Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
“Conspiracy Theorist”, The Derogatory Smear Phrase By Mike Adams, May 19, 2014
The Campaign To Save The Internet. Will it remain Free and Open with Equal Access to All? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 19, 2014
Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans By Paul Joseph Watson, May 17, 2014
Identity Crisis: The Israeli ID System By Global Research News, May 17, 2014
Can We Stop America’s Surveillance State? By Danny Schechter, May 17, 2014
NSA Is Recording the Voices of U.S. Telephone Calls By Washington's Blog, May 17, 2014
Spying is Meant to Crush Citizens’ Dissent, not Catch Terrorists By Washington's Blog, May 15, 2014
Protests Erupt Across Turkey as Death Toll in Soma Mine Disaster Tops 274 By Alex Lantier, May 15, 2014
Illegal NSA Surveillance of Americans: Secret Authorizations Granted by Bush and Obama By Eric Zuesse, May 15, 2014
Independent Report on The Massacre and Fire in Odessa, May 2, 2014 By Global Research News, May 14, 2014
The Strange Logic of the US, EU: East Ukraine’s Referendums Aren’t Democratic But the Coup-Imposed Kiev Regime Is? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 13, 2014
US Solitary Confinement: The World’s Largest Prison Population Increasingly Comprised of the Mentally Ill By Joachim Hagopian, May 12, 2014
The Criminalization of Political Opposition in America By Patrick Martin, May 12, 2014
Colored Revolutions, Covert Support to Al Qaeda: Is Algeria Next? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, May 12, 2014
Ukraine Regime Police Shooting His Subordinates For Refusing to Kill Civilians By Global Research News, May 11, 2014
Nuland Testifies to House Foreign Affairs Committee: “No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine” By Global Research News, May 10, 2014
Reporter Pressured to Name Source Who Revealed U.S. Scheme to Provide Iran with a “Faulty Blueprint” to Build Nuclear Weapon By David Swanson, May 09, 2014
Israeli Apartheid Debate: The Occupation Doesn’t Have an ‘Image Problem’ By Lisa Goldman, May 09, 2014
Police State USA: Call the Cops at Your Peril By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 09, 2014
Lost and Stolen Liberty for Police State Security By Joachim Hagopian, May 09, 2014
The Creeping Hand of Fascism in America. Indefinite Military Detention and the NDAA By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 08, 2014
Gangster State America – Where Is America’s Democracy? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 07, 2014
US Defends Role of Kiev Regime and Fascists in Odessa Massacre By Barry Grey, May 07, 2014
$10,000 a Head: Radicals Put a Bounty on UK Journalist in Ukraine By RT, May 06, 2014
Fascist Aggression in Ukraine: Saudi Arabia Sending Takfiri Fighters to Kiev? By Stephen Lendman, May 06, 2014
White Book on Violations of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Ukraine By Oriental Review, May 05, 2014
Were Top Managers at Neslté Connected to the Murder of a Colombian Union Activist? By Maddy French, May 05, 2014
Iraq Election Sets Stage for Protracted Civil Strife By Jean Shaoul, May 05, 2014
Save the Internet! Prevent Mega-corporations from Destroying Internet Freedom By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 05, 2014
Secretive Airborne Police Surveillance in California By Andrew J. Santos, May 03, 2014
A May Day 2014 Lament for American Labor By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 02, 2014
When South Africa Called, We Answered: How Solidarity Helped Topple Apartheid By Danny Schechter, May 02, 2014
Labor Rights: Persecution of Public and Private Sector Union Activists in Haiti By Center for Economic and Policy Research, May 01, 2014
Death Penalty: State Murder in Oklahoma By Kate Randall, May 01, 2014
Canada’s Government Defines Humanitarian Aid to Palestine as “Terrorism”. By Karin Brothers, May 01, 2014
US Supreme Court Refuses to Uphold the Constitution: Allows Indefinite Detention By Washington's Blog, May 01, 2014
The Idea of Israel – A History of Power and Knowledge By Jim Miles, May 01, 2014
Are Western Policies Evil or Desperate? By Dr. Anthony F. Shaker, April 30, 2014
US-backed Egyptian Regime Hands Down 683 More Death Sentences By Bill Van Auken, April 29, 2014
Online Mass Surveillance: Protecting Privacy and Human Rights on the Internet? Is Brazil taking the Lead? By Nathalie Van Raemdonck, April 29, 2014
Documentaries on Government Spying: “What Was Illegal Under Nixon Is Legal Under Obama” By Steve Pond, April 28, 2014
Institutional Discrimination and Racism: US Supreme Court Delivers Blow to Civil Rights. Upholds Michigan Ban on Affirmative Action By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2014
Unelected Kiev Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine By Tony Cartalucci, April 25, 2014
Louisiana Creates Database of Citizens Who Represent “A Risk to the State” By Paul Joseph Watson, April 24, 2014
The Criminal States of America By Global Research News, April 24, 2014
Secret Plan to Advance Global Internet Censorship. ISPs to Act as “Internet Police” By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
Workplace Occupations in Turkey. Response to Neoliberal Authoritarian Rule By Socialist Project, April 22, 2014
White Supremacist Extremist Groups: The Kansas Jewish Community Center Shootings: White-washing White Terrorism By Ajamu Baraka, April 18, 2014
Political Lying: It’s Legal. Obama’s First-Amendment Defense of Political Liars By Eric Zuesse, April 18, 2014
America has Become a Police State By Kourosh Ziabari, April 18, 2014
Privatization Is A Ramp For Corruption and Insouciance Is a Ramp for War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 17, 2014
Boston Marathon Bombing Timeline By James F. Tracy, April 15, 2014
Spanish Government Attacks Democratic Rights By Alejandro López, April 15, 2014
Israeli State Terrorism By Stephen Lendman, April 14, 2014
“Human Rights” as an Instrument of Coercion By Kourosh Ziabari, April 12, 2014
Mysterious Flight Restrictions: FAA Designates Bundy Ranch a No-Fly Zone By Kit Daniels, April 12, 2014
Leave Ukraine Alone! By Rep. Ron Paul, April 12, 2014
Anti-Mandela in the Public Eye: Athlete and Democracy On Trial in South Africa By Danny Schechter, April 12, 2014
School Privatization and the Charter School Scam: Corporate America’s Neo-Feudal Assault on Education By Chris Macavel, April 11, 2014
Political Repression in Ukraine: Crackdown on Uprisings Against the Neo-Nazi Regime By Oriental Review, April 11, 2014
Kafka’s America: A Society At War With Itself By Patrick Henningsen, April 09, 2014
Afghanistan’s Elections and The Illusion of Progress By Ulson Gunnar, April 09, 2014
Thailand: West Tearing Down Old World to Build a “New” One By Tony Cartalucci, April 09, 2014
How the Media Conned the Public into Loving the FBI By Global Research News, April 09, 2014
The Militarization of Police State USA By Joachim Hagopian, April 09, 2014
CIA Debunks Its Own Claims About Torture By Washington's Blog, April 08, 2014
Color Revolutions: Ukraine vs. Thailand. What is the End Game By Tony Cartalucci, April 08, 2014
Protest Movement in Eastern Ukraine: Security Forces Integrated by Foreign Mercenaries Hired by Private U.S. Military Outfit By Global Research News, April 07, 2014
Greece’s Left and the European Union: On the Need for an Anti-Euro and Anti-EU Position By Panagiotis Sotiris, April 07, 2014
America is Now Officially an Orwellian Totalitarian State: The Complete Interactive Guide To How The NSA Spies On Everything You Do By Zero Hedge, April 07, 2014
The Role of Fascism and the Oligarchs in Ukraine By Global Research News, April 04, 2014
Thailand: Thaksin’s Red Shirts and the Ongoing Violence By Global Research News, April 02, 2014
Social Fracture and the Rise of Racism in France By Annamaria Rivera, April 02, 2014
Ukraine Parliament orders Neo-Nazi “Right Sector” to Lay Down Weapons By RT, April 01, 2014
north korea flag globalresearch.ca
Human Rights in North Korea By Christine Hong, March 31, 2014
Threat to Ukraine’s Jewish Community By Global Research News, March 28, 2014
Ukraine, Crimea and Venezuela The Power of Peace can Move Mountains By Peter Koenig, March 28, 2014
The Fraud of Obama’s NSA “Reform” By Joseph Kishore, March 27, 2014
Once again, Australia is stealing its Indigenous children By John Pilger, March 27, 2014
Ukraine’s “Brown Shirts”. Recalling Nazi Germany’s “Night of Long Knives”, By Olga Shedrova, March 27, 2014