Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Video: Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange’s Espionage Charges By Daniel Ellsberg and Sharmini Peries, May 24, 2019
Assange Faces 175 Years in Prison with 17 More Charges By, May 24, 2019
Spurious US 18-Count Indictment of Julian Assange: A Mockery of Justice By Stephen Lendman, May 24, 2019
The Espionage Act and Julian Assange: The US Justice Department Expands Its Case By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 24, 2019
Oiling the Wheels of Injustice. Indigenous Communities in the Amazon By Khaled Diab, May 23, 2019
Defunding UNRWA: Trump’s Legal Sleight of Hand against Palestine By Rima Najjar, May 23, 2019
Monsanto, Scientific Deception and Cancer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 23, 2019
Newly Revealed Documents Show Syrian Chemical “Attacks Were Staged” By Dr. Theodore Postol and Institute for Public Accuracy, May 22, 2019
US Complicity in Israel’s Violations of International Law By James J. Zogby, May 22, 2019
U.S. Immigration Officials’ Continued Medical Neglect Leads to Child’s Death By Physicians for Human Rights, May 22, 2019
Challenging Orthodoxies: Alabama’s Anti-Abortion Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 21, 2019
Israel’s War Criminals in Their Own Words By Philip Giraldi, May 21, 2019
‘Secrecy’ Clause for Britain’s New Environment Watchdog By Catherine Early, May 21, 2019
The Killing of Children in Yemen: UNICEF’s Henrietta Fore’s Address to the UN Security Council By Henrietta Fore, May 21, 2019
Assange and the Swedish Judicial Process: The Missing Step By Craig Murray, May 21, 2019
Roundup Glyphosate: Major Law Suits Filed against Monsanto By Caitlin Hoff, May 21, 2019
‘Unfathomable Evil Recognizing Unfathomable Evil’: Trump’s Possible Pardons of War Criminals Provoke Outrage By Jessica Corbett, May 21, 2019
The Assange/Manning Cases Discredit Humanity By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 21, 2019
Unlawful Arrests of Venezuelan DC Embassy Protectors Symbolic of US Decadence By Stephen Lendman, May 19, 2019
US ‘Bid to Destroy Venezuela’ Threatens the Foundations of International Law, Ambassador Warns By Ben Chacko, May 19, 2019
The OPCW Chemical Watchdog: A US Imperial Tool. The CW Douma Incident in Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 19, 2019
Green Party of the United States Statement – Venezuelan Embassy By Green Party of the United States, May 18, 2019
Netanyahu’s Acts of Provocation and Destruction Including Violence against Civilians Constitute Both a War Crime and Terrorism By Hans Stehling, May 17, 2019
Head of Swedish Bar Association Condemns the Handling of the Assange Case in the UK and Sweden as Deplorable By Anne Ramberg, May 17, 2019
Canada Joins the Authoritarian Censorship Agenda By Kurt Nimmo, May 17, 2019
US Illegally Evicts Protectors from Venezuelan Embassy By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 17, 2019
Venezuelan Embassy: Peace Activists Put US Mission on Notice By Lauren Smith, May 16, 2019
Trump Administration Approves Leases for Toxic Mining Near Minnesota Wilderness, Canada Border By Michael Reinemer, May 16, 2019
Monsanto’s “Rain of Death” on Canada’s Forests By Joyce Nelson, May 16, 2019
During Nakba Commemoration Protests: “Israeli Forces Wound 144 Palestinian Civilians, Including 49 Children, 4 Women and 1 Paramedic” By IMEMC, May 16, 2019
Trump Administration Waives Laws to Build 100 Miles of Border Wall Across Arizona National Monument, Wildlife Refuges By Center For Biological Diversity, May 16, 2019
Exiting the War System of NATO By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, May 15, 2019
Ten Points on Palestine’s Nakba and ‘Israel’s’ Illegitimacy By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, May 15, 2019
Jury Slams Bayer-Monsanto in Latest Roundup Cancer Trial By EWG, May 15, 2019
Justice Prevailed.Threats Directed against Arab-Americans By James J. Zogby, May 15, 2019
Trump Intent on Erasing Palestine By Elson Concepción Pérez, May 14, 2019
British Government Forced to Delete Millions of Illegal Citizen Biometric Voiceprints By True Publica, May 14, 2019
Guaido Requests US Military ‘Cooperation’ to Oust Maduro as US Vessel Violates Venezuelan Waters By Paul Dobson, May 14, 2019
Tel Aviv Is Afraid of “The Axis of Resistance” By Prof. Tim Anderson and The Syria Times, May 14, 2019
The Deal of the Century: Trump Team and Netanyahu Conspire to Sell out the Palestinians By Philip Giraldi, May 14, 2019
Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Traffic Stops in the American Police State By John W. Whitehead, May 14, 2019
Why ‘Anti-imperialist’ in the U.S. Still Means ‘Paid for by Russia’ By Black Alliance for Peace, May 14, 2019
We Take to the Streets of Tel Aviv to Demand an End to the Siege on Gaza By Gush Shalom, May 14, 2019
The “Swedish Allegations” Concerning Julian Assange By Justice for Assange, May 13, 2019
Israel ‘Has Arrested over 50,000 Children Since 1967’ By The New Arab, May 13, 2019
The Bolivarian Revolution Metes Out Poetic Justice By Arnold August, May 13, 2019
‘Conditions for Surrender’: Palestinian FM Slams Trump Peace Plan By The New Arab, May 13, 2019
Does the U.S. Have the Right to Impunity? By Raúl Capote, May 13, 2019
Venezuelan Embassy: Water Shut Off, Police Block Entry of Food By Telesur, May 13, 2019
Trump EPA Seeks to Slash Pesticide Protections for Imperiled Wildlife By Center For Biological Diversity, May 13, 2019
Viewing Venezuela through a Fairy Tale Lens By Gerrard Bonello, May 13, 2019
Trump Regime Escalates War on Whistleblowers By Stephen Lendman, May 12, 2019
Washington Had the Wrong Approach to US-China Trade Talks from the Start By Andrew Korybko, May 11, 2019
The Zionist Idea Has Never Been More Terrifying than It Is Today By Rima Najjar, May 11, 2019
Rockets Remind the World of the 12-Year Blockade of 1.8 Million Gazans By Hans Stehling, May 11, 2019
Trump Has Defied Nearly All Subpoenas. What Can the House Do? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 11, 2019
Pompeo Suffers Meltdown over Venezuela’s Arrest of Coup-Backer, Zambrano By Joaquin Flores, May 11, 2019
Chelsea Manning Released from Jail, but Fresh Subpoena Means ‘She May Have Just over a Week of Freedom’ By Jake Johnson, May 11, 2019
The Democrats and the Mueller Report: “Muellerisation” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 10, 2019
The US and Iran Flex Their Muscles. The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) One Year after US Withdrawal By Elijah J. Magnier, May 10, 2019
Pandering to Israel Means War with Iran By Philip Giraldi, May 09, 2019
How Major Banks Turned a Blind Eye to the Theft of Billions of Pounds of Public Money By Madlen Davies, Ben Stockton, and Ferdinand Moeck, May 09, 2019
Government Now Implicitly Accepts Liability for 72 Deaths in Grenfell Tower, West London By Hans Stehling, May 09, 2019
Analysis: Public Overwhelmingly Wants EPA Ban on Wildlife-killing ‘Cyanide Bombs’ By Center For Biological Diversity, May 09, 2019
US and NATO Sink the INF Treaty with Russia By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, May 09, 2019
Venezuela – A Risk to Dollar Hegemony – Key Purpose Behind “Regime Change” By Peter Koenig, May 09, 2019
US and NATO Reject the UN Treaty and Deploy New Nuclear Weapons in Europe By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, May 08, 2019
Is the Iran Nuclear Deal Doomed? By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2019
Israel MK Calls for 1 Palestinian to be Killed for Each Rocket Fired By Middle East Monitor, May 08, 2019
Israel Damaged over 800 Gaza Homes in Three Days By PNN, May 08, 2019
Will Washington be Held Accountable for Its War Crimes? By Jean Périer, May 08, 2019
Money Laundering – Why the UK Does Not Prosecute It By True Publica, May 08, 2019
US institutions
CIA Dirty Hands All Over the US Coup Plot Against Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2019
A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela? By Rep. Ron Paul, May 07, 2019
Named: The People Killed in Gaza and Israel this Weekend By Middle East Eye, May 07, 2019
Video: The Occupation of the American Mind. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By Roger Waters, May 07, 2019
Venezuela Is Not Alone – No Esta Sola By Lauren Smith, May 07, 2019
Pompeo Claims US Aggression Against Venezuela Would be Lawful By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2019
Embassy Protection Collective: We’re Still Here and We’re Staying By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 07, 2019
Around 70 Airstrikes within 12 Hours… Israel Violates the Gaza Strip: Pregnant Woman and Her Baby Girl Killed, Residential Buildings Targeted and Israeli Attacks Continue By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, May 06, 2019