Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
The Making of the American Police State By Christian Parenti, July 29, 2015
Libyan Kangaroo Court Sentences Gaddafi’s Son and Others to Die By Bill Van Auken, July 29, 2015
The World Order and Revolution By Robert J. Burrowes, July 29, 2015
UK Police Want to Secretly Arrest Journalists Who Report on Snowden’s NSA Leaks By Michaela Whitton, July 29, 2015
America’s Transition from a Democracy to the National Security State. The Derogation of Civil Rights in the Homeland By Prof. Robert Abele, July 28, 2015
Full Transcripts of Sandra Bland Arrest Prove Cops Broke The Law and Made False Arrest By Jackson Marciana, Shante Wooten, Reagan Ali, and M. David, July 28, 2015
3-Year-Old London Child Deemed “Extremist” and Placed in Government Reeducation Program By Michael Krieger, July 27, 2015
Cleveland Police Attack Black Activists By Stephen Lendman, July 27, 2015
The Assassination of Sandra Bland and the Struggle against State Repression By Ajamu Baraka, July 27, 2015
Revelations in the Maidan Massacre Trial in Ukraine Go Unreported in the West By Ivan Katchanovski, July 27, 2015
Israeli Attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque, 10 Wounded By PNN, July 26, 2015
The Eroding Character of the American People By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 26, 2015
Why Are So Many People Dying in Police Custody in the UK? By Michaela Whitton, July 26, 2015
America’s Killer Cops: Whitewashing Sandra Bland’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, July 25, 2015
“Lone Wolf Shooting” in the American Homeland: Chattanooga’s Made-for-TV Terror Psychodrama By Patrick Henningsen and Jay Dyer, July 24, 2015
UK Announces “Anti-extremism” Plan Sanctioning Domestic Repression and War By Chris Marsden, July 23, 2015
Unaccountable Killer Cops in America By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2015
Imprisonment for Stone-Throwing: Only in Israel By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2015
Threatened Demolition of Palestinian Village a Practice Run for Full-Scale Ethnic Cleansing By Anthony Bellchambers, July 22, 2015
As Texas Officials Release Violent Arrest Video, Death of Sandra Bland Being “Treated Like a Murder Investigation” By Evan Blake, July 22, 2015
Palestine: The Nuclear-Armed Occupier versus Children Throwing Stones By Anthony Bellchambers, July 21, 2015
General Wesley Clark Calls for Putting “Disloyal” Americans in Internment Camps By Thomas Gaist, July 21, 2015
New Probe Exposes Horrific Child Abuse by Israeli Forces By Sarah Lazare, July 21, 2015
US General Wesley Clark Calls For Interning “Disloyal” Americans Who Do Not Support the “War on Terrorism” By Kurt Nimmo, July 19, 2015
Right Sector Threatens Violence throughout Ukraine By Andrea Peters, July 19, 2015
Australia “Gentle Raidings”: American Psycho and Censorship in the City of Churches By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 18, 2015
The Brutality of European Migration Policy: Not Everyone Is Allowed to Have a ‘Good Life in Germany’ By Rebecca Burkert, July 18, 2015
Texas Prison Death Highlights Police Violence in America By Andre Damon, July 18, 2015
US Military Launches Jade Helm Domestic Training Operations By Thomas Gaist, July 16, 2015
21 Members of the Media in Turkish Prisons, Many More Journalists and Social Media Users Facing Trial By Global Research News, July 16, 2015
NED logo
US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Ignores Saudi Barbarism, Actively, Intentionally Enabled by West By Tony Cartalucci, July 16, 2015
Mandatory Vaccines for Adults? Leave It to California By Joshua Krause, July 16, 2015
Family of Eric Garner Demands Criminal Prosecution after New York City Announces $5.9 Million Settlement By Fred Mazelis, July 15, 2015
Senate to Vote on Requiring Social Media to Report Suspicious Activity to Feds By Kristen Anderson, July 15, 2015
Iron Man, Transformers and other Movies Were Censored by US Military For Getting Too Close To The Truth By Counter Current News, July 14, 2015
WikiLeaks Email Release Reveals Hacking by Governments Worldwide By Mike Head, July 13, 2015
FBI Director Comey Demands “Backdoor” Access to Encrypted Data By Kevin Reed, July 13, 2015
Read Mumia: “Writing on the Prison Wall” By David Swanson, July 12, 2015
Paris Ramadan Stunt: A Comedian, a Propagandist, and the Social Engineers By Tony Cartalucci, July 12, 2015
The Confederate Battle Flag Is a Symbol of Hate: Why Are Some People In Massachusetts Suddenly Flying It? By Keith Harmon Snow, July 12, 2015
Flags: Powerful Fabric By Frank Scott, July 11, 2015
Media Will Not Have Access To Jade Helm 15 Military Exercise By Derrick Broze, July 11, 2015
New SWAT Documents Detail the Brutal Reality of U.S. Police Militarization By Carey Wedler, July 10, 2015
World Medical Body Denounces Australia’s Refugee Detention Censorship Law By Will Morrow, July 07, 2015
UK Government Caught Spying on Human Rights Organisations By Michaela Whitton, July 06, 2015
Five Facts that the Israeli Government Would Prefer you did not Know By Anthony Bellchambers, July 05, 2015
In Photos: Israel Imposes Ramadan Restrictions at Bethlehem Checkpoint By Global Research News, July 04, 2015
US Justice Department Finds That Police Provoked Unrest in Ferguson By Kevin Martinez, July 03, 2015
NGOs, Activists Fret New Role for Indonesia’s Spy Agency By Global Research News, July 02, 2015
Department of Justice: Militarized Police Tactics Caused Ferguson Riots By Claire Bernish, July 02, 2015
3 Indigenous People, Farmers or Land Activists Killed Every 2 Weeks Due to Land Conflicts and Struggles By Global Research News, July 02, 2015
No, ‘Je Suis Charleston’?: The De-Politicization of Black Oppression By Ajamu Baraka, July 02, 2015
The Emergence of Orwellian Newspeak and the Death of Free Speech By John W. Whitehead, July 01, 2015
US Media Justify the Killing of an Unarmed Escaped Convict. New York Governor Cuomo Applauds By Matt Peppe, July 01, 2015
Electronic Voting Fraud: A Real Threat to Any Democrat Running for President By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, July 01, 2015
Septima Clark and the Role of Civil Rights Education in South Carolina and Beyond By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 30, 2015
The Coup and Its Aftermath: Honduras Bleeding By Eric Draitser and Ramiro S. Fúnez, June 30, 2015
South Africa: Sixty Years Anniversary of the Freedom Charter amid Release of Commission Report on Marikana Massacre By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 30, 2015
Racism in America: “It’s Not Polite to Say Nigger in Public….” By William Boardman, June 30, 2015
Canada: Police Brutality Against Journalists in Montreal – Beaten with Batons, Tagged with paint, Shot with Rubber Bullets, and Pepper Sprayed By Global Research News, June 29, 2015
The Deep Racism of Western Imperial Intervention By Prof. Tim Anderson, June 29, 2015
Australia: When is Free Speech Unfree? When it involves the Abbott Government By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 26, 2015
The Silence of the Law: The Charleston Church Gunman By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 26, 2015
Israel’s Arab Citizens Fight for a Roof over Their Heads By Jonathan Cook, June 25, 2015
Israeli Jews Ban Christian Prayer in Jerusalem, Calling it “Pagan Ceremony”. By Motasem A Dalloul, June 25, 2015
Pentagon Rewrites ‘Law of War’ Declaring ‘Belligerent’ Journalists as Legitimate Targets By RT, June 24, 2015
The Charleston Massacre and the Legacy of Denmark Vesey By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 24, 2015
Were Active Police Shooter Drills Taking Place In Charleston During Church Shooting? By Brandon Turbeville, June 24, 2015
Ride-Sharing Service Uber Plans to Track Users Should Not Be Allowed, Says Privacy Group By Pratap Chatterjee, June 24, 2015
The Obama Administration’s “Secret Law” to Spy on Americans By Tom Burghardt, June 23, 2015
The Merging of Government and Wall Street Into One Criminal Entity: The Rising Tide of State Fascism in the US and Canada By Joachim Hagopian, June 23, 2015
Spying on Americans: 64 Drone Bases on US Soil By Global Research, June 23, 2015
Hundreds of Thousands of Haitians Face Deportation From the Dominican Republic By John Marion, June 23, 2015
The Social Roots of Racism in America By Andre Damon, June 23, 2015
Germany Arrests Al Jazeera Journalist on Warrant Issued by Egyptian Junta By Alex Lantier, June 22, 2015
US Foreign Policy: A Reflection of the Legacy of Racism and National Oppression By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 21, 2015
“Wag the Dog” Mass Killing, Race Wars and Gun Confiscation Obscure Sleight of Hand TPP Passage By Joachim Hagopian, June 20, 2015
Palestine: Journey through a Fractured Landscape By Sandy Tolan, June 20, 2015
Israel’s “Right to Defend”: By Definition, An Aggressor Cannot Act in Defense By Robert Barsocchini, June 19, 2015
Amnesty International: US Police Laws Violate Human Rights Standards By Andre Damon, June 19, 2015