Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
Gilets Jaunes: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent By Vanessa Beeley, February 01, 2019
Web Activists Keep Hope for Net Neutrality Alive as Open Internet Defenders Take the FCC to Court By Fight for the Future, February 01, 2019
Pakistan and the Cultural Appropriation of Pashtun Rights Movement By Nauman Sadiq, February 01, 2019
86% of Venezuelans Oppose Military Intervention, 81% Against US Sanctions, Local Polling Shows By Ben Norton, January 30, 2019
‘Muslim Ban’: Two Years on, Trump’s Order Still Destroying Lives By Ali Harb and Dania Akkad, January 28, 2019
Israeli General Mounts Challenge to Netanyahu by Flaunting Gaza Carnage By Jonathan Cook, January 28, 2019
Michelle Alexander Is Right About Israel-Palestine By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 27, 2019
It Is Time for a More Decisive Resistance Against the Authorities! “Bella Ciao” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, January 26, 2019
Mobilize and Defend Venezuela! By Andre Vltchek, January 25, 2019
TransCanada and First Nations’ Rights: Who’s Banking the Coastal GasLink Pipeline? By Elana Sulakshana, January 25, 2019
Putting on Yellow Vests — to Stop Trump’s Throwing the U.S. Constitution over a Wall By Dr. Barbara G. Ellis, January 24, 2019
Assange Takes Legal Action to Force Trump Administration to Reveal Charges Against Him By Defend Wikileaks, January 24, 2019
UN: 254 Palestinians Killed, 23,000 Injured in Gaza Protests By Middle East Monitor, January 23, 2019
The Abduction of Marzieh Hashemi and the Media Censorship Campaign By Jason Unruhe, January 23, 2019
A Tale of Two Walls By Philip Giraldi, January 22, 2019
Indefinite Detention Uncharged and Untried a Crime Against Humanity By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2019
Michelle Alexander on Palestinian Suffering and Injustice. Accuses America of being Run by Criminals By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2019
Kennedy, King Families to Congress: Reopen Probes By WhoWhatWhy, January 21, 2019
Beyond NATO: Time to Break the Silence, End NATO’s Militarism. Relevance of MLK’s Speech against the Vietnam War By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 21, 2019
Would Martin Luther King Oppose NATO? By Black Alliance for Peace, January 21, 2019
Distinguished Iranian/American Journalist Marzieh Hashemi arrested by FBI By Stephen Lendman, January 21, 2019
Britain’s Intrusive Surveillance Systems. “Pre-crime and Predictive Systems”. Reliance on Data-driven Surveillance and Algorithms By True Publica, January 21, 2019
Amid Media Blackout, Workers Expand Strike Matamoros, Mexico Strike of over 70,000 Workers Enters Sixth Day By Alex González and Andrea Lobo, January 20, 2019
Video: Protesters Clash with French Police in Souillac Before Macron Visit By RT News, January 20, 2019
Vive La Résistance: Brexit, Yellow Vests, and the Fate of the EU By Michael Welch, Diana Johnstone, and Peter Koenig, January 20, 2019
Okinawa Activists Petition White House to Stop Military Base Construction By John Zangas, January 17, 2019
3 Reasons to Pay Attention to the LA Teacher Strike By Prof. Erin McHenry-Sorber, January 17, 2019
The Global Internet Is Facing a Catastrophe for Free Expression By Cory Doctorow, January 17, 2019
Medical Consequences of Drone Attacks against Gaza: Amputation Injuries By Hanne Heszlein-Lossius, Yahya Al-Borno, and et al., January 17, 2019
As Support Grows to Extend Los Angeles Teacher Strike, Unions Colluding with Democrats to End Walkout By Jerry White, January 16, 2019
Uniting for a “Green New Deal” By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, January 15, 2019
The ‘Private Governments’ that Subjugate U.S. Workers By Chris Hedges, January 15, 2019
A New Day for Mexican Workers By David Bacon, January 14, 2019
Political Prisoners in America By J. B. Gerald, January 14, 2019
Canada’s Trudeau Accused of Violating First Nations Rights over Gas Pipeline By Andy Rowell, January 14, 2019
Gilets Jaunes in 2019: French Democracy Dead or Alive? By Diana Johnstone, January 12, 2019
New Mural in Paris Celebrates ‘Yellow Vest’ Revolt By The Local, January 12, 2019
French Government Moves to Impose a Police State in Response to Gilets Jaunes By Kurt Nimmo, January 10, 2019
Trudeau’s Vacuous Haiti Declaration Ignores Revolution, Slavery By Yves Engler, January 10, 2019
Gilets Jaunes: Catalyst for a Global Movement? By Gilbert Mercier, January 10, 2019
In Pictures: The Largest Strike in History Is Happening in India Right Now By Ben Cowles, January 09, 2019
French Prime Minister Proposes Government Registry of Demonstrators By Alex Lantier, January 09, 2019
Trump Escalates Confrontation over Federal Shutdown By Patrick Martin, January 08, 2019
Los Angeles Teachers Prepare for Strike By Jerry White and Kim Saito, January 08, 2019
What Would a Yellow Vest Movement Look Like in the United States? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 07, 2019
Revolution Returns to Europe. How and Why By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, January 07, 2019
Forgotten France Rises Up By Serge Halimi, January 07, 2019
Addressing Urban Pollution, Reversing Climate Change: Electric Vehicles and Hydrogen Powered Cars By Roy Morrison, January 06, 2019
Nicaragua and the Corruption, Co-optation of Human Rights By Stephen Sefton, January 05, 2019
French Police Arrest “Yellow Vest” Spokesman Eric Drouet By Anthony Torres, January 04, 2019
A Gaullist Reflex? General de Villiers and the Yellow Vest Movement By Umberto Pascali, January 04, 2019
Video: Macron Resign! French Authorities Deploy 150,000 Policemen and Soldiers on New Year’s Eve. Macron Refuses the Demands. By Defend Democracy Press, January 03, 2019
Fight for Net Neutrality Continues as Congress Exposes Its Own Corruption By Fight for the Future, January 03, 2019
Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Have Been Ignored by “The Resistance” in the U.S. By Max Parry, January 03, 2019
Resisting Tyranny in the New Year. Headquartered in Washington: The Most Egregious Human Rights Offender in World History By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2019
Report: “Israeli Soldiers Killed 312 Palestinians In 2018” By IMEMC, January 03, 2019
The Broader U.S. Movement for Peace, Economic Justice, Civil Rights and the Environment By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 02, 2019
Christmas Colors Light Up a Diverse Syria as Peace and Stability Return – and the West Barely Noticed By Vanessa Beeley, January 02, 2019
Amid Global Crackdown on Refugees: One Sixth of World’s People Want to Flee Their Home Countries By Eric London, January 02, 2019
Unseen Enemy: Doctors in Gaza Battling Superbug Epidemic By Madlen Davies and Ben Stockton, January 01, 2019
The Judge Tucker Court of Appeal’s Decision Opens the Door to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Freedom By International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, January 01, 2019
School Employee Sues District for Israel Loyalty Oath in Contract By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 31, 2018
Occupied Palestine in 2018: Record Deaths and Injuries, Food Insecurity, Demolitions, Record Low Humanitarian Funding By ReliefWeb, December 30, 2018
Biggest Stories of 2018: Israel Announced Apartheid, Shot Thousands of Civilians By Prof. Juan Cole, December 29, 2018
The History of Pan-Africanism and National Liberation By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 28, 2018
Gaza: The Palestinians Who Died During the Great March of Return By Ahmad Nafi and Chloé Benoist, December 28, 2018
Banishing Truth By Chris Hedges, December 27, 2018
Demand Transparency in Medicare for All By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, December 27, 2018
Failed Regime Change in Nicaragua. OAS and Amnesty International: Killing, Torturing Sandinistas Is OK By Stephen Sefton, December 27, 2018
In Bethlehem, I Had a Vivid Experience of What Israel’s Occupation Feels Like By Ghada Karmi, December 27, 2018
Hungary’s Victor Orbán’s “Latest Dance” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23, 2018
The Fusion Doctrine, For a Totalitarian Take Over. Militarization and “Privatization of the State” By Julian Rose, December 23, 2018
The Real Reason Behind Canada’s Arrest of China’s Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Ron Unz, and Christopher Black, December 23, 2018
“Cultural Marxism”: The Quixotic Catch-All Term to Cover Feminism, Multiculturalism, Identity Politics, Civil Rights, … By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 21, 2018
“The War on Terrorism” is “Fake”: On the Need for Mass Social Mobilizations and Transformative Changes By Mark Taliano, December 21, 2018
Federal Court Blocks Trump Asylum Ban Again By American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), December 21, 2018
The Constitutional Right to Boycott Israel By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2018
French Government Responds to Mass Protests By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 19, 2018
Canada: Pro-Israel MPs Flout NDP Policy By Yves Engler, December 18, 2018
Israel: Ethnic Cleansing, Land Theft, Apartheid and Racism against Palestinians By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 18, 2018