Media Disinformation

The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and repeated, the mentality in our ruling elites is the same, and the risk of a major conflict is as great today as in 1914.
Ahed Tamimi and the Pathology of the Israeli Mind By Dana Visalli, March 15, 2018
JFK’s Hidden Record as President By Shane Quinn, March 15, 2018
Yemen’s Humanitarian Catastrophe: The Lesson the Trump Administration Has Failed to Learn About Yemen By Eric Eikenberry and Kate Kizer, March 15, 2018
The Novichok Nerve Agent Story Is Indeed Another Iraqi WMD Scam By Craig Murray, March 15, 2018
The Real Costs of Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem By Zaha Hassan, March 15, 2018
Trump’s Pentagon Ups Secrecy Around US Air Wars By Jessica Purkiss and Abigail Fielding-Smith, March 15, 2018
Sue CNN for Lying Us Into Iraq! By Anthony Freda, March 15, 2018
“Putin’s supposed Preference for Candidate Trump.”: US House Intelligence Committee Rejects Basic Underpinning of Russiagate By Ray McGovern, March 15, 2018
Realities On-the-ground in East Ghouta, Syria: We’ve Seen This All Before. US Supported Terrorists Use Chemical Weapons By Mark Taliano, March 15, 2018
Sham White House Conference on Gaza By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2018
Skripal, Novichok, Russia, Israel, Syria, MI6 and Salisbury By Craig Murray, March 14, 2018
The Impact of War on Syrian Health and Medical Services By Sarah Abed, March 14, 2018
Russia “Threatens” UK: “One Does Not Give 24Hrs Notice to a Nuclear Power” By Zero Hedge, March 14, 2018
Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game By Edward Curtin, March 14, 2018
Russia Vows Decisive Response to Nikki Haley/White Helmets False Flag By Adam Garrie, March 14, 2018
World War III Is Approaching By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 14, 2018
Video: The “New World Order”, A Recipe for War or Peace? The Criminalization of War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, and Yoichi Shimatsu, March 14, 2018
US Political Meddling Is Very Real, Spans the Globe By Ulson Gunnar, March 14, 2018
Sergei Skripal – The Emerging Picture of a Desperate Government By True Publica, March 14, 2018
9/11 and the Green Scare: It’s High Time for a Paradigm Shift By Amir Nour, March 13, 2018
Why Super-Rich Rush to Buy Nuclear-Proof Bunkers By Eric Zuesse, March 13, 2018
Why the West Cannot Stomach Russians By Andre Vltchek, March 13, 2018
UK Prime Minister Delivers Ultimatum to Russia, Heightening War Danger By Laura Tiernan, March 13, 2018
Syrian women
The West’s Failed Efforts to Destroy Syria: The Women and Men of Syria Will Not be Caged By Mark Taliano, March 13, 2018
Conspiracy of Silence By Philip A Farruggio, March 13, 2018
Russophobic Hoax to Delegitimize Trump, Vilify Moscow: GOP-Led House Probe Found No Evidence of Russian US Election Meddling By Stephen Lendman, March 13, 2018
On World Wide Web’s 29th Birthday, Its Inventor Warns of Threats to Digital Rights By Jessica Corbett, March 13, 2018
Conservative Lawmaker Who Attacked Corbyn Over Yemen Received Luxury Paid Trip From Saudi Arabia By Ben Norton, March 13, 2018
Russia Warns US Against Attacking Syrian Forces By Stephen Lendman, March 13, 2018
“Fear Has Large Eyes”: The Sergei Skripal Affair By Adeyinka Makinde, March 13, 2018
How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet By Alison Weir, March 13, 2018
Greece and the Syriza Government: Varoufakis Surrounded Himself with Defenders of the Establishment By Eric Toussaint, March 12, 2018
US Supported Trade in Heroin: One Million Women, 100,000 Children Drug Addicts in Afghanistan By Edu Montesanti and Malalai Joya, March 12, 2018
Russia and the Middle East Conflict. The Meaning of Russian Influence in the Region By Marcus Papadopoulos, March 12, 2018
Towards the Liberation of East Ghouta by Syrian Forces? By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2018
Double Agent Sergei Skripal – There’s More to This Story Than Meets the Eye By True Publica, March 12, 2018
The Death of Milosevic and NATO’s Responsibility. Was He Assassinated? By Christopher Black, March 12, 2018
Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic Again By Andy Wilcoxson, March 12, 2018
Open Letter in Support of Mediation Not Sanctions on Venezuela By Raul Burbano, March 12, 2018
Syrian Trappist Nuns Say Western Powers and Factional Media Fuel War Propaganda By AsiaNews, March 11, 2018
US Meddling in Foreign Elections: A CIA Tradition Since 1948 By Wayne Madsen, March 11, 2018
The Handlers of “Regime Change” Against Vladimir Putin? Russia’s Upcoming Presidential Elections By Stephen Karganovic, March 11, 2018
More Non-existent U.S. Job Growth Reported, “Fake” BDS Employment Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, March 11, 2018
Putin Says US Cannot be Trusted in Any Political Negotiations By Macedonian International News Agency, March 11, 2018
The Illusion of War Without Casualties By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 11, 2018
British Media Restarts Push for Regime Change in Russia By Kit, March 11, 2018
The British Government is “Talking War With Russia”: The Mysterious Skripal Incident-Another Anti-Russian Provocation By Christopher Black, March 11, 2018
Russia Bashing Over Poisoning of Former Intelligence Official By Stephen Lendman, March 11, 2018
Truth and Lies of the Syrian Conflict By Michael Welch, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Henningsen, and Tom Duggan, March 11, 2018
The National Endowment for (Meddling in) Democracy By Daniel Lazare, March 10, 2018
Those Who Controlled the Past Should Not Control the Future By Norman Solomon, March 10, 2018
Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA: “Facebook, Google and Other Social Media Used to Spy on People” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 09, 2018
Make-Believe America: The US is Said to Have Full Employment, Misleading Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 09, 2018
Viral Apologies and Jeremy Corbyn: Espionage Claims and the Failed Tory Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 09, 2018
Video: Obama/Clinton to Blame for Slave Trade in Libya? By Ben Swann, March 09, 2018
U.S. Once Again Discussing “Military Action” Against Syria Over Alleged Chemical Weapons By Brandon Turbeville, March 08, 2018
Israel Now Arming Seven Terrorist Groups in Syria, Report By Brandon Turbeville, March 08, 2018
Entering the Ring of War Propaganda By Mark Taliano, March 08, 2018
‘Progressive’ Journalists Jump the Shark on Russiagate By Ray McGovern, March 08, 2018
It’s Okay to Constructively Criticize Russia, Even President Putin Does It! By Andrew Korybko, March 07, 2018
US Planning to Disintegrate Syria, Not Fighting ISIS: Russian FM Lavrov By Alwaght, March 07, 2018
The ‘Human Rights’ War on Syria By Jeremy Salt, March 07, 2018
The Caesar Photo Fraud That Undermined Syrian Negotiations. “A Pattern of Sensational But Untrue Reports That Lead to Public Acceptance of Western Military Intervention” By Rick Sterling, March 07, 2018
Facilitating Israel’s Widespread Practice of Targeting Journalists By Ramona Wadi, March 07, 2018
North Korea: A Threat or A Victim? Some Facts. By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 07, 2018
Foreign “Meddling” in Elections—Yankee Imperialist Style By Bill Van Auken, March 07, 2018
Washington Supports Terrorists It Claims to Oppose. US Created ISIS, Al Qaeda By Stephen Lendman, March 07, 2018
We Should Listen to the Iraqi Parliament By Rep. Ron Paul, March 06, 2018
Seeing through the Deceptions: The Truth about War By Global Research and Global Research, March 06, 2018
Proof of US-ISIS Cooperation? By South Front, March 06, 2018
In Syria, the Real Siege Is by Terrorists Supported by Western Powers By Strategic Culture Foundation, March 06, 2018
CIA Admits to Congress the Agency Uses Mainstream Media to Distribute Disinformation: 1975 Video By Melissa Dykes, March 06, 2018
Israeli Army’s Lies Can No Longer Salvage Its Image By Jonathan Cook, March 06, 2018
Hollywood Honors Anti-Russia Propaganda Film By Stephen Lendman, March 05, 2018
US Seeks to Intentionally Prolong Syrian Bloodshed By Tony Cartalucci, March 05, 2018
Netanyahu and Trump, Both Under Investigation, Meet on Phony ‘Deal of the Century’ By Prof. Juan Cole, March 05, 2018
Information Data
European Union Demands Google, Facebook Step Up Internet Censorship By Kumaran Ira, March 05, 2018
Satire: The Slick and Sick Propaganda Coming From Russia and Muslim Terrorists By Edward Curtin, March 05, 2018
How the U.S. Establishment Lies Through Its Teeth, for War Against Russia By Eric Zuesse, March 05, 2018
How ‘Operation Merlin’ Poisoned U.S. Intelligence on Iran By Gareth Porter, March 05, 2018