Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Nobody Should Shed a Tear for JP Morgan Chase By Matt Taibbi, October 28, 2013
Child Victims of CIA Drone Strike to Appear Before US Congress Tomorrow By Reprieve, October 28, 2013
Does America have a “Licence to Kill”? US Drone War on Yemen Violates International Law By Global Research News, October 26, 2013
Lawless Drone Killings By Stephen Lendman, October 25, 2013
UK Government Uses Parliament to Accuse Guardian Newspaper of Treason By Robert Stevens, October 25, 2013
Will Dick Cheney be Arrested for War Crimes When He Comes to Toronto? By Global Research News, October 25, 2013
Direct Rule by Wall Street Begins with Detroit By Glen Ford, October 23, 2013
UK Court Case: Victims of Libya Torture and Rendition Sue Her Majesty’s Government, British Secret Service, Attorney General By Global Research News, October 23, 2013
Racist Property Restrictions: Illegal in Canada, but Okay in Israel? By Yves Engler, October 23, 2013
Haiti’s Apparel Factories: Wage Theft, Sexual Harassment, and Poor Safety and Sanitation Standards By Center for Economic and Policy Research, October 23, 2013
Israel: Major International Cocaine Trafficking Hub By Stephen Lendman, October 23, 2013
Spain Blocks Argentinian Attempts to Prosecute Franco-Era Fascists By Alejandro López, October 23, 2013
Dexia Bank and Belgian Government Finance Illegal Israeli Settlements in Occupied Palestine By Global Research News, October 22, 2013
A New Kind of War Is Being Legalized By David Swanson, October 22, 2013
JPMorgan Chase’s Predatory Lending Settlement – Struggling Homeowners Facing Imminent Eviction By Global Research News, October 22, 2013
The End of Impunity? Indigenous Guatemalans bring Canadian Mining Company to Court By Global Research News, October 21, 2013
Justice and Financial Fraud: The Blanket Settlement with JPMorgan: A $13 Billion Cover-up By Barry Grey, October 21, 2013
Worse than Watergate. Supreme Court Campaign Finance Case Could Unleash Unprecedented Political Corruption By Global Research News, October 20, 2013
The Police State Wants What The Police State Wants By William Boardman, October 20, 2013
Americans Have Lost Virtually All of Our Constitutional Rights By Washington's Blog, October 17, 2013
Canada Must Arrest and Prosecute Dick Cheney if He Enters Canada. Human Rights Lawyers’ Advisory By Lawyers Against the War (LAW), October 16, 2013
Beyond the Spin, New Health Law and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) By Margaret Flowers, October 15, 2013
Obamacare Compromises Privacy By Stephen Lendman, October 11, 2013
Historic U.K. Trial. Anti-drones Protesters Praised by Judge. Illegality of Drone Warfare Upheld By Chris Cole, October 10, 2013
U.S. Black Sites: “Open Europe”, Shut Case – Lithuania Denies CIA Prison Evidence By Crofton Black, October 09, 2013
US Globalized Torture Black Sites By Stephen Lendman, October 09, 2013
Congress Member Says “We Have Martial Law” By Washington's Blog, October 09, 2013
Mass Anger Builds in Libya After US Special Forces Raid By Thomas Gaist, October 09, 2013
America’s Gulag: Lawyer Lynne Stewart, 74, Wrongfully Jailed, Denied Cancer Treatment and Compassionate Release By Stephen Lendman, October 07, 2013
The Militarization of Law Enforcement in America: Use of Military Technology and Tactics by Local Level Police By American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), October 06, 2013
If Liberia’s President Charles Taylor is a War Criminal, Then So are Obama, Bush and Clinton By Glen Ford, October 05, 2013
Iraqis Accuse US Defense Contractor CACI of War Crimes and Torture By Ryan Abbott, October 03, 2013
Anti-Drone Warfare Trial: “Conspiracy Charges” Dropped. “Waddington Six” Peace Activists Charged with “Criminal Damage” By Chris Cole, October 01, 2013
The United States of Genocide: Putting the US on Trial for Genocide Against the Peoples of Korea, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Iraq, and Elsewhere By Kieran Kelly, September 30, 2013
UK Secretary of State for Justice Asked to Initiate Penal Sanctions Against Tony Blair for War Crimes By Nicholas Wood, September 28, 2013
Will Dick Cheney be Arrested in Canada on War Crime Charges? By Lawyers Against the War (LAW), September 28, 2013
UK Watchdog Investigating Detention and Questioning of Yemeni Human Rights Activist at Gatwick By Reprieve, September 28, 2013
Obama Administration Blocks Drone Victims’ Lawyer from Testifying in Congress By Reprieve, September 26, 2013
Deadline Set for Death Penalty Recommendation Against Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect By Nick Barrickman, September 25, 2013
Yemeni Human Rights Activist Detained At UK Border Under Terrorism Law By Reprieve, September 24, 2013
Obama’s Justice Department: Trumpeting a New Victory in War on Freedom of the Press By Norman Solomon, September 24, 2013
Rethink 9/11 Canada: Ottawa Mayor Against Free Speech? By Craig McKee, September 23, 2013
FBI Infiltrator in Anti-War Movement By Mick Kelly, September 20, 2013
Privatization Profiteers from Pinochet’s Chile May Yet Face Prison By Pratap Chatterjee, September 20, 2013
When Dissent Becomes a Crime By Greg Guma, September 19, 2013
Justice in America: The Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strike, Lynne Stewart, Ramsey Muñiz, Assata Shakur By J. B. Gerald, September 17, 2013
Surveillance Lies and Compromised Justice By Greg Guma, September 17, 2013
Turkish prosecutors indict Syrian rebels for seeking chemical weapons By RT, September 15, 2013
Scare Tactics, Counter-terror and Law Enforcement By Greg Guma, September 14, 2013
Wisdom from Mumia Abu-Jamal: Bombs Over Damascus? “Obama has Morphed into Bush III” By Mumia Abu-Jamal, September 13, 2013
On Invoking Rwanda to Attack Syria By Ann Garrison, September 12, 2013
Testimonies Prove Israel Tortures Palestinian Children By Stephen Lendman, September 12, 2013
“Going Easy on Terrorists”. Senator John McCain Arrested by the FBI By Norman Ball, September 12, 2013
September 11, 2001: Legal Scholars Question Government’s 9/11 Testimony By Washington's Blog, September 12, 2013
9/11 Commission Chair: Director of Intelligence James Clapper Should Be Indicted for Perjury regarding NSA Spying By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2013
GMO and the Corporate Patenting of Living Organisms: Monsanto’s Patents on Life By Ronnie Cummins, September 07, 2013
Breaking Bad: Why a U.S. Strike would be Illegal By Ted Rall, September 07, 2013
Guantanamo Bay: “Indefinite Detention is Unconstitutional” By Global Research News, September 07, 2013
The Murder of Dr. David Kelly. “A Symbol of the Blackness of the Tony Blair Cabal” By Dr. David Halpin, September 05, 2013
War Crimes, International Law and the “Perception Management of Genocide” By J. B. Gerald, September 05, 2013
The Last Chance to Stop the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): “Permits Military to Seize U.S. Citizens, Hold them Indefinitely in Military Facilities”. By Chris Hedges, September 05, 2013
Impeach Obama Now! By Stephen Lendman, September 04, 2013
California Prison Hunger Strikers Continue Their Resistance By Dylan Murphy, September 01, 2013
The Drums of War are Beating: Killing Civilians to Protect Civilians in Syria By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer, August 28, 2013
Massacres That Matter: ‘Responsibility To Protect’ In Egypt, Libya And Syria By David Edwards, August 27, 2013
“Spinning Justice” and the Political Assassination of Dr. David Kelly. Human Rights, Inquests and Coroners By Dr. Miriam Stevenson, August 26, 2013
Genocide Tribunal Against Israel Fails Palestinian Victims By Yoichi Shimatsu, August 24, 2013
Looking Backward on Bradley Manning By Robert Parry, August 23, 2013
America: Home of the Brave, Land of the… Jailed? By Global Research and Global Research, August 22, 2013
Declassified Secret Rulings Found NSA Spying Program Unconstitutional By Thomas Gaist, August 22, 2013
From Bosnia to Syria: Provoking NATO Interventions with False Flags By Global Research News, August 22, 2013
Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush For Iraq War By Global Research News, August 22, 2013
Text of Bradley Manning’s Letter to President Obama By Global Research News, August 22, 2013
‘You Failed to Break the Spirit of Bradley Manning’: An Open Letter to President Obama By Norman Solomon, August 22, 2013
Genocide Trial against the State of Israel Adjourned By Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, August 22, 2013
Bradley Manning Wrongfully Sentenced: 35 years. Longest ever Punishment for Leaking Government Information. By Stephen Lendman, August 22, 2013
Gangster State US/UK By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 21, 2013
California Prison Hunger Strikers Continue to Resist Despite the Threat of Force Feeding By Dylan Murphy, August 21, 2013
Crash of TWA Flight 800: Lawsuits against Navy Seals and Defense Agency By Kristina Borjesson, August 20, 2013
Samsung Sued for $109 Million For Labor Violations in Amazon By Richard Smallteacher, August 19, 2013