Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Israel’s Crisis Is About Who Gets to Play Tyrant: The Generals or Religious Thugs By Jonathan Cook, March 31, 2023
‘Noah’s Wounds Were Not Survivable’: Parents Allow Detailed View of AR-15 Carnage By Kenny Stancil, March 31, 2023
Israeli Protesters Fixated on Themselves and Israel’s Flawed Democracy By Michael Jansen, March 30, 2023
RFK, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship By Dr. Brenda Baletti, March 30, 2023
Fires in the Streets of France Illustrates Anger over Pension Reforms By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 30, 2023
Video: Dr. McCullough US Senate: To Save Lives Pull the COVID-19 Vaccines Off the Market By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 30, 2023
Why the Main Players Behind the Israeli Protest Movement Are Bringing the Confrontation to a Head By Razi Nabulse, March 30, 2023
Police Violence. Has France become a Police State? Bastille 2.0?: 3.5 Million People Mobilize against Macron By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 29, 2023
Canadians Protest Outside US Embassy Against Biden’s Visit By Al Mayadeen, March 29, 2023
The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online By Matt Agorist, March 29, 2023
UN Security Council Won’t Probe Nord Stream Bombing By Dave DeCamp, March 29, 2023
Radical Protests in France, A Province of the Global Orwellian Empire. Can Fascism be Overcome? By Gilbert Mercier, March 29, 2023
Israel Protests: “Democracy” in an Apartheid Regime? By Richard Becker, March 29, 2023
Calculated Exonerations: Command Responsibility and War Crimes in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 29, 2023
Afghanistan: Harm From Unexploded Ordnance Results in Death of Children: UNICEF By Mitra Majeedy, March 28, 2023
Understanding the International Rules-based Disorder By Larry Johnson, March 28, 2023
Netanyahu Has Taken Israel to the Abyss. What Is His Exit Strategy? By Richard Silverstein, March 28, 2023
International Criminal Court to Open Ukraine Office Following Putin Arrest Warrant By Julia Shapero, March 28, 2023
UN Complicity in Terrorism – The Case of Nicaragua By Stephen Sefton, March 28, 2023
Bloody Artwork Protesting Prince Harry’s Afghan Kills to be Projected on London Landmark By Arab News, March 27, 2023
Lesson of 1999 NATO Bombing of Serbia Ignored in the West By Kurt Nimmo, March 27, 2023
Canada’s Campaign to Demonize “All Things Chinese” By Community Coalition Against Racism, March 26, 2023
Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca Is Receiving Death Threats from Kiev By Dragan Vujicic, March 26, 2023
Bankrupt Banks, Food Crisis, Mandatory Vaccine and Our Grim Future. “This Time, the Virus has Infected Money Itself” By Emanuel Pastreich, March 26, 2023
The Military-Intelligentsia Complex: How Higher Education Enables US Militarism By T.J. Coles, March 26, 2023
Abu Ghraib Survivor: Taking the Hood Off 20 Years After Iraq War By Osama Bin Javaid, March 25, 2023
The Iraq War 20 Years Ago – No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. Jan Oberg By Jan Oberg, March 25, 2023
Stop the War, Stop Sending Arms to Ukraine. An Appeal from Brussels By Defend Democracy Press, March 25, 2023
Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. Diana Johnstone By Diana Johnstone, March 24, 2023
Imagine a Life Like This: The Relentless Persecution of Hassan Diab By Hassan Diab Support Committee, March 23, 2023
Video: “War Made Easy”. “Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction” By Media Education Foundation, March 23, 2023
Video: The Criminalisation of International Justice. Christopher Black By Christopher Black, March 23, 2023
The Empire of Lies: ChatGPT’s “Artificial Intelligence” Knows U.S. War Criminals By The Good Citizen, March 22, 2023
Urgent: Imprisoned Diplomat Alex Saab’s Life Is in Danger By Free Alex Saab and Popular Resistance, March 22, 2023
Ontario Nurse Faces Disciplinary Hearings for the Crime of Advocating for Patient Well-being By Tamara Ugolini, March 22, 2023
For 20 Years, Team Bush Has Escaped Prosecution for Their War Crimes in Iraq By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 21, 2023
Three Years to Slow the Spread: COVID Hysteria and the Creation of a Never-ending Crisis By Jordan Schachtel, March 21, 2023
The US’ Schizophrenic Approach to the ICC Embodies Its Hypocritical “Rules-Based Order” Concept By Andrew Korybko, March 21, 2023
NY Red Alert: Recently Passed Bill Clears the Way for a Mandatory Adult Vaccine Database By Autism Action Network, March 21, 2023
Toxic US Military Burn Pits in Iraq Caused Cancer, Other Illnesses By The Cradle, March 21, 2023
Unrest Erupts in France After Macron Imposes Pension Reforms by Decree By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 20, 2023
CJPME Appalled by Minister Joly’s Meeting with Far-Right Israeli Government By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 20, 2023
ICC’s Putin Arrest Warrant Signals Long Overdue Unraveling of So-called ‘Rules-based World Order’ By Drago Bosnic, March 20, 2023
US and Israel
Does ICC’s Arrest Warrant Limit Putin’s External Visits? “The West is Hysterical” By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 20, 2023
A 10-year-old Canadian Hockey Player From Hamilton, Ontario, Died Suddenly on March 11, 2023. Canada’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Athletes Ages 12+ Are a Serious Crime By Dr. William Makis, March 20, 2023
International Criminal Court Wants to Arrest Putin for Sheltering Child Refugees By Kurt Nimmo, March 20, 2023
Iraq Invasion 20th Anniversary: Five Million Dead in Iraqi Holocaust 1990 Onwards By Gideon Polya, March 20, 2023
To Prevent a Civil War That Is About to Happen in Pakistan By Prof. Abdul Jabbar, March 20, 2023
Criminals at Large: The Iraq War 20 Years On By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 20, 2023
My Lai, ‘Killing Ideology’ & Disobeying Orders: 55 Years Ago Today By Mickey Z, March 20, 2023
Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin for War Crimes? Hold on a Minute! By Janet Phelan, March 20, 2023
The War on Yugoslavia 24 years Ago: Milosevic Exonerated by the ICTY, as the NATO War Machine Moves on By Neil Clark, March 19, 2023
The US Blockade and Its Effects on Cuban Medicine By Prof. Carlos L. Garrido, March 17, 2023
French President Macron Approves the Pension Reform by Decree By Telesur, March 17, 2023
The COVID Scam and the Lockdown Files: “Biggest Scandal of the Century?” Does It Qualify as a Crime Against Humanity? By Marcel de Graaff MEP, March 16, 2023
False Narrative: How the Vermont Trial of an Alleged “Terrorist” Revealed the Danger of Guilt by Association, and the Way Disinformation Creates a False Narrative. By Greg Guma, March 16, 2023
Video: Japan Is Waking Up to the Facts. The COVID-19 Injections Are Causing Harm. By Hirofumi Yanagase, March 16, 2023
Trashing Asylum: The UK’s Illegal Migration Bill By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16, 2023
New York Gov. Hochul Wants Her Quarantine Camps By John Leake, March 16, 2023
‘Hate Crimes’ in the Service of ‘White Supremacy’: A Statistical Hallucination By Ben Bartee, March 15, 2023
CODEPINK Joins National Call-In Days to Remove Cuba from State Sponsors of Terrorism List By CODEPINK, March 15, 2023
Blood Does Not Wash Away Blood By Kathy Kelly, March 15, 2023
US Still Trying to Bury ‘Collateral Murder’ Video That WikiLeaks Released By Sam Carliner, March 14, 2023
House Democrats Attack Messengers in ‘Politicization of Government’ Hearing By Rep. Ron Paul, March 14, 2023
Withdraw From Syria Should Have Been a “Slam Dunk” By Renee Parsons, March 14, 2023
Apple: “Forced Labor” in India with Foxconn. Hourly Wage 88 Cents By Dr. Werner Rügemer, March 14, 2023
Alberta, Canada Is Now Giving COVID-19 Vaccines to Minors Without Parental Consent. Doctors Are Now a Hazard to Your Child’s Health By Dr. William Makis, March 14, 2023
Militarizing the Police. Activist Had Hands Up When Killed by Georgia Police? By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 14, 2023
It’s Not Just the Settlers – or Israel – Responsible for the Torching of Huwwara By Jonathan Cook, March 13, 2023
FDA and CDC Assertions in Doubling Down on COVID-19 Vaccination By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 13, 2023
Democrats Champion Censorship and Smear Twitter Files Heroes By James Bovard, March 13, 2023
Fearing Future Probes of US Atrocities, Pentagon Blocks ICC From Russian War Crimes Evidence By Brett Wilkins, March 13, 2023
In Nord Stream attack, US Officials Use Proxy Media to Blame Proxy Ukraine By Aaron Mate, March 13, 2023
1.2 Million French Workers Strike Again By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 12, 2023
The Ghost of Hugo Grotius: The UN High Seas Treaty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 12, 2023
The Unilateral Illegal Secession of Kosovo Is the Outcome of NATO Aggression By Živadin Jovanović and Belgrade Forum, March 10, 2023
Where Should Palestinians Search for Justice? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 10, 2023
Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly Must Sanction Israeli Officials for Illegal Settlement Expansion and Annexation By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 10, 2023
Criminal Investigation for Excess Deaths Due to Covid-19 Remdesivir Medication By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 10, 2023
US-Israeli Determination to Keep the Syrian People Suffering By Steven Sahiounie, March 10, 2023