Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Haiti: US to Re-Write Haiti Constitution to Better Service the One Percent By Ezili Dantò, July 10, 2013
Why Do Charities Want to “Normalize” Israeli Apartheid? By Jeff Handmaker, July 09, 2013
Secret FISA Court Redefines Law to Justify Illegal Spying Operations By Eric London, July 09, 2013
Presidents, Plots, Broken Promises, Coups, Torture, Two Gulags and the “American Dream” By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 07, 2013
A Message from Lynne Stewart. Federal Bureau of Prisons Denied Lynne Stewart’s application for compassionate release By International Action Center, July 06, 2013
The Vanishing Rights of the American Citizen By Larry Chin, July 06, 2013
“Planning 9/11”: The Five “High-Value” Guantanamo Detainees Improperly Presumed Guilty By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 05, 2013
Lawlessness Is The New Normal By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 05, 2013
Breast Milk Scandal Strikes Aptamil Manufacturer Danone, Accused of Misleading Mothers By Melanie Newman, July 04, 2013
Prosecution Case vs. Bradley Manning Threatens First Amendment Rights to Free Speech and Press By Ed Hightower, July 04, 2013
Hands Off Snowden Campaign By Stephen Lendman, July 03, 2013
The Breakdown of The Rule of Law: America’s Descent Into Authoritarianism By Devon Douglas-Bowers, July 03, 2013
Vatican Official, Intelligence Operative, Charged with Money Smuggling By Ian Allen, July 02, 2013
Treason and the Supreme War Crime Committed by The British Government By Dr. David Halpin, July 02, 2013
Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Wrongfully Indicted By Stephen Lendman, July 01, 2013
Congressman Walter Jones Introduces Resolution to Prohibit Use of War Power in Syria without Congressional Approval By Global Research News, June 28, 2013
Arrest Barack Obama, says Muslim Lawyers Association in South Africa By Global Research News, June 28, 2013
Federal Judge Throws Out Abu Ghraib Torture Lawsuit: Torture by US Company Working for US Government Not a US Concern By Jason Ditz, June 28, 2013
George W. Bush “Guilty of War Crimes”, Lawyers File for Obama’s Arrest in South Africa By Global Research News, June 28, 2013
How Complacency, Complicity of Black Leadership Led to Supreme Court Evisceration of the Voting Rights Act By Bruce A. Dixon, June 27, 2013
South Africa High Court War Crimes Case against US President Barack Obama By Global Research News, June 27, 2013
Repeal of Important Civil Rights Legislation: US Supreme Court Guts the 1965 Voting Rights Act By Patrick Martin, June 26, 2013
Challenging Liberty: The Danger of DNA Databases By Devon Douglas-Bowers, June 26, 2013
Gutting the Voting Rights Act: Supreme Court’s War on Democracy and the Right’s Last Stand for White Supremacy By Robert Parry, June 26, 2013
Snowden’s Case for Asylum By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Dennis J Bernstein, June 25, 2013
Edward Snowden Charged Under the Espionage Act By Stephen Lendman, June 23, 2013
Edward Snowden Has Left Hong Kong to Moscow in Transit to a Third Country: HKSAR Government Statement By Global Research News, June 23, 2013
Prisons Full of Innocents By David Swanson, June 20, 2013
President of International War Crimes Tribunal may have Worked to Shield Israelis from Prosecution By Alison Weir, June 17, 2013
Bradley Manning Lynching: Judge Runs A Shell Game, Public Excluded from Hearings By Global Research News, June 16, 2013
The Turkish Spring: Lawyers Rounded Up By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 13, 2013
Obama Administration Prepares Charges against NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden By Andre Damon, June 12, 2013
Bradley Manning Court Martial Underway: Military Trial Threatens Basic American Freedom By William Boardman, June 12, 2013
“Arrest Obama When He Visits”: South African Lawyers Ask for War Crimes Investigation and Prosecution By Global Research News, June 11, 2013
National Whistleblower Center Issues Statement in Support of NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden By Global Research News, June 10, 2013
Senate and House Intelligence Committee: NSA Spying and the Fourth Amendment By Sam Husseini, June 10, 2013
The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning By Chris Hedges, June 10, 2013
The Chilcot Inquiry. The British Government’s Role in the War on Iraq. Margaret Aldred and the Judicial Coverup By Dr. C. Stephen Frost, June 09, 2013
The Suspension of Habeas Corpus in America By Jean-Claude Paye, June 08, 2013
The Cruel Persecution of Lynne Stewart: Jailed for the “Crime” of Being the Lawyer of an Alleged Terrorist By Barry Sheppard, June 07, 2013
Repressing “Un-American Activities”: The Historical Roots of Today’s Homeland Surveillance State By Greg Guma, June 07, 2013
Is the International Criminal Court Guilty of “International Racial Profiling”? By Mark P. Fancher, June 05, 2013
Bradley Manning Is Guilty of “Aiding the Enemy” — If the Enemy Is Democracy By Norman Solomon, June 05, 2013
Bradley Manning: Prisoner of Conscience By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, June 05, 2013
US Supreme Court allows Police to take DNA Samples of Arrestees By Joseph Kishore, June 04, 2013
Libyan Rebels and International Criminal Court (ICC) Battle Over Seif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s Son By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 04, 2013
Bradley Manning’s Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 04, 2013
Bradley Manning Court-Martial: Secrecy and Injustice on Trial By Stephen Lendman, June 04, 2013
Murder, Inc: Official US Policy By Stephen Lendman, June 01, 2013
Obama’s War on Whistle Blowers: The Trial of Bradley Manning By Dylan Murphy, June 01, 2013
Bill S-7 “Combating Terrorism Act” Now in Force in Canada By Global Research News, May 31, 2013
US Attorney General Eric Holder Personally Approved Obama’s Secret Effort to Seize Email and Phone Records of News Reporters By Eric London, May 31, 2013
Citizens of Wisconsin Deliver War Crimes Indictment against President Barack H. Obama By Kevin Zeese, May 31, 2013
Guatemalan High Court upholds overturning of Rios Montt Conviction By Bill Van Auken, May 30, 2013
Government Impunity in Forced Disappearance of Dominican Journalist and Professor Narciso González By The National Security Archive, May 29, 2013
The Mavi Marmara: Comoros Government Initiates Legal Procedure against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) By Global Research News, May 28, 2013
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: The 20th Anniversary of an Illegal Court By Alexander Mezyaev, May 27, 2013
The Extrajudicial Assassinations of American Citizens: Its Official and its “Legal” By RT, May 27, 2013
Monsanto Protection Act Signed By Obama, GMO Bill “Written By Monsanto” Signed Into Law By Global Research News, May 25, 2013
The World Against Monsanto: Holding the Corrupt Accountable By James Corbett and Tami Canal, May 25, 2013
Guantanamo, Drone Strikes and the “Non-War Terror War”: Obama Speaks By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 24, 2013
More Revelations of Justice Department Crackdown on the Press By Ed Hightower, May 24, 2013
Grassroots Rising: The People’s Movement Against Monsanto By James Corbett and Tami Canal, May 24, 2013
HAITI: Massive March Signals Resurrection of Aristide’s Lavalas Movement By Kim Ives, May 21, 2013
Guatemala’s Constitutional Court Overturns Rios Montt’s Genocide Conviction By Stephen Lendman, May 21, 2013
US Supreme Court Rules for Agribusiness Giant Monsanto, Destruction of the Family Farm By World Socialist Web Site, May 20, 2013
Spying on the Media and the US Congress: The AP Seizures and the Frightening Web They’ve Uncovered By Global Research News, May 18, 2013
Spying on Members of the US Congress: DoJ Tapped Congressional Rooms as Well as Reporters’ Offices By Washington's Blog, May 16, 2013
Spying on Journalists: House Hearing Whitewashes US Government Seizure of Associated Press Phone Records By Barry Grey, May 16, 2013
Obama ‘Is a War Criminal’ By Common Dreams, May 15, 2013
Top Constitutional Experts: Obama Is Worse than Nixon By Washington's Blog, May 15, 2013
When Cops and Prosecutors are Racist Criminals – Half of Wrongfully Convicted Prisoners in America Are Black By Margaret Kimberley, May 15, 2013
“U.S. Guilty of Genocide in Guatemala” Should be the Real Headline.The Conviction of Former Dictator Efrain Rios Montt. Who was Pulling The Strings? By Ajamu Baraka, May 14, 2013
Close Guantanamo Now! By Stephen Lendman, May 14, 2013
Crimes Against Humanity: No Amnesty for Guatemala’s Former Dictator General Efraín Ríos Montt By J. B. Gerald, May 13, 2013
The Legality of War: Pakistani Court Rules CIA Drone Strikes Constitute a War Crime By Alice K Ross, May 11, 2013
Ríos Montt’s Trial: Former US-Backed Guatemalan Dictator’s War “Without Limits” – Militarization, Social Control, Indoctrination and Massacres By Kate Doyle, May 10, 2013
Death is Preferable to Life at Obama’s Guantanamo By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 10, 2013
Civil Liberties and CCTV Camera Surveillance. Landmark Court Decision in Australia By Charles Farrier, May 09, 2013
Death Penalty Dying Out By David Swanson, May 08, 2013