Media Disinformation

The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
What very few people know is that Facebook was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council in the form of an “election partnership […] to prevent [their] service from being abused during elections.” Indeed, the US midterm elections are only a couple of weeks away, so the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab are now going at it with full force,
These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and repeated, the mentality in our ruling elites is the same, and the risk of a major conflict is as great today as in 1914.
Former Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based on False Narratives By Dr. Patrick Moore and Lee Yun-Jeong, September 07, 2022
The WEF’s “Solution” to Revamping the Global Economy: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Decide What Industries to Liquidate to “Stop Economic Growth” By Igor Chudov, September 06, 2022
The Ukrainian “Death List”. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, September 06, 2022
COVID-19 Vaccines Didn’t Work, so CDC Changed the Definition of Vaccines By Dr. Jennifer Margulis and Dr. Joe Wang, September 05, 2022
Video: The Octopus and “The Great Reset”. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, September 05, 2022
9/11 Analysis: How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition: Interview with Prof. Graeme MacQueen By Prof. Graeme MacQueen and AE911Truth, September 05, 2022
Big Tech Met Regularly with Biden Officials to Discuss What to Censor: Court Documents By Matt Lamb, September 05, 2022
On the Nature of Russia’s Military Campaign in Ukraine. Analysis of Russian Military Strategy By Dr. Leon Tressell, September 04, 2022
PfizerGate: COVID-19 Vaccination Causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome By The Expose, September 04, 2022
The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative By Dr. Thomas Binder, September 03, 2022
The Drumbeats of War and US-NATO Propaganda: “China Is Bad” and “They Are Coming to Enslave Us” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 31, 2022
COVID “Vaccines” Destroying Human Fertility. Dr. Christof Plothe By Dr. Christof Plothe, Iron Will, and Dr. Mark Trozzi, August 30, 2022
Why the COVID Jab Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 30, 2022
Censorship, Big Tech, and Psychological Warfare By Mark Taliano, August 27, 2022
Nazi Atrocities at Odessa – 8 Years On By John Goss, August 27, 2022
Video: The “Suicide Pact” and Climate Change Narrative. Dr. Patrick Moore Interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Dr. Patrick Moore and Reiner Fuellmich, August 26, 2022
How US and Allied News-media Deceive the Public, to Believe What the Government Wants Them to Believe By Eric Zuesse, August 25, 2022
Video: Public Health System Rigged to Make the Covid Vaccines Look “Safe and Effective”. Deborah Conrad Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich By Deborah Conrad and Reiner Fuellmich, August 24, 2022
As the COVID Myths Explode, Delusions Are Shattering: Our Exit from Subservience Leads to Nuremberg 2.0 By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 22, 2022
United Nations Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative By Paul Joseph Watson, August 22, 2022
COVID Vaccine Trials Led to Birth Defects and Terminated Pregnancies, FOIA Requests Show By Ethan Huff, August 22, 2022
NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson By Michael Welch, Prof Michael Hudson, and Scott Ritter, August 20, 2022
Censorship and Global Information Control: Who Is Behind the “Trusted News Initiative”(TNI)? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 19, 2022
44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs for Expectant Mothers Anyway. Report By Debra Heine, August 19, 2022
Why Is Amnesty Apologising for Telling the Truth About Ukrainian War Crimes? By Jonathan Cook, August 18, 2022
One Year Later: How the Biden Admin, Big Tech, and Pfizer Fooled Americans into Taking “FDA Approved” COVID Vaccines that Never Actually Existed By Jordan Schachtel, August 16, 2022
The Psychological Warfare Apparatus Creates False Beliefs By Stephen Sefton, August 16, 2022
Social Media Giant Meta Carries Out ‘Digital Massacre’ of Palestinian Posts By Hind Khoudary, August 15, 2022
「コロナ禍 が本当に終わったのか」 どうすれば新型コロナウイルス感染症が終息したということがわかりますか? By Emanuel Pastreich, August 15, 2022
Count-Down to Apocalypse: Are the US and Russia Finally on Course toward World War III? By Michael Welch, Pepe Escobar, Glenn Michalchuk, and John Helmer, August 15, 2022
The Start of World War III? Things you Don’t Know about Russia and Ukraine By Michael Welch, Tamara Lorincz, Bruce Gagnon, and Dr. Leon Tressell, August 14, 2022
War Propaganda About Ukraine Starting to Wear Thin By Chay Bowes, August 14, 2022
Why Was Former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Estate Raided? By Peter Koenig, August 14, 2022
US Government Is World’s Worst Violator of Freedom of Press, Not Its Protector By Ben Norton, August 14, 2022
Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Reports Due to COVID Vaccines By Patrick Delaney, August 13, 2022
The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 13, 2022
‘Stunning’ Link Between Pfizer Vaccine and Myocarditis in Teens, Study Shows By Megan Redshaw, August 12, 2022
Video: The Corona Crisis. Worldwide Economic, Social and Political Chaos. “Closing Down Planet Earth”: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 12, 2022
Twitter Facilitates Cyber Terrorism and NATO-proxy War Crimes in Ukraine By Vanessa Beeley, August 11, 2022
“Planet Lockdown”: Documentation of a Global Crime. Scientists Destroy Our Trust in Science By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 11, 2022
Army General Declines to Answer Whether Canada Has Boots-on-the-ground Troops in Ukraine By Jack Bingham, August 10, 2022
America’s Media Focusses on Nancy Pelosi, Omits Coverage of U.S. Military Threats Directed against China By Sara Flounders, August 10, 2022
Controversial Drug Remdesivir Plays Key Role in COVID-Related Hospital Deaths: Dr. Ardis By Matt McGregor, August 09, 2022
Video: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Warns of “Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of All Time” By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, August 08, 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Exposes Big Pharma’s COVID Plot to Destroy Us By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., August 08, 2022
CDC Claims Link Between Heart Inflammation and COVID-19 Vaccines Wasn’t Known for Most of 2021 By Zachary Stieber, August 08, 2022
Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for COVID ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects By Amy Mek, August 08, 2022
“Climate Change”, Food Shortages: Coordinated Destruction of Humanity by the World Economic Forum and Its “Elite Cult” By Peter Koenig, August 06, 2022
Video: Google’s Youtube Censorship In Several Languages against OVALmedia. Corona Investigative Committee By Robert Cibis, Nathalie Signorini, Bianca Laura Granat, and Corona Investigative Committee, August 05, 2022
‘Wow. Just Wow’: Google Censors Basic 2-Question Survey on COVID By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, August 05, 2022
Twitter Censors Senior Israeli Physician-Scientist Injured by Pfizer Vaccine By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, August 05, 2022
PolitiFact Malarky on Coronavirus Shots By Adam Dick, August 05, 2022
Video: Analysis of Propaganda Utilized in the Corona Crisis. Dr. Roman Braun and Reiner Fuellmich By Dr. Roman Braun and Reiner Fuellmich, August 04, 2022
Mismanaging a Pandemic: Failures in the COVID-19 Narrative By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 03, 2022
“The Courage to Face COVID-19”: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex By Aruna Rodrigues, August 02, 2022
Testimonies from COVID Jab Injured: “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 02, 2022
The Earliest Days of the Italian Pandemic, or Why Nobody Wants to Talk About February 2020 Anymore By eugyppius, August 02, 2022
Inventing Diagnoses to Cover Up Vaccine Injury — a Con as Old as Vaccination Itself By Children’s Health Defense, August 01, 2022
Smoking Gun: US Government, CDC Colluded with Google, Twitter, Facebook to Censor Important Information About Experimental COVID Vaccines By Lance Johnson, August 01, 2022
Beware of Faux Anti-imperialists By Emanuel Pastreich, July 31, 2022
How We Fell Into the Covid Plandemic By Alex Krainer, July 30, 2022
Silent Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Great Reset, the Fear Campaign and “Engineered Weather”? By Peter Koenig, July 30, 2022
Video: Survey on How 300,000 people from 175 countries have fared “without taking a COVID-19 vaccine” By Dr. Katarina Lindley and Reiner Fuellmich, July 29, 2022
Rand Paul Demands Answers After NIH Admits Redacting COVID-19 Origins Emails ‘To Prevent Misinformation’ By Zero Hedge, July 29, 2022
CDC Official Used Flawed Data to Justify COVID Shots for Infants and Children, Analysis Shows By Megan Redshaw, July 28, 2022
The Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900—According to Published Science By JB Handley, July 27, 2022
Ugly COVID Lies. The Lockdown and the “Vaccine”. The Prime Instigators of This Infamy are Walking Free… By Rep. Ron Paul, July 27, 2022
Video: Pfizer Trial Documents Speak of COVID Vaccine Safety Fraud. Sonia Elijah Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich By Sonia Elijah and Reiner Fuellmich, July 26, 2022
The Big Lie Strategy in America of the Super-Rich. “Monopolizing the Resources and Assets of The Entire World” By Emanuel Pastreich, July 26, 2022
Western Liberals Act as the Thought Police of American Imperialism When It Comes to the War in Ukraine By Dr. Leon Tressell, July 25, 2022
COVID Injections Contain Potassium Chloride Which Is Contraindicated for Cardiac Disorders By Rhoda Wilson and Jessica Rose, July 25, 2022
Who Owns Facebook? By Emanuel Pastreich, July 24, 2022
Robert Parry Exposed CIA Criminality and Set the Gold Standard for Investigative Journalism By John Kiriakou, July 23, 2022
Big Pharma Propaganda and the COVID-19 Vaccine: The U.S. Government’s Legacy of Human Experimentations By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 22, 2022
German Government Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Serious Injury for One in 5,000 Doses – But Its Own Data Show the Real Rate Is One in 300 Doses By Will Jones, July 22, 2022
“What a Scam it Actually is.” Assessing COP27 and Modern Climate Activism By Michael Welch, Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, and Cory Morningstar, July 21, 2022
The Assange Persecution: British Courts and Media… Guilty! Free Julian Assange! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, July 20, 2022
The UK Government’s Official Data Shows They Are Killing Our Children By Steve Kirsch, July 19, 2022
Death by Covid Vaccine By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., July 18, 2022
Bogus Report on Nicaragua by “60 Minutes” Exposed as Propaganda from CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy By Susan Lagos, July 17, 2022