Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Arms Control. UN General Assembly Adopts Five Russian Resolutions By Eurasia Diary, December 14, 2019
D.C. Judge to Hear Legal Challenge to Trump’s Border-wall Emergency By Center For Biological Diversity, December 13, 2019
The Russian Terrorism (SMART) Act: Who are the State Sponsors of Terrorism? By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2019
Trump Wants Criticism of Israel Equated with Anti-Semitism By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2019
Bolivia: The 21st Century Coup d’État and Its Crimes Against Humanity By Alex Anfruns, December 12, 2019
House Dems Impeach Trump By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2019
A Second Nakba in the Making By James J. Zogby, December 11, 2019
“Sin Taxes” and Orwellian Methods of Compliance that Feed the Government’s Greed By John W. Whitehead, December 11, 2019
Divide and Conquer Tactics: Millions of Deaths Triggered by the British Empire By Tomasz Pierscionek, December 11, 2019
On International Human Rights Day, Oppose U.S. Coup in Bolivia and Global Lawlessness: Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) By Black Alliance for Peace, December 11, 2019
In Wag the Dog Move, Indicted Israeli PM Netanyahu Moves to Annex 25% of Palestinian West Bank By Prof. Juan Cole, December 11, 2019
Last Straw as Teachers in France Join Nationwide Strike By Danica Jorden, December 11, 2019
The US’ New Stance on ‘Israeli’ Settlements Doesn’t Change Anything at All By Andrew Korybko, December 11, 2019
Human Rights and Belt and Road (BRI): China’s Strategic Xinjiang Economic Corridor By Shane Quinn, December 10, 2019
Trump: Bring Me the Head of Luis Obrador. Wage a “War on Drugs” to “Protect Mexico”? By Christopher Black, December 10, 2019
Kalamata City Council Blocks 5G Pilot Program Due to Health Risks By Greek City Times, December 10, 2019
Banning Russian Athletes? Politicized International Sports Competition Rears Its Ugly Head Again By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2019
Syria Will Not Cooperate with the OPCW New Investigation Team By Arabi Souri, December 09, 2019
West Seeks Control over Asian Rivers By Tony Cartalucci, December 09, 2019
Pesticides in the Food You Eat and the Water You Drink. “U.S. Kids Continue to be Exposed” By EWG, December 08, 2019
How the US Tortures. Report By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2019
House Judiciary Committee Sham Ukrainegate Hearings By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2019
The International Criminal Court (ICC) Holds Hearing on Afghanistan War Crimes, Including US Torture By Brett Wilkins, December 06, 2019
Donald Trump, the US Private Health Giant, and Top British NHS Officials – Special Relationships? By Tamasin Cave, December 06, 2019
Denied Entry to Gaza for Breast Cancer Mission By Palestine Post 24, December 06, 2019
UN Officially Asks Israel to Leave The Golan Heights By Middle East Monitor, December 06, 2019
Trump Administration OKs ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Despite Indiscriminate Killing of Thousands of Animals a Year By Center For Biological Diversity, December 06, 2019
Trump’s “Economic Terrorism” Directed against Venezuela and Bolivia By Stephen Lendman, December 06, 2019
Canadian Unions Condemn Bolivia Coup By Arnold August, December 06, 2019
The Pentagon’s Destruction of the Bill of Rights By Jacob G. Hornberger, December 06, 2019
Presidential Pardon for Netanyahu? By Stephen Lendman, December 06, 2019
Grand Canyon Under Threat as Trump’s Nuclear Working Group Considers Allowing Uranium Mining By Western Values Project, December 05, 2019
Congo: Millions Die While the “UN Keeps the Peace” By Ann Garrison, December 05, 2019
Detroit Demolition Bond Proposal Defeated Amid Mass Discontent By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 05, 2019
Crimes against Humanity: US Sanctions Harm One Third of World’s People By Sara Flounders, December 05, 2019
Medical Doctors Protest Failure of UK Home Secretary to Act on Mr Julian Assange By Doctors for Assange, December 05, 2019
Rioting in Hong Kong and Iraq: Human Rights and Hypocrisy in the White House and Congress By Brian Cloughley, December 04, 2019
Erdogan Opened a Pandora’s Box in Libya that Will be Difficult to Close By Paul Antonopoulos, December 04, 2019
House Dems Release Sham Impeachment Inquiry Report By Stephen Lendman, December 04, 2019
Julian Assange: An Appeal From International Lawyers By Fredrik S. Heffermehl, December 04, 2019
Going to the ICJ: Myanmar, Genocide and Aung San Suu Kyi’s Gamble By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 04, 2019
China Retaliates Against Hostile US Legislation By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2019
Build Resistance Not Walls: A Reader for a World Without Walls By Jim Miles, December 03, 2019
The Right to Mobility. Public Transport in the UK and Labour’s Manifesto By Lynsey Hanley, December 03, 2019
Betraying the US Constitution: Who Will Protect Us from an Unpatriotic Patriot Act? By John W. Whitehead, December 03, 2019
Hong Kong –– Pure Western Insanity By Peter Koenig, December 03, 2019
UN to Resolve the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis By Askiah Adam, December 03, 2019
Nigeria: Sowore Versus Buhari, A Question of Revolution and Treason By Adeyinka Makinde, December 03, 2019
Don’t Look, Don’t See: Time for Honest Media Reporting on Impacts of Pesticides By Colin Todhunter, December 02, 2019
The Spanish Case Takes a Turn, Activities of Security Outfit Aimed at Wikileaks. Julian Assange in Video Conference? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 02, 2019
Bolivia Coup: “Hatred of the Indian” By Álvaro García Linera, December 02, 2019
Bolsonaro Denounced Before International Criminal Court By Telesur, December 02, 2019
Hundreds Attend London Meeting to Demand Freedom for Julian Assange By World Socialist Web Site, December 02, 2019
Poland Proposes Raising Carcinogenic 5G Emission Levels as a “National Norm” By Julian Rose, December 01, 2019
Criminalizing Speech and Press Freedoms. Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning By Stephen Lendman, December 01, 2019
Appeal to Archbishop of Canterbury for Liberation of Julian Assange By Diana Johnstone, December 01, 2019
US Vows to ‘Reinforce’ Sanctions, Accuses Venezuela and Cuba of Stirring Regional ‘Strife’ By Lucas Koerner, November 29, 2019
Visiting Britain’s Political Prisoner. Julian Assange By John Pilger, November 29, 2019
Trump Imperils the Peace Process By William Bell, November 29, 2019
Bolivia – The Danger of “Neoliberalism with Fascist Characteristics” By Nino Pagliccia, November 29, 2019
Trump Claims that Nicaragua Is a “National Security Threat” to Legitimize U.S. Economic Aggression By Paul Antonopoulos, November 29, 2019
Just One Week After Trump Rolled Back Safety Measures, Chemical Plant Explosion Rocks Texas Town By Andrea Germanos, November 28, 2019
Tory PM Johnson Wants Britain’s National Health Service Privatized By Stephen Lendman, November 28, 2019
The Sword, the Pen and the Law – On Julian Assange By Prof. Barbara Harriss-White, November 28, 2019
US Is Again Complicit in an Illegal Coup, this Time in Bolivia By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 28, 2019
Occupied Palestine: The Most Enduring Media Cover-up By Alison Weir, Margaret Flowers, and Kevin Zeese, November 28, 2019
“Coverups are the Rule”: Washington Will Never Rat on Itself By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 28, 2019
Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers; Displaced Persons in the United States By Joseph Thomas, November 27, 2019
Why the Trump Regime Toppled Bolivia’s Evo Morales. “He Wasn’t Our Guy” By Stephen Lendman, November 27, 2019
Boris Johnson’s Tory Party Manifesto Vows to Ban Boycott Campaigns (BDS) against Israel By Areeb Ullah, November 27, 2019
The Role of British Universities in Supporting Israel’s Demolitions of Palestinian Homes By Tom Anderson, November 27, 2019
Trump and Netanyahu: A Tale of Two Criminals By Robert Fantina, November 27, 2019
Evo the ‘Terrorist’ and the Weaponization of Fear-Mongering Labels By Andrew Korybko, November 27, 2019
The Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation. The Right to Know. Don’t Put in Your Shirt Pocket By Environmental Health Trust, November 27, 2019
The Problem with Israeli Settlements Is Not that They Are Illegal. It’s that They Are Immoral. By Prof. Peter Beinart, November 26, 2019
Eroding Free Expression in Israel Updated By Stephen Lendman, November 26, 2019
The End of the Rule of Law By Chris Hedges, November 26, 2019
Is Netanyahu Ready to Inflame War to Escape His Legal Troubles? By Jonathan Cook, November 26, 2019
Pompeo Gives Away the Palestinian West Bank By Philip Giraldi, November 26, 2019
On State Contravention of the Genocide Convention. America’s “Genocidal Intent” By J. B. Gerald, November 26, 2019