Poverty & Social Inequality

America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
62 individuals – 388 in 2010 – now own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population. More shockingly, this share of wealth by half of the world’s people has collapsed by over 40% in the last five years.
The US imperial experience over the past century embodies the trajectory of the rise and fall of empires. During a time of declining empire, living standards of Americans have declined, social programs and safety nets have been scrapped in favor of the war economy.
Trump Administration Threatens Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, November 19, 2017
The Student Loan racket: Defaulting on Student Loans Can Mean Loss of Jobs By Stephen Lendman, November 19, 2017
More About the Great American Tax Cut Swindle By Stephen Lendman, November 19, 2017
House GOP Tax Cut Swindle: A Huge Tax Hike on Grad Students By Stephen Lendman, November 18, 2017
UN Anti-Nazi Resolution 10 Year Anniversary: Syria, Israel and North Korea Support It, US Adamantly Opposes It By Carla Stea, November 17, 2017
America’s “Killing Fields” in Yemen: Children are Dying, Engineered Starvation, US Enforced Blockade on Food and Medicine By William Boardman, November 15, 2017
Sixty Thousand Fascists March in Warsaw By Clara Weiss, November 14, 2017
Yemen: End Blockade, Avert Famine By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 14, 2017
Pentagon Explanations for Niger Operations Cannot Conceal Strategic Interests By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 14, 2017
GM Food Crops Illegally Growing in India: The Criminal Plan to Change the Genetic Core of the Nation’s Food System By Colin Todhunter, November 10, 2017
The Tragic Declaration: Colonial Legacies, Balfour and Israel By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 10, 2017
The Trump-US House of Representatives $4.6 Trillion Tax Cut: Who Pays? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 10, 2017
Outrageous Wealth Disparity in America. 400 Richest More Wealth than Bottom 64% By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2017
Race, Repression and Russiagate: Defending Radical Black Self-Determination By Ajamu Baraka, November 09, 2017
The UN and Genocide by Starvation in Somalia By Thomas C. Mountain, November 09, 2017
Bring in Legislation to Make Pro-Israel Lobbyists Register as ‘Foreign Agents’ By Hans Stehling, November 08, 2017
Twenty-Six Dead in Texas Church Massacre: A Society Ravaged by Pathological Violence By Kate Randall, November 07, 2017
Local Politics Is Hard Work: Anticipating the Coming Nation-wide US Election By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 06, 2017
From Neoliberal Injustice to Economic Democracy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, November 06, 2017
UN Panel: Sanctions Needed Against Israel to Stop Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine By Darius Shahtahmasebi, November 03, 2017
The Toxic Legacy of Balfour and British Colonialism in Israel-Palestine By Richard Silverstein, November 03, 2017
Balfour Declaration: Britain Broke Its Feeble Promise to the Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, November 02, 2017
How the Corporate and State Sponsored Media Transform Reality into Fiction By Peter Dudink, November 02, 2017
Home Demolition in Delhi: Thousands Rendered Homeless, Kathputli Artists’ Colony Demolished, Death of Democracy! By Ankit Jha, November 01, 2017
Hope and Despair In Delhi: Impoverished Patients Living on the Pavements Outside AIIMS Public Health Clinics By Rajat Mishra, November 01, 2017
Hamas: Balfour Declaration Crime of Century By The Palestinian Information Center, November 01, 2017
The Balfour Declaration: A Country in Denial over 100 Years of Betrayal By Chris Doyle, November 01, 2017
Racism, Propaganda and Wars By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, November 01, 2017
The Balkans: Endurance and Endeavour. Resistance to Foreign Oppression By Marcus Papadopoulos, October 31, 2017
The Canada-Israel Nexus By Jim Miles, October 31, 2017
Unfolding Peasant Rebellion in India By Sandeep Banerjee, October 30, 2017
What Would the Black Panthers Think of Black Lives Matter? By Paul Street, October 30, 2017
Detroit’s Invisible Majority and the Crises of Municipal Governance By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 30, 2017
Political Persecution of Norman Finkelstein By Stephen Lendman, October 30, 2017
Britain’s 1917 Balfour Declaration By Stephen Lendman, October 30, 2017
Balkanisation, Myanmar and the US “Pivot to Asia” directed against China By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, October 29, 2017
America’s Oligarchy: No Money for Opioid Crisis, Endless Funds for Corporate Tax Cuts By Andre Damon, October 28, 2017
Canada: Labor Rights and Public Sector Unionization By Doug Allan, October 26, 2017
Antifa in Theory and in Practice By Diana Johnstone, October 25, 2017
How ‘Antifa’ Mirrors the ‘Alt-Right’. “The Violence-as-Beauty Rhetoric Is At the Core of These Movements” By Chris Hedges, October 25, 2017
America’s Plans for its Myanmar Client State By Tony Cartalucci, October 25, 2017
Setting the Stage to Commit a Massacre in Gaza By Ilan Pappe, October 24, 2017
A Multipolar World?: “Full Spectrum Superiority”, The Deep State and Global Financial Control By Richard C. Cook, October 24, 2017
Cuban Workers Condemn US Blockade By ACN, October 24, 2017
The American Left: RIP By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 24, 2017
Medicaid Is a Scam By Richard Hugus, October 23, 2017
World Food Prize: Feeding the World a Slick Campaign of Lies By Katherine Paul, October 23, 2017
Dickenson, Texas Residents Told No Hurricane Harvey Relief Funds If You’re Against Israel By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2017
60 Parliamentarians Urge UK Government Action on Gaza Emergency By Medical Aid for Palestinians and Richard Burden, October 22, 2017
Shattered Glass Houses of Zionist Pawns. Belgium and Norway Turn a Blind Eye to Israeli Atrocities By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, October 21, 2017
Mexico Awaits the NAFTA Bomb Blast By Ulises Noyola Rodríguez, October 21, 2017
Only Nonviolent Resistance Will Destroy the Corporate State By Chris Hedges and Prof. George Lakey, October 21, 2017
Unfolding Catastrophe: Mental Health Crisis of Refugees on the Greek Islands of Samos and Lesvos By Chris Jones, October 20, 2017
Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Scandalously Allowed by UN, West: Ex-UN Official By Prof. Richard Falk and Tasnim News Agency, October 20, 2017
Childcare Now! The Struggle for Quality, Universal Childcare By Shellie Bird, Candace Rennick, and Michael Hurley, October 20, 2017
Gaza’s Humanitarian Crisis and the United Nations By Canadian Boat to Gaza, October 19, 2017
Delivery Drones and Driverless Vehicles: UPS, FedEx Investing in Drones By Steve Horn, October 19, 2017
‘Israel Violates International Law With EU Complicity’ By Badriya Khan, October 19, 2017
Who Owns Puerto Rico’s Debt, Exactly? We’ve Tracked Down Ten of the Biggest Vulture Firms By Joel Cintrón Arbasetti, Carla Minet, and Jessica Stites, October 18, 2017
Trump’s CEQ Appointee Hartnett-White Would Put Environment, Public Health on Dangerous Footing By Ken Kimmell, October 18, 2017
Canadian Mining Is Dispossessing Indigenous Peoples and Campesino Communities in Mexico By Mexican Network of Mining Affected People and Richard Fidler, October 16, 2017
Trump Is Trying to Make NAFTA Even Worse By Ethan Earle, October 15, 2017
What Produces Wealth in America: Studies Show Republicans Don’t Understand By Eric Zuesse, October 14, 2017
Congressional Disaster Relief Legislation Ignores Puerto Rico By Stephen Lendman, October 13, 2017
In ‘Disgusting’ Attack, Trump Blames Puerto Rico; Says FEMA Can’t Stay ‘Forever’ By Common Dreams, October 13, 2017
FedEx, UPS Push for Tax Cuts as Documents Show Them Sinking Millions into Automation By Steve Horn, October 13, 2017
The US Government Targets Black Resistance By Black Alliance for Peace, October 13, 2017
As Battle Rages in UK Labour Party, Moshe Machover Expelled After Asserting ‘Anti-Zionism Does Not equal Anti-Semitism’ By Jonathan Cook, October 13, 2017
Trump’s Racist Immigration Plan By Stephen Lendman, October 11, 2017
Dismantling White Supremacy By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, October 10, 2017
“Human Flow, When There is Nowhere to Go, Nowhere is Home” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 10, 2017
The Battle against the Global Food Conglomerates: The Seeds of Agroecology and Common Ownership By Colin Todhunter, October 09, 2017
“Black Bolsheviks” and “White Lies”. How Russia Subverts “Our Democracy”? A Black American Response By Peta Lindsay, October 09, 2017
Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory By IMEMC, October 09, 2017
Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Bedouin Village for 119th Time By Ma’an news, October 04, 2017
Rereading “Grapes of Wrath”. The History of Capitalism in America, “Disaster Capitalism” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 04, 2017
Bangladeshi Regional Migration Could Plunge South Asia into War By Andrew Korybko, October 04, 2017
How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation By Ellen Brown, October 04, 2017
Greece: Impacts of Neoliberal Economic Medicine on Life Expectancy. Germany-EU-IMF Help Greeks Shorten Their Miserable Lives By Philip Chrysopoulos, October 04, 2017
Biofuels and Biofools By Molly Scott Cato MEP, October 03, 2017