Media Disinformation

The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and repeated, the mentality in our ruling elites is the same, and the risk of a major conflict is as great today as in 1914.
Whitewashing Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Encourages Far-right Forces By Uriel Araujo, April 11, 2022
What Does Standing Up for Ukraine Signify While Casually Ignoring “Violence Against Others”? By Kim Petersen, April 11, 2022
Video: The WEF’s “Great Reset: Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? By AwakenWithJP, April 09, 2022
Video: War in Ukraine: Truth and Lies. Endorse the Peace Negotiations: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, April 09, 2022
Video: Leaked Recording Allegedly Confirms Massacre in Bucha Was Staged by Ukrainian Militants By South Front, April 08, 2022
Whitewashing Ukraine’s Corruption By Ted Galen Carpenter, April 08, 2022
Eye-Witness Report from Donbass: How the War Looks from the Russian Side By Sonja van den Ende, April 08, 2022
Staged Massacre in Bucha By Misión Verdad, April 07, 2022
False Mantra.”This is what the Russians did in Syria” By Michael Jansen, April 07, 2022
Destination Ukraine: The Ignorance of War By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 07, 2022
“All Things Russian are Being Punished”. Fuelling the Propaganda War By Rick Sterling, April 07, 2022
“U.S. Government Planned False Flag Attacks to Start War with the Soviet Union”. Newsweek By Washington's Blog, April 07, 2022
How Does the US Rally Support for Wars that Kill Millions of Innocent People Worldwide? By Robert Fantina, April 06, 2022
US-NATO False Flags? Ukraine April 2022 vs. Kosovo January 1999 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 06, 2022
New Evidence Sheds Light on Alleged Massacre in Bucha, Kiev Region By South Front, April 06, 2022
The Financial Elite’s War against Humanity: Covid Tyranny, Robotization and the Restructuring of the Global Economy By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, April 06, 2022
Massacre in Bucha. Was it a False Flag? By Jens Bernert, April 05, 2022
Fake News in Kiev Heralds Cruel April. A Major Battle Is Approaching. By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 05, 2022
Russiagate: The Smoking Gun. “The FBI was an active participant in the conspiracy to destroy Trump.” By Peter Van Buren, April 05, 2022
Ukraine and the Empire of Lies By Kurt Nimmo, April 05, 2022
Unheard of Side Effect: WHO Hides Hearing Loss as an Adverse Effect of COVID-19 Vaccines By Mary Villareal, April 04, 2022
Fauci Flashback: Natural Immunity. “The Most Potent Vaccination Is Getting Infected Yourself” By Zero Hedge, April 04, 2022
Mainstream Media
Peeping Pigs and Propaganda by Omission By Edward Curtin, April 03, 2022
Authentic War-Reporting from Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, April 03, 2022
Ukraine: Countering the Spin. “The Propaganda War”. Max Blumenthal By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Glenn Michalchuk, and Max Blumenthal, April 03, 2022
Julian Assange: Media Smears and Comparisons, Travesty of Justice By Kim Petersen, April 02, 2022
The Ukraine Media Narrative: “Washington’s Method of Exercising Hegemony is Collapsing”: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 02, 2022
NATO’s War against Yugoslavia. Deliberately Triggering A Humanitarian Disaster By Radovan Spasic, April 02, 2022
Video: Mariupol: “Nicolay Knows”. Civilians Denounce the Crimes of the Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment By Christelle Néant, April 01, 2022
Cock-up or Conspiracy? Understanding COVID-19 as a ‘Structural Deep Event’ By Professor Piers Robinson, April 01, 2022
“Russia is Succeeding Wildly in its Objectives!” Scott Ritter on the War in Ukraine By Michael Welch and Scott Ritter, March 29, 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Book “The Real Anthony Fauci” Sells One Million Copies While Heavily Censored By Tony Lyons and Kristina Borjesson, March 29, 2022
How to Control the Citizenry Through Reality TV Distractions By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 29, 2022
Covid Misinformation: 20 Questions They Don’t Want to Answer By Steve Kirsch, March 28, 2022
The ‘Ukrainian Resistance’ and the Houthis – A Contrast in Media Coverage By Gavin OReilly, March 28, 2022
Uncovering the Corona Narrative By Dr. Robert Malone and Ernst Wolff, March 28, 2022
Reporting From Southern Ukrainian City of Henichesk along the Sea of Azov: “Russians Welcomed as Liberators” By Sonja van den Ende, March 27, 2022
Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War with Russia By Joe Lauria, March 25, 2022
The Mariupol Theater Bombing By Pedro Gonzalez, March 24, 2022
The US Press Again Becomes a Conduit for Pro-War Propaganda By Ted Galen Carpenter, March 24, 2022
As Outrage Grows Over Civilian Casualties in Ukraine, Media Ignores Suffering of Yemeni People By Andi Olluri, March 24, 2022
Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 23, 2022
NATO Is a Problem, Not the Solution By Yves Engler, March 23, 2022
Was the Azov Battalion Behind the Mariupol Theater Bombing? Or was it Russia? By Eric Zuesse, March 23, 2022
Why Ukraine is Important to Powerful People in Washington: Lara Logan Sets the Record Straight on Ukraine-Russia By Alexandra Bruce, March 22, 2022
Was Bombing of Mariupol Theater Staged by Ukrainian Azov Extremists to Trigger NATO Intervention? By Max Blumenthal, March 22, 2022
CDC Removes One in Four Child Deaths Caused by COVID, Essentially Admitting It Overinflated the Numbers in the First Place By Ethan Huff, March 22, 2022
US Funding Biowar Research—An Absurd Claim, Right? By Jon Rappoport, March 22, 2022
The Ukraine-Russia Negotiations Are Effectively Dead: Ukraine’s Refusal to “Denazify” By Eric Zuesse, March 21, 2022
The Hubris of Modern Medicine Caused Billions to be Injected with “Hidden Genes” in the mRNA Sequences in COVID-19 Vaccines. It’s Time We Tell Them We Know. By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, March 21, 2022
Propaganda Machine at Work: Aussie Media Desperately Trying to Dissociate Cardiovascular Injuries from COVID Vaccines By Ramon Tomey, March 21, 2022
Iraq War Lesson: ‘Preventative Wars’ Are Illegal Wars, Period. By Daniel Larison, March 20, 2022
Canadian and US Activists Reject Media Cold War Propaganda Against Russia By Prof. Charles McKelvey, March 20, 2022
Ukraine, The Battle of Information, Censorship and the Ministry of Truth By Manlio Dinucci, March 19, 2022
“States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Populations in Check” By Edward Curtin, March 18, 2022
Video: Ukraine. A Bombshell of Truth. Lara Laugan By Peter Koenig, March 18, 2022
Bombshell: New Release of Pfizer Confidential Documents. “10,000 pages out of a cache of over 450,000 of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine-related data” By Sonia Elijah, March 17, 2022
Erasing History: Big Tech’s Campaign to Mop Up 2 Years of COVID Tyranny By Jordan Schachtel, March 16, 2022
Foreign Fighters Flee from Ukraine By Paul Antonopoulos, March 16, 2022
“Just Beyond The Pale”. Living here within Kolkata in the Indian Republic. How the Media Machine Alters Perceptions of Reality By Supratim Barman, March 16, 2022
False Reports About Russia’s Military Aid Request to China By Andrew Korybko, March 16, 2022
The US Chose this Conflict: Notes from the Edge of the Narrative Matrix By Caitlin Johnstone, March 16, 2022
Video: Shocking Findings in the CDC Data on Excess Mortality: Edward Dowd By Alexandra Bruce, March 15, 2022
Information Warfare: Big Tech Engaged in War Against Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 15, 2022
Leading to War in Ukraine? By Peter Van Buren, March 14, 2022
Biden Administration Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots By Megan Redshaw, March 14, 2022
Video: Long List of COVID Vaccine Side Effects: Dr. John Campbell By Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 14, 2022
Majority of Americans Sense Something Doesn’t Add Up in the Media Ukraine Narrative By Sundance, March 14, 2022
RIP, William Hurt. Thank You for Speaking the Truth About 9/11 By AE911Truth and William Hurt, March 14, 2022
Ukraine and the Nuclear Issue. “We’ve Come So Close on Numerous Occasions”. Dr. Helen Caldicott By Michael Welch and Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12, 2022
Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. “Pluralism and Freedom of Speech Disavowed by Censorship and Intolerance” By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, March 11, 2022
Health Officials End Reporting COVID-19 Deaths By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 11, 2022
Information Data
Independent Media Threatened: South Front Taken Offline for Objective Reporting on Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, March 11, 2022
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has “Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them By Glenn Greenwald, March 10, 2022
About Those Pfizer Papers and the Denominator FDA Does Not Want You to See By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, March 10, 2022
From COVID-19 to Ukraine: Bouncing from One Crisis to the Next and the Importance of Staying Focused By Professor Piers Robinson, March 10, 2022
Who Needs the Fake Fact-Checkers? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 10, 2022
Ukraine: International Law, The Left and Double Standards By Stephen Sefton, March 10, 2022
Human Rights Watch Charges Russia but Not America with War-Censorship By Eric Zuesse, March 09, 2022
Biden Administration Paid Media $1 Billion for COVID Shot Propaganda By Liberty Counsel, March 09, 2022