Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
Press Freedom Coalition Calls on Biden’s Department of Justice to Drop Case Against Julian Assange By Reporters Without Borders, February 11, 2021
Continuing Prosecutions: Assange and the Biden Administration By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 11, 2021
Biden Regime Wants Julian Assange Crucified for Truth-Telling By Stephen Lendman, February 11, 2021
Don’t Impeach Trump. Impeach the Deep State for Its Conspiracy to Kill the Constitution By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, February 10, 2021
Report: UK Government Considering Knocking on Doors of Vaccine Refusniks By Steve Watson, February 10, 2021
US Supported “Nazism” in Ukraine. Censorship in the US, West, and Ukraine By Stephen Lendman, February 09, 2021
Video: The Face Mask Imposed by France’s Police State. Breathing is a Fundamental Human Right By Mondialisation.ca, February 08, 2021
Vaccine Passports and Health Passes: Is Showing Your “Papers” the “New Normal?” By Robert Wheeler, February 06, 2021
The Erasing of Human Identity By S. M. Smyth, February 05, 2021
Spain’s Galician Health Law Includes Mandatory Vaccination By Merran Laginestra, February 05, 2021
Mandatory Face Masks By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2021
‘Nobody Is Safe Until ‘Everybody Is Vaccinated’: Klaus Schwab’s “Global Reset” By Michael Haynes, February 04, 2021
Racial Inequality, Institutional Discrimination: The “Great Awokening” in Global and Class Context By Prof. Charles McKelvey, February 03, 2021
Libertarian “Domestic Terrorists”? By Rep. Ron Paul, February 02, 2021
Brazil Guts Agencies, ‘Sabotaging Environmental Protection’ in Amazon: Report By Sue Branford and Thais Borges, February 02, 2021
German Doctors Letter to Chancellor Merkel, Put an End to the Covid “Fear Machine” By Dr. Robert Kluger and et al., February 02, 2021
“I Don’t Want to Live Any More”, Said the Child to Her Mother. The German Government Strangles The Future of Its Own People By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 01, 2021
“Humans Love Violence”: Gandhi and the World Economic Forum By Robert J. Burrowes, January 30, 2021
A “Domestic Terrorism” Law? War on Dissent Will Proceed Full Speed Ahead By Philip Giraldi, January 29, 2021
Protecting Individual Rights in the Era of COVID-19 By Children’s Health Defense, January 28, 2021
George Floyd “Narrated His Death,” Says Attorney at International Inquiry By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 28, 2021
We Are Entering a New Totalitarian Era By Ajamu Baraka and Ann Garrison, January 28, 2021
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Individual Rights and Freedoms Under Siege in Era of COVID By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, January 27, 2021
Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on “Domestic Terrorism” Is a Trap By John W. Whitehead, January 27, 2021
The Virus of Mass Destruction By Duni Dalmar, January 26, 2021
The Futility and Dangers of Covid Lockdowns: Doctors Letter to Premier of Ontario Doug Ford By Dr. Stephen Malthouse, January 26, 2021
COVID Mask: The Psychology of Surrender? By Julian Rose, January 26, 2021
Nursing Home Fires Workers for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccination By Patrick Delaney, January 26, 2021
When Fascism Comes, It Will be Wearing a Mask By Rep. Ron Paul, January 26, 2021
Human Civilization and the Recreation of Wilderness By S. M. Smyth, January 25, 2021
Senior MP: British Public Will “Rise Up and Bring Down” Lockdown if Exit Plan Isn’t Outlined By Steve Watson, January 25, 2021
U.S. Censorship Mania: A Threat to Independent Media. The Secretive Plan to Shut Down the Internet By Eric Sommer, January 24, 2021
Masking Up under Biden: The Perils of Tribalism, Bureaucracy and Lawsuits By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 24, 2021
We Are at War By Peter Koenig, January 24, 2021
Video: “The New Normal” Documentary By happen.network, January 21, 2021
“I Am Open”: 50,000 Italian Restaurant Owners Plan to Ignore Lockdown By OffGuardian, January 19, 2021
Dystopia Now! – Surveillance Through Vaccine Certificates, Digital IDs, and Biometric Data By Jesse Smith, January 19, 2021
Martin Luther King: The Starless Midnight of Racism By Richard Revelstoke, January 18, 2021
“Leaking”: Digital Activism Is Today’s New Radicalism By Megan Sherman, January 18, 2021
Brave New Dystopian World Order Unfolding. Silencing Dissent By Stephen Lendman, January 17, 2021
Call for Action: The Necessary Struggle of the Personal Conscience Against “The New World Order” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, January 17, 2021
The Sheep Syndrome. By Peter Koenig, January 17, 2021
Wednesday, January 6, 2021: The Siege on Capitol Hill. The Impeachment of Donald Trump By Michael Welch, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Barrie Zwicker, and Jason Bermas, January 16, 2021
Martin Luther King’s Warning of America’s Spiritual Death By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 15, 2021
MLK Day: Who Killed Martin Luther King? The Cover-Up of the Century By Asad Ismi, January 15, 2021
The New America of Terror and Discontent By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, January 15, 2021
COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink By Dr. Ari Joffe, January 15, 2021
What’s the Point of Impeaching Trump Twice? By Andrew Korybko, January 15, 2021
Canadian Expert’s Research Finds Lockdown Harms Are 10 Times Greater than Benefits By Dr. Ari Joffe, January 15, 2021
“What Happened at the Capitol Could Not Happen Unless Police Allowed It to Happen” By Mara Verheyden-Hilliard and Janine Jackson, January 14, 2021
International Support Continues for Protesting Farmers in India By Colin Todhunter, January 14, 2021
9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail By Pepe Escobar, January 14, 2021
Biden’s Patriot Act 2.0: Exploiting the Chaos to Impose More Surveillance and Censorship By Rainer Shea, January 13, 2021
Britain to Issue Vaccine Passports By Stephen Lendman, January 13, 2021
A Nation Imploding: Digital Tyranny, Insurrection and Martial Law By John W. Whitehead, January 13, 2021
Video: Masked Agenda: Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film By Zachary Denman, January 12, 2021
Violent Right Wing Forces Have Been Activated, It Requires Strategic Action to Stop Them By Margaret Flowers, January 12, 2021
January 6th at Capitol Hill: Blowback and the Ongoing Crisis of Legitimacy By Black Alliance for Peace, January 12, 2021
Life Today Seems Like a Dream, Surreal By Edward Curtin, January 12, 2021
Twitter’s Ban on Trump Will Deepen the US Tribal Divide By Jonathan Cook, January 12, 2021
Patriot Act 2, Censorship, and Other Notes from the Edge of the Narrative Matrix By Caitlin Johnstone, January 11, 2021
America Under Censorship: Twitter Shutting Out Certain Voices and Ideas. Biden Presidency Certified, Free Speech May be No Longer By Catherine Shakdam, January 11, 2021
Video: The Great Reset: Dystopian By Zachary Denman, January 11, 2021
I Was at the Washington, D.C. “Save America” Rally By Cat McGuire, January 11, 2021
Archbishop Viganò: Open Letter to Donald Trump, Warns About ‘Great Reset’ Plot to ‘Subdue Humanity,’ Destroy Freedom By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, January 10, 2021
With Unilateral Censorship of a Sitting US President, Big Tech Has Proven It’s More Powerful than Any Government By Helen Buyniski, January 10, 2021
Censorship in America: The New Abnormal. President Trump Censored by Twitter By Stephen Lendman, January 08, 2021
“Forbidden Weapons” Used Against Gaza Strip Palestinians. Israel Deliberately Targets Palestinian Civilians By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, January 08, 2021
Video: “The Thick Red Line”: Law Enforcement, the “Plandemic”and the Unlawful Orders of Politicians By James Corbett and Howard Lichtman, January 08, 2021
Assange Denied Bail. Campaigning For Freedom and Justice By May Ayres, January 07, 2021
COVID-19 Contact Tracing and State Surveillance By Tracy Rosenberg and Ann Garrison, January 07, 2021
Video: What No One Is Saying About the Lockdowns By James Corbett, January 07, 2021
Is Forever Mass-Vaxxing the “New Abnormal”? By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2021
What to Expect in 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation and More Tyranny By John W. Whitehead, January 06, 2021
Greece: From A Covid Coup To A Covid Junta By Evans Aggelissopoulos, January 06, 2021
Assange Extradition Denial Indicts US Prison System But Imperils Journalism By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 06, 2021
The Fate of the American Republic: Without the Banana! By Philip A Farruggio, January 06, 2021
Video: The Darkest Winter (2020) By Derrick Broze, January 05, 2021
Brutal Human Rights Abuses: Torture, Sanctions and Failure to Address “Economic Rights” By Rod Driver, January 05, 2021
Draconian NY Police State Assembly Bill: Indefinite Detainment of “Disease Carriers” By Stephen Lendman, January 05, 2021