Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
The Science Is Clear: Higher COVID “Vaccine” Coverage Equals Higher Excess Mortality By Ethan Huff, November 29, 2021
Slovenia: Drivers Must Present COVID Certificate in Order to Refuel Cars By East Valley Post, November 29, 2021
Video: Truth, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr and David Martin. The Pathogens and the Patents By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dr. David Martin, November 29, 2021
World’s First Vaccine Murder Case Against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla Filed in India’s High Court By Indian Bar Association, November 29, 2021
Adverse Rare Events to Vaccines for COVID-19: From Hypersensitivity Reactions to Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia By Natalija Novak and Leticia Tordesillas, November 29, 2021
Video: Dr. Roger Hodkinson’s Fiery and Factual Speech About the Perils of Vaccination During a Pandemic By Walt Gelles, November 29, 2021
Russia’s Vaccine Mandate: “I Believe We Are Facing an Evil that Has No Equal in Human History” By Riley Waggaman and Mike Whitney, November 29, 2021
Video, Nuremberg 2.0 : Poland’s Parliamentary Investigation Committee: Inauguration with Dr. Reiner Füllmich By Regnum TV, November 29, 2021
Video: The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and James Corbett, November 29, 2021
The “Great Reset” or the “Great Pretext” … for Dystopia. By Diana Johnstone, November 28, 2021
Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data By Prof Denis Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, and Dr. Jérémie Mercier, November 28, 2021
Video: The WHO and the Road Towards a Fake Medical Dystopia. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg By Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Planet Lockdown, November 27, 2021
The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health” By Jens Bernert, November 27, 2021
19,916 ‘Eye Disorders’ Including Blindness Following COVID Vaccine Reported in Europe By Celeste McGovern, November 27, 2021
British Funeral Director Tells RFK, Jr. About Fear, Propaganda and COVID Vaccine Deaths During Early Days of Pandemic By Jeremy Loffredo, November 26, 2021
Vaccine Victims Share Adverse Reactions, Loss of Loved Ones By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 26, 2021
Major Canadian Housing Provider Demands All Tenants Get COVID Shot By Anthony Murdoch, November 26, 2021
“Herd Stupidity”: The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA “Vaccine” and “The Pinnacles of Wealth and Power” By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, November 26, 2021
Viral Goalposts Shifting – Scientists, Facing Scrutiny About Vaccinations Not Stopping Virus, Announce Discovery of New Vaccine Resistant Strain of Virus By Sundance, November 26, 2021
Why Aren’t Healthcare Workers Speaking Out About the Catastrophe Caused by the Vaccines? By Steve Kirsch, November 26, 2021
The OpenVAERS Red Box Report By OpenVAERS, November 26, 2021
Austria: Coercion and Tyranny: The Killer Agenda Behind the Vaccine “Incentives”. “We Can and We Must Stop This” By Peter Koenig, November 26, 2021
Is Mankind Able to Prevent Abuse of New Technologies Against Democracy and Human Rights? By Mojmir Babacek, November 25, 2021
14 ACIP Members Who Voted to Jab Your Young Children — And Their Big Ties to Big Pharma By Children’s Health Defense, November 25, 2021
130 Research Studies Affirming the Power of Natural COVID Immunity By Arjun Walia, November 25, 2021
Dangerous and Useless Vaccines Continue to Kill By Rodney Atkinson, November 25, 2021
Whistleblower Nurse Says Politicians Receive Saline Instead of mRNA Jab. Crisis in Slovenia By Daily Telegraph New Zealand, November 25, 2021
Urgent Message to Swiss Voters: Vote No in the Referendum on COVID-19 Law – Your Freedom Depends Upon It By Doctors for COVID Ethics, November 25, 2021
Eight Current Trends of “Operation Coronavirus” By Makia Freeman, November 25, 2021
Release of Pfizer Vaccine Data. “FDA Wants 55 Years to Process FOIA Requests” By Zero Hedge, November 24, 2021
With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s Covid Deaths Remain Far Below Europe and the US By Ryan McMaken, November 24, 2021
A Pandemic of the Vaccinated By Jon Rappoport, November 24, 2021
The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, November 24, 2021
COVID Vaccines Are a War on Children By Stella Paul, November 24, 2021
Establishment Journal The Lancet Publishes Rare Dissenting Voice on COVID-19 Vaccines By Calvin Freiburger, November 24, 2021
German States with a High Vaccination Rate Have the Highest Excess Mortality By Free West Media, November 24, 2021
Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness By Mike Whitney, November 23, 2021
The War on the ‘Unvaccinated’ Is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize and Destroy the Control Group By Jordan Schachtel, November 23, 2021
Justin Trudeau Served with Legal Paperwork. You Too Can Serve Your Own Notice of Liability Especially if You’re a Parent Wanting to Protect Your Child! By Howard Bertram, November 23, 2021
VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years By Brian Shilhavy, November 23, 2021
World-renowned ICU Doctor Sues Hospital for the Right to Use Safe and Effective COVID Treatments By Dr. Leon Tressell, November 23, 2021
Will the Unvaccinated Become an Enemy of the State? Close to the Breaking Point of Total Tyranny By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 23, 2021
The Fake “COVID Pandemic” Was Orchestrated in Order to Impose Tyranny By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 23, 2021
mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: A Warning By Steven R Gundry, November 22, 2021
The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality By Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer and Dr. Gregor Kappler, November 22, 2021
Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 Are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age By Alex Berenson, November 22, 2021
Red Alert: Renowned Cardiac Surgeon Steven Gundry Warns mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines More Than Double The Risk of Heart Attack By Bill Sardi, November 22, 2021
NIH Director Calls for COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice” By Paul Joseph Watson, November 22, 2021
Reap What You Sow? Doctors Dropping in Deaths Described as “Died Unexpectedly” and “Died Suddenly” Since Mid-October By, November 22, 2021
2,620 Dead Babies in VAERS after COVID Shots – More Fetal Deaths in 11 Months than Past 30 Years Following All Vaccines as Scotland Begins Investigation By Brian Shilhavy, November 22, 2021
Canadian Doctors Say Government Data Point to Spike in COVID Cases after Jab, Suppressed Immune System By Anthony Murdoch, November 22, 2021
COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle By Whitney Webb, November 20, 2021
Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 By Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, November 19, 2021
CDC Forced to Admit It Doesn’t Collect Data on Natural Immunity to COVID By Michael Nevradakis, November 19, 2021
FDA Asks Federal Judge for 55 Years to Complete FOIA Request for Pfizer Vaccine Information By Chris Pandolfo, November 19, 2021
The Oklahoma National Guard Refused the Vax Mandate. The Pentagon Is Not Pleased. By Ryan McMaken, November 19, 2021
Tens of Thousands of Australians Want Compensation for COVID Vaccine Injuries By The COVID World, November 19, 2021
CEO of American Trucking Association Reveals 37 Percent of Truckers Will Not Comply with Vaccine Mandate By Sundance, November 19, 2021
If the COVID Vaccine Protects, How Are the Unvaccinated a Threat? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 19, 2021
More People Died in the Key Clinical Trial for Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine than the Company Publicly Reported By Alex Berenson, November 18, 2021
Myth vs. Reality in COVID Russia By Riley Waggaman, November 18, 2021
Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 Vaccines By Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, November 18, 2021
Locking Down Unvaccinated-Only ‘Not About Science, It’s About Punishing People’ By Jeremy Loffredo, November 18, 2021
Dr. Ros Jones Two Minutes to Save Children By Dr. Mark Trozzi, November 18, 2021
Video: Playskool Unveils “Vaccinate Me” Elmo Doll By The Babylon Bee, November 17, 2021
Vaccination Status Is Temporary, Boosters for Life Required By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 17, 2021
CDC Twisted the Definition of Vaccine – A Lie to Make Billions of Dollars for Drug Companies By Joel S. Hirschhorn, November 17, 2021
Fully Informed Consent for Dependent Children. The Absence of Which May Make Injecting Vulnerable Children a Form of Medical Malpractice By Dr. Diane Perlman, November 17, 2021
The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 17, 2021
Covid Jab Is Far More Dangerous than Advertised. Dr. Peter McCullough By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 17, 2021
Covid-19 and the New World Order. Who Owns Planet Earth? By Joachim Hagopian, November 16, 2021
29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Corporate Journalists Have Pericarditis after Pfizer Shots By Brian Shilhavy, November 16, 2021
Unassailable Proof that the COVID Vaccines Are the Most Deadly Vaccines in Human History By Steve Kirsch, November 16, 2021
Switzerland – The World’s Last Bastion of Democracy? The “Covid Law” Equals “Martial Law” By Peter Koenig, November 16, 2021
Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase at Vancouver City Hall. The Impacts of Artificial Spike Protein on Children’s Immunity By Dr. Daniel Nagase and Mark Taliano, November 16, 2021
Researcher Speaks Out on Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial, Calls It a ‘Crazy Mess’ By Jeremy Loffredo, November 16, 2021
Mounting Death Toll from COVID-19 Injections, Mandates Imposed in the Name of “Safety in the Workplace”. Non-consenting Airline Employees Push Back. By David Skripac, November 15, 2021
Video: Covid Vaccine: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Press Conference in Milan By Children’s Health Defense, November 15, 2021
112 Kids Given Smaller Dose of Wrong COVID Vaccine, Pharmacy Ordered to Stop Administering Shot By Megan Redshaw, November 15, 2021
VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots By Megan Redshaw, November 15, 2021