Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
“The Trudeau Government Promotes the Drive to Militarism, Aggression and War”: Canadian Peace Congress Meets November 24-25 By Jed Lehman, November 19, 2018
Workers Rights, America’s Only Hope: One Big Union By Philip A Farruggio, November 19, 2018
Abolish US/NATO Military Bases By Nancy Price, November 18, 2018
Brazil Will Miss Cuban Doctors By Granma, November 17, 2018
House Members Block Resolution to End Yemen War By Stephen Lendman, November 16, 2018
Military Escalation in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Missile and Bombing Attacks on Civilian Buildings By IMEMC, November 16, 2018
Medicare for All: An Idea Whose Time Has Come By Stephen Lendman, November 15, 2018
The Moral Fiber of Justin Trudeau. Palestine and the BDS Movement By Kim Petersen, November 15, 2018
US Intel. Will Bring Assange to US in Chains By Ann Garrison, November 15, 2018
America Has No Peace Movement – Blame the ‘White Supremacists’ By Philip Giraldi, November 15, 2018
Google Absorbs UK Subsidiary with Access to NHS Patient Data By True Publica, November 15, 2018
Israel Always Initiates Violence in Occupied Palestine By Stephen Lendman, November 14, 2018
Gaza Children’s Nightmares on the Rise By Norwegian Refugee Council, November 14, 2018
Telling NRA #ThisIsOurLane: Doctors’ Photos Show Blood-Soaked Reality of America’s Gun Madness By Julia Conley, November 14, 2018
This Election Deepened America’s Tribal Divide By James J. Zogby, November 14, 2018
Escalation of Israeli Attacks against Gaza: Global Solidarity Campaign with the Palestinian People By Salah Abdelati, November 14, 2018
Why Fascism Won in Brazil? By Carlos Serrano Ferreira, November 14, 2018
Trump’s Full Spectrum Assault on Palestinian Politics By Ilana Feldman, November 14, 2018
Trump Is Not Welcome in France! He is the Man Who Ordered the Increase in War Budgets… By POID and Jeunesse Révolution, November 13, 2018
Steps Forward in Free Access to Urban Public Transport By Lukasz Lugowski, November 13, 2018
Video: Gaza Is on Edge of Israeli Ground Invasion By South Front, November 13, 2018
Convenient Demonologies: Stopping Migrant Caravans By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 13, 2018
The War to End War 100 Years On: An Evaluation and Reorientation of our Resistance to War By Robert J. Burrowes, November 13, 2018
Gaza Needs International Intervention Now to Prevent Another Israeli Offensive By Yousef Alhelou, November 13, 2018
Veteran’s Day. The Military Industrial Empire’s Chess Game By Philip A Farruggio, November 12, 2018
Israeli Forces Detain 8-year-old Palestinian Child Near Hebron By If Americans Knew, November 12, 2018
A Mother’s Plea to Save Her Son… Julian Assange, Held 8 Years Without Charge by the UK Government By Mairead Maguire, November 09, 2018
UK Government Goes Full Orwellian. DNA, Fingerprint, Face, Voice: Biometric Data for Every Single Citizen in the UK By True Publica, November 09, 2018
Canada’s Trudeau Condemns BDS in Apology to Jewish WWII Refugees By Middle East Eye, November 09, 2018
Three Years On, Yazidis in Northern Iraq Have Nowhere to Return By Norwegian Refugee Council, November 09, 2018
Nicaragua and the U.S. Neo-fascist Offensive By Fabián Escalante Font, November 09, 2018
Upside Down Mark Twain By Philip A Farruggio, November 08, 2018
Information Picket: The Resettlement of Syria’s White Helmets in Canada By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, November 08, 2018
True and False Accusations of US Midterm Election Interference. Fake Reports of Russian Election Meddling By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2018
The West Is Failing Julian Assange By Stefania Maurizi, November 07, 2018
Universal Healthcare in Africa Is a Necessity for Genuine Development By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 07, 2018
Election 2018 and The Unraveling of America. The Great Distraction. Rising Social Inequality By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 07, 2018
Democratic Candidates Praise Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants as Troops Arrive at the Border By Eric London, November 06, 2018
With Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Israel Finds Another Natural Partner on the Far-right By Jonathan Cook, November 06, 2018
A Carefully Scripted Election Campaign. “Don’t Step in the Tawanka!” By Philip A Farruggio, November 06, 2018
Save Us From Freedom! By Julian Rose, November 05, 2018
The Google Walkout: An International Working-Class Movement. Sparked by Anger at the Company Policies By Dan La Botz, November 05, 2018
Rocks Are Not Guns: #AskJoseAntonio: Trump’s Call For Lethal Force By Justice for Jose Antonio Coalition, November 04, 2018
Video: The Globalists Have Created A ‘Humanitarian’ Immigration Crisis: Why Is This Happening Now? By Truthstream Media, November 03, 2018
Building a Strong Left: Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, November 03, 2018
American Terror Is Not New By Margaret Kimberley, November 03, 2018
Why Do We Need a National-Security State? By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 02, 2018
Your Commander-in-Chief Is Lying to You: Veterans Issue Open Letter to Active Duty US Soldiers By Rory Fanning and Spenser Rapone, November 02, 2018
Indigenous Peoples Declare State of Environmental Emergency in the Peruvian Amazon By Miluska Elguera, November 02, 2018
Bolsonaro and Indigenous Rights in Brazil: A Glimmer of Hope in Difficult Times By Vanessa Jiménez, November 02, 2018
“Without Our Forest, We Have No Life, We Disappear”: Cameroon’s Baka Community By Jean-Jacques, November 02, 2018
US Midterm Elections: Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Will Not “Restore Democracy to America” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 02, 2018
Brazil: Quilombo Campo Grande Suffers Threats From Fascism By MST - Landless Workers Movement of Brazil, November 02, 2018
Britain’s Social Policy Disregards the Rights of Disabled and Chronically Sick People By True Publica, November 01, 2018
Why Canadian Prisoners Are Participating in the US Prison Strike By Jordan House, November 01, 2018
How Google Wipes Palestine Off the Map By Asa Winstanley, October 31, 2018
Mass Shooting at Pittsburgh Synagogue: Anti-Semitic Violence Erupts in America By Joseph Kishore, October 31, 2018
Trump ‘Not Welcome in Pittsburgh’ Until He Denounces White Nationalism By Middle East Eye, October 31, 2018
Black Leaders Organize March on the White House to Demand End to U.S. War on Africa By Uhuru News, October 30, 2018
“Class War Conservatism” and Resistance to the Doug Ford Tories in Ontario By Jeff Shantz, October 30, 2018
Haddad: PT Will Fight for Social Unification of Brazil By Telesur, October 30, 2018
A Ridiculed Election Show of US-NATO on the Stage of Afghanistan By Defend Democracy Press, October 29, 2018
Why Are Thousands of Hondurans Walking Towards the US Border? By Zoe PC, October 29, 2018
Israeli Blockade of Gaza.The Only Solution is the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State By Hans Stehling, October 29, 2018
Mumia Abu Jamal and the Prison Industrial Complex By Michael Welch, October 27, 2018
Brazil: The Collapse of Democracy? Rise of the Far Right By Alfredo Saad-Filho, October 27, 2018
Big Business Strikes Back: The Class Struggle from Above. The Neo-Liberal “New Order” By Prof. James Petras, October 27, 2018
Trump to Deploy Hundreds of Troops to the Border against Central American Migrants By Andrea Lobo, October 26, 2018
Digital Book Burners By Kurt Nimmo, October 26, 2018
The Saudi Butchery in Yemen and the World’s Apathy By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, October 26, 2018
Canada: Starting Down the Path to Marijuana Legalization By Bryant Brown, October 26, 2018
Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media “Just the Beginning,” Says Top Neocon Insider By Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague, October 25, 2018
The State of America – as Described by Americans By True Publica, October 25, 2018
The Importance of Alternative Media. The Mass Media and our Present Crisis By John Scales Avery, October 25, 2018
Heritage Foundation in Shadow of Haiti’s PetroCaribe Protests? By Dady Chery, October 25, 2018
US Fueling Terrorism in China By Tony Cartalucci, October 25, 2018
“Dismantling of Democracy in Israel”. Death Threats for B’Tselem, Racism Lawsuit for a Chief Rabbi By Middle East Eye, October 24, 2018
Israel Invokes Its “Fight for Survival” as It Descends into a Racist State By Miko Peled, October 24, 2018
The Three Evils: “Racism, Excessive Materialism and Militarism” By Philip A Farruggio, October 24, 2018
Israel Advances Bill Linking Cultural Funding with ‘Loyalty’ to State By Middle East Eye, October 23, 2018