Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
U.S. Elementary School Shows “Zero Tolerance” for Public Accountability. 10 Year Old Suspended By William Boardman, February 17, 2014
The Use Of Politicized Judiciary in Bahrain Against Human Rights Activists By Global Research News, February 15, 2014
RWB acknowledges that US Press Freedoms have faced “one of the most significant declines” in the World By Josh Stearns, February 15, 2014
NSA Spying Poses “Direct Threat to Journalism,” Watchdog Group Warns By Kate Randall, February 14, 2014
What Makes Aaron Swartz a Hero? Defying a Corporate System which Stifles the Free Flow of Information. By Eric Draitser, February 13, 2014
Caught Red-Handed: Secret Tape Reveals US-backed Plot to Topple Ukraine’s Democratically-Elected President By Mike Whitney, February 13, 2014
Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 13, 2014
This Road is for Jews Only. Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel By Global Research News, February 12, 2014
The Shadow Factory: The Transformation of the NSA since 9/11 By James Bamford, February 11, 2014
Meet The Men With The Plan Behind Italy’s Bloodless Coup By Zero Hedge, February 11, 2014
“How to Do It Legally”: Obama White House Envisages Drone Assassination of U.S. Citizen By Bill Van Auken, February 11, 2014
The Criminalization of Justice: Is a Policy a Law? Is Murder Murder? By David Swanson, February 11, 2014
Neuro-Technology: Pentagon’s DARPA Continues To Push “Black Box” Brain Chip Implant By Steve Watson, February 11, 2014
The Legacy of Malcolm X: “God’s Judgment of White America”, The Internationalization of the Black Struggle By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 11, 2014
The Israeli Surveillance State: Did The “Shin Bet” Just Hack My Computer? By Jonathan Cook, February 09, 2014
Foreign Mining, State Corruption and Human Rights in Mongolia By Keith Harmon Snow, February 08, 2014
Spy Agency Launched False Flag Attacks and Used Honey Traps: Snowden By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2014
Spying and Social Control: U.S. Government Labels Dissent As Terrorism By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2014
Thailand: The People Have Spoken – No Confidence in Regime or System By Tony Cartalucci, February 07, 2014
Glassholes: A Mini NSA on Your Face, Recorded by the Spy Agency By Washington's Blog, February 07, 2014
Spy Agency Engaged In Internet “False Flag” Attacks By Washington's Blog, February 06, 2014
Economic Terror and India’s Surveillance State By Colin Todhunter, February 05, 2014
Thailand: Sham Elections Unravel in Humiliation By Tony Cartalucci, February 04, 2014
Does US “Death Sentence” in Boston Case Equal Silence? By Russ Baker, February 03, 2014
South Korea, the United States and Emergency Powers During the Korean Conflict By Global Research News, February 03, 2014
Ukraine on the Verge of Civil War: Blood on the Maidan By Global Research News, February 02, 2014
Thailand: Vote Thaksin or Die By Tony Cartalucci, February 02, 2014
Google’s “Smart Home” Surveillance Plans, or, How Not to be Colonized By Josh del Sol, February 02, 2014
Kerry’s Israel-Palestine “Framework” is DOA By Richard Silverstein, February 02, 2014
Israel-Palestine: Kerry’s One-sided “Framework Agreement” By Global Research News, February 02, 2014
“Big Brother is Watching You”. Beyond Orwell’s Worst Nightmare By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 01, 2014
Thai Government imposes State of Emergency By Peter Symonds, February 01, 2014
Teaming up with the NSA, Canada’s Electronic Spy Agency (CSEC) is Following You. New Snowden Leaks By RT, February 01, 2014
Spy Agencies Work On Psychologically Profiling Everyone. Predicting Everyone’s Thoughts and Actions By Washington's Blog, January 31, 2014
America’s Political Prisoners By J. B. Gerald, January 31, 2014
IMF Sponsored “Democracy” in The Ukraine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 31, 2014
Ukraine: Foreign Engineered Regime Change Operation By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, January 30, 2014
Thailand Color Politics: Thaksin Regime Turns on its Own Supporters By Tony Cartalucci, January 30, 2014
The NSA Is Spying On Everything, On All Your Digital Communications. “They’re Collecting Content Word for Word” By Washington's Blog, January 30, 2014
Thailand: US Sides With Increasingly Violent, Desperate Regime By Tony Cartalucci, January 29, 2014
Cut Off the NSA’s Juice By Norman Solomon, January 29, 2014
States Fight Back Against NSA: Can US States Rein In An Out-Of-Control Federal Spy Agency? By Washington's Blog, January 29, 2014
US Media Blacks out Snowden Interview Exposing Death Threats By Bill Van Auken, January 28, 2014
Intrusive Surveillance: Obama Defends NSA Spying on Americans By Jack A. Smith, January 27, 2014
The Move to Muzzle Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala: The Bête Noire of the French Establishment By Diana Johnstone, January 25, 2014
Something is Wrong in the Cradle of the “Arab Spring”: Reflections on Egypt’s Revolution Three Years Later By Ghada Chehade, January 25, 2014
Towards the Destabilization and Breakup of Thailand? By Tony Cartalucci, January 25, 2014
Justifying the Unjustifiable: Deconstructing the Lies of the NSA By James Corbett, January 23, 2014
Obama Maintains a State of National Emergency By Stephen Lendman, January 23, 2014
Thailand: Thaksin’s Mad Dash to Sham Elections By Tony Cartalucci, January 22, 2014
Harold Pinter on “The Tapestry of Lies” and “Totalitarian Dungeons” which Surround Us By Harold Pinter and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 22, 2014
When Net Neutrality Becomes Programmed Censorship By SARTRE, January 21, 2014
Thailand: US-backed Regime Using Terrorism Against Occupy Bangkok Protesters By Tony Cartalucci, January 21, 2014
Democrats, Republicans Back Obama’s Police State Spying By Patrick Martin, January 20, 2014
Genocide and Indigenous Rights: The Inuit People of Canada By J. B. Gerald, January 20, 2014
Obama’s Cosmetic Changes For NSA Surveillance By Abdus Sattar Ghazali, January 20, 2014
A Tale of Two Protests: Ukraine and Thailand By Tony Cartalucci, January 20, 2014
Obama defends Police State Spying By Eric London and Barry Grey, January 19, 2014
NSA Spying and Search Engine “Tracking Technologies” By Ming Chun Tang, January 19, 2014
My Doctor Can Disclose My Medical Records to the NSA Without My Authorization (and so can yours) By Peter Van Buren, January 17, 2014
Interpol’s Political Prisoner: Petition Protests Illegal Arrest of Journalist for Ideological Reasons By John Catalinotto, January 17, 2014
Obama’s War on Freedom By Stephen Lendman, January 17, 2014
“One Fund Boston” and the Boston Mass Casualty Event By James F. Tracy, January 17, 2014
Digital Democracy vs. Corporate Dominance: R.I.P. Internet Neutrality? By Stephen Lendman, January 16, 2014
Why Spying On Metadata Is Even More Intrusive than Listening to Content By Washington's Blog, January 16, 2014
Obama’s NSA “Reform” Defends Illegal Spying By Bill Van Auken, January 16, 2014
The Surveillance State. NSA Telephony Metadata Collection: Fourth Amendment Violation By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 16, 2014
Thailand: Night of Terror as Regime Attempts to Break “Occupy Bangkok” By Tony Cartalucci, January 15, 2014
The Burglary and COINTELPRO: How Citizen Action Exposed FBI’s Covert, Illegal Program to Crush Dissent By Margaret Kimberley, January 15, 2014
Mass Protests Grow as Military Drags Egypt Back to Dictatorship By Roger Annis, January 15, 2014
NSA able to Target Offline Computers using Radio-waves for Surveillance, Cyber-attacks By RT, January 15, 2014
Climate Activists With Terrorist Charges for Protesting Oil and Gas Company Devon Energy By Richard Smallteacher, January 15, 2014
High-Tech Tyranny in the Gulf: Biometric Technology Mandatory for All Citizens in the UAE By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 14, 2014
Why Does Anyone Still Believe the NSA? By Washington's Blog, January 14, 2014
Thailand Regime Election Propaganda: Fake “Respect My Vote” Protest Abuse By Tony Cartalucci, January 12, 2014
500 Years of History Shows that Mass Spying Is Always Aimed at Crushing Dissent By Washington's Blog, January 10, 2014
“Secrets for Sale” and The Snowden Affair: The Greenwald-Omidyar-NSA Connection By James Corbett, January 09, 2014
Impeach Obama: “Electronic Surveillance Of Private Citizens” Was An Article Of Impeachment Against President Nixon By Washington's Blog, January 09, 2014
NSA Spying on Congress to Manipulate, Intimidate, Blackmail Top Government and Military Officials By Washington's Blog, January 08, 2014
Thailand: Regime Power Grab Runs into Judicial Brick Wall By Tony Cartalucci, January 08, 2014