Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Toll of Israel-Palestine Crisis on Children “Beyond Devastating”. UN Report By United Nations, November 01, 2023
Gaza Death Toll Climbs as Israeli Bombing Leaves Jabalia Refugee Camp ‘Completely Destroyed’ By Brett Wilkins, November 01, 2023
Nakba Again? Leaked Documents Confirm Israeli Plan to Push Palestinians Into Egypt By C.J. Atkins, November 01, 2023
Israeli Intel Ministry Suggests Relocating Gazans to Sinai After Hamas War By Jonathan Lis and Ben Samuels, November 01, 2023
White House and Pentagon Directing IDF Genocidal War in Gaza By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 01, 2023
Leaked Israeli Intelligence Ministry Document Proposes Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza By Dave DeCamp, November 01, 2023
Israel’s Ground Offensive Is a Failure of Canadian Diplomacy By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 01, 2023
Is the U.S. Government the “Cash Cow” for Politicians? “How Did They Get So Rich?” By Philip Giraldi, November 01, 2023
US Congress: Reject Bill to Support Forced Israeli Displacement of Palestinians to Third Countries By Democracy for the Arab World Now, October 31, 2023
More than 3200 Children Already Killed by Israel in Targeted Airstrikes. “Netanyahu must be Indicted and Brought before the ICC in The Hague” By Hans Stehling, October 31, 2023
US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 31, 2023
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Wears Nazi-era Yellow Star as He Slams UN Security Council ‘for Staying Silent’ as Jewish Babies Are Burned by Hamas By Stephen M. Lepore, October 31, 2023
Genocidal Onslaught of Gaza, Not Yet Shocking Conscience of the World By Jerome Irwin, October 31, 2023
Jewish Alternatives to Zionism By David Rosenberg, October 31, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: For UK Mainstream Media, What Israel Says Goes By Tim Llewellyn, October 31, 2023
Israel’s Unchecked Power: A Dangerous Precedent for International Law By Shehab Al Makahleh, October 31, 2023
Europe Must Act Urgently Against ‘Planned Genocide’ in Palestine: Spanish Minister. Cut Diplomatic Relations with Israel By Middle East Monitor, October 31, 2023
October 7 Testimonies Reveal Israel’s Military ‘Shelling’ Israeli Citizens with Tanks, Missiles By Max Blumenthal, October 31, 2023
Israel’s Intensive Cover-up of Crimes Against Palestinians, Complicity of Western Media By Rima Najjar, October 31, 2023
Muddled Interventions: Haiti, the UN and Resolution 2699 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 30, 2023
Alleged “Democracies” and Middle East Kingdoms Share Responsibility for Gaza Massacre By Azhar Azam, October 30, 2023
“A Textbook Case of Genocide Unfolding in Front of our Eyes.” The Military Industrial Complex and the “Corporate Enablers” of Israel’s War on Gaza By Molly Gott and Derek Seidman, October 30, 2023
People of the World: Stop the Israeli Murder in Gaza By Centre for Research on Globalization, October 30, 2023
March 9, 2022: Biden Signed the Death Warrant on American Freedom. The Digital Takeover of the Financial System By James G. Rickards, October 30, 2023
Israel-Palestine: Urgent Call for an Immediate Ceasefire by All Parties to End Unprecedented Civilian Suffering By Amnesty International, October 30, 2023
10 Questions for US Media Covering Gaza War. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, October 30, 2023
‘What’s in a name?’ A Lot, Say Children in Gaza Who Mark Body Parts for Identification By Riyaz ul Khaliq, October 30, 2023
More Children Killed in Gaza Since October 7 Than Killed Yearly Since 2019 By Al Mayadeen, October 30, 2023
Pro-Israel War Propaganda and Censorship By Margaret Kimberley, October 30, 2023
Red Cross Says Situation in Gaza ‘Catastrophic’ as Fuel Lack Turns Hospitals Into Graves By Ahmed Asmar, October 30, 2023
An All-out War May Have Just Begun in the Middle East By Peter Koenig, October 29, 2023
Biden’s Bungles Over Gaza By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 29, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Settlers Threaten West Bank Children with Bloody Dolls By Fayha Shalash, October 29, 2023
From Auschwitz to Gaza: The History of Mass Murder and Genocide By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, October 28, 2023
Israel’s 9/11: The War Waged Far Away from the “Only Democratic Country in the Middle East.” The GRNH with Michael Welch By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Chris Cook, October 28, 2023
Will the United Nations Firmly Acknowledge “Israel’s Criminal Agenda” Against the People of Palestine? Statement of UNSG Antonio Guterres By Centre for Research on Globalization and António Guterres, October 27, 2023
Israel Kills Al-Jazeera Correspondent’s Family Days After Blinken Demands the Channel’s Coverage be ‘Toned Down’ By Mohammed El-Kurd, October 27, 2023
In Hours of Israel-Gaza Crisis Coverage, a Word You’ll Seldom Hear: ‘Ceasefire’ By Julie Hollar, October 27, 2023
Israel ‘Deliberately Targets’ Bakeries to Inflict ‘Largest Amount of Casualties’ By Sally Ibrahim, October 27, 2023
International Criminal Court’s Response to Palestine, Ukraine Raises Impartiality, Political Influence Concerns: Experts By Necva Tastan, October 27, 2023
Israel’s Long-Held Plan to Drive Gaza’s People Into Sinai Is Now Within Reach By Jonathan Cook, October 27, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: All I Held Dear Now Lies Under the Rubble By Ghada Ageel, October 27, 2023
Zionist Think Tank Publishes Blueprint for Palestinian Genocide By Kit Klarenberg, October 27, 2023
Joe Biden’s Armageddon, from Gaza to Ukraine By Aaron Mate, October 27, 2023
The Day UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Became Relevant. Israel Calls for His Resignation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 27, 2023
“Worthy Victims” vs. “Unworthy Victims”: On COVID Vaxx Mandates and the Broken Social Justice™ Moral Compass on College Campuses By Ben Bartee, October 27, 2023
Gaza Officials Identify 6,747 Palestinians Killed In Israel’s ‘Brutal Massacres’ By Brett Wilkins, October 27, 2023
Veterans for Peace Statement on Gaza. “How could Anyone, at the very least, not Support a Ceasefire … Mr. President?” By Veterans for Peace, October 26, 2023
All of Palestine Is Under Attack. Jewish Voice for Peace By Jewish Voice for Peace, October 26, 2023
Germany Bans Public Grieving and Solidarity with Palestine By Peoples Dispatch, October 26, 2023
Israeli Think Tank Lays Out a Blueprint for the Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza By Jonathan Ofir, October 26, 2023
Gaza Media Office Says Over 12,000 Tons of Explosives Dropped by Israel Since Oct. 7 By Muhammed Sabry, October 26, 2023
The US Has Betrayed Egypt Again By Steven Sahiounie, October 26, 2023
In Solidarity with Palestine: A Surge in Suppression. How The Guardian Applies Censorship By Dylan Saba, October 25, 2023
Incredibly, I Face Investigation for Terrorism – Defence Funds Appeal. Craig Murray By Craig Murray, October 25, 2023
Scorched Earth Campaign: Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza, The Cruelest Weapon of War — Starvation. “Let Them Eat Cement”. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, October 25, 2023
AP Erases Israeli Pledge to Attack Gaza Like ‘Axis Power’ as Officials Threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ Doctrine By Wyatt Reed, October 25, 2023
Over 181,000 Housing Units Damaged by Israel Since 7 October By Middle East Monitor, October 25, 2023
Israeli Bombs Have Destroyed Over 52,000 Homes, Leaving 1 Million Homeless By Michele Giorgio, October 25, 2023
Israeli Genocide – No End and the World Looks On By Peter Koenig, October 25, 2023
Jews Say Ceasefire Now: Calls for Ceasefire Are Growing Rapidly, and the Mainstream Media Has Noticed. By Jewish Voice for Peace, October 25, 2023
NewsGuard and US Government Sued by Consortium News. Musk Slams ‘Scam’ By Zero Hedge, October 25, 2023
Assange Freedom May be Pivotal in Australia’s Support for US Cold War with China By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 25, 2023
Biden Claims CIA and Pentagon Determined Gaza Hospital Strike Originated in Gaza—But Where’s the Proof? By John Kiriakou, October 25, 2023
Queen Rania Decries Western Double Standard and Deafening Silence on War on Gaza By The Jordan Times, October 25, 2023
United Nations Resolutions for a Ceasefire in Gaza Blocked by Washington and Its Allies By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 25, 2023
Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 25, 2023
Video: How Fruitless Is Collective Punishment? “Does the US support the Unbridled Invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Military?” Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 24, 2023
“An Eye for an Eye”, a Civilisational Step Backwards? By Marcelo Trivelli, October 24, 2023
This Is the Second Nakba. The Time to Act Is Now By Ahmed Abu Artema, October 24, 2023
Genocide Unfolding in Palestine: Craig Murray By Craig Murray, October 24, 2023
Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders By Syriana Analysis, October 24, 2023
Iran Will ‘Strike Haifa’ if Israel Invades Gaza Strip. Personal Statement by IRGC Official, Does Not Necessarily Reflect Official Iranian Policy By Middle East Monitor, October 24, 2023
Israel’s Unfolding Crime of Genocide of the Palestinian People and U.S. Failure to Prevent and Complicity in Genocide By Center for Constitutional Rights, October 24, 2023
Canada Freedom Convoy Ottawa Court Case: Why Are Increasing Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality and Serious Injuries Not Being Used as Evidence in Support of the Protest Movement? By Brian Burchill, October 24, 2023
Israel Is Caught Lying Time and Again. And Yet We Never Learn By Jonathan Cook, October 24, 2023
Labour and Civil Society Organizations Press Trudeau for Gaza Ceasefire By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 24, 2023
Justifying Collective Punishment: Israel’s Assault on Gaza By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24, 2023
Britain’s “Blueprint” Regarding Israel: “The Right to Commit Crimes”. UK Political Leaders Bring Shame on Our Country By Hamza Ali Shah, October 23, 2023
Assisted Suicide for Babies Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians By Igor Chudov, October 23, 2023