Poverty & Social Inequality

America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
62 individuals – 388 in 2010 – now own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population. More shockingly, this share of wealth by half of the world’s people has collapsed by over 40% in the last five years.
The US imperial experience over the past century embodies the trajectory of the rise and fall of empires. During a time of declining empire, living standards of Americans have declined, social programs and safety nets have been scrapped in favor of the war economy.
France: Not Victorious, But Not Defeated By Murray Smith, December 17, 2010
Economic Crisis in America: Mounting Household Debts, Threat to Pension Funds and Social Security By Bob Chapman, December 15, 2010
A shift of power toward the wealthy By Dick Lilly, December 14, 2010
The Assault on Workers’ Rights in America: Labor’s Last Stand in 2011? By Shamus Cooke, December 12, 2010
Western Civilization and Classical Economics: The Immorality of Austerity By John Kozy, December 12, 2010
Rising Inequality in America: Go, Wall Street, Go! Never mind the rise in unemployment and foreclosures… By Danny Schechter, December 09, 2010
VIDEO: This Economy’s Winners and Losers By Sen. Bernie Sanders, December 07, 2010
The Deadly, Unforeseen Consequences of Social Inequality By Murray Dobbin, December 07, 2010
Obama announces deal to extend tax cuts for the rich By Barry Grey, December 07, 2010
How to Create Employment and Stimulate the Economy? Obama’s Tax Deal is not the Answer By Washington's Blog, December 07, 2010
No Economic Recovery in Sight: Seven Reasons Why Global Capitalism Can’t Recover Anytime Soon By Shamus Cooke, December 06, 2010
27 million hit by US jobs crisis By Patrick Martin, December 05, 2010
The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development By Federico Fuentes, December 05, 2010
Cholera Deaths in Haiti By Fidel Castro Ruz, November 30, 2010
Cutting the Deficit: Sacrificing Workers to Save the Rich By Prof. James Petras, November 28, 2010
Why Poverty Spreads Across America By Sherwood Ross, November 27, 2010
Mounting Unemployment in America: Poverty and “Social Explosion” By Bob Chapman, November 24, 2010
How Corporate America Is Pushing Us All Off a Cliff By Michael Moore, November 21, 2010
Europe’s Dirty Secret: Financial Elite Looting Public Treasuries By Stefan Steinberg and Barry Grey, November 19, 2010
Economic and Social Crisis in America: FDR Wasn’t FDR … Until His Hand Was Forced By Civil Disobedience By Washington's Blog, November 18, 2010
Low-Wage Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of Clay By Gregory Elich, November 18, 2010
Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street’s “Super Rich”: The Financial End Time has Arrived By Prof Michael Hudson, November 16, 2010
Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti; Exclusive Interview With Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide By Nicolas Rossier, November 13, 2010
The Fight to Save Social Security Begins By Shamus Cooke, November 12, 2010
Obama panel proposes destroying social programs By Joseph Kishore, November 12, 2010
The Political and Social Crisis in South Africa By Trevor Ngwane, November 11, 2010
Obama advisory panel proposes dramatic US social spending cuts By Global Research, November 10, 2010
Big Lies, Little Lies. Fake Unemployment Data. Rising Poverty in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2010
War Crimes: Israeli government documents show deliberate policy to keep Gazans at near-starvation levels By Saed Bannoura, November 07, 2010
The Political Economy of Israel’s Occupation: Repression Beyond Exploitation By Alex Snowdon, November 04, 2010
Haiti’s cholera toll: An indictment of Imperialism By Bill Van Auken, November 04, 2010
Third Quarter Foreclosures up in 65% of Major Metropolitan Areas By Global Research, November 01, 2010
GDP report heralds still higher US unemployment By Barry Grey, November 01, 2010
It’s Jobs or Wars, Not Both By David Swanson, November 01, 2010
Millions march in France against pension cuts By Kumaran Ira and Alex Lantier, October 29, 2010
Cholera Catastrophe Spreads in Haiti By Kim Ives, October 29, 2010
9 million Afghans live in extreme poverty By Global Research, October 28, 2010
Globalization Creates Unemployment: American Job Loss Is Permanent By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 28, 2010
Income Inequality in America Continues to Grow By Dustin Ensinger, October 27, 2010
Cholera Epidemic: Toxic Drinking Water Killing Haitians By F. William Engdahl, October 27, 2010
Economic Crisis and The Protest Movement: French Lessons for U.S. Workers By Shamus Cooke, October 26, 2010
Collapse of Social Security: French Workers Confront the Neoliberal Policy Agenda By Diana Johnstone, October 22, 2010
Young Lawyers Entering the Profession to Help the Underdogs By Sherwood Ross, October 19, 2010
Workers Without Status in France Emerge as a Social Force By Karen Wirsig, October 19, 2010
“Fraudclosures” and Unemployment in America By Danny Schechter, October 18, 2010
Labor Rights in Occupied Lands: US Busting Labor Unions in Iraq By Sherwood Ross, October 17, 2010
America´s Shadow Class War and the 2010 Elections. The Rich are Getting Richer. By E.J. Dionne Jr., October 12, 2010
America’s Third World Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 08, 2010
Fraud in Home Mortgages: “ForeclosureGate” and Obama’s “Pocket Veto” By Ellen Brown, October 08, 2010
Neoliberalism in South Africa: Dead in the Water By Prof. Patrick Bond, October 06, 2010
What Classless Society? The Growing Rich-poor Gap in “Classless” America By Jack A. Smith, October 03, 2010
As Western Civilization Lies Dying By John Kozy, September 29, 2010
Social Inequality in America: 2009 income gap in the US highest on record By David Walsh, September 29, 2010
Census Data: America Got Poorer in 2009 By Max Fraad-Wolff, September 29, 2010
Billionaires Unite! Against Public Education and Teachers By Shamus Cooke, September 28, 2010
Afghanistan: Wealth, Corruption and Criminality Amidst Mass Poverty By Marc W. Herold, September 25, 2010
The Commonwealth Games Fiasco: The Shaky Foundations of India’s Cheap Labor Economy By Finian Cunningham, September 25, 2010
Obama Deplores World Poverty: Welcome to the Theatre of Absurd By Finian Cunningham, September 23, 2010
The Failure of American Capitalism: Forty-four million Living in Poverty in the US By Patrick Martin, September 18, 2010
Income Poverty: One in Three Americans Lacks the Income Needed to “Make Ends Meet” By Shawn Fremstad, September 18, 2010
Money for Prisons, Not for Social Services By Haider Rizvi, September 18, 2010
One in seven Americans now living in poverty By Patrick Martin, September 14, 2010
“Life destroyed by Corporate Agribusiness”: Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir By William Bowles, September 08, 2010
Land grabs, biofuel demand raise global food-security risk By Global Research, September 08, 2010
Is the US becoming a Third World Country? By Global Research, September 06, 2010
Labour Day 2010: Austerity, Public Services and the Labour Movement By Prof. Greg Albo and Prof. Bryan Evans, September 06, 2010
The Economics and Politics of the World Social Forum: Lessons for the Struggle against ‘Globalisation’ By Research Unit For Political Economy, September 05, 2010
Government Policy Caused America’s Unemployment Crisis By Washington's Blog, September 04, 2010
A Lament for Labor Day: What Happens When Unemployment Happens to You By Danny Schechter, September 03, 2010
As US “economic recovery” collapses, White House rules out social relief By Barry Grey, September 02, 2010
War, Economic Crisis and the Role of Trade Unions By Sherwood Ross, August 29, 2010
Record drop in US home sales By Barry Grey, August 25, 2010
What You Will Not Hear About Iraq By Prof. Adil E. Shamoo, August 23, 2010
Neoliberalism in the Post Apartheid Era: South African Public Sector Strike Highlights Society’s Contradictions By Prof. Patrick Bond, August 23, 2010
Job Losses and Foreclosures: Harder Times Are Getting Harder By Danny Schechter, August 22, 2010
Revolt Against Poverty in Bolivia: Neoliberalism and Uneven Development By Jeffery R. Webber, August 20, 2010
Axing the Bankers’ Money Tree: Homeowners’ Rebellion against Wall Street By Ellen Brown, August 19, 2010
Pakistan: From Natural Disaster to Social Catastrophe By Snehal Shingavi, August 17, 2010
A Permanent Housing Collapse? By Shamus Cooke, August 17, 2010
New York’s $16 Billion Gift: “Eliminate the State Deficit and Prevent Tens of Thousands of Layoffs and Large Service Cutbacks” By Ralph Nader, August 16, 2010