Poverty & Social Inequality

America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
62 individuals – 388 in 2010 – now own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population. More shockingly, this share of wealth by half of the world’s people has collapsed by over 40% in the last five years.
The US imperial experience over the past century embodies the trajectory of the rise and fall of empires. During a time of declining empire, living standards of Americans have declined, social programs and safety nets have been scrapped in favor of the war economy.
VIDEO: Hands Off Libya! Mass Demonstration at the White House By Global Research, July 26, 2011
Democrats, Republicans push for deeper US spending cuts By Patrick Martin, July 25, 2011
Who Rules America? An Investment Manager Breaks Down the Economic Top 1%, Says 0.1% Controls Political and Legislative Process By Global Research, July 24, 2011
Class War Without Mercy By Gregory Elich, July 23, 2011
Michael Hudson on the Debt Ceiling. Imposing a Radical Pro-Rich Agenda By Global Research, July 23, 2011
SATIRE: Dead-end Capitalism? Never Worry, Here’s a Business Opportunity to Die For… By Finian Cunningham, July 21, 2011
America’s Labor Movement: The Lessons of History By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, July 19, 2011
VIDEO: The Revolution Business: Are “Spontaneous” Uprisings Strategically Planned by the West? By F. William Engdahl, July 18, 2011
Obama presses case for “something big” on social spending cuts By Patrick Martin, July 17, 2011
Crunch Time for America’s Public Sector Unions By Shamus Cooke, July 17, 2011
Food Sovereignty: A Peoples’ based Solution to Hunger and Poverty By Friends of the Earth, July 15, 2011
Financial Turbulence Shakes the Eurozone: Facing the Debt Crisis in Europe By Damien Millet and Eric Toussaint, July 15, 2011
VIDEO: No Way Through: Imagine If London Was Occupied by Israel By Global Research, July 13, 2011
Big Banks Waging Warfare Against the People of the World By Washington's Blog, July 12, 2011
Of Course Unemployment Is Rising … Government Policy Is GUARANTEEING It By Washington's Blog, July 10, 2011
Rising Unemployment in America: US jobs report points to renewed downturn By Andre Damon, July 09, 2011
Student Learning and Teachers’ Performance in America By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, July 07, 2011
Famine Threat In The Horn Of Africa By Barry Mason, July 06, 2011
The Economy Cannot Recover As Long As Inequality Continues to Skyrocket … But Government Policy Is INCREASING Inequality By Washington's Blog, July 06, 2011
VIDEO: Debtocracy: Exposing the Greek Debt Crisis By Global Research, July 06, 2011
The Invasion of Australia: Official, At Last By John Pilger, July 03, 2011
Getting used to Life without Food By F. William Engdahl, July 03, 2011
The Foundations of Social Engineering By Andrew Gavin Marshall, July 02, 2011
VIDEO: The New Food Wars: Globalization, GMOs and Biofuels By Dr. Vandana Shiva, July 02, 2011
VIDEO: Eyewitness Libya Tour in Harlem, USA: “Stop Bombing Libya!” By Cynthia McKinney, Ramsey Clark, and Don DeBar, June 30, 2011
“Libya is a Rich Man’s War!”: The Bombers of Libya are our Real Enemies By Brian Becker, June 29, 2011
Obama’s Trillion-Dollar “Sacrifice” Plan Targets Health Care and Social Security By Patrick Martin, June 25, 2011
Brainwashing the Corporate Way By John Pilger, June 24, 2011
Food Bombs and Wall Street By Rady Ananda, June 24, 2011
Farm Bankruptcies and Land Grabbing Worldwide By Global Research, June 23, 2011
Two Capitalisms By Joel S. Hirschhorn, June 20, 2011
Spain’s Protest Movemenrt By Danny Schechter, June 17, 2011
Life expectancy declining in many parts of US By Patrick Martin, June 16, 2011
Economic and Social Catastrophe: Spain’s “Indignados” By Pablo Ouziel, June 15, 2011
Economic and Social Crisis in Canada: The Assault on Public Services By Michael Hurley and Prof. Sam Gindin, June 14, 2011
Obama promotes corporate profits in the name of job creation By Barry Grey, June 14, 2011
The Democrats’ Betrayal of Labor Unions By Devon Douglas-Bowers, June 13, 2011
The Financial Road to Serfdom By Prof Michael Hudson, June 13, 2011
The Rich Are Destroying the Economy By Shamus Cooke, June 12, 2011
The Battle against Neoliberalism: Massive Popular Uprising in Greece By Yorgos Mitralias, June 11, 2011
Gaza: A View From the Ground By Prof. Patrick Bond, June 08, 2011
Will Greece let EU Central Bankers Destroy Democracy? By Prof Michael Hudson, June 07, 2011
The Social Crisis in America: Pick Your Poison By Joel S. Hirschhorn, June 06, 2011
Housing Prices Have Fallen More than During the Great Depression By Washington's Blog, June 06, 2011
Replacing Economic Democracy with Financial Oligarchy By Prof Michael Hudson, June 05, 2011
Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and Jobs By John Kozy, June 05, 2011
The Democrats and ‘Lesser Evil’ Politics By Jack A. Smith, June 03, 2011
Great Depression-Level Unemployment in America By Washington's Blog, June 03, 2011
VIDEO: Zelaya Returns to Honduras, but Democracy Still a Long Way Off By Jesse Freeston, June 01, 2011
Offshoring has Destroyed the US Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 31, 2011
Debt and “Democracy” in Egypt: The IMF’s Deadly Economic Reforms By Adam Hanieh, May 31, 2011
Creditors, Dictators and IMF “Economic Medicine”: Obama and the G8’s Fake Pledge to Egypt By Frederik Andersson, May 28, 2011
New US jobless claims top 400,000 for seventh straight week By Kate Randall, May 27, 2011
Why the Rich Love High Unemployment By Mark Provost, May 25, 2011
Deepening Economic and Social Crisis: Will Indignation Salvage Spain? By Pablo Ouziel, May 24, 2011
VIDEO: Spanish Protesters Joining “World Revolution” By Global Research, May 23, 2011
Venezuela’s battle for food sovereignty By Federico Fuentes, May 22, 2011
The Democrat’s Anti-Union Strategy By Shamus Cooke, May 22, 2011
The Global Economic Crisis and the Globalization of Poverty By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 20, 2011
The Democrats Attack Unions Nationwide By Shamus Cooke, May 15, 2011
War and the Global Economic Crisis: Collapse of the American Standard of Living By Bob Chapman, May 07, 2011
Corporate Wealth versus People’s Health: “Food Safety” Used to Increase Corporate Control over Food and Agriculture By Grain, May 05, 2011
Money and The Truth about America By John Kozy, April 28, 2011
Britain’s Royal Wedding: A Big Day For The Global Oligarchy By Finian Cunningham, April 28, 2011
Manufacturing Poor People By Vi Ransel, April 27, 2011
The Push for Privatization of Medicare and Medicaid Spells Disaster By Margaret Flowers, April 27, 2011
Libya: “The Price of Freedom” By Joachim Guilliard, April 27, 2011
Capitalism without a Heart, without a Conscience: Obama Blind to the Needs of the American People By Sherwood Ross, April 26, 2011
Your Local Military Industrial Complex By David Swanson, April 24, 2011
Trillion Dollar Hair Splitting: The Fake Budget Debate in Washington, D.C. By Shamus Cooke, April 22, 2011
VIDEO: Chinese Inflation Continues to Rise By Global Research, April 21, 2011
Billionaires on Warpath to Pauperize the American Middle Class By Sherwood Ross, April 21, 2011
VIDEO: The IMF and World Bank are Creating Massive Worldwide Poverty By Andrew Gavin Marshall, April 19, 2011
Is There a Financial Scam Behind the Rise in Oil and Food Prices? By Danny Schechter, April 18, 2011
Obama’s Deficit Plan will Impoverish Main Street America By Kevin Zeese, April 14, 2011
Rebuilding the Left in a Time of Crisis By Leo Panitch, April 14, 2011
Fight Economic Oppression, Target the Top One Percent By Joel S. Hirschhorn, April 11, 2011
The New Reality for U.S. Labor Unions By Shamus Cooke, April 10, 2011
Looting Social Security To Wage War By Sherwood Ross, April 10, 2011
US-NATO Wars: “Collateral Repair” – Turning Despair to Hope…. By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 09, 2011