Oil and Energy

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Let’s place 1 trillion barrels of oil in context. Global oil consumption is currently 35 billion barrels a year. Thus, the Orinoco Belt alone could satisfy 100% of global demand for almost 30 years! As for the Orinoco field’s dollar value. World oil prices are currently hovering near $60 …do the math.
Yemen is a strategically key geopolitical stretch of land at the connecting point of the Red Sea which links to the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. It’s the site of one of the world’s most strategic shipping choke points, the Bab el Mandab, a narrow passage a mere 18 miles distance from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa
Mali at first glance seems a most unlikely place for the NATO powers, led by a neo-colonialist French government of Socialist President Francois Hollande (and quietly backed to the hilt by the Obama Administration), to launch what is being called by some a new Thirty Years’ War Against Terrorism.
America’s Nuclear Energy Catastrophe: “Serious Situation” After Tunnel Collapse At WA Nuclear Facility; Evacuation Ordered, No-Fly Zone In Place By Zero Hedge, May 10, 2017
Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat From the East. Payments in Gold Across Asia By Andrew Brennan, May 01, 2017
Video: Syria’s Desert Hawks Brigade, Private Security Force to Protect Oil and Gas Wells against ISIS and Al Qaeda By South Front, April 28, 2017
Russia And Qatar: Back Channel Diplomacy Over Syria By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2017
The Keystone XL Pipeline and America’s Psychopathic Government By Eric Zuesse, April 14, 2017
No “Problems” with Export of Iraqi – Kurdish Oil via Turkey and Drawing New Borders in the Middle East By Dr. Christof Lehmann, April 12, 2017
Afghanistan: A Russian Peace For An American War By Christopher Black, April 11, 2017
Trump, Saudi Arabia and the War on Yemen By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 10, 2017
From Syria to Monsanto: A Moribund System of Deceit and Destruction By Colin Todhunter, April 07, 2017
Southern African Development Community (SADC) Seeks to Accelerate Industrialization Amid Challenges in Mining and Energy By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 23, 2017
Architect of Federal Fracking Loophole May Head Trump Environmental Council By Steve Horn, March 20, 2017
Romancing Coal in Australia: The Adani Obsession By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 19, 2017
Fukushima, Six Years Later: Nuclear Radiation and the Global Impacts of The Fukushima-Daichii Disaster By Arnie Gundersen, Gordon Edwards, and Michael Welch, March 18, 2017
Fukushima: “Worst Industrial Cataclysm in World History”, Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen By Arnie Gundersen, March 17, 2017
Who is the Biggest Climate Change Villain? By Jonathan Cook, March 01, 2017
Fracking Caused Pennsylvania Earthquakes, New Report Confirms By Lorraine Chow, February 24, 2017
Mysterious Radioactive Leak Detected Across Europe By Edmondo Burr, February 24, 2017
The Deregulation and Privatization of Hydro-Electric Power: Ontario’s Hydro ‘Mistake’ By Paul Kahnert, February 23, 2017
What Do the Louisiana Pipeline Explosion and Dakota Access Pipeline Have in Common? Phillips 66 By Steve Horn, February 18, 2017
Nuclear Power Is Not “Green Energy” By Washington's Blog, February 17, 2017
Fukushima Out of Control: Radiation Levels Significantly Higher than “Unimaginable” By William Boardman, February 14, 2017
Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL): Has the Standing Rock Resistance been Co-opted by the Non-Profit Industrial Complex? By Michael Welch, February 12, 2017
Dakota Access Pipeline Approved a Week After Co-Owner’s Pipeline Spilled 600,000 Gallons of Oil in Texas By Steve Horn, February 10, 2017
Black Snakes on the Move: U.S. Gas and Oil Pipeline Expansion Out of Control By Teressa Rose Ezell, February 09, 2017
Trump Names Industry Lobbyist and Climate Science Denier as Top White House Energy Aide By Steve Horn, February 09, 2017
Trump Team Has Ties to Atlantic Coast Pipeline Now Being Pushed by White House By Steve Horn and Itai Vardi, February 07, 2017
New Radiation Level at Fukushima Dwarfs the Highest Peak at Chernobyl By Washington's Blog, February 07, 2017
Rex Tillerson Backs Aggressive Policy in Disputed South China Sea as Exxon, Russia Eye Region’s Oil and Gas By Steve Horn, February 03, 2017
Rex Tillerson and the Myths, Lies and Oil Wars to Come By F. William Engdahl, January 29, 2017
Trump’s Pro-Corporate Rampage: Expedites Approval of Keystone XL and Dakota DAPL Pipelines, Derogation of Native Rights By Patrick Martin, January 25, 2017
Trump Authorizes Construction of Controversial Keystone XL and Dakota DAP Pipelines By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2017
Did Trump Just Suggest Another Invasion of Iraq? By The New Arab, January 22, 2017
Under Tillerson, Exxon Maintained Ties with Saudi Arabia, Despite Dismal Human Rights Record By Steve Horn, January 21, 2017
Neighbouring Countries Concerned About the Risk of a Belgian Nuclear Meltdown By Nick Meynen, January 20, 2017
Impending British Parliament Vote on EU-Canada CETA Trade Deal Which Forced Tar Sands on Europe By Mark Dearn, January 12, 2017
The Fukushima Disaster and the Future of Nuclear Power in Japan By Vincenzo Capodici and Shaun Burnie, January 08, 2017
Standing Rock 2017 and the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL): The Fight is Not Over By Makia Freeman, January 07, 2017
Fukushima Radiation Looms. No Nuclear Power Plant On Planet Earth! “The Incompatibility of Radiation with Human Life” By Eiichiro Ochiai, January 05, 2017
Coal in Indonesia: Société Générale Pulls Out of Financing, Crédit Agricole Under Pressure to Follow By Friends of the Earth, January 03, 2017
Louisiana’s Oil and Gas Industry Continues Growing Along the Coast It’s Helping Shrink By Julie Dermansky, January 02, 2017
Canada’s Trudeau Plans to Work with Trump to Approve Keystone XL, Pump Exxon-owned Tar Sands into U.S. By Steve Horn, December 22, 2016
Canada’s Moratorium on New Arctic Oil and Gas Licenses By Jesse Firempong, December 21, 2016
Former Texas Governor Who Called for Abolition of Energy Department to Be Trump’s Energy Secretary By Patrick Martin, December 15, 2016
Jeff Sessions, Trump’s Attorney General Pick, Introduced First Bill to Exempt Fracking from Drinking Water Rules By Steve Horn, December 09, 2016
‘Shoot at Us First’: Veterans Form Literal ‘Human Shield’ to Protect Standing Rock Dakota Protesters from Cops By Jay Syrmopoulos, December 06, 2016
#NoDAPL Scores Major Victory: No Final Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 05, 2016
Trump Declares Support for Dakota Access Pipeline Ahead of Evacuation Order against Protesters By Joseph Kishore, December 04, 2016
Canadian Elite Applauds Liberals’ Pipeline Approval, Demands Trudeau Show More “Steel” By Roger Jordan, December 04, 2016
Dakota Protests: ‘People Are Going to Die’: Father of Wounded DAPL Activist Sophia Wilansky Speaks Out By Nika Knight, November 24, 2016
Dakota: Police Blast #NoDAPL Activists With Water Cannons in Sub-Freezing Temperature By Nika Knight, November 23, 2016
Police State Tactics Against Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters By Stephen Lendman, November 22, 2016
Leader in Oil Spills Buys Dakota Pipeline’s Energy Transfer Co. By Telesur, November 22, 2016
Largest Bank in Norway Sells its Assets in Dakota Access Pipeline By Perry Wheeler, November 18, 2016
Obama just Cancelled Oil and Gas Drilling on sacred Blackfeet Land By Tom Cahil, November 18, 2016
Challenging Environmentally Destructive Dakota Access Pipeline Construction By Stephen Lendman, November 16, 2016
Breaking: Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Construction “On Hold”, Pending Review and Tribal Consultation By Indian Country Today Media Network, November 15, 2016
Imperial Nations Threatened by the Libyan Army Victory in Libya’s Oil Crescent By Alexandra Valiente, November 09, 2016
The Dakota Access Oil Pipeline Map and The Rights of Native Americans: The #NoDAPL Map By Carl Sack, November 06, 2016
Fukushima: A Second Chernobyl? By Arkadiusz Podniesinski and David McNeill, November 02, 2016
Islamic State Terrorists (ISIS-Daesh) Set Iraqi Oil Fields on Fire By Gareth Browne, October 28, 2016
This Natural Disaster Assistance Law Is Why Other States Are Policing Dakota Access Pipeline Protests By Steve Horn, October 28, 2016
Fracking Linked To Cancer-Causing Chemicals. Increased Risk of Childhood Leukemia By Nicole Deziel, October 26, 2016
Pennsylvania Pipeline Bursts, Leaks 55,000 Gallons Of Gas Into One Of US’ Most Endangered Rivers By Whitney Webb, October 25, 2016
The Iran Nuclear Deal – Debunking A Myth. A Short List of “Negative” US Foreign Policy Decisions By Don L. Durivan, October 24, 2016
Canada Not Running Out of Oil Pipeline Capacity. High-carbon Tar Sands Pipelines and Extraction Incompatible with Canada’s Environmental Goals By Oil Change International, October 18, 2016
Freedom of the Press: Filmmaker Faces 45 Years in Prison for Reporting on Dakota Indigenous Protests against Tar Sands Pipeline By Nika Knight, October 17, 2016
It’s Official: Injection of Fracking Wastewater Caused Kansas’ Biggest Earthquake By Lorraine Chow, October 17, 2016
Demonising Wind Energy in Australia: The South Australian Blackout By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 17, 2016
Hydraulic Fracking, Pipelines and Land Rights: Ohio Judge Rules against Pipeline Consortium By Nolan Rosenkrans, October 16, 2016
Taiwan’s “Green Shift” – Green Energy Prospects and Challenges By Mei-Chih Hu and John A. Mathews, October 06, 2016
The Empire Strikes Back By Chris Hedges, October 04, 2016
Dramatic Decline in U.S. Oil Production By WhoWhatWhy, October 03, 2016
ExxonMobil Sued over Deceitful Cover-Up of the Dangers of Climate Change By Oliver Tickell, October 02, 2016
Pro-Fracking Law Ruled Unconstitutional by Pennsylvania Supreme Court By Dan Zukowski, October 02, 2016
France’s Nuclear Power Stations ‘At Risk of Catastrophic Failure’ By Oliver Tickell, October 01, 2016
Oil, Power and Money: “Assad Must Go” By Mike Whitney, October 01, 2016
Military-Style Raid Ends Native Prayer Against Dakota Pipeline By Telesur, September 29, 2016
It’s Not Just the Oil. The Middle East War and the Conquest of Natural Gas Reserves By Washington's Blog, September 26, 2016
As Dakota Access Protests Escalate, Obama Administration OK’d Same Company for Two Pipelines to Mexico By Steve Horn, September 20, 2016
US Congressional Bill Seeks First Native American Land Grab in 100 Years By Telesur, September 20, 2016