Poverty & Social Inequality

America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
62 individuals – 388 in 2010 – now own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population. More shockingly, this share of wealth by half of the world’s people has collapsed by over 40% in the last five years.
The US imperial experience over the past century embodies the trajectory of the rise and fall of empires. During a time of declining empire, living standards of Americans have declined, social programs and safety nets have been scrapped in favor of the war economy.
GRTV: Clinton Reaffirms Backing of Egypt’s Military Junta By Jihan Hafiz, July 19, 2012
Are Big Banks Criminal Enterprises? By Washington's Blog, July 19, 2012
As Mining Conglomerates Target Haiti, Latin America Rises Against Them By Roger Annis and Kim Ives, July 19, 2012
GRTV: Catastroika: Privatisation Goes Public By Aris Chatzistefanou and Katerina Kitidi, July 17, 2012
Pensions Under Attack in America By Mark Vorpahl, July 13, 2012
GRTV: “Democratic Dictatorship” Exported from Mideast to South America By Pepe Escobar, July 12, 2012
Haiti’s Gold Rush Promises El Dorado: But For Whom? By Tierramerica, July 09, 2012
Dismal Jobs Report Reflects Economic Decline By Stephen Lendman, July 07, 2012
Living in Tarps and Tents: The Plight of Haiti’s Earthquake Victims By Roger Annis and Kim Ives, July 07, 2012
The Politics of Austerity in America By Solidarity, July 05, 2012
The Western Welfare State: Its Rise and Demise and the Soviet Bloc By Prof. James Petras, July 04, 2012
Record Unemployment in Euro Zone By Christoph Dreier, July 03, 2012
Health Care: Victory for Obamacare, A Defeat for the American People By Shamus Cooke, July 02, 2012
Europe: An Emergency Program to Resolve the Economic and Social Crisis By Damien Millet and Eric Toussaint, July 02, 2012
The New Financial Aristocracy By Andre Damon, July 01, 2012
VIDEO: The American People Are Angry By Sen. Bernie Sanders, June 29, 2012
HAITI: Humanitarian Aid for Earthquake Victims Used to Build Five Star Hotels By Julie Lévesque, June 28, 2012
GRTV: Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land By Global Research, June 28, 2012
The Finance of Land Grabs: Peasants, Herders, Fishers Dispossessed by Corporate Investors By Global Research, June 26, 2012
Who Destroyed America’s Middle Class? Dude, Who Stole My Net Worth? By Washington's Blog, June 23, 2012
Obama’s economic “vision” By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, June 21, 2012
The Biggest Myth Preventing an Economic Recovery: “Private Debt Doesn’t Matter” By Washington's Blog, June 18, 2012
Greece: What Can be Done? By Prof. James Petras, June 16, 2012
Social Security in America: Writing Off The Elderly By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 15, 2012
Medicare for All Now: The US Supreme Court Should Rule with the People By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, June 14, 2012
Fed report shows: Crisis has thrown back US families 20 years By Patrick Martin, June 13, 2012
Spain: A Spiral of Crisis, Cuts and Indignacion By Luke Stobart and Joel Sans, June 11, 2012
The U.S. Labor Movement at the Crossroads, in the Crosshairs By Shamus Cooke, June 10, 2012
America’s Student Loan Racket By Stephen Lendman, June 09, 2012
VIDEO: Incitement Against Refugees Leads to Racist Attacks in Israel By Global Research, June 07, 2012
Sanctioning Progress: The Secret Economic War against Belarus By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, June 07, 2012
The Student Mobilization in Quebec: The Most Significant Act of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History By Peter Hallward, June 06, 2012
Federal cuts to strip 70,000 more US workers of jobless benefits in June By David Brown and Barry Grey, June 03, 2012
RISING UNEMPLOYMENT: US jobs report points to renewed global crisis By Andre Damon, June 02, 2012
Militarism and Neoliberalism: Two Sides of the Same Coin By Paul Rosenberg, June 01, 2012
GREECE. SYRIZA’s Proposals: The Exit From the Crisis Is On the Left By Global Research, June 01, 2012
Imagining the “Post-Occupy Social Movement” By Shamus Cooke, May 31, 2012
VIDEO: Maple Spring Bad News for Illegitimate Harper Government By Joshua Blakeney, May 31, 2012
The Bipartisan Assault on Higher Education By Barry Finger, May 31, 2012
Germany’s six-point plan for sweatshop Europe By Peter Schwarz, May 30, 2012
VIDEO: Protests Against Brutal Repression and Draconian Law in Quebec By Oscar Leon, May 30, 2012
Syriza Program For Greece By Global Research, May 29, 2012
Workers Rights in Canada: Workers at CP Get Railroaded By Andrew Stevens and Doug Nesbitt, May 29, 2012
VIDEO: Pots & Pans Protest: Angry Canadians Make a Bang By Gayane Chichakyan, May 28, 2012
Government Repression of Quebec Student Movement Sparks Massive Protests By Roger Annis, May 28, 2012
Counter Revolution Disguised as Democracy in Egypt By Shamus Cooke, May 27, 2012
WAR AND GLOBAL CAPITALISM: “Money for Jobs Not for War”: American Chauvinism and Reformist Illusions By Larry Everest, May 24, 2012
The Quebec Student Strike Celebrates Its 100th Day By Malav Kanuga, May 23, 2012
Quebec: Huge protest supports striking students, denounces Bill 78 By Keith Jones, May 23, 2012
Glitter of the Chicago NATO Summit. The hidden cloak of poverty, home foreclosures and joblessness By Ross Ruthenberg, May 22, 2012
Social Nightmare Foretold if Greece Heads for Euro Exit By Harry Papachristou and Giles Elgood, May 21, 2012
BITTER “ECONOMIC MEDICINE”: The First Domino Falls in Greece By Shamus Cooke, May 20, 2012
Greece Reflects Growing Economic Turmoil By Stephen Lendman, May 19, 2012
Greece and the global crisis of capitalism By Chris Marsden, May 18, 2012
MARTIAL LAW MONTREAL: Quebec Emergency Law an Attack on Freedom of Assembly and Expression By Tim McSorley, May 18, 2012
VIDEO: What Americans can learn from the Euro Crisis By Prof Michael Hudson, May 18, 2012
FINANCIAL MANIPULATION: Unrestrained Stimulus and Draconian Economic Austerity: Two Sides of the Same Coin By Washington's Blog, May 18, 2012
Quebec Government Bludgeons Student Strikers With Emergency Law – But the Struggle Continues By Richard Fidler, May 18, 2012
VIDEO: Home Not So Sweet: Foreclosure & Debt Push Americans to Extremes By Madina Kochenova, May 16, 2012
Homelessness and Despair in New York City By Ali Ismail, May 16, 2012
The Global Economic Crisis: Impoverishing Europe By Thomas Sablowski, May 16, 2012
Beware of Global Strategies of Tension By Tony Cartalucci, May 16, 2012
VIDEO: Spain’s “Indignados” Mobilize Against Austerity By Noah Gimbel, May 15, 2012
Mass protests in Spain mark indignados anniversary By Alejandro López, May 14, 2012
GLOOMY ECONOMIC PROSPECTS: Why U.S. Politicians Are Quiet About Europe’s Meltdown By Shamus Cooke, May 14, 2012
CHICAGO: Don’t Believe the NATO Hype: Alternatives Exist to War, Economic Crises By Dr. Joseph Gerson, May 12, 2012
Haiti to be Fleeced of its Riches by Canadian Corporations By Dady Chery, May 10, 2012
Obama’s jobs program: A laundry list of corporate handouts By Global Research, May 09, 2012
VIDEO: Police State Montreal: Brutal Treatment of Protesters By Global Research, May 09, 2012
INDIA’S URBAN SLUMS: Rising Social Inequalities, Mass Poverty and Homelessness By Arun Shrivastava, May 08, 2012
ECONOMIC AUSTERITY IN AMERICA: The Portland Community Begins to Fight Austerity By Shamus Cooke, May 07, 2012
Greek elections reflect mass opposition to austerity. Prelude to a new round of fierce social conflicts By Christoph Dreier, May 07, 2012
Systemic Jobs Crisis in the US By Joseph Kishore, May 05, 2012
Extractive Capitalism and the Divisions in the Latin American Progressive Camp By Prof. James Petras, May 03, 2012
In 2012, Brace Yourself For Obama’s Occupy ‘Part Deux’ By Patrick Henningsen, May 01, 2012
Spain’s foreign minister admits economic and social crisis “of huge proportions” By Vicky Short, May 01, 2012
ILO report: Worldwide unemployment over 200 million By Patrick Martin, May 01, 2012
VIDEO: War Without End: Patriots or Profiteers? By Global Research, April 30, 2012
The Meaning of “Austerity Measures” in the Eurozone By Mike Whitney, April 29, 2012