
The US and the EU are supporting the formation of a coalition government integrated by Neo-Nazis which are directly involved in the repression of the Ukrainian Jewish community. There are about 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine, most of them in Kiev.
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
For thousands of years, African societies were matriarchal and they prospered. By bringing an oppressive form of Colonial Christianity to Africa, Europeans replaced millennia of prosperous matriarchy with oppressive patriarchy.
An army of scholars and researchers invented euphemistic language to disguise imperialism. Leading social scientists spoke and wrote of ‘world leadership’, a concept implying consensual acceptance based on persuasion, instead of describing the reality of ‘imperial dominance’
Against Privatization: Canada Health Coalition Demands Funding for Hospitals By National Health Coalition, February 05, 2016
Six Reasons Why the Iowa Caucus Turned into a Voter Fraud Circus in Favor of Hillary By Joachim Hagopian, February 05, 2016
Bandung – Creative City or the Legacy of US Imperialism? By Andre Vltchek, February 03, 2016
Imperialism’s Migration Agenda: Who is Funding the Refugees Transport into Europe? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, February 02, 2016
Merkel unlikely to Win Another Term as German Chancellor By Anthony Bellchambers, February 01, 2016
Obama Joins Israel Boycott? Labels West Bank Goods By Jordan Schachtel, January 30, 2016
Donald Trump Wins Fox News Debate Without Showing Up By Stephen Lendman, January 29, 2016
Denmark’s Hardline on Refugees: The New Danish Immigration Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 29, 2016
OAS to Send Special Mission to Haiti Amid Political Crisis By Ezili Dantò, January 29, 2016
Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States Aims At Peace, Social Justice and Sovereignty By nsnbc international, January 28, 2016
The Cooptation of Satyrical Media: Hillary Clinton’s Top Financial Supporter Now Controls “The Onion” By Jon Schwarz, January 28, 2016
Haiti: Enough Is Enough, Bring on the Revolution! By Dady Chery, January 28, 2016
Haiti: Longstanding US Colony. Rigging of Elections By Stephen Lendman, January 27, 2016
Cameron and Britain’s Muslim Women By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 26, 2016
Former Mayor of NYC and Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Presidential Bid? By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2016
Media More Outraged by “Possible Murder” by Putin Than “Definite Murder” by Obama By Matt Peppe, January 25, 2016
Can People’s Power Save the Bolivarian Revolution? By Richard Fidler, January 25, 2016
2016 Moldova: Color Revolution Or Something Else? By Andrew Korybko, January 25, 2016
Israeli Rabbi Calls for Execution Of All Palestinians By Press TV, January 24, 2016
The Economic and Political Crisis in Moldova By Victor Josu and J. Hawk, January 24, 2016
Hillary Clinton: A Deplorable Choice for President. “The Most Dangerous of the Bunch” By Stephen Lendman, January 23, 2016
Ten Facts Everyone Needs To Know About Israel By Anthony Bellchambers, January 23, 2016
Critics Compare Israel’s Religious Freedoms to Saudi Arabia: Rabbis Deny 1 in 10 Jews the Right to Marry in Israel By Jonathan Cook, January 22, 2016
The Weaponization of the Refugees. Artificial Mass Migration as Imperial policy has a Long History By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, January 21, 2016
Left Anticommunism: The Unkindest Cut By Michael Parenti, January 21, 2016
New Hampshire Poll Indicates Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Nomination, then the U.S. Presidency By Eric Zuesse, January 21, 2016
What Obama Really Said About Cuba, Foreign Affairs and the US By Arnold August, January 21, 2016
Israeli Minister Secretly Visits UAE amid ‘Shared Concerns’ on Iran: Report By Press TV, January 20, 2016
UK Parliamentary Debate on Banning Donald Trump from Entering Britain? By Stephen Lendman, January 19, 2016
Israel Frantic over EU Attempts to Tighten Sanctions against West Bank Jewish Settlements By Middle East Monitor, January 19, 2016
China’s Xi Jinping Heads for Middle East – Defusing an Explosive Region By nsnbc international, January 18, 2016
China’s Relations with Middle East and Arab Countries: President Xi Jinping By People's Daily, January 18, 2016
Netanyahu Calls for Banning Islamic Call to Prayer (Adhan), Causes “Unbearable Noise “ By The Palestinian Information Center, January 15, 2016
(From L) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama stand for a family photo during the G20 Leaders Summit in Antalya, Turkey, November 15, 2015. ©AFP
Merkel’s two Extraordinary Errors of Judgement: Weapons to Israel, Germany’s Refugee Policy. What Implications for the EU By Anthony Bellchambers, January 15, 2016
Military Escalation: Egyptian Soldiers Arrive in Yemen to Join Saudi-led Coalition By South Front, January 15, 2016
Obama’s Final State of the Union: Lies, Evasions and Threats By Patrick Martin, January 13, 2016
Behind Netanyahu’s Ban on the “Islamic Movement” in Israel By Jonathan Cook, January 12, 2016
Mr. Trump, The Muslims I Know! By Dr. Amal David, January 08, 2016
Greater Israel in the Making? Israeli Official Calls for the Occupation of Damascus By Middle East Monitor, January 04, 2016
Saudi Arabia’s Sectarian Move: Executes Sheik Nimr al-Nimr and Leading Members of the Shiite Community By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2016
Violence and Dispossession in the Holy Land at Christmas By Anthony Bellchambers, December 25, 2015
Islamic State (ISIL) based in Northern Syria: A Wahhabi Colony of Saudi Arabia? By Tony Cartalucci, December 16, 2015
Liberal Extremism Disguised as Defense of Muslims By Matt Peppe, December 15, 2015
Donald Trump’s Campaign against Muslims and the Rationale of Exclusion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 12, 2015
Why is a Hate Campaign being Waged against Muslims? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 10, 2015
Right-wing Israeli Group Targets Palestinian Christians, Protests Christmas Tree Event in Jerusalem By The Voice of Palestine, December 07, 2015
Netanyahu Pushing Region towards a “Religious War”. Banned Islamic Leader, Wider Assault on Palestinians Rights By Jonathan Cook, December 06, 2015
Reuters, Pope Francis (R) talks with Ignatius Aphrem II, Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, during a meeting at the Vatican, on June 19, 2015.
Syrian Christian Leader Tells West: ‘Stop Arming Terror Groups Who Are Massacring Our People’ By Ruth Gledhill, November 30, 2015
The Israeli Declaration of Independence: The World Continues to Ignore its Provisions and those of the British Balfour Declaration By Anthony Bellchambers, November 25, 2015
Netanyahu Paves the Way for a New Era Of Tyranny By Jonathan Cook, November 25, 2015
A Letter to the Western Youth on Islam. Why are People Frightened? By Sayyid Ali Khamenei, November 23, 2015
The “War on Terror” Made us Unsafe By Jamal Kanj, November 23, 2015
“The Crime of Hate” Trial on Charges of Anti-Semitism: The Trial of Arthur Topham in British Columbia By Eve Mykytyn, November 09, 2015
Israel’s Encirclement of Al-Aqsa ‘Nearly Complete’ By Jonathan Cook, November 02, 2015
Zionists Who Leave Paris, New York or London to Live in a War Zone: Misguided or Just Gullible? By Anthony Bellchambers, October 31, 2015
Hundreds of Jews and Arabs Rally Arm-in-Arm for Peace in Israel By Good News Network, October 22, 2015
Israel’s March of Madness. Towards an Ultra-nationalist, Racist, Religious Society. By Uri Avnery, October 22, 2015
British government
New Jewish Network Launches Worldwide “Justice in Palestine” Initiative against Israeli Occupation By Mairav Zonszein, October 21, 2015
Canada’s Liberals Sweep to Power on Phony Anti-austerity Vow By Keith Jones, October 20, 2015
Harper’s Canada Is in a Crisis of Epic Proportions: It Is Critical to Vote Him Out of Office Today By Pamela Palmater, October 19, 2015
The Destruction of Serbia’s Cultural Heritage: Twitter Campaign #NoKosovoUnesco launched By Inserbia, October 18, 2015
Hate-Mongering Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians “a Religious Duty” By Stephen Lendman, October 17, 2015
The Politics of the Angry Man: Stephen Harper’s Canada By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16, 2015
Putin Says that US Officials “Have Mush for Brains” By Stephen Lendman, October 15, 2015
Greek Melkite Archbishop urges British not to support “Islamic Militants” in Syria By Simon Caldwell, October 15, 2015
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Indonesia: 50 Years After the Coup and the CIA Sponsored Terrorist Massacre. The Ruin of Indonesian Society By Andre Vltchek, October 13, 2015
The Curse of the House Speaker’s Chair: Chaos within the Republican Party By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 09, 2015
Debating Bernie Sanders Has Never Been Easy. Historical Retrospect By Greg Guma, October 09, 2015
Staged Return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Push Haiti Elections. Maryse Narcisse for President? By Dady Chery, October 08, 2015
Roni Alsheikh, Photo by Tomer Appelbaum
Israel’s New Police Chief Emerges from Shadowy World By Jonathan Cook, October 03, 2015
Republican Race Tightens: Does it Matter? By Stephen Lendman, September 28, 2015
For A Majority Of Americans, US Government Has Lost Legitimacy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 28, 2015
My Name is Nobody: Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, September 24, 2015
Syriza Voted Back into Office amid Mass Abstention in Greek Election By Bill Van Auken, September 21, 2015
Donald Trump and the Islam Question By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20, 2015
US Presidential Candidates Demean Muslims and Hugo Chavez By Stephen Lendman, September 19, 2015
Jeremy Corbyn v. David Cameron By Stephen Lendman, September 18, 2015
Corbyn’s Dilemma By William Bowles, September 18, 2015
Australia: The Fall of Tony Abbott By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 14, 2015