Oil and Energy

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Let’s place 1 trillion barrels of oil in context. Global oil consumption is currently 35 billion barrels a year. Thus, the Orinoco Belt alone could satisfy 100% of global demand for almost 30 years! As for the Orinoco field’s dollar value. World oil prices are currently hovering near $60 …do the math.
Yemen is a strategically key geopolitical stretch of land at the connecting point of the Red Sea which links to the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. It’s the site of one of the world’s most strategic shipping choke points, the Bab el Mandab, a narrow passage a mere 18 miles distance from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa
Mali at first glance seems a most unlikely place for the NATO powers, led by a neo-colonialist French government of Socialist President Francois Hollande (and quietly backed to the hilt by the Obama Administration), to launch what is being called by some a new Thirty Years’ War Against Terrorism.
Just One Week After Trump Rolled Back Safety Measures, Chemical Plant Explosion Rocks Texas Town By Andrea Germanos, November 28, 2019
Syrian Army Bombs Kurdish Tankers Smuggling Oil to Turkey, A Message to Trump By Arabi Souri, November 28, 2019
Exxon's own research in the 1980s indicated that without major reductions in fossil fuel combustion, "[t]here are some potentially catastrophic events that must be considered." (Photo: Luc B / Flickr)
Fossil Fuel Divestment Will Increase Carbon Emissions, Not Lower Them – Here’s Why By Stefan Andreasson, November 27, 2019
A New Pipeline Could Undo America’s Influence in Asia By Simon Watkins, November 27, 2019
Could Russia’s “Floating Nuclear Power Plants” Change the World Economy? By F. William Engdahl, November 26, 2019
While Wisconsin Residents Object to a $700 Million Gas Power Plant, Their Public Officials Submit Supportive Comments Ghostwritten by Industry By Matt Kasper, November 24, 2019
The Worst Is Over for Oil Markets By Nick Cunningham, November 21, 2019
China-Bolivia – A Lithium Deal, No More? By Peter Koenig, November 21, 2019
China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium By F. William Engdahl, November 19, 2019
“Unearthing Justice”: Canada’s Mining Industry, Environmental and Social Impacts By Richard Fidler, November 18, 2019
The Strategic Battle for Lithium. Huge Reserves in Bolivia, Argentina, Chile By Enzo Pellegrin, November 14, 2019
The Boom in US Shale Oil? The US is the Largest Oil Producer in the World By Nick Cunningham, November 14, 2019
Ruling Stops Colorado Coal Mine Expansion Threatening Climate, National Forest By Center For Biological Diversity, November 13, 2019
Geopolitical Bombshell: Major New Oil Discovery in Iran By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2019
The 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Oil & Gas By Julianne Geiger, November 11, 2019
US Congressional Panel Outlines Next Phase of Dirty War on Syria: Occupy Oil Fields and Block Reconstruction By Ben Norton, November 11, 2019
Pentagon Claims US Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Govt Official Who Tries to Take Control of Syrian Oil By Andrea Germanos, November 11, 2019
Former British Ambassador to Syria: UK Complicit in Trump’s Syria Oil Grab By Peter Ford, November 11, 2019
Syria, Oil, and the Exceptional, Indispensable Kleptocrats By Kurt Nimmo, November 10, 2019
US Constructing Two New Bases In Syria’s Oil-Rich Region: Report By Zero Hedge, November 07, 2019
In Bolsanaro’s Brazil, Dams Are Ticking Time Bombs By Tchenna Maso, November 07, 2019
Is Russia Right About US Shale Energy? Geopolitics of LNG By F. William Engdahl, November 07, 2019
From Canada’s Election to Public Action: Beyond the Moral Tumor of Alberta Tar-Sands By Prof. John McMurtry, November 06, 2019
“Robbing” Syria’s Oil to Thwart Syria’s Recovery By Salman Rafi Sheikh, November 05, 2019
Dams, Rivers and Lakes: “Dammed” Good Questions About “The Green New Deal”. Ten Problems By Don Fitz, November 04, 2019
Nord Stream 2: There’s No Stopping the World’s Most Politically Charged Pipeline By Irina Slav, November 04, 2019
How Does Controlling Syria’s Oil Serve Washington’s Strategic Objectives? By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
Video: Syrian Oil and US Troop Withdrawal, Explained By South Front, November 03, 2019
Keystone Pipeline Does as Experts Predicted, Spills 383,000 Gallons of Oil in North Dakota By Ryan Schleeter, November 01, 2019
Trump’s Plan to Pillage Syrian Oil, Blatant Violation of International Law By Sarah Abed, November 01, 2019
Trump Slides an American Foot in the Door in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, November 01, 2019
Rebuilding Syria – Without Syria’s Oil By Pepe Escobar, November 01, 2019
Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline Nears Completion By Stephen Lendman, October 31, 2019
“We’re Keeping the Oil” says Trump: Military Conflict Between Russia and the US Looms in Northeast Syria By Steven Sahiounie, October 30, 2019
Trump’s Phony Pretext to “Protect” Syria against ISIS: US Occupation and Plunder of Syrian Oil Prevails By Stephen Lendman, October 30, 2019
Western Courts Target Gazprom For Expropriations By Padraig McGrath, October 29, 2019
California Fires: A Land That Burns, A Land That Cannot Breathe By Andy Rowell, October 29, 2019
New War for Oil? Trump to Occupy Oil-Rich Syrian Province with Tank Corps, Asks for Kurdish Displacement There By Prof. Juan Cole, October 28, 2019
US Troops Are Staying in Syria to ‘Keep the Oil’ – and Have Already Killed Hundreds Over It By Ben Norton, October 28, 2019
Video: US Troops Remain in Syria to Protect Oil Fields from ‘Terrorists’? By South Front, October 23, 2019
Securing US Interests Through US Military Build-up in Saudi Arabia By Askiah Adam, October 21, 2019
Trump Hands Oil & Gas to Syria & Russia As He Claims “We’ve Taken Control of the Oil in the Middle East” By Prof. Juan Cole, October 21, 2019
Trump Bucks Protests, Opens 725,500 Acres of California’s Central Coast to Oil Drilling By Center For Biological Diversity, October 07, 2019
Russia’s Largest Oil Company Ditches Dollar in New Oil Deals By Tsvetana Paraskova, October 04, 2019
Iran Is China’s Secret Weapon for Killing off the US Dollar’s Global Reserve Status By Federico Pieraccini, October 04, 2019
Video: Who Really Benefits from The Alleged ‘Iranian Attack’ on Saudi Arabia’s Oil Facility? By South Front, September 27, 2019
145,000 Tons of Indian Oil at Risk after US Blacklists Chinese Shipping Companies By Great Game India, September 27, 2019
10 Ways that the Climate Crisis and Militarism Are Intertwined By Medea Benjamin, September 27, 2019
Why Doesn’t India Follow China’s Iranian Oil Policy? By Paul Antonopoulos, September 25, 2019
Saudi Arabia up in Flames: Riyadh Is Headed for a Major Disaster By Federico Pieraccini, September 20, 2019
The Saudi Arabia Oil Refinery Bombing: The Latest False Flag By Robert Fantina, September 20, 2019
Here Is How China-US Trade War Impacts Iran By Salman Rafi Sheikh, September 19, 2019
U.S. and Russia Battle It Out over this Huge Iraqi Gas Field By Simon Watkins, September 18, 2019
Video: US, Saudi Sources Claim Attack on Saudi Oil Was Launched from Iran By South Front, September 18, 2019
Will Trump Take Neocon Bait and Attack Iran over Saudi Strike? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 17, 2019
Aramco IPO
Impact of Yemeni Attack on Saudi ARAMCO Oil Facilities By Peter Koenig and Press TV, September 17, 2019
The Ansarullah’s Drone Strike against Saudi Arabia’s Oil Facilities Was a Classic “David vs. Goliath” Moment? By Andrew Korybko, September 16, 2019
“Drone Attack” on Saudi Oil – Who Benefits? By Tony Cartalucci, September 16, 2019
Trump Exploits Drone Attacks on Saudi Oil Facilities to Threaten War Against Iran By Peter Symonds, September 16, 2019
Oiling for War: The Houthi Attack on The world’s Largest Oil Processing Facility at Abqaiq in Saudi Arabia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 16, 2019
Sen. Graham Wants to Bomb Iran in Response to Houthi Attack on Saudi Oil By Kurt Nimmo, September 15, 2019
US Sponsored War: Formidable Yemeni Houthi Fighters Strike Back By Stephen Lendman, September 15, 2019
Weakening U.S. Shale Productivity “Very Bullish” for Oil Prices By Nick Cunningham, September 12, 2019
The New American Oil Empire Built on Sand. The “Fracking Revolution” By F. William Engdahl, September 12, 2019
Iran’s CPEC-Parallel Pipeline Plans (E-CPEC+) Could Ruin India’s Regional Vision By Andrew Korybko, September 12, 2019
How Israel Steals Palestine’s Offshore Oil and Gas Revenues. Outright Theft. Billions of Dollars Stolen By UNCTAD, September 11, 2019
Mining, Murder, and Impunity. Protests in Mexico against Canadian Mining company By Katarina Sabados, September 10, 2019
A Secret US-Iran Deal over Oil Supplies to Syria By Elijah J. Magnier, September 09, 2019
9/11, Drug Money, Oil Resources and the Invasion of Afghanistan: Michael Ruppert Refutes the Official 9/11 Story By Michael Welch and Michael Ruppert, September 05, 2019
Reality Check: Bank of England Governor Criticizes the Petrodollar! By Cheikh Amma Diop, August 30, 2019
Upshots and Unintended Consequences of Africa’s Nuclear Energy Ambitions By Prof Gerard Boyce, August 27, 2019
Turkey Affirms Its Claim on Cyprus Oil and Gas By Irina Slav, August 26, 2019
U.S. to “Drown the World” in Oil By Nick Cunningham, August 23, 2019
Indigenous People’s Rights and Canada’s ‘Vampire’ Pension Plan By Prof. James K. Rowe, August 23, 2019
World Watching the Fate of Iranian Tanker By Prof. Vijay Prashad, August 23, 2019
Trump Regime Threatens Illegal Sanctions on Nations Legally Buying Iranian Oil By Stephen Lendman, August 23, 2019
US Unveils Warrant for Seizure of Iran-operated Grace 1 By Press TV, August 22, 2019
Trump’s Anti-Iran Warrant By Stephen Lendman, August 19, 2019
Canada Oil Pipeline Contract Threatens Integrity of Mother Earth’s Native Peoples By Jerome Irwin, August 18, 2019
Iran’s Dangerous Deterrence Policy: Trading Tankers and Another Partial Withdrawal from the JCPOA By Elijah J. Magnier, August 16, 2019