Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
The Covid-19 “Big Lie”: Is This What You Want for Your Children? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 21, 2020
Medical Fascism: Australia Plans to Make Covid-19 Vaccine ‘as Mandatory as Possible’ Once Proven Safe By Samantha Maiden and Charis Chang, August 20, 2020
Video: Trudeau and Canadian Government Sued over COVID Measures. Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati By Rocco Galati and Sarah Westall, August 19, 2020
Halting Our Descent into Tyranny: Defeating the Global Elite’s COVID-19 Coup By Robert J. Burrowes, August 19, 2020
Analysis of Vaccine, Censorship Claims Another Victim: Honest-Journalism Giant, Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire” By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, August 19, 2020
Doctors Lay Out Plan to ‘Punish’ People Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine: ‘There Is No Alternative’ By Claire Chretien, August 17, 2020
Anti-Racist Uprising Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans By Andre Vltchek, August 17, 2020
The Show Trial of Julian Assange: A Cruel and Pseudolegal Farce By Thomas Scripps and Kevin Reed, August 17, 2020
Letters from Melbourne: A ‘Ghost Town Police State’ Under Brutal COVID Lockdown By Robert Bridge, August 15, 2020
Prisoners’ Justice Day in Canada, The Rights of Prison Inmates. The Prison Reform Movement By Michael Welch, August 15, 2020
A Real Democratic World Government Is the Solution to the COVID-19 Crisis By Roger Copple, August 13, 2020
Black People Confront Racist Violence By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 13, 2020
Spying on Journalists By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 13, 2020
Mass Looting in Chicago, My Neighborhood Under Siege By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2020
This Is America: Where Fascism, Totalitarianism and Militarism Go Hand in Hand By John W. Whitehead, August 12, 2020
America’s Political Crisis: Organized Riots and the Economic Lockdown By Renee Parsons, August 11, 2020
Global Destruction, 
The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic and Social Impacts By Peter Koenig, August 11, 2020
Five Ways “The New Normal” Is Getting Worse and Worse. Curfew, Masks at Home, Immunity Passports, … By Kit Knightly, August 10, 2020
COVID as a Pretext to Prevent the Reopening of Schools: Deceit and Demagoguery in Montgomery County, Maryland By James Bovard, August 10, 2020
Intimidation and Censorship Campaign against Online Independent Media By Andrew Korybko, August 07, 2020
The Covid-19 Pandemic, Does It Exist? The Truth is Being Obliterated. The Global Elite’s Campaign Against Humanity By Robert J. Burrowes, August 06, 2020
Wearing the Mask is Mandatory in Quebec: The Legault Government’s Legitimacy Questioned By Dr. Micheline Ladouceur, August 06, 2020
Legacies of African American Struggle: Rev. C.T. Vivian and Rep. John Lewis Efforts to Dismantle “Legalized Segregation” By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 06, 2020
P Is for Predator State: The Building Blocks of Tyranny from A to Z By John W. Whitehead, August 05, 2020
State of Pandemic Disaster in Australia: Victoria Moves into Stage Four By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 04, 2020
Media Grossly Underestimates Massive Turnout at Berlin’s “End of the Pandemic” Protest By John C. A. Manley, August 04, 2020
Europeans Are Waking Up to Government COVID Tyranny. Why Are We Still Asleep? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 04, 2020
Masks Are a Psychological Preparation for Mandatory Vaccinations By Prof. Bill Willers, August 03, 2020
“V For Vendetta”: Was V’s 2005 “Sermon” Warning Us of COVID-19(84) Tyranny? By John C. A. Manley, August 03, 2020
Seattle’s “Bolshevik Revolution” By Mike Whitney, August 02, 2020
The Ultimate Divide and Conquer: Submission, Social Conformity, Terror Campaign By Russ Bangs, July 31, 2020
Journalism Under Attack in Assange Case By Asad Ismi, July 31, 2020
One Nation Under House Arrest: How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms? By John W. Whitehead, July 30, 2020
The True Face of Covid-19: Fear and “Shock Therapy” to Impose a Totalitarian Society? By Dr. Pascal Sacré, July 29, 2020
Trump Is Daring Us to Stop Him By Sonali Kolhatkar, July 29, 2020
Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: The Destabilization Plan to “Remake America” By Mike Whitney, July 29, 2020
China, Militarism and Bipartisan Games By Ajamu Baraka, July 28, 2020
Popular Movements Can Overcome Authoritarian Policing By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, July 27, 2020
The Portland Police Attack: ACLU Files Lawsuit. Sues Trump and City of Portland By ACLU, July 25, 2020
ACLU Sues Trump Administration Over ‘Unconscionable’ Attacks on Portland Medics “This lawlessness must end.” By Jake Johnson, July 25, 2020
The Bonus Army Veterans’ Protest of 1932, “The Cruelest Year of the Great Depression” By Gary Olson, July 25, 2020
Why Trump’s Paramilitary Force Is Unconstitutional. ‘A Profoundly Un-American Attack On Civil Society’ By Lawrence Tribe, July 25, 2020
Defund the Police State, Before It’s Too Late By William Boardman, July 23, 2020
Trump Administration Deploys Federal Forces into Major U.S. Cities By Black Alliance for Peace, July 23, 2020
Who Will Come to America’s Rescue? A Nation Under Internal Threat, Engulfed in an Unprecedented Crisis… By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 23, 2020
That Damn Camouflage Again! The Militarization of “Law Enforcement” By Philip A Farruggio, July 23, 2020
ACLU Sues to Stop US State-Sponsored Violence, Chicago to be Occupied by Federal Agents By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2020
The Federal Coup to Overthrow the States and Nix the 10th Amendment Is Underway By John W. Whitehead, July 22, 2020
Police Violence, the Tip of an Iceberg By J. B. Gerald, July 20, 2020
The Architecture of Domestic Repression in the United States By Donald Monaco, July 17, 2020
Turmoil at Home, Turmoil Abroad: Israel and the U.S. Escalate Their War Against Iran By Philip Giraldi, July 17, 2020
Video: The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic and Social Impacts By Peter Koenig and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16, 2020
The Ultra-Rich Elites of the New World Order and Their Diabolical Agenda By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 16, 2020
The Pandemic of Racism in America By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, July 16, 2020
Covid-19: Phase 1 of the “Permanent Crisis”? By Mike Whitney, July 16, 2020
Building Power to Win Is the Revolutionary Approach to “Bourgeois Electoralism” By Ajamu Baraka, July 16, 2020
America, You’ve Been Blacklisted: McCarthyism Refashioned for a New Age By John W. Whitehead, July 15, 2020
Ten Million Children ‘May Never Return to School’ after Coronavirus By The New Arab, July 14, 2020
The Woke Revolution. “The Free Exchange of Information and Ideas” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 13, 2020
‘Cancel Culture’ Letter Is About Stifling Free Speech, Not Protecting It By Jonathan Cook, July 13, 2020
Enter the Virus… The Great ‘Reset’ of Capitalism By William Bowles, July 13, 2020
“Soft Power”: Americans in Its Grip at Home Must Face the Mischief It Wields By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 13, 2020
Popular Uprising against Covid Lockdown. Belgrade Liberated! The Government Surrenders By Israel Shamir, July 13, 2020
Video: Race, Class and Protest in the United States Today By Ajamu Baraka, July 12, 2020
Video: COVID-19 “Fake” Data in Italy: Politician Slams False Numbers: Vittorio Sgarbi By Global Research News, July 11, 2020
Palestinians Have No Choice but to Resist in Any Way, Shape or Form Annexation By Michael Jansen, July 10, 2020
Tyranny Without a Tyrant: The Deep State’s Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Is Working By John W. Whitehead, July 08, 2020
The Sad Faces of Our Children in Lockdown Covid Captivity By Julian Rose, July 08, 2020
Israel’s Annexation Plans Explained in Nine Questions By Daniel Hilton, July 03, 2020
Zionist Political Violence: Patterns and Motives By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, July 02, 2020
Israeli Police Brutality: Unnoticed Murder of Palestinian Autistic Man Eyad Hallaq By Robert Fantina, July 01, 2020
IADL Calls on UK Court to Grant Bail to Julian Assange, Ill and Vulnerable to COVID-19 By IADL, June 30, 2020
Nuclear Weapons’ Testing in Nevada and the Shoshone People. The Dark Legacy of Radiation Exposure By Ian Zabarte, June 30, 2020
America’s Revolutionary Founders Would be Anti-Government Extremists Today By John W. Whitehead, June 30, 2020
Video: UN Agenda 2030 Exposed By Rosa Koire, June 29, 2020
Just Action for Refugees and Locals: Green Shoots on Greece’s Samos Island By Chris Jones, June 29, 2020
Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries By Raul Diego, June 29, 2020
Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx: ‘Death to Slavery’ By John Wight, June 26, 2020
Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the Neoliberal Color Revolution in America By Kurt Nimmo, June 25, 2020
This Way Lies Madness: The Summer of Hate Meets the Age of Intolerance By John W. Whitehead, June 24, 2020