Media Disinformation

The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and repeated, the mentality in our ruling elites is the same, and the risk of a major conflict is as great today as in 1914.
How Human Rights Watch Whitewashed a Right-Wing Massacre in Bolivia By Alan MacLeod, November 22, 2019
The Desolation of Yemen. The Forgotten War By Daniel Larison, November 22, 2019
Lies Which the West Manufactures and Then Consumes By Andre Vltchek, November 22, 2019
Anti-Corbyn Propaganda on Full Blast as UK Election Nears By Johanna Ross, November 21, 2019
OPCW Must Come Clean: Grave Flaws in Syria Report. Open Letter To States’ Representatives By Tim Hayward, November 21, 2019
The OAS Lied about the Bolivian Election and Coup, Deliberately… By Mark Weisbrot, November 21, 2019
Dropped Investigations: Julian Assange, Sex and Sweden By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 20, 2019
Video: The 5G Space Weapon, Mind Control Agenda & Kill Grid By Claire Edwards and Lucas Alexander, November 20, 2019
New Poll Reveals Majority of Canadians Believe Our Country Ranks in Top 10 for Children’s Well-Being. In Reality, Canada Ranks 25th By Children First Canada, November 19, 2019
Trump Regime Calls Illegal Israel Settlements Legal By Stephen Lendman, November 19, 2019
Social Media Censorship Reaches New Heights as Twitter Permanently Bans Dissent By Mnar Muhawesh, November 18, 2019
Western Media Whitewash Bolivia’s Far-Right Coup By Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz, November 18, 2019
White Helmets
Karma: British “White Helmets” Co-Founder Dead in Turkey By Tony Cartalucci, November 15, 2019
Top Bolivian Coup Plotters Trained by US Military’s School of the Americas, Served as Attachés in FBI Police Programs By Jeb Sprague, November 15, 2019
The Coup in Bolivia: Five Lessons By Atilio A. Boron, November 15, 2019
Who Was the Founder of the White Helmets? Was He Killed by the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh)? By Nauman Sadiq, November 15, 2019
The Democrats Have the Country on a Slippery Slope By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 15, 2019
Video: Key MH17 Witness Vladimir Tsemakh: Abduction, Ukrainian Special Services, and Conflict in Donbass By Vladimir Tsemakh and South Front, November 15, 2019
Cuba Was Never a Threat to “National Security” By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 13, 2019
The Twilight of Liberty: The State Destroys Alternative Media By Kurt Nimmo, November 13, 2019
Climate, Science and Mother Earth: Second Open Letter to Greta Thunberg By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, November 12, 2019
US Is the Source of, Not “Solution” to Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, November 12, 2019
The US Sells Fake “Humanitarian” Warfare: “Responsibility to Protect” Syria (R2P) By Mark Taliano and Prof. Tim Anderson, November 12, 2019
Russian Connections in Albion: The ISC Report By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 11, 2019
Syria, War Propaganda and the “White Helmets” By Mark Taliano, November 10, 2019
Never Again? Can We Stop the War When Big Business Profits from it? By Michael Welch, Ajamu Baraka, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 09, 2019
The War on Syria was Pre-Planned. ISIS Was Financed by the US and its Allies By Mark Taliano, November 09, 2019
The Vaccine Deep State. Impacts of Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines By Richard Gale, November 08, 2019
Syria: Where Have All the “Professional” Journalists Gone? By Janice Kortkamp, November 08, 2019
Over 100 Missiles against Syria: US, UK and France Committed an International War Crime Against Syria on 14 April 2018 By Eric Zuesse, November 06, 2019
Syria: OPCW Whistleblowers Confirm What We Already Knew. The OPCW Suppressed Evidence Regarding alleged Chemical Weapons Attack By Tony Cartalucci, November 06, 2019
When Is a Whistleblower, Not a Whistleblower? From Russiagate to Ukrainegate By Renee Parsons, November 06, 2019
Trump Impeachment Scam as Theater and Distraction By Stephen Lendman, November 05, 2019
US Report on Terrorism Omits Its Leading State Sponsor and Perpetrator By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2019
Life in the Most Drone-bombed Country in the World By Ali M. Latifi, November 04, 2019
The Missing Pieces of the Al-Baghdadi Execution Puzzle By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
MH17: The Quest for Justice By Askiah Adam, November 04, 2019
The Real US Mission in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2019
Month of Fury: Latin America Rises up Against Neoliberalism By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Pepe Escobar, and John Schertow, November 03, 2019
Grenfell Tower: Local Authority Accused of Multiple Manslaughter and Government Officers of Dereliction of Duty By Hans Stehling, November 03, 2019
House Dems Pass Procedural Impeachment Resolution By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2019
“The Caliph”, a CIA Blockbuster Between Fiction and Reality By Manlio Dinucci, November 01, 2019
The Baghdadi Scam By Margaret Kimberley, November 01, 2019
Killing Julian Assange: Justice Denied When Exposing Official Wrongdoing By Philip Giraldi, October 31, 2019
Syrian Woman to Ivanka: “How Shameless, You Are Proud Your Father Murders Us” By Miri Wood, October 31, 2019
Attack on WikiLeaks Is an Attack on Independent Journalism By Dr. Nozomi Hayase and Eresh Omar Jamal, October 31, 2019
Telling the Truth Has Become an Anti-American Act. The Real Dangers of Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 31, 2019
“Inside America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies” By Edward Curtin, October 31, 2019
Convicted Anti-Nuclear Activists Speak Out: “Pentagon Has Brainwashed People” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 31, 2019
Video: 5G Wireless Is Not Safe. Former President of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg By Frank Clegg, October 31, 2019
Navigating the Media Maelstrom By David DeGraw, October 31, 2019
Grenfell Tower: The Most Serious Cover-up of Institutional Negligence in Recent British Legal History? By Hans Stehling, October 31, 2019
‘Attention Must be Paid’ to the Sufferings of the Palestinian People By James J. Zogby, October 30, 2019
Who Was the “Bigger Terrorist”: Al-Baghdadi or Osama Bin Laden? By Nauman Sadiq, October 30, 2019
Fake Narratives as Cover for High Crimes. The Al Baghdadi ISIS-Daesh “Fairytale” By Mark Taliano, October 30, 2019
Brexit – The Cold Hard Truth Emerges By True Publica, October 29, 2019
“I Was Fired for Helping Julian Assange, and I Have No Regrets” By Fidel Narvaez and Stefania Maurizi, October 28, 2019
How Saudi Arabia’s Propaganda War on Iran Has Reached a New Level of the Absurd By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 28, 2019
US Tries to Reverse Syrian Fortunes with “Baghdadi Raid” By Tony Cartalucci, October 27, 2019
Controlling the Narrative on Syria: Turkish Aggression, Kurdish Independence, and Honouring the White Helmets By Michael Welch, Vanessa Beeley, Laith Marouf, and Chris Cook, October 27, 2019
Al Baghdadi: The US Couldn’t Wish for a Greater Ally By Tony Cartalucci, October 27, 2019
Liberating Assange: A Woeful Lack of Leadership By Al Burke, October 25, 2019
Libra and Calibra, Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Project: Mark Zuckerberg Appears Before US Congress By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 25, 2019
‘Unacceptable Practices’ in the OPCW’s Investigation of the Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria on April 7th 2018 By Courage Foundation, October 25, 2019
Case Mismanagement in London: Julian Assange, Political Offences and Surveillance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24, 2019
Apocalypse Now? “War is Profitable” By Philip A Farruggio, October 24, 2019
Tulsi a Russian Asset? Censored by Google and YouTube By Stephen Lendman, October 24, 2019
Ecuador’s Austerity Measures, Repression Based on Media Lies By Joe Emersberger, October 24, 2019
The White Helmets: A Terrorist Organization Supported by the Trump Administration By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, October 24, 2019
The Kurds: Washington’s Weapon of Mass Destabilization in the Middle East By Sarah Abed, October 23, 2019
Hillary, “Russian Assets” and Realignment. The Dems Morph into Neocons By Renee Parsons, October 23, 2019
The EU Is Rewriting World War II History to Demonize Russia By Max Parry, October 23, 2019
Slow-Motion US/UK Killing of Julian Assange By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2019
The Mother of Messes in Syria By Eric Margolis, October 22, 2019
Anti-Assange Court Continues Unfair Extradition Hearing to Railroad Assange to US By Kevin Zeese, October 22, 2019
A Call for a Coup Plus a Week Like No Other for Tulsi Gabbard By Philip Giraldi, October 22, 2019
“No Angels”: Kurdish Militias, “Betrayal” and the Campaign to Destroy Syria By Adeyinka Makinde, October 21, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard Is Right, and Nancy Pelosi Wrong. It Was US Democrats Who Helped Cultivate the Barbarism of ISIS By Jonathan Cook, October 21, 2019
Canada’s Elections Campaign 2019: The Issues Nobody is Talking About By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, and Joyce Nelson, October 19, 2019
The Syrian Debacle Is Actually Well Planned Chaos By Brandon Smith, October 18, 2019