
The US and the EU are supporting the formation of a coalition government integrated by Neo-Nazis which are directly involved in the repression of the Ukrainian Jewish community. There are about 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine, most of them in Kiev.
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
For thousands of years, African societies were matriarchal and they prospered. By bringing an oppressive form of Colonial Christianity to Africa, Europeans replaced millennia of prosperous matriarchy with oppressive patriarchy.
An army of scholars and researchers invented euphemistic language to disguise imperialism. Leading social scientists spoke and wrote of ‘world leadership’, a concept implying consensual acceptance based on persuasion, instead of describing the reality of ‘imperial dominance’
Illusions in the British Election Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30, 2015
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel and the Criminalisation of Free Speech By William Hanna, April 30, 2015
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): The New Framework for Resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict By Andrew Korybko, April 29, 2015
The Hillary Balloon Has Already Popped By Eric Zuesse, April 29, 2015
The Vatican Clergy and Ukrainian Nationalism By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2015
War and Religion: Don’t Tell Me ‘The Bible Made Me Do It’ By Philip Giraldi, April 23, 2015
America’s Libertarians’ Civil War Over Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, April 22, 2015
‘God Told Me to Do It’: The Dangers of America’s Lunatic Right By Peter Sterry, April 20, 2015
Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush: Corrupt Successors to the Same Old Dynasties By Washington's Blog, April 16, 2015
Obama Betrays Iran on Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, April 16, 2015
“Anti-Islam” versus “Islamophobia”. “Conspiracy” Behind the Word, Triggering Fear and Danger in the Unconscious Mind By Farah Ghasemi, April 15, 2015
Hillary Clinton Announces Presidential Campaign By Andre Damon, April 13, 2015
“The Holy Business” in America, End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World, Bizarre Sects and Cults, Christian Zionism, By 21st Century Wire, April 12, 2015
Laos and China’s Grand strategy of an ASEAN “Silk Road” By Andrew Korybko, April 09, 2015
‘There is no Alternative Unless We Build One’: Reinventing Socialist Politics By Ingo Schmidt, April 09, 2015
Obama-Netanyahu Row: A Diversion from the Real Issues By Jonathan Cook, April 08, 2015
Islam Saved Jewry. A Historical Truth By Global Research News, April 07, 2015
U.S. Church Leaders: “Christians must Obey the U.S. Government … No Matter What”. Resistance to Tyranny is “Obedience to God”. By Washington's Blog, April 03, 2015
The Destructive Legacy of Arab Liberals By Joseph Massad, April 03, 2015
Massive News-Suppression That’s Become “History-Suppression” By Eric Zuesse, April 02, 2015
Former Military Dictator Muhammadu Buhari Wins Nigerian Presidency By Thomas Gaist, April 01, 2015
Do Away With Elections? The Rituals of “Democracy” By Arthur D. Robbins, March 26, 2015
Greece: Fascists At the Gate By Conn Hallinan, March 26, 2015
Behind the Tensions between Obama and Netanyahu By Bill Van Auken, March 24, 2015
Netanyahu Unmasks Israel By Robert Parry, March 19, 2015
The ISIS Described by the US Media as a “Sunni Muslim Militia” is “Made in America”. It has Nothing to Do with Sunni Islam By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, March 19, 2015
Netanyahu Claims Victory in Close Israeli Election By Patrick Martin, March 18, 2015
Fundamental Rifts: Power, Wealth and Inequality in the Arab World By Adam Hanieh, March 17, 2015
Netanyahu on the Ropes By Stephen Lendman, March 17, 2015
Spirituality in the New World Order: Is a One World Religious Authority in Formation? By Matthew Butler, March 16, 2015
Who’s Afraid of the Israel Lobby? By Andrew Levine, March 15, 2015
Why the Media Silence on Lindsey Graham’s Vow to Use the Military to Force Vote in Congress? By Bill Van Auken, March 15, 2015
US Presidential Election Season Begins By Patrick Martin, March 13, 2015
Shutting Down AIPAC: Removing Israel from American Politics By Philip Giraldi, March 12, 2015
Media Furor over Hillary Clinton’s use of Private Email By Patrick Martin, March 11, 2015
Kuwaiti Preacher, ISIS Call for Demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, Pyramids By RT, March 10, 2015
Netanyahu: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered The Power of Israel over the United States By Prof. James Petras, March 10, 2015
How Putin Blocked the U.S. Pivot to Asia By Mike Whitney, March 09, 2015
The Wisconsin Hundred Thousand: Scott Walker, the White House and ISIS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 08, 2015
Myanmar “Color Revolution”: Meet Aung San Suu Kyi’s Saffron Mobs By Tony Cartalucci, March 07, 2015
Obama Administration Bows to Israel on Eve of Speech by Netanyahu By Bill Van Auken, March 03, 2015
Wisconsin Governor Walker, American Workers and Terrorism By Patrick Martin, March 02, 2015
Cuba Made Simple By William Blum, February 27, 2015
Venezuelan Opposition Mayor, Alias “The Vampire,” Arrested for Role in Blue Coup Plot By Rachael Boothroyd, February 26, 2015
The US “Pivot to Asia” and the Australian Leadership Crisis By Peter Symonds, February 25, 2015
European Union Leaders Hail Syriza Austerity Agreement By Robert Stevens, February 23, 2015
Syriza Capitulates to the EU By Robert Stevens, February 21, 2015
Backlash by Church of England: Vicar Banned From Social Media for Endorsing 9/11 Truth By Peter Drew, February 19, 2015
Global Warming, God, and American Complacency By David Ray Griffin, February 17, 2015
Perception Management and The Obama Administration’s Deceptive “Transparency” By Robert Parry, February 17, 2015
A Revealing Financial Times Comment on the Greek Debt Crisis By Nick Beams, February 16, 2015
Greece’s Syriza Government Pledges to Serve the EU By Christoph Dreier, February 13, 2015
Despotism, Neoliberalism and the “Chilean Miracle” By John Kozy, February 10, 2015
French National Front Leader Marine Le Pen Addresses Oxford Union By Chris Marsden, February 08, 2015
Terrorist Killings Directed against Pakistan’s Shia Population By Dr. Ismail Salami, February 03, 2015
Nigerian War Against Boko Haram Sabotaged by United States Imperialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 03, 2015
Tsipras Rushes to Reassure EU, Banks on Greek Debt By Robert Stevens, February 02, 2015
The Hidden Truth: The Rising Tide of “Global Racism” and Xenophobia By Joachim Hagopian, February 02, 2015
J’accuse!: The Elephant in the Room of Anti-Semitism By Anthony Bellchambers, January 30, 2015
The ‘Empire of Chaos’ in the House of Saud By Pepe Escobar, January 30, 2015
Syriza Hands Greek Defence Ministry to Right-wing Nationalist By Robert Stevens, January 29, 2015
New Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, A Major Supporter of Al Qaeda By Wayne Madsen, January 28, 2015
Syriza Forms Coalition Government with Right-wing Independent Greeks By Robert Stevens, January 27, 2015
Syriza Wins Greek Elections By Alex Lantier, January 26, 2015
Imperialist Mourning for King Abdullah By Patrick Martin, January 26, 2015
Playing Politics: How The New York Times Misrepresents Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 26, 2015
Misusing the Principle of “Freedom of Expression”: “Fundamentalism in Thought and Opinion” vs. What Happened to Charlie? By Jan Oberg, January 26, 2015
Spot The Difference? The Islamic State (ISIS) versus Saudi Arabia By Zero Hedge, January 24, 2015
German Media and Politicians Promote Right-wing, Anti-Muslim Pegida Movement By Christoph Dreier, January 21, 2015
Delusion and Deception in Obama’s State of Union By Patrick Martin, January 21, 2015
The Legitimization of Marine Le Pen By Joseph Kishore and Alex Lantier, January 20, 2015
Freedom of Speech, “Anti-Semitism” and the “Islamic Threat” By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, January 19, 2015
Netanyahu and Europe’s Far Right Find Common Ground By Jonathan Cook, January 19, 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism: Who Was Behind the Charlie Hebdo Paris Attacks? Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, January 18, 2015
The Escalating War on Islam. The Phony War On Terror By Stephen Lendman, January 16, 2015
The Charlie Hebdo Paris Terrorist Attacks and the “Clash of Civilizations” By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, January 16, 2015
Defiant Charlie Hebdo By Stephen Lendman, January 15, 2015
Britain’s Jewish Community and the Thrust of Political Zionism By Anthony Bellchambers, January 15, 2015
Misreading the Label: The “War” Against Radical Islam By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 13, 2015
Is Political Zionism Another Form of Ideological Fundamentalism? By Anthony Bellchambers, January 13, 2015