Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
The US-Egypt Weapons to Ukraine Dispute. Menendez Indictment By Steven Sahiounie, September 27, 2023
U.S. Claims to Central Pacific Ocean Flout International Law By Dr. Edward Hunt, September 26, 2023
The Subversion of Democracies and “The Global Surveillance State”. Don’t Forget About Cambridge Analytica By Megan Sherman, September 26, 2023
Ron Paul’s Battle Against Vaccine Tyranny. “The Chief Fearmonger is Anthony Fauci” By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. and Rep. Ron Paul, September 25, 2023
Mission to Free Assange: Australian Parliamentarians in Washington By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 25, 2023
FBI Warned Sikhs in the U.S. About Death Threats After Killing of Canadian Activist By Murtaza Hussain, September 25, 2023
From Niger to Haiti to Cop City in Atlanta, Defeat the War Against African People By Black Alliance for Peace, September 24, 2023
President of the UN General Assembly Approves Pandemic Declaration — Privacy Experts Warn of ‘Digital Gulag’ By Michael Nevradakis, September 23, 2023
“Banned Books” Spike by 33% Over Last School Year, Suppress Teaching, Intimidate Educators By Pen America, September 23, 2023
An Israeli Role in Syria’s Suwayda Protests By William Van Wagenen, September 21, 2023
What Really Happened on 9/11? By Dr. Joseph Mercola and James Corbett, September 21, 2023
Alabama Election Map “Redistricting”: The Erosion of Voting Rights for African Americans By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 21, 2023
Democracy Is a Fugitive. Julian Assange: “Resistance is Timely and Necessary” By Megan Sherman, September 21, 2023
Harvard’s Jacinda Ardern Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War By Jonathan Turley, September 21, 2023
“The Idea of Palestine Hounds Zionists.” Edward Said By Edward W. Said and Nashwa Bawab, September 20, 2023
Warring Against the Diaspora: India’s Campaign Against Khalistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20, 2023
Over Assange, Britain’s Press Prefers to Serve Power Not Media Freedom By Peter Oborne, September 19, 2023
Florida: First State to Officially Recommend Against COVID-19 Boosters By Steve Wilson, September 18, 2023
The Bombs of August: Remembering Neak Luong, 1973 By Prof. Carolyn Eisenberg, September 18, 2023
“Side Effects” of Covid-19 Vaccine”, “Tell the American Public the Truth”: Former Director of CDC Dr. Robert Redfield Comes Clean on Government Censorship By Lloyd Billingsley, September 18, 2023
The US Has Blood on Its Hands in the Libyan Flood By Steven Sahiounie, September 18, 2023
“US has committed crimes against humanity and genocide in Syria.” Interview with Scott Bennett By Scott Bennett and Steven Sahiounie, September 17, 2023
New York Pushing Vaccine Boosters and Fighting for Concentration Camps By Dr. Joseph Sansone, September 17, 2023
Crimes against Humanity: Serbia’s Law Suit against NATO. More than 15 Tons of Uranium Bombs Dropped on Yugoslavia in 1999 By Natali Milenkovic, September 16, 2023
Future of Australia Hangs on a Yes or No Vote for a New Voice in Its Parliament By Jerome Irwin, September 16, 2023
The US Is Fanning the Flames of War with China. Prof. Marjorie Cohn By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 15, 2023
Mask Mandates Do Not Prevent Spread of Respiratory Viruses, They Cause Harm, and Violate the Right to Informed Consent By Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, September 15, 2023
Why the Media Aren’t Telling the Whole Story of Libya’s Floods By Jonathan Cook, September 15, 2023
Another Magical JFK Assassination Pseudo-Debate and Limited Hangout By Edward Curtin, September 15, 2023
ICC’s Jurisdiction Crumbling Barely Six Months After Putin Indictment By Drago Bosnic, September 15, 2023
Libya Climate Crisis Linked to Pentagon-NATO Intervention of 2011 By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 14, 2023
From Where Will the Breakthrough Come for Julian Assange? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 14, 2023
My First August 6th in Hiroshima By Greg Mitchell, September 14, 2023
Analysis: Lawyers Take Close Look at Charges Against Leaders of Canada’s Freedom Convoy Tamara Lich, and Chris Barber By ​​Tara MacIsaac, September 14, 2023
Why They Hate Us — US Interventionism Following the 9/11 Attack By Jacob G. Hornberger, September 14, 2023
More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story as Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative By Whitney Webb, September 13, 2023
Rand Paul Out to ‘Repeal and Replace’ US Interventionist Regime By Sen. Rand Paul and Bradley Devlin, September 13, 2023
Video: New Zealand’s “River of Freedom”: Protest Movement against Illegal Covid Vaccine Mandates, Political Thuggery, Divisive and Illegal Acts. “Demolition of Fundamental Human Rights” By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, September 12, 2023
Extreme Online Surveillance in the UK: Extreme :”Online Safety Bill” (OSB) Envisages Invasive Scanning of “User Files”. By Joe Mullin, September 12, 2023
Israel: New Movement Sees Young People Refusing Military Service Over Judicial Reforms By Oren Ziv, September 12, 2023
Video: “Redacted”. Peace, War and 9/11. Graeme MacQueen By Redacted, September 12, 2023
Canada’s Freedom Convoy Truckers Go on Trial By Leila Mechoui, September 12, 2023
Was There a “War on Terror” or a War on the American People? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 12, 2023
9/11 – The Onslaught of an Endless War on Humanity By Peter Koenig, September 12, 2023
Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11 By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, September 12, 2023
Biden Rejects Medical Treatment as Part of a Possible Plea Bargain for Guantanamo Prisoners Tortured by CIA By Barry Grey, September 12, 2023
Trump Survived Impeachment. Biden May Not be So Lucky. Joe and Hunter’s “5000 Secret Emails” By Charles Lipson, September 11, 2023
JFK Assassination Witness Breaks 60-Year Silence and Blows Up Key Government Claim Regarding the President’s Death – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds By Cullen Linebarger, September 11, 2023
9/11 After 22 years By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11, 2023
Former Head of Israel’s Mossad: Israel Is an Apartheid State with the ‘KKK’ in Government and “Antisemitic” Policies Toward Palestinians By Prof. Juan Cole, September 11, 2023
Bosnia-Herzegovina: US-NATO’s “Neocolonial Backwater” By Stephen Karganovic, September 08, 2023
Expanding Drug Trafficking on Peru’s Borders with Colombia and Brazil By Juan Diego Cardenas and Seth Robbins, September 08, 2023
U.S. Spy Agencies to Launch Computerized “Smart Clothing” Under Guise of “Better Health Monitoring” By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, September 08, 2023
Oil and Gas and Climate Change Fakery By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 07, 2023
Is It Time to Fire Your Doctor? CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from COVID Vaccines Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combined By Mark Taliano, September 07, 2023
Women’s Rights: Is There Really Pay Equity at the US Open Tennis Tournament? By Kim Petersen, September 07, 2023
Open the Contracts: Court Rules in Favour of Vaccine Transparency By Health Justice Initiative, September 07, 2023
Educating the US Imperium: Australia’s Mission for Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 06, 2023
22 Years of Drone Warfare and No End in Sight By Maha Hilal, September 06, 2023
Criminalizing Activism in Australia: Fossil Fuel, Protest and Climate Change By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 05, 2023
The Truth of January 6, 2021 Reveals “Constitutional Failures” By Renee Parsons, September 05, 2023
The Korean War Continues with Biden’s Renewal of Travel Ban to North Korea By Amanda Yee, September 04, 2023
Where Did the Money Go? $280 Billion in Lost COVID Relief Spending. “U.S. Government Working to Account for $4 trillion in COVID-19 Spending”. By Ryan Morgan, September 04, 2023
Canada Complicit with Israel’s Annexation of East Jerusalem By Karen Rodman, September 04, 2023
Another Official 9/11 Big Lie Exposed — Again By Stephen Lendman, September 04, 2023
Video: Defying State-Driven Medical Censorship By Dr. Mark Trozzi and RAIR Foundation USA, September 03, 2023
Defriending Canada: Natural Disasters and Facebook’s Information Scrub By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 03, 2023
9/11 and the War on Afghanistan: America’s Neocolonial Drug Trafficking and the British Empire By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 03, 2023
September 11, 2001: Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in the Twin Towers By Prof. Graeme MacQueen, September 02, 2023
Fifty Years Ago: Nixon’s Intel Briefings, US-Backed September 11, 1973 Chilean Military Coup. Released Documents By Connor Freeman, September 01, 2023
Video: Lahaina Truths and Newly Emerged Satellite Images Tell a Dark Story. Matt Roeske By Reinette Senum, September 01, 2023
Video: “Midnight at the Border.” Humanitarian Crisis. Running on Truth. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By Team Kennedy, September 01, 2023
A Draconian New Law Went Into Effect on August 25th that Institutes Extreme Censorship of the Internet on a Global Basis By Michael Snyder, September 01, 2023
US Government Sued for Hiding Information on Afghan Refugees in Detention Camps By Kevin Gosztola, September 01, 2023
UN Report: The Legality of the Israeli Occupation, Of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem By UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, September 01, 2023
The Disappearance of Integrity: Organized Suppression of the Facts, Only Writers Who Support “Official Narratives” Are Tolerated. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 01, 2023
Policy of Deceit: Britain’s Treachery Over Palestine Laid Bare By Peter Oborne, August 31, 2023
Unveiling Shadows: Guantánamo Prisoners and the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances By Mansoor Adayfi, August 31, 2023
Digital Services Act (DSA): Is EU Regulation a Threat to Citizens’ Freedom of Expression and the Rule of Law? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 31, 2023
Border Massacres: The Saudi Ethiopian Migrant Killings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 30, 2023