Poverty & Social Inequality

America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
62 individuals – 388 in 2010 – now own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population. More shockingly, this share of wealth by half of the world’s people has collapsed by over 40% in the last five years.
The US imperial experience over the past century embodies the trajectory of the rise and fall of empires. During a time of declining empire, living standards of Americans have declined, social programs and safety nets have been scrapped in favor of the war economy.
Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey By Stephen Lendman, June 03, 2013
Social Crisis in Greece: The Plight of The Refugees By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, June 03, 2013
International Children’s Day: Welcome to our Wonderful World By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, June 02, 2013
More Austerity in Europe in face of Record Unemployment By Christoph Dreier, June 01, 2013
Obama’s Presidency: A Disaster for African Americans. Can Black Politics Be Revived? By Glen Ford, May 28, 2013
Building Mass Resistance against New World Order Economic Austerity By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 24, 2013
Austerity Redux: Crisis in Ontario’s Health Care System By Doug Allan, May 23, 2013
Argentina’s General Videla and the “War on Terror” By Bill Van Auken, May 22, 2013
South African Mineworkers Union Demands 60 Percent Pay Increase By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20, 2013
From Reactive to Proactive: The World Social Forum and the Anti-/Alter-Globalization Movement By Marian Pinsky, May 20, 2013
Correa’s Re-election in Ecuador: Sweeping Triumph of Socialist Economic Program By Asad Ismi, May 20, 2013
How Many People Have Lost Their Homes? US Home Foreclosures are Comparable to the Great Depression By Washington's Blog, May 17, 2013
Challenging the US Economic Power Structure: Popular Resistance Percolates Throughout the Land By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 17, 2013
Global Slump, Continued Stagnation of US Economy. Sharp Increase in Jobless Benefit Claims By Andre Damon, May 17, 2013
Road to the Riches: Tracking the Journey of the Superwealthy By Global Research News, May 16, 2013
Growing Racism and the Social Crisis in Greece By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, May 15, 2013
Recurring “Economic Nightmares”? Wake Up and Take Action By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 15, 2013
Social Justice and the Economic Crisis: The Austerity Agenda Targets the Disabled By John Clarke, May 15, 2013
Growing Labor Unrest in South Africa’s Mining Industry: Anglo American Threatens to Cut 14,000 Jobs By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 13, 2013
Cuts in Social Security and Medicaid Contribute to Further Impoverishing African Americans By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 13, 2013
Economic Depression and the New World Order: Global Poverty in the late 20th Century By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 12, 2013
Mass Poverty, Social Inequality and the Thirdworldization of America By Stephen Lendman, May 12, 2013
On the Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign: ‘We will March to Ignite the Revolution King Called for’ By Global Research News, May 10, 2013
Americans Across the Land Say NO to Austerity: Local Struggles against Budget Cuts By Mark Vorpahl, May 08, 2013
Turning “Mirage Recovery” into a Real Economic Recovery By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 08, 2013
Global Corporations and the Bangladesh Building Collapse By Peter Symonds, May 08, 2013
Psychopathy in Politics and Finance By Stefan Verstappen and James Corbett, May 06, 2013
Flooding in Northern Canada. State of Emergency in First Nations Communities By J. B. Gerald, May 06, 2013
Deepening Economic Crisis: Austerity Policies Heighten National Divisions throughout Europe By Stefan Steinberg, May 06, 2013
The Global Economic and Social Crisis: Why We Must Fight the New World Order By Devon Douglas-Bowers, May 05, 2013
Detroit’s Economic Crisis and the Role of the Banks: Part of a Global Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 05, 2013
The Social Crisis in America. The Myth of an Accelerated Economic Recovery By Andre Damon, May 04, 2013
Popular Resistance and Protest Movements across America By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 04, 2013
May Day 2013: Workers Rights and the Global Economic Crisis By Ingo Schmidt, May 01, 2013
Will The New Housing Bubble That Bernanke Is Creating End As Badly As The Last One Did? By The Economic Collapse Blog, April 30, 2013
Privatizing Detroit: Residents Evicted and Displaced by Corporate Interests By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 30, 2013
Australia’s Boom is Anything But for its Aboriginal People By John Pilger, April 29, 2013
84 Million US Adults Lack Adequate Health Care Coverage By Kate Randall, April 29, 2013
The Bangladesh Factory Collapse, The Global Cheap Labor Economy, Wages at a Dollar a Day By K. Ratnayake, April 28, 2013
Obamacare: Unaffordable Coverage By Stephen Lendman, April 28, 2013
Europe’s Economic Crisis: Unemployment hits Record Highs in Spain, France By Alex Lantier, April 26, 2013
Dance on Thatcher’s Grave, But Remember There Has Been a Coup in Britain By John Pilger, April 25, 2013
Dramatic Growth in Social Inequality in America. Poverty Increases During an “Economic Recovery” By Ed Hightower, April 25, 2013
The Bastar Land Grab: The Expropriation of Farmers in India By Justin Podur, April 22, 2013
Saving Detroit: Globalization, the Destruction of Cities and the Rights of African Americans By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 20, 2013
The EU-India Free Trade Agreement: India up “For Sale” to Western Corporate Capital By Colin Todhunter, April 20, 2013
Before the Economic Collapse, A Call to Action By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 18, 2013
Child Poverty in America among the Highest in the Developed World By Nick Barrickman, April 18, 2013
Poverty in America: More than 46 Million below the Official Poverty Level, More than 10 Million “Working Poor” By Kate Randall, April 17, 2013
New World Order Political Puppets: How Thatcherism Paved the Way for Tony Blair and “New Labour” By Colin Todhunter, April 16, 2013
The Unspoken Truth: Mass Unemployment in America By Andre Damon, April 15, 2013
Drastic Austerity Measures under Canada’s 2013 Budget. Bailing out the Banks, Confiscating the Savings of Canadians? By Michael Welch and Ellen Brown, April 12, 2013
Obama’s Budget. US Heading Toward a Social Explosion. Millions More People to be Thrown into Poverty By Joseph Kishore, April 12, 2013
Scrapping the US “Social Safety Net”: Obama Budget Slashes Social Security, Medicare By Andre Damon, April 11, 2013
Neoliberalism and the War Economy in Britain: Force-Fed Austerity By Stephen Lendman, April 11, 2013
“Financial Cleansing”: The Cyprus Bail-in Global Banking Template By James Corbett and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 11, 2013
Obama’s War on Social America By Stephen Lendman, April 10, 2013
The Economic and Social Crisis: Contemporary Capitalism and Class Struggle By Prof. James Petras, April 10, 2013
The Homeless Tunnel: People Who Live Under The Streets Of America By The Economic Collapse Blog, April 10, 2013
Secret FDIC Plan to Loot Bank Accounts By Stephen Lendman, April 09, 2013
Margaret Thatcher and the Triumph of Crony Capitalism: “There is No Alternative” (TINA) By Colin Todhunter, April 09, 2013
“Strong Economic Medicine” Triggers Poverty: Communities across America Feel Impact of Obama’s Sequestration Cuts By Kate Randall, April 09, 2013
Obama defends plan to cut Medicare and Social Security By Andre Damon, April 09, 2013
Chicago Teachers take Action to Oppose the Closure of 61 Public Schools By Global Research News, April 08, 2013
Who Will Save Social Security and Medicare? By Shamus Cooke, April 08, 2013
States Fight Back Against MERS Mortgage Fraud By Washington's Blog, April 08, 2013
Hungry Americans and the American Dream: “Too Big to Fail Too Big to Jail” Banks Trigger Foreclosures, Bankruptcies and Poverty By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 07, 2013
Mounting Unemployment in America, Hundreds of Thousands Drop out of the Workforce By Andre Damon, April 06, 2013
The South also rises: The Poorer Nations: A History of the Global South By Pepe Escobar, April 05, 2013
Demise of Britain’s Welfare State: Largest ever Welfare Cuts. Millions of Families Affected By Paul Mitchell, April 04, 2013
Battleground against Neoliberalism: European Trade Unions and the Struggle for Public Services By Christoph Hermann, April 04, 2013
Public Banking: A Solution to the Economic Crisis? How to Reverse the Tide of Corruption and Private Enrichment By Stephen Lendman, April 04, 2013
Britain’s De-industralization and Privatization: The Economic and Social Legacy of Margaret Thatcher, “The Iron Lady” By Colin Todhunter, April 04, 2013
Avoiding Economic Collapse: A Guide to Complementary Currencies By James Corbett, Paul Glover, and Wayne Walton, April 03, 2013
Worse than the Great Depression: Mass Unemployment, 100 Million Americans Live in Poverty By Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster, April 03, 2013
The Economic and Social Crisis in Greece: Fighting for a New Future By Chris Jones, April 03, 2013
A Curious New York Times Article on Teacher Evaluations By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, April 01, 2013
The Economic and Social Crisis in Britain: Defeating Austerity and the People’s Assembly By Chris Nineham, April 01, 2013
The Two Sides of America’s “Economic Recovery”: Stock Markets and Food Stamps at Record Highs By Kate Randall, March 30, 2013
Obama, Republicans Plot Sweeping Attack on Medicare By Fred Mazelis, March 30, 2013