Police State & Civil Rights

What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
Video: ‘Bill Gates, you’re not welcome here’: Anti-globalism Rally Outside Vancouver TED Talk By Rebel News, April 15, 2022
Video: What the Great Reset Really Has in Store for Us By Kristina Borjesson, Matthew Ehret-Kump, Iain Davis, Tom Luongo, and Whitney Webb, April 08, 2022
Google Censorship! Now Your Private Email Is Under Threat! By William Bowles, April 08, 2022
The “Autocracy” Narrative: “Rules Based Order” vs. “Democracy” : There Is Something Troublesome About the Western Governments, Post-COVID, Rules-Based Order By Sundance, April 08, 2022
Biden’s Budget Cements Turn Towards War, Police By Nicholas Stender, April 08, 2022
The Financial Elite’s War against Humanity: Covid Tyranny, Robotization and the Restructuring of the Global Economy By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, April 06, 2022
The Democratic State System. The “Silent Dictatorship” Has Become An “Open Dictatorship”. The “Revolutionary Process” must be Non-violent! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 05, 2022
Security, Empire and Life in the USA By James Patrick Jordan, April 01, 2022
The Presidential Election in South Korea: Dark Threatening Fog Is Covering Up the Future of the Korean Peninsula By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 30, 2022
A New Novel Exposing the New Normal Deception By John C. A. Manley, March 29, 2022
The Chaos We See Around Us: ‘Responsible Freedom’ By Julian Rose, March 29, 2022
Trudeau Very Angry. Labelled a “Dictator” at the European Parliament. “Trampling on Democratic Rights”, “You are a Disgrace to Democracy” By Global Research News, March 26, 2022
Boom! Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces: Canadian Banking Association Was Approved by World Economic Forum to Lead the Digital ID Creation By Sundance, March 26, 2022
‘A Loss of Humanity’: Dr. Scott Atlas Laments Societal Damage Caused by Psychotic COVID Authoritarians By Shane Trejo, March 25, 2022
A Letter to the Unvaccinated By Dr. Angela Durante, Prof Denis Rancourt, and et al., March 24, 2022
Reflecting on Canada’s Freedom Convoy: “The Frozen Ashes” of Our Democracy and the “Frozen Assets” of Those Who Defended It By Julie Fleischauer, March 24, 2022
The Future Is Here: Dystopian Movies Fit for a Dystopian World By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 23, 2022
“Prisons are Big Business”: The Prison-Industrial Complex and the Global Economy By Linda Evans and Eve Goldberg, March 20, 2022
This Is the End of Free Speech Online By Fraser Myers, March 20, 2022
“States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Populations in Check” By Edward Curtin, March 18, 2022
Police Killings Continue While the Biden Administration Calls for More Funding to Law-Enforcement By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 16, 2022
Global Coup d’État? The “Great Reset”, Global Debt and Neoliberal “Shock Treatment” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13, 2022
Death by Peaceful Protest By Kato Rivera, March 08, 2022
The Global Digital ID Surveillance Plan Accelerates – Urgent Resistance Needed By Jesse Smith, March 08, 2022
The Great Reset’s 5G Cyborg Ecosystem By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 08, 2022
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events, and the Shrinking of American Democracy. Prof. Peter Dale Scott By Prof Peter Dale Scott, March 08, 2022
Reflections on War, Injections, and Terror at This Crossroads in History By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, March 07, 2022
“Emergency Powers” – to End Humanity By Julian Rose, March 07, 2022
Ukraine Wants to Basically “Kick Russia Off the Internet”. Terrible Idea By Courtney Radsch, March 05, 2022
The QR Code: “Apocalypse”, COVID Vaccine and the “Mark of the Beast” By Peter Koenig and Michael Mustapich, March 03, 2022
U.S. Homeland Security Report: “False or Misleading Narratives and Conspiracy Theories” to be Categorized as “Terrorism”? By Alex Berenson, March 03, 2022
The Pandemic Has Proven Democracy Is an Illusion By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 02, 2022
Abolish Violent and Corrupt Police Forces By Michael J. Talmo, March 02, 2022
Democracy Is Shedding Its Skin By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 01, 2022
Six More Trucker Convoys Plan on Merging with ‘The People’s Convoy’ When It Reaches Indianapolis – Organizers Expect Over 10,000 Vehicles to Join the Already 3,000-Strong Group By Julian Conradson, March 01, 2022
Canada’s Freezing of Protesters’ Finances Shows How the “War on Cash” Ends By Robert Fellner, February 28, 2022
Think Carefully About Accepting the Concept of Vaccine Passports By Sundance, February 27, 2022
Trudeau Invokes Emergencies Act in Canada By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 25, 2022
Who Are the True Insurrectionists That Illegally Took Over Ottawa? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, February 24, 2022
Video: Message to the President from Freedom Convoy USA 2022 By Alexandra Bruce and Kyle Sefcik, February 24, 2022
Video: Dr. Paul Alexander’s Speech at People’s Trucker Convoy USA in Adelanto, California, By Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, February 24, 2022
Breaking: Trudeau Government Dropping Emergencies Act Early After Pressure from Senate By Kennedy Hall, February 24, 2022
Justin Trudeau’s Swastikas. “Democracy with Neo-Nazi Characteristics”. The Emergencies Act is Revoked By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 24, 2022
How to End Vaccine Mandates — A History Lesson By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 23, 2022
Ottawa Mayor Wants to Sell Confiscated Freedom Convoy Vehicles By Mary Chastain, February 23, 2022
Video: Trudeau Government Has Shown ‘Absolutely Totalitarian Behaviour’: Douglas Murray By Douglas Murray and Sky News Australia, February 23, 2022
Trudeau Government Invokes Emergencies Act. Frozen Bank Accounts. Reprisals against Canadian Citizens By David Sacks, February 22, 2022
Emergencies Act: The Canadian Government Could Confiscate Your Pet By Martin Armstrong, February 22, 2022
“Totalitarian Democracy”: The Ongoing War in Ukraine and the War Measures Act in Canada By Stewart Brennan, February 22, 2022
Israeli Convoy and Protest Against COVID Mandates Gets Evicted By David Heller, February 22, 2022
The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West By Glenn Greenwald, February 22, 2022
Video: Microwave Weapons Caused Serious Burns and Injuries to Protesters in Canberra, Australia By RedPillWorld, February 22, 2022
The Cautionary Example of the Canadian Government Under Prime Minister Trudeau: From “Silent” to “Open Dictatorship” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 22, 2022
Video: Archbishop Vigano’s Important Message to Canadian Truckers By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, February 22, 2022
Video: Tom Marazzo Has a Message for All Canadians: Hold the Line! By Tom Marazzo, February 21, 2022
Pick Up the Baton: The Fight to Restore Freedom in Canada has only just Begun” By Sarah Fischer, February 21, 2022
Video: Ottawa: Protesters Closing Cop’s Fence on Themselves Is the Most Canadian Thing Ever By The 4K Guy, February 21, 2022
The Right to Protest in the Stolen Indigenous Territory Called Canada By Kim Petersen, February 21, 2022
Canadian Emergencies Act, Justin Trudeau, and Civil Disobedience in Context By Ray McGinnis, February 21, 2022
Ottawa: The Freedom Convoy. Evidence of Police Violence and Brutality By Global Research News, February 20, 2022
Is Justin Trudeau Waging a War on the National Security of Canada and Canadians? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, February 20, 2022
Divisions and Chaos Within the Ottawa Police. Violence and Brute Force Ordered by Trudeau Government By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 20, 2022
Video: Anti-COVID Mandate Protest in the US By mistersunshinebaby, February 20, 2022
Video: Justin Trudeau Should Fall Over Handling of Canadian Trucker Protest. Douglas Murray By Douglas Murray and GBNews, February 19, 2022
Repressing the Freedom Convoy: Will Trudeau’s Act of Desperation Succeed? By Kim Petersen, February 19, 2022
Video: Freedom Convoy 2022. Mass Arrests Underway in Ottawa By Maverick Multimedia, February 18, 2022
There Is a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America By Matthew Ehret-Kump, February 18, 2022
Letter from a Coerced Mother: Dr. Robert Malone By Dr. Robert Malone, February 18, 2022
Video: Fearless Canadian Trucker Has a Message for Trudeau By Fox Business, February 18, 2022
Video: Breaking News: Justin Trudeau Accuses Jewish Member of Parliament for Supporting Nazis By Jamie Schmale, February 18, 2022
Updates on the #FreedomConvoy2022 from Ottawa, February 14 and 15 By Mark Taliano, February 18, 2022
Video: #FreedomConvoy2022 to Veterans and Civilians: “Please Come. Your Country Needs You.” By Bridge City News, February 18, 2022
Video: #Freedomconvoy2022: Police Ready to Move In By Maverick Multimedia, February 17, 2022
Canada’s Emergency Act — We All Need to Contact Our MPs and Senators Now By Shirley Guertin, February 17, 2022
Trudeau’s Emergency Bid to Wage a War on His Political Opponents Is Based on Fraud and Wholesale Violations of Canada’s Constitution By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, February 17, 2022
Newsweek and New York Post Condemn Trudeau’s “Power Grab” as Unconstitutional and Factually Unsupportable By Ryan Alford and James Bovard, February 16, 2022
Canada’s Digital Crackdown on Freedom. Trudeau Answers to the Davos Elites By Leo Hohmann, February 16, 2022
The COVID Mandates Are Leaving Europe. Is Freedom Winning? By Joanna Miller, February 16, 2022
UACM, 16 de febrero (ZOOM): Conferencia Debate: La crisis mundial del coronavirus 2020-22. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 16, 2022
A National Emergency AGAINST Trudeau’s “COVID Mandates” Which “Seriously Endanger the Lives, Health or Safety of Canadians” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 15, 2022