2021
501 Deaths + 10,748 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show By Children’s Health Defense, February 06, 2021
Big Pharma and Big Profits: The Multibillion Dollar Vaccine Market By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 06, 2021
Vaccination’s Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, February 06, 2021
Can We Trust the World Health Organization (WHO)? By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, February 06, 2021
CDC Changed The Way COVID-19 Deaths are Reported: “Inflation” of Fatalities. 16.7 Times Too High By GreenMedInfo Research Group, February 05, 2021
ICU Nurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Running Below Capacity, Performing “Pandemic Theatre” By Nurse Andrea and John C. A. Manley, February 05, 2021
Bioweaponized COVID Vaccines By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2021
Mandatory Face Masks By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2021
Is It True that the New Covid Variants Are Very Dangerous? By Rosemary Frei, February 04, 2021
The PCR Test does not Identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2021
‘Nobody Is Safe Until ‘Everybody Is Vaccinated’: Klaus Schwab’s “Global Reset” By Michael Haynes, February 04, 2021
“Politicized Science”: Combatting Vaccine Tyranny By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2021
Treatment of COVID-19: Cuban Drug Itolizumab Proves Effective in Critically Ill Patients By Yaditza del Sol González, February 03, 2021
The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 02, 2021
The Lockdown: The Largest Experiment on Humans Ever Seen By Rob Slane, February 02, 2021
New York Times Explains the How but Not the Why Behind Lack of COVID Treatments By Lyn Redwood, February 02, 2021
A Week After Saying ‘Wear Two Masks’, Fauci Says It ‘Won’t Make a Difference’ By Steve Watson, February 02, 2021
Dangerous mRNA Vaccine: Is Mandatory US Covid Vaxxing Coming? By Stephen Lendman, February 02, 2021
German Doctors Letter to Chancellor Merkel, Put an End to the Covid “Fear Machine” By Dr. Robert Kluger and et al., February 02, 2021
Vaccination and the Issue of “Voluntary Consent”. The Rights of Individuals to Control their Bodies By National Vaccine Information Centre (NVIC) and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 01, 2021
24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections By Brian Shilhavy, February 01, 2021
329 Deaths and 9,516 “Other Injuries” in U.S. Reported Following COVID Vaccine By Children’s Health Defense, January 31, 2021
Destructive Lockdowns. How the Pandemic Ruined American Businesses: Hail the Reopening of the US Economy? By Jeffrey A. Tucker, January 31, 2021
The Vaccines, The Plunder, and the Arrival of the Great Reset By Michael Welch, Dr. Chris Shaw, and Diana Johnstone, January 30, 2021
Did CDC Deliberately Mislead Public on Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine? By Dr. Meryl Nass and John Stone, January 29, 2021
CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are “Dying Like Flies” After COVID Vaccine Injections! Speak Out! By Brian Shilhavy, January 29, 2021
Electromagnetic Fields, 5G and Health: What About the Precautionary Principle? By John William Frank, January 29, 2021
Protecting Individual Rights in the Era of COVID-19 By Children’s Health Defense, January 28, 2021