Media Disinformation

The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and repeated, the mentality in our ruling elites is the same, and the risk of a major conflict is as great today as in 1914.
Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2016
Donald Trump and the Liberal Intelligentsia: a View from Europe By Jean Bricmont, April 01, 2016
International Injustice: the Conviction of Radovan Karadzic By Diana Johnstone, March 31, 2016
How They Brainwash Us: “ISIS, We Were Told, will Bringing its Bombing Attacks to America” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 30, 2016
Vaxxed and the Vaccine Industry: How Did They Threaten Robert De Niro? By Jon Rappoport, March 30, 2016
The US Election Campaign and the Curse of McCarthyism By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 30, 2016
Video: Israel’s Public Relations War in the US: The Occupation of the American Mind By Abba Solomon, March 30, 2016
What the Western Left Misses About Cuba By Carlos Martinez and Prof. Tim Anderson, March 30, 2016
Suppression of Freedom of the Press and Expression in Argentina By Telesur, March 30, 2016
Obama in Cuba: How “Political Prisoners” Made the Media Headlines By Arnold August, March 30, 2016
Russia Questions the West’s Silence on Syria’s Strategic Victory against ISIS in Palmyra By RT, March 29, 2016
The War on Democracy in Latin America By John Pilger and Edu Montesanti, March 29, 2016
Actor Robert De Niro is Now Part of the “Conspiracy Theory” Club: Forced to Cancel Anti-Vaccine Film “Vaxxed” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 28, 2016
Nine Reasons To Question The Paris Terror Attacks By Brandon Turbeville, March 27, 2016
Brussels Terror Attacks: Masterminds, Fake CCTV Footage, EU Funded Terror Drills, Prior Knowledge By Shawn Helton, March 26, 2016
Syria’s “Moderate Terrorists” Supported by the the CIA. Media Disinformation By Steven Chovanec, March 26, 2016
“Suicide Bombers” Known to, Imprisoned by Security Agencies BEFORE Brussels Attack By Tony Cartalucci, March 26, 2016
Watchdogs to Attack Dogs: Western Liberal Media Failures on Syria By Prof. Tim Anderson, March 25, 2016
Events in Brussels Observed from a Spaceship By Andre Vltchek, March 25, 2016
Syria: Aleppo’s Black Box is Found Under the Rubble of Propaganda By Vanessa Beeley, March 24, 2016
Former Israeli Intelligence Operatives Run Security at Brussels Airport By Sott, March 24, 2016
History as Propaganda: Why the USSR Did Not “Win” World War II By Michael Jabara Carley, March 24, 2016
Media Manipulation: More Fake Video Reports of the Brussels Terror Attacks By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 23, 2016
With Obama in Cuba, Pro-Torture Pundits Suddenly Concerned With Human Rights By Adam Johnson, March 23, 2016
A History of Silencing Israeli Army Whistleblowers – from 1948 until Today By Jonathan Cook, March 23, 2016
Is the ISIS Behind the Brussels Attacks? Who is Behind the ISIS? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 22, 2016
An Ugly Smear Campaign. Zionist Political Strategy is to Demonize Individuals By Robert Parry, March 21, 2016
American Democracy Struggles To Recover From Betrayal By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 21, 2016
The Crusade in Favour of GMO: Falsehoods and Vilification will not Fool the Public By Colin Todhunter, March 21, 2016
U.S. Campaign 2016: Searching for Democracy in a Broken System Global Research News Hour Episode 135 By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and William Blum, March 20, 2016
Moscow Names “Prime Enemies” in Media Warfare with the West, Accuses “Western Special Services of Supporting Radical Islamist Groups” By, March 19, 2016
North Korea Punished for Helping Liberate Africa By Andre Vltchek, March 18, 2016
Smart Power and “The Human Rights Industrial Complex” By Patrick Henningsen, March 17, 2016
“Free Speech Zones”, the Rigged Economy and Organized Crime By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 16, 2016
The History of Hollywood: Propaganda for White Supremacy at Home and US Militarism Abroad By Garikai Chengu, March 15, 2016
America’s Laughable ‘News’ Media By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2016
Ankara Rocked by Second Terror Attack. Ban on Social Media in Turkey including Facebook and Twitter By Sputnik, March 14, 2016
Proof that Ignorance Drives Hillary Clinton’s Voters By Eric Zuesse, March 14, 2016
Media Manufacture Narrative of U.S. Benevolence Towards Cuba By Matt Peppe, March 14, 2016
Fukushima At Five: Reflections on the Crime, the Cover-up and the Future of Nuclear Energy Global Research News Hour Episode 134 By Michael Welch and Linda Pentz Gunter, March 13, 2016
The Media’s “Repetition Compulsion” in Coverage of the Presidential Primaries By Edward Curtin, March 13, 2016
Most Syrians Support Assad, Reject Phony Foreign ‘Revolution’ By Eva Bartlett, March 12, 2016
Australian and Western Mainstream Media Ignore Massive and Deadly Child Abuse in War and Peace By Gideon Polya, March 11, 2016
Study: ‘NYT’ Portrays Islam More Negatively than Alcohol, Cancer, and Cocaine By Dorgham Abusalim, March 11, 2016
Israeli Textbooks for Arab Schools: ‘Bad for Arabs, Bad for Jews’ By Jonathan Cook, March 11, 2016
Cameron’s “Moderate Rebels” Use Yellow Phosphorus on Kurds in Aleppo. Fake Evidence by the BBC By Craig Murray, March 10, 2016
The Unraveling Of Turkey’s “Genuine Democracy” By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, March 09, 2016
Turkish Police Raid Zaman HQs, Fire Tear Gas on Readers after Government Takeover By Todays Zaman, March 09, 2016
Western Media Deliberately Ignoring “Reality on the Ground in Syria” By Eva Bartlett, March 09, 2016
“Saving Syria’s Children”: Did The BBC Lie? By Robert Stuart, March 08, 2016
US Role in the Assassination of Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres Goes Unmentioned in US Media By Adam Johnson, March 05, 2016
Turkey’s War on Free Expression. Journalists Imprisoned for Doing Their Job By Stephen Lendman, March 05, 2016
South Korea and the Art of Collaboration. Raw War Propaganda against the DPRK By Andre Vltchek, March 05, 2016
US Media Want to Keep Palestine “Boring” By Jonathan Cook, March 03, 2016
“Commemorating” the Fifth Anniversary: “Forgetting Fukushima” Begins with Lies and Coverup By Robert Jacobs, March 03, 2016
Geopolitical Chess Games about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 and MH370, Families Demand Answers and Justice By nsnbc international, March 03, 2016
25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers” By Julie Lévesque, March 03, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Fraudulent Actions in Haiti By Other Worlds, March 02, 2016
New York Times on Clinton and Libya: Portrait of a War Criminal By Bill Van Auken, March 01, 2016
Afghanistan, Mineral Resources and the TAPI Natural Gas Pipeline: The Driving Force Behind the War? By Bill Distler, February 29, 2016
Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS-Daesh Funding, Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Terrorists, Complete Transcript, Videos, Documents By SyrianFreePress, February 28, 2016
Genetic Engineering, Twisted Science, Altered Truth. Inside the Church of Pro-GMO Activism By Colin Todhunter, February 28, 2016
Confronting Netanyahu and the Ideology of Likud Zionism By Anthony Bellchambers, February 27, 2016
America’s Aristocracy Facing Resistance from American Public Regarding Russia By Eric Zuesse, February 26, 2016
The Great Fukushima Nuclear Cover-Up. The Power of Propaganda By Linda Pentz Gunter, February 25, 2016
Iran vs. Saudi Arabia: Gallup Poll Shows Americans Prefer Terrorist Nations Over Iran. Why? By Eric Zuesse, February 24, 2016
Presstitutes At Work: “Dangerous Lies Pumped Out by the US Media”. This is “Democratic” America… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 23, 2016
“Dirty Players in Geopolitics”: Letter to “Doctors Without Borders” (MSF) By Ronald Thomas West, February 23, 2016
The War in Syria Will Become a Shameful Page in the History of the U.S Media By Fort Russ, February 23, 2016
The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (EUAA): Dutch Government’s Leaked “Media Strategy” to Influence Outcome of EU-Ukraine Referendum By Anneke de Laaf, February 21, 2016
War and Peace. “Another French False Flag? Bloody Tracks From Paris To San Bernardino” By Mark Taliano, February 21, 2016
Going to War against Iraq, for Oil and for Israel: The Lies, Fabrications and Forgeries of the Bush-Cheney Administration By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 21, 2016
Sirhan Sirhan: A “Manchurian Candidate” in the RFK Assassination? By Jeff Schechtman, February 19, 2016
Hillary’s Top Donor Just Bought The Onion By Claire Bernish, February 19, 2016
Pro-GMO Activism in India: Journalism Gives way to Spin, Smears and “Scientific” Falsehoods By Colin Todhunter, February 19, 2016
Iraqi Kurdistan is Collapsing. Western Propaganda and “Two Parallel Realities” By Andre Vltchek, February 18, 2016
Propaganda as “News”: Ecuador Allegedly Sells its Amazon Rainforest to China By Stansfield Smith, February 18, 2016
Scaring People “Out of Their Wits” over Pseudo-Pandemics: Swine Flu, Avian Flu, SARS, Ebola and Now Zika… By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 17, 2016
Propaganda Machine Takes Aim at Zika Virus. The Causes of Microcephaly By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 17, 2016
Robert F. Kennedy and Paul Schrade Photo credit: MALDEF / YouTube
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: The Full Story of the Sirhan Sirhan Parole Hearing By Dr. Shane O'Sullivan, February 17, 2016