Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
ICC Tribunal Declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 17, 2019
Israel: The 10-Point Paradigm for Right-Wing Extremists By Hans Stehling, March 16, 2019
New Zealand Mosque Senseless Massacre. Action Against Islamophobia, CJPME Calls Upon Canadian Government By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 16, 2019
The US Revisits the Cold War Era in Its Stance on Cuba. Enacting Title III of the Helms-Burton Act By Dr. Birsen Filip, March 16, 2019
Death in New Zealand: The Christchurch Shootings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16, 2019
North America’s Indigenous Peoples: “Ongoing Genocide…” and Its Shadow World… By Robin Mathews, March 15, 2019
Native Leaders Tell Congress How Trump Trampled ‘Spiritually Occupied Landscape’ to Carve Up National Monuments By Julia Conley, March 15, 2019
Helms-Burton Act Meant to Re-colonize Cuba By Raúl Capote, March 15, 2019
Venezuela — More Might Makes Right By Barry Kissin and Frederick, March 15, 2019
Fox News Doubles Down on the Big Lie and Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, March 15, 2019
The EU Is Steadily Moving Towards Creation of 1984-style “Ministry of Truth” By South Front, March 15, 2019
Is AIPAC in Violation of Federal Election Law? By Renee Parsons, March 14, 2019
US Anti-Russia Legislation Directed against Vladimir Putin By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2019
Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido’s Economic Agenda By Anya Parampil, March 14, 2019
The Rightful Owners of a Key Island Military Base for the U.S. Would Like It Back, and the UN Agrees By Prof. Vijay Prashad, March 14, 2019
US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’ for ‘Galvanizing Public Unrest’ By Max Blumenthal, March 14, 2019
Contesting the Arctic Railway By Clemence Waller, March 14, 2019
Another Reason for Washington in Venezuela? Monroe Doctrine: “This Country is in Our Hemisphere” By F. William Engdahl, March 14, 2019
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: The Shameful Attack that Backfired By James J. Zogby, March 13, 2019
SNC Lavalin the Corporate Face of “Ugly Canadian” By Yves Engler, March 13, 2019
British Intelligence Masterminded the Miami Showband Massacre in Northern Ireland? Survivor Claims in New Documentary By Steve Sweeney, March 13, 2019
Trump Wants Half a Billion Dollars to Finance Regime Change in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, March 13, 2019
US Congressmen Introduce Bill to Prohibit US Courts from Recognizing Cuban Trademarks By Telesur, March 13, 2019
Net Neutrality Activists Launch Updated Congressional Scoreboard and Set March 15th Deadline for Lawmakers to Cosponsor the Save the Internet Act By Fight for the Future, March 13, 2019
Trade War
China-US Trade War: Trump Threatens China After Multiple Rounds of Negotiations. By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2019
Greater Trump Regime Intervention in Venezuela Coming? Sabotage as a Prelude to All Out War? By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2019
Video: Venezuela Blackout: Cyber Attacks, Sabotage and Political Horror Movies By South Front, March 12, 2019
“Lights Out!” Did Trump and His Neocons Recycle Bush-Era Plan to Knock Out Venezuela’s Power Grid? By Whitney Webb, March 12, 2019
The US Must Grow Up and Respect Iran’s Independence By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 11, 2019
England and Wales Authority Issues Licences to Property Developers to Kill Protected Robins, Starlings, Blackbirds, Sparrows, Bullfinches By Tom Pride, March 11, 2019
Grand Jury Efforts: Jailing Chelsea Manning By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11, 2019
The UN Fails to Name and Shame Firms Aiding Israel’s Illegal Settlements By Jonathan Cook, March 11, 2019
Talking About Israel. The Relationship with Israel is Poison for the United States By Philip Giraldi, March 11, 2019
NYT Denies that Venezuela Burned Aid Convoy By Prensa Latina, March 11, 2019
US Is Pushing Venezuela to the Brink by Attacking Its Power Grid By Andrew Korybko, March 11, 2019
Pushback on Human Rights in France. Resurgence of Police Violence. Devastating Neoliberal Policies. Suppression of the Yellow Vests By CETIM, March 10, 2019
Black Alliance for Peace Heads to Venezuela By Black Alliance for Peace, March 10, 2019
A Peek into the Horrific Findings of the UN Report on Israel’s Massacre of Gaza Protesters By Robert Inlakesh, March 10, 2019
The Arrest of Chelsea Manning. Unconstitutional US Grand Jury System By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2019
Corporate Media “Presstitutes” Turn Blind Eye to UN Report on Venezuela By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 09, 2019
Senator Rubio
The Psychosis of the Neocons: Senator Marco Rubio “Makes Fun” of the Suffering of the Venezuelan People By Kurt Nimmo, March 09, 2019
Another Failed Coup in Venezuela? By George Ciccariello-Maher, March 09, 2019
The Ghosts of Revolution? The Yellow Vests Rise Up against the Totalitarian Financial Empire. By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, March 09, 2019
Video: Israeli Navy Ready to Block Iranian Oil Transit, US-backed Forces Starve Refugees in Syria By South Front, March 09, 2019
Human Rights Abuses Can No Longer be Tolerated in Conserving the World’s Forests By James Whitehead, March 08, 2019
Ten Points I Just Can’t Believe About the Official Skripal Narrative By Craig Murray, March 08, 2019
The 2017 Grenfell Tower Conflagration in West London that killed 72 People: A Travesty of Justice as Grenfell Charges Unlikely for Yet Another Two Years! By Hans Stehling, March 08, 2019
Trump Administration Announces Stripping Gray Wolf Protections Across Country By Center For Biological Diversity, March 08, 2019
Venezuelan Government Denounces New Attack on Electric System By Telesur, March 08, 2019
Rubio Demands US Initiate “Widespread Unrest” in Venezuela By Zero Hedge, March 08, 2019
The Cardinal Can Do No Wrong: George Pell’s Defenders By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 07, 2019
A More Dangerous World: The Nuclear Arms Race, the INF Treaty and Canada By Socialist Project Steering Committee, March 07, 2019
Trump Looks to Nationalize 5G By Michael Kern, March 07, 2019
Tell Congress to Stand Up for Real Net Neutrality Protections By Katharine Trendacosta, March 07, 2019
ACLU Comment on EO Revoking Requirement to Release Casualty Numbers from Lethal Strikes Abroad By ACLU, March 07, 2019
Kim-Trump Hanoi Summit: Failure? Sabotage? What Has Happened? What Will Happen? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 07, 2019
Venezuela: Broad Support for Guaidó Reveals Stark Contempt for International Law By Shane Quinn, March 07, 2019
Militarised Conservation: “Paramilitary Rangers” and the World Wild Life Fund (WWF) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 06, 2019
BP’s Iraq Operations Praised by British Ambassador Prior to Fatal Basra Civil Unrest By Sophie Yeo, March 06, 2019
Revealed: British Army Deployed “Interrogators” to Abu Ghraib Despite Abuse Concerns By Ian Cobain and Clara Usiskin, March 06, 2019
Elite Banking at Your Expense: How Secretive Tax Havens Are Used to Steal Your Money By Robert J. Burrowes, March 06, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela! No Coup, No War, No Sanctions By Answer Coalition, March 06, 2019
US Court Upholds Subpoena of Whistleblower Chelsea Manning By James Cogan, March 06, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Other Charges: Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza By Chiara Cruciati, March 06, 2019
Julian Assange: Hard Power, Soft Power or Something in Between? Washington in Quito By Megan Sherman, March 05, 2019
The Shutdown of the GM Lordstown Plant: A Corporate Crime By Shannon Jones and Tim Rivers, March 05, 2019
SNC Lavalin Scandal Blowback from Corrupt Canadian Foreign Policy By Yves Engler, March 05, 2019
Video: Pablo Allende and the Truth About Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, March 04, 2019
SNC-Lavalin: The Tip of an Enormous “Deep State” Iceberg. Attack on the Rule of Law in Canada By Robin Mathews, March 04, 2019
“They Just Want Me in Prison”: Eva Bartlett Interviews Jailed Ukrainian Journalist Kirill Vyshinsky By Kirill Vyshinsky and Eva Bartlett, March 04, 2019
Sorry, Russia-gaters; WikiLeaks Got the DNC Emails from Insider, Not Russia By Ray McGovern, March 04, 2019
Democrats and Republicans Move to Silence Rep. Omar’s Criticism of Israel By Kurt Nimmo, March 03, 2019
Sex Trafficking: A Form of Modern-Day Slavery By Stephen Lendman, March 03, 2019
Trump’s Other ‘National Emergency’: Sanctions that Kill Venezuelans By Mark Weisbrot, March 03, 2019
Abe’s Military Base Plan for Okinawa Sinking in Mayonnaise: Implications for the U.S. Court and IUCN By Hideki Yoshikawa, March 02, 2019
Canada Extradition of Huawei CFO to US? Politicized Indictment, Economic Warfare against China? By Stephen Lendman, March 02, 2019
“Israeli Forces Wound 83 Civilians, Including 23 Children, Woman, 3 Paramedics, and Journalist, in Gaza” By IMEMC, March 02, 2019
Largest Palestinian Displacement Project Since 1967 Underway in West Bank, Galilee By Julia Kassem, March 02, 2019
The INF Affair and Nuclear Arms Control Prospects By Peter Jenkins, March 02, 2019
Netanyahu to be Indicted for Bribery, Fraud, and Breach of Trust By Stephen Lendman, March 01, 2019