Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
US Military Doctor Testifies She Was Ordered to ‘Cover Up’ Vaccine Injuries By Baxter Dmitry, April 05, 2022
New Study Finds Persistent Heart Abnormalities Among COVID-19 Vaccinated Children By Guy Hatchard, April 04, 2022
Frontline Doctor Says Fetal Deaths Up Nearly 2,000 Percent Since COVID Jab Rollout By Emily Mangiaracina, April 04, 2022
Gearing Up for the Big Reveal: HHS Releases FDA Gene Editing Guidance, May Soon Admit mRNA COVID Shots Are Actually Gene Therapy Products By Kevin Hughes, April 04, 2022
Unheard of Side Effect: WHO Hides Hearing Loss as an Adverse Effect of COVID-19 Vaccines By Mary Villareal, April 04, 2022
When Is mRNA Not Really mRNA? By Dr. Robert Malone, April 04, 2022
Fauci Flashback: Natural Immunity. “The Most Potent Vaccination Is Getting Infected Yourself” By Zero Hedge, April 04, 2022
COVID Out of the Door – What’s Next? Marburg, Ebola or Worse? By Peter Koenig, April 02, 2022
Video: The Viral Delusion. The Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 and the Madness of Modern Virology By Paradigm Shift, April 02, 2022
US Military Deaths Up 1100% and Exponentially Rising: Two-thirds of US Military Have Chosen to Receive this Life-altering Vaxxine By Greg Reese, April 01, 2022
Scientists Attempting to Design ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines that Can Jump from Vaccinated to Unvaccinated Populations By Paul Anthony Taylor, April 01, 2022
Another One: FDA Expects to Authorize 6th mRNA Dose in the Fall By Jordan Schachtel, April 01, 2022
Bruce Willis Developed Aphasia After Being Vaccinated: “Aphasia is a Language Disorder caused by Damage in a Specific Area of the Brain.” By Steve Kirsch, March 31, 2022
The Pandemic Treaty Is a Spreading Plague By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 30, 2022
Virginia: Child COVID Cases Have Dropped by 93% Since Youngkin Lifted School Mask Mandates By Frankie Stockes, March 30, 2022
What Are FDA’s Criteria for Issuing a COVID Vaccine EUA? What Happens When Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Fall Short? Next Up, Babies and Toddlers By Dr. Meryl Nass, March 30, 2022
COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines By Brian Shilhavy, March 29, 2022
The British MHRA Expected Many Vaccine Adverse Reactions in October 2020, Months Before the Vaccine Rollout Started By Real Science, March 29, 2022
Exclusive Interview: Woman Dies from Rare Brain Disorder After Second Pfizer Shot, Husband Says We’re ‘Guinea Pigs’ By Megan Redshaw, March 29, 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Book “The Real Anthony Fauci” Sells One Million Copies While Heavily Censored By Tony Lyons and Kristina Borjesson, March 29, 2022
Attorney Brent Wisner Tells RFK, Jr.: Drugmakers Knew Zantac Caused Cancer But Sold It Anyway for 40 Years By Susan C. Olmstead, March 28, 2022
Covid Misinformation: 20 Questions They Don’t Want to Answer By Steve Kirsch, March 28, 2022
Uncovering the Corona Narrative By Dr. Robert Malone and Ernst Wolff, March 28, 2022
Spike Protein in mRNA COVID Vaccines: One of the Most Bioactive and Damaging Substances Known to Mankind By Mary Villareal, March 25, 2022
The CDC Just Quietly Slashed Its COVID Death Tally by Over 70,000 By Kennedy Hall, March 25, 2022
Did Moderna Manually Add “Ingredients” to COVID Jabs? Dr. Daniel Nagase By Peter Koenig and Dr. Daniel Nagase, March 25, 2022
‘A Loss of Humanity’: Dr. Scott Atlas Laments Societal Damage Caused by Psychotic COVID Authoritarians By Shane Trejo, March 25, 2022
A Letter to the Unvaccinated By Dr. Angela Durante, Prof Denis Rancourt, and et al., March 24, 2022
By 7 Weeks, Vaccine Efficacy Is 31% (CDC) or 12% (NY State) in 5-11 Year Olds By Dr. Meryl Nass, March 24, 2022
How the COVID Vaccine Altered These People’s Lives By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 24, 2022
European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence? By Paul Anthony Taylor, March 24, 2022
Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 23, 2022
The DOJ Is Hiring Tort Lawyers to Defend HHS from Vaccine Injury Cases By Emerald Robinson, March 23, 2022
CDC Removes Tens of Thousands of Deaths ‘Accidentally’ Attributed to COVID By Megan Redshaw, March 22, 2022
CDC Removes One in Four Child Deaths Caused by COVID, Essentially Admitting It Overinflated the Numbers in the First Place By Ethan Huff, March 22, 2022
What Mothers Should Know About COVID and COVID-19 Vaccine for Children By Barbara Loe Fisher, March 21, 2022
Video: Never Broadcast Channel 4 News Report from 1998: “Challenging Existence of HIV ‘Virus'” By Channel Four, March 21, 2022
Washington DOH Found 358,193 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases By Informed Choice Washington, March 21, 2022
The Hubris of Modern Medicine Caused Billions to be Injected with “Hidden Genes” in the mRNA Sequences in COVID-19 Vaccines. It’s Time We Tell Them We Know. By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, March 21, 2022
A Fourth Booster Program Will Kill 20 American Citizens and Will Maim 2,500 via Car Accidents on the Way to the Doctor’s Office By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, March 21, 2022
Propaganda Machine at Work: Aussie Media Desperately Trying to Dissociate Cardiovascular Injuries from COVID Vaccines By Ramon Tomey, March 21, 2022
“COVID-19 shots’ effects on fertility, targeting children with social pressure and coercion to get jabbed”: Robert Malone and Candace Owens Interview By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 20, 2022
Former BlackRock Advisor Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘FDA is in on the cover-up’ By David Marks, March 20, 2022
The Covid-19 Vaccine: How Can They Explain Any of this Data? By Steve Kirsch, March 20, 2022
Data Scientist Files Internal Appeal of Bank of Canada’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy By Ontario Civil Liberties Association, March 20, 2022
Two UK Residents Died of Blood-Clotting Disorders Linked to AstraZeneca Vaccine, Coroners Confirm By Dr. David Charbonneau, March 18, 2022
Roundtable Discussion on COVID Treatments and Mandates Hosted by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 18, 2022
What if the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Really Vaccines? By Paul S. Gardiner, March 17, 2022
Bombshell: New Release of Pfizer Confidential Documents. “10,000 pages out of a cache of over 450,000 of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine-related data” By Sonia Elijah, March 17, 2022
Vaccine Researcher Develops Tinnitus 90 Minutes After COVID Shot, Calls for More Research By Nolan E. Bowman, March 16, 2022
What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 16, 2022
Video: Shocking Findings in the CDC Data on Excess Mortality: Edward Dowd By Alexandra Bruce, March 15, 2022
The Thousands of Fetal Deaths Recorded After COVID-19 Vaccines that Nobody Wants to Report and that Facebook Is Trying Hard to Censor By Brian Shilhavy, March 15, 2022
Mushroom Compounds Offer Hope for Alzheimer’s Disease By Timo Mendez, March 15, 2022
Pfizer Pushes for 4th Shot, Says 3 Doses ‘Not That Good’ Against Infections By Megan Redshaw, March 15, 2022
Massive Conflicts of Interest at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 14, 2022
The Mainstream Media Now Acknowledges that The PCR Test Is Flawed By Jo Macfarlane and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14, 2022
Biden Administration Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots By Megan Redshaw, March 14, 2022
Video: Long List of COVID Vaccine Side Effects: Dr. John Campbell By Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 14, 2022
VAERS Myocarditis Already 47% of 2021 in Just First 2 Months of 2022 By Daniel Horowitz, March 14, 2022
People are Dying Worldwide: “Foreign Aid” to Finance 1.8 Billion Vaccine Doses. Western Governments, Billionaires and Big Pharma Come to the “Rescue of the Poor Countries” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 12, 2022
5G Radiation Causes ‘Microwave Syndrome’ Symptoms, Study Finds By Children’s Health Defense, March 11, 2022
Health Officials End Reporting COVID-19 Deaths By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 11, 2022
About Those Pfizer Papers and the Denominator FDA Does Not Want You to See By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, March 10, 2022
From COVID-19 to Ukraine: Bouncing from One Crisis to the Next and the Importance of Staying Focused By Professor Piers Robinson, March 10, 2022
Who Needs the Fake Fact-Checkers? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 10, 2022
CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns By Jon Rappoport, March 10, 2022
Austria Scraps Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Law By Cullen McCue, March 10, 2022
Biden Administration Paid Media $1 Billion for COVID Shot Propaganda By Liberty Counsel, March 09, 2022
GMO Mosquitoes Set for Release in California to Quell Disease By Matthew Renda, March 09, 2022
Does Your At-Home COVID-19 Test Contain this Poison? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 09, 2022
Senior Epidemiologist Apologizes to Daughter’s Generation for “Morally Wrong” Lockdown Measures By Paul Joseph Watson, March 09, 2022
Scientific Integrity Is Dead. Here’s Proof. By Steve Kirsch, March 09, 2022
Dr. Robert Malone: The CDC Hid COVID Data and Committed Massive Scientific Fraud By Ethan Huff, March 08, 2022
Moderna Patented Key COVID Spike Protein Sequence in 2016 By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 07, 2022
8,817 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to CDC Among Kids 5 to 11, as Study Shows Pfizer Vaccine Only 12% Effective in That Age Group By Megan Redshaw, March 07, 2022
Exclusive: The Federal Government Paid Hundreds of Media Companies to Advertise the COVID-19 Vaccines While Those Same Outlets Provided Positive Coverage of the Vaccines By Chris Pandolfo, March 07, 2022
UK Testing Was “a shambles” so Why Hasn’t the Government Learnt from Its Mistakes, Asks Paul Nurse By Paul Nurse and Mun-Keat Looi, March 07, 2022
Report of Toddler’s Death Disappears from VAERS and CDC Has No Records as to Why! By Informed Consent Action Network, March 07, 2022
Video: Dr. Nass’s Orwellian Nightmare: Med License Suspended for COVID “Misinformation” By Dr. Meryl Nass and Kristina Borjesson, March 06, 2022