Oil and Energy

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Let’s place 1 trillion barrels of oil in context. Global oil consumption is currently 35 billion barrels a year. Thus, the Orinoco Belt alone could satisfy 100% of global demand for almost 30 years! As for the Orinoco field’s dollar value. World oil prices are currently hovering near $60 …do the math.
Yemen is a strategically key geopolitical stretch of land at the connecting point of the Red Sea which links to the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. It’s the site of one of the world’s most strategic shipping choke points, the Bab el Mandab, a narrow passage a mere 18 miles distance from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa
Mali at first glance seems a most unlikely place for the NATO powers, led by a neo-colonialist French government of Socialist President Francois Hollande (and quietly backed to the hilt by the Obama Administration), to launch what is being called by some a new Thirty Years’ War Against Terrorism.
Russia’s Nord Stream II Concerns Reveal Its Severe Systemic Vulnerabilities By Andrew Korybko, May 16, 2019
IEA: Renewable Energy Growth Is Stalling. Wind and Solar Energy By Nick Cunningham, May 10, 2019
A Chinese Caribbean? Washington Not Happy About “New China Focus” in Cuba, Venezuela and Panama By F. William Engdahl, May 09, 2019
Ever More Complex EU Gas Pipeline Geopolitics By F. William Engdahl, May 06, 2019
US Troops in Syria for the “Long Haul” Atop “A Lot of Oil Resources”: Pentagon Official By Zero Hedge, May 06, 2019
Canadian Oil Driller Abruptly Shuts Down, Abandons 4,700 Wells By Irina Slav, May 05, 2019
‘Recipe for Disaster’: Trump Guts Offshore Drilling Rules Put in Place after Deepwater Horizon Spill By Jake Johnson, May 05, 2019
What If Iran Retaliates and Shuts Down the Strait of Hormuz? By Scott Ritter, May 03, 2019
The Beginning of the End for British Shale Gas By Viktor Katona, May 03, 2019
South Africa: The Odious Debts Generated by Coal-fired Power Stations By Eric Toussaint, May 03, 2019
Trump’s Crusaders March to War By Eric Margolis, April 28, 2019
US Sanctions Got India to Ditch Iran, Will Washington Get It to Ditch Russia Too? By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2019
Aramco IPO
Can Saudi Arabia Still Sway the Oil Market? By Tsvetana Paraskova, April 24, 2019
Oil Shortage Crisis Might Force the Syrian State to Liberate East Euphrates By Arabi Souri, April 23, 2019
Trump’s Dangerous Game: New Blockade of Iran Could Skyrocket Oil Prices Across the World By Telesur, April 22, 2019
Trump Thanks Gen. Haftar For “Securing Libya’s Oil Resources” Amid Tripoli Fighting By Zero Hedge, April 20, 2019
Why Isn’t Oil-Rich Russia Helping Its Syrian “Ally” Survive the Fuel Crisis? By Andrew Korybko, April 17, 2019
Trump Administration Ignores Environmental Impacts of Mining 30 Million Tons of Coal Near Bryce Canyon National Park By NRDC, April 17, 2019
Environmental Snags in Australia: The Approval Process for Adani, India’s Mining Giant By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11, 2019
“The Greece Israel Cyprus Axis” (GRISCY): The US Key to Containing Multipolarity in the Eastern Mediterranean? By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
Venezuela: US Imposes Fresh Sanctions as Rival Marches Held By Ricardo Vaz, April 10, 2019
Even Saudi Arabia Threatens to Ditch Dollar for Oil Trade over US Bullying Policies By Telesur, April 09, 2019
Saudis Threaten to Ditch Petrodollar as “Nuclear Option” to Block NOPEC Bill By Zero Hedge, April 05, 2019
The South Dakota Legislature Has Invented a New Legal Term to Target Pipeline Protesters By Andrew Malone and Vera Eidelman, April 03, 2019
Trump’s Golan Move Is Inconsistent with International Law. Virginian State Senator Richard H. Black By Richard H. Black and The Syria Times, April 01, 2019
Venezuela’s Oil Production Plummets in February Due to New US Sanctions By Dan Beeton, April 01, 2019
Welcome to Hell: Peruvian Mining City of La Rinconada By Andre Vltchek, March 29, 2019
Video: Puerto Rico Faces a Flood of Fracked Gas in Wake of Hurricane Maria By Dimitri Lascaris, March 29, 2019
Russia Should Take the US’ “European Energy Security Act” More Seriously By Andrew Korybko, March 28, 2019
U.S. on the Hunt for Iranian “Ghost Tankers”. Targeting Vessels Transporting Iranian Crude Oil By Irina Slav, March 22, 2019
Map (and Objectives) of the Irregular War on Energy in Venezuela By Misión Verdad, March 18, 2019
War Against Venezuela Is War Against Us All By Christopher Black, March 17, 2019
Trade Wars: Trump Wants US Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to Replace Russian Natural Gas Nord Stream Exports to the EU By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2019
Syria Ready for War to Regain Oil-Rich Golan Heights? By Kurt Nimmo, March 12, 2019
A Fancy Hypocrisy: China, Australia and Coal Mania By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 10, 2019
Trudeau, Bolsonaro, et al: “Informed Consent” and the Political Contempt for Human Life By Judith Deutsch, March 09, 2019
BP’s Iraq Operations Praised by British Ambassador Prior to Fatal Basra Civil Unrest By Sophie Yeo, March 06, 2019
Washington’s Escalation to Venezuela’s Oil By Nino Pagliccia, March 06, 2019
Will Trump Take Action Against OPEC? By Nick Cunningham, March 05, 2019
The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent By Nicola Morrow, March 03, 2019
Economic Sabotage and Crimes against Humanity: Venezuela Must Sue the US at the International Court By Jay Janson, February 28, 2019
China’s Discovery of Major Gas Reserves in the Bohai Sea: How Will it Affect LNG Gas Imports from the US? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 27, 2019
The $32 Trillion Push to Disrupt the Entire Oil Industry By Dr. Cyril Widdershoven, February 27, 2019
Northwest Tribes Respond to Canada’s Continued Push for Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion By Earth Justice, February 23, 2019
Fighting Pipelines, Defending Sovereignty By The Bullet, February 19, 2019
Is Venezuela Canada’s Modern Day El Dorado? By Nino Pagliccia, February 18, 2019
What’s Not Being Said About the Venezuela Oil War. Battle of the Oil Giants. The Esequiba Region By F. William Engdahl, February 18, 2019
Indigenous Communities Halting Humanity’s Race to Disaster By Shane Quinn, February 16, 2019
Greenpeace activists during a protest in Paris at the COP21 United Nations climate change conference in November.
U.S. Federal Court Dismisses $900 Million Pipeline Company Lawsuit Against Greenpeace By Greenpeace, February 15, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: US, Canada Go Home! By David William Pear, February 14, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza Responds to Trump’s Threats and “Crocodile Tears” By Carla Stea, February 14, 2019
Venezuela as the Pivot for New Internationalism? By Prof Michael Hudson and The Saker, February 14, 2019
Venezuela: Opposing White Supremacy and Big Oil Interests By James Winter, February 13, 2019
Arctic Refuge Protectors – An Open Letter from Teachers and Scholars By Rosemary Ahtuangaruak and Subhankar Banerjee, February 12, 2019
Brazil Dam Collapse: Vale, the Private Giant Responsible, Has a History of Flouting Rules By Surangya, February 11, 2019
The Method in Venezuela’s Oil Strategy Madness By William Walter Kay, February 10, 2019
US Influence in Venezuela Is Part of a Two Centuries-old Imperial Plan By Shane Quinn, February 09, 2019
Oil, Agriculture and Imperialism: Averting the Fast-Track to Armageddon? By Colin Todhunter, February 08, 2019
What’s the Deal with Sanctions in Venezuela, and Why’s It So Hard for Media to Understand? By Alexander Campbell, February 07, 2019
How to Destroy a River and Create an Environmental Catastrophe in One Fell Swoop By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 07, 2019
Why Are Democrats Driving Regime Change in Venezuela? By William Walter Kay, February 07, 2019
U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lists Sacred Land Outside Chaco Culture National Historical Park in Newest Fracking Lease Sale By Ashley Curtin, February 06, 2019
‘Stop Trump’s Insane Actions!’ Interview with Venezuela’s Maduro, How to Avoid War By Nicolas Maduro and RT News, February 06, 2019
Regime Change for Profit: Chevron, Halliburton Cheer on US Venezuela Coup By Whitney Webb, February 06, 2019
Petro-Islam: The Nexus Between Oil and Terrorism By Nauman Sadiq, February 05, 2019
Video: Abby Martin: Hands Off Venezuela By Abby Martin, February 05, 2019
Venezuela Confirms Coltan Deposits, $100 Billion in Gold Reserves By Latin American Herald Tribune, February 03, 2019
Oil, Neocons, Monroe Doctrine: Trump’s Venezuela Plan By Gilbert Mercier and Ekaterina Blinova, February 03, 2019
US Intervention in Venezuela Portrayed as a “Humanitarian Mission”. “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) By Marc Vandepitte, February 03, 2019
Saving the Earth or Saving Capitalism? The Inconvenient Truth Behind Today’s Youth Climate Campaigns By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, February 03, 2019
New Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: “Would Destroy What’s Left of Its Economy” By Mark Weisbrot and The Real News Network, February 02, 2019
John Bolton Admits US-backed Coup in Venezuela Is About Oil, Not Democracy By Telesur, January 31, 2019
Video: History of Oil – Hidden Cause of the First World War? By Robert Newman, January 31, 2019
Peculiarities of US Imperialism in Latin America By Prof. James Petras, January 30, 2019
Sanctions of Mass Destruction: America’s War on Venezuela By Garikai Chengu, January 30, 2019
The Experimental PolyMet Copper Sulfide Mine in Minnesota, the St Louis River, Lake Superior, and the Recent Brazilian Environmental Catastrophes By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 29, 2019
Power Play: The U.S. and Canada back a Coup in Venezuela By Michael Welch, Radhika Desai, Nino Pagliccia, and Lucas Koerner, January 27, 2019
Why Would the US Want Venezuela’s Oil When It Already Buys 41% of Its Total Exports? By Andrew Korybko, January 26, 2019
TransCanada and First Nations’ Rights: Who’s Banking the Coastal GasLink Pipeline? By Elana Sulakshana, January 25, 2019
Huge Backlog Could Trigger New Wave of Shale Oil By Nick Cunningham, January 22, 2019