Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
People Uniting to Save Algiers, New Orleans By Michael Steinberg, September 13, 2005
Post-Katrina New Orleans: American police state is here By Larry Chin, September 13, 2005
The Great New Orleans Land Grab By Ernesto Cienfuegos, September 13, 2005
Attacks on democratic rights, breaching legal barriers: FEMA and Katrina: REX-84 Revisited By Kurt Nimmo, September 11, 2005
Mississippi Delta Disaster: The Absence of a Viable Opposition in America By Chris Floyd, September 10, 2005
New Orleans: Maximizing Disaster By Murray Dobbin, September 10, 2005
POLICE STATE IN AMERICA: Now Bush can lock up anyone forever without charge By Siddharth Varadarajan, September 10, 2005
Why FEMA failed By Farhad Manjoo, September 10, 2005
Federal Emergency Management Agency blocking relief supplies By Brad Delong, September 10, 2005
Katrina; relocation or ethnic cleansing? By Mike Whitney, September 10, 2005
Hurricane Katrina: Armed Mexican Troops enter the US By Global Research, September 09, 2005
Impending Police State: The Implications of the Katrina Disaster for Canada By Connie Fogal, September 08, 2005
Former FEMA head and Halliburton lobbyist visits Louisiana for deals By Global Research, September 08, 2005
Private Security and Mercenary Companies Patrol New Orleans By Larry Chin, September 08, 2005
The Militarization of New Orleans. From Victims to Vandals: Mass Media and New Orleans By Prof. James Petras, September 08, 2005
Retrospect on the Role of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) By Harry V. Martin, September 06, 2005
The Prospect of Martial Law: “Transformation” and the Beginning of Global Resistance By Mike Whitney, August 31, 2005
America’s Corrupt Legal System By Les Sachs, August 30, 2005
State Violence, Free Speech and the Rise of Xenophobia By Yamin Zakaria, August 27, 2005
The Rise Of The Democratic Police State By John Pilger, August 26, 2005
Privatizing the Truth; Bush’s war on information By Mike Whitney, August 25, 2005
Pro-Israeli Corporate Media Attacks Global Research By Global Research, August 24, 2005
New Law slated to install Police State in Canada By Connie Fogal, August 24, 2005
Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin to install Big Brother Surveillance Cameras in NYC By Global Research, August 24, 2005
CBC News Rebroadcasts Pat Robertson’s Call to Murder President Hugo Chavez By Charles Boylan, August 24, 2005
Toronto Secret Trials against Muslims By Matthew Behrens, August 21, 2005
BRITAIN’S POLICE STATE: The cry now is “treason” or the Star Chamber revisited By William Bowles, August 13, 2005
Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US By Patrick Martin, August 10, 2005
Marijuana and the Loss of Canadian Sovereignty By Connie Fogal, August 07, 2005
US military to increase domestic surveillance By Global Research, August 07, 2005
Large Volume of FBI Files Alarms US Activist Groups By Eric Lichtblau, August 07, 2005
Could this ‘police officer’ be a soldier? By Michael Smith, August 04, 2005
Bush imposes right-wing thug as ambassador to UN By Bill Van Auken, August 03, 2005
Police gun down worker in London subway: another tragic consequence of Blair’s war policy By Global Research, July 29, 2005
The London Police’s Mossad-style Execution of a ‘Suspect’ By Professor John Gardner, July 27, 2005
E-Democracy in California By Global Research, July 27, 2005
British Cops trained in Israel By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 24, 2005
Unfolding Police State in America: US Congress renews PATRIOT Act By Global Research, July 22, 2005
American Revolution, Now! Eliminate the One Party with Two Faces By John Stanton, July 21, 2005
EU proposes that all ID cards have biometrics – everyone to be fingerprinted By Global Research, July 13, 2005
Bush Administration creates “Secret State Police” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 30, 2005
“Fortress America”: US, Canada and Mexico agree on Common Border By Global Research, June 28, 2005
Whitewashing War Crimes By Mumia Abu-Jamal, June 24, 2005
Racism, Lynching, Slavery – Pillars of the American Dream By Yamin Zakaria, June 22, 2005
It Can’t Happen Here By Rep. Ron Paul, June 18, 2005
Emergency Preparedness against the “Universal Adversary” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 07, 2005
Supporting dissent is not enough By Camilo Mejia, May 24, 2005
VIDEO: Torture Inc. America’s Brutal Prisons By Deborah Davies, May 23, 2005
Tom Ridge’s Mea Culpa: By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 12, 2005
The Provocateur State By Frank Morales, May 10, 2005
The unholy trinity of electronic snooping By Wayne Madsen, May 05, 2005
Is America Preparing for Martial Law? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 10, 2005
The CIA’s Campus Spies By David H Price, March 15, 2005
Civil Rights Lawyer Defending Those Accused under the “Anti-Terrorist” Legislation faces 30 Years Jail By Global Research, February 22, 2005
Sword Play: Attacking Civilians to Justify “Greater Security” By Chris Floyd, February 18, 2005
Hail, Hail The Gang’s All Here By Ray McGovern, February 18, 2005
The Real ID Act, Preamble to the Homeland Security State By Rep. Ron Paul, February 13, 2005
Bringing It All Back Home: The Emergence of the Homeland Security State By Nick Turse, January 26, 2005
Big Brother Goes Global By Global Research, January 12, 2005
The “Spanish Inquisition” Made in America By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 28, 2004
Torturegate: The FBI Emails By Global Research, December 20, 2004
Interview With God: God Returns! America Saved! Supports Bush 100 Percent By John Stanton, December 10, 2004
No child left unmedicated By Global Research, December 05, 2004
Tanks at Los Angeles Anti-War Rally By Global Research, November 10, 2004
“Substantial Disruption” at The Hague: Will Slobodan Milosevic be Tried In Absentia? By Tiphaine Dickson, November 09, 2004
The 14 Characteristics of Fascism By Lawrence Britt, November 07, 2004
Civil Liberties under the “October Plan”: The New COINTELPRO By Camille T. Taiara, October 25, 2004
We the People, IndyMedia, and the Neoliberal Project By Richard K. Moore, October 20, 2004
Behind the FBI Crackdown on Indymedia: Big Brother is Acting By William Bowles, October 12, 2004
Military aggression, war profiteering, crony payoffs are publicly celebrated as national virtues By Chris Floyd, October 09, 2004
Racism, Voter Intimidation and Faulty Poll Machines By Neil McKay, October 04, 2004
Concentration Camps in America By Jonathan Turley, September 04, 2004
Coup d’Etat in America? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 13, 2004