Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Death Penalty: The Ultimate Corrupt, Big Government Program By Rep. Ron Paul, June 16, 2015
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Mock America in 9/11 Trial By Kevin Ryan, June 16, 2015
Debunking Magna Carta Leads Back to Serfdom By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 16, 2015
No Magna Carta in Israel By Anthony Bellchambers, June 16, 2015
Israel Intends Force-Feeding Palestinian Hunger Strikers By Stephen Lendman, June 15, 2015
Why Are Journalists Surprised that Israel Kills Children? By Amena Saleem, June 15, 2015
Merck Mumps Vaccines Are a Total Fraud: Company Can Only Provide the Courts with Efficacy Data from 50 Years Ago By J. D. Heyes, June 15, 2015
British Company Soco International Accused of Paying Bribes to Silence Opponents of Congo Oil Exploration By Richard Smallteacher, June 15, 2015
Happy Birthday Magna Carta By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 14, 2015
Police Killed over 500 People in the US This Year By Tom Hall and Andre Damon, June 13, 2015
Cleveland Judge Recommends Charges for Police Who Killed Tamir Rice By Deirdre Fulton, June 12, 2015
Obama Orders Secret Surveillance Court to Ignore Lower Court Decision and Spy on Americans Illegally By J. D. Heyes, June 12, 2015
Police Killed Over 500 People in the US this Year By Tom Hall and Andre Damon, June 12, 2015
Israel Hints at Legal Measures Against Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) Movement By Middle East Monitor, June 11, 2015
South African Lawyers Call for Arrest of Egypt’s President Sisi By Global Research News, June 11, 2015
Missing Evidence of Prior FBI Relationship with Boston Bomber By James Henry, June 11, 2015
The FIFA Scandal: Playing Hard Ball with Soft Power By Diana Johnstone, June 11, 2015
Convicted Criminal David Petraeus to Represent US at Bilderberg By Kurt Nimmo, June 10, 2015
Why the United States Has Targeted FIFA: The Russian Connection By George Wright, June 10, 2015
Through the Glass Darkly: Tariq Aziz and Iraq’s Tragedy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 10, 2015
Palestinian Authority set to file War Crimes Complaints against Israel at International Criminal Court (ICC) By PNN, June 10, 2015
U.S. Government Is Using Secrecy As a Weapon By Washington's Blog, June 08, 2015
Former BP Executive Acquitted of Charges from 2010 Oil Spill By Tom Hall, June 08, 2015
Neuropsychological and Electronic “No-Touch Torture”. The Spectrum of ‘Interrogation” and Torture Techniques Used by the US and its Allies By Robert Duncan, June 08, 2015
Voting Discrimination in America By William John Cox, June 08, 2015
U.S. Politicians Attempt to Sabotage BDS Anti-Occupation Campaign against Israel By Bryce White, June 08, 2015
Canada’s Bill C-51: “A Fascist And Dictatorial Piece Of Legislation”, Creates “A Modern Day Gestapo” By Ryan Maloney, June 07, 2015
Russia’s Law on “Undesirable Foreign NGOs” and the Ethics of International Activism By Aleksandar Jokic, June 06, 2015
Iraq War Crimes: Holding Bush and Blair to Account Global Research News Hour Episode 107 By Michael Welch and Inder Comar, June 06, 2015
Political Prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal. “Authorities wanted him Silenced” By Stephen Lendman, June 04, 2015
Systemic Corruption Has Destroyed America By Washington's Blog, June 03, 2015
The Deceptions of Freedom: Reviving the Patriot Act By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 03, 2015
New Torture Account Demonstrates Senate Report Just Tip of Iceberg By Reprieve, June 03, 2015
Florida Court Rules “Off Grid” Living Illegal By Joshua Krause, June 03, 2015
Why Should We Care if the PATRIOT Act Expires? Our Freedom is at Stake By Dr. Robert P. Abele, June 03, 2015
After Pleading Guilty for Felony, JPMorgan Chase Tells Its Customers It Will Continue to Rip them Off By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 03, 2015
US Chemical Companies to Write Their Own “Safety Standards” for the Proposed “Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act” (Bill S.697) By Christina Sarich, June 02, 2015
US Senate Lets Three Patriot Act Provisions Expire By Stephen Lendman, June 01, 2015
Canada’s Devolution: From Peace Seeker to War Crimes By Robert Snefjella, June 01, 2015
US Police Kill More Than Two People a Day By Patrick Martin, June 01, 2015
In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question By Institute for Middle East Understanding, May 30, 2015
Anti-Semitism in Europe: The Causal Factor Being the Conversion of “Jewish Victims” into “Israeli Perpetrators” By Anthony Bellchambers, May 29, 2015
Failed Derailment: Britain’s Human Rights Act By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 29, 2015
US Seizes on FIFA Corruption to Pursue Campaign against Russia By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, May 29, 2015
Western Long Knives Out for FIFA’s Sepp Blatter? US Wants Russia’s Status as World Cup 2018 Host Rescinded By Stephen Lendman, May 29, 2015
Ahead Of Israel Soccer Expulsion Vote, U.S. Orders Swiss Police Raid On FIFA By Moon of Alabama, May 29, 2015
Associated Press Calls ‘Compromise’ a Section of the PATRIOT Act Which Could Send Its Sources to Jail for 10 Years By Jim Naureckas, May 28, 2015
US Establishment Shields Killer Cops By Andre Damon, May 27, 2015
Will FIFA, World Football’s Governing Body Suspend Israel By Jonathan Cook, May 27, 2015
Boston Bombing Core Mystery: Why are Feds Not Interested in this Man? By Jill Vaglica, May 27, 2015
Jeffrey Sterling vs. the CIA: An Untold Story of Race and Retribution By Norman Solomon, May 27, 2015
Judge Who Blocked Release of Osama bin Laden Death Photos Now Blocks Release of US Senate Torture Report By Noel Brinkerhoff and Steve Straehley, May 27, 2015
Health Care Company DaVita Pays $895 Million To Settle Complaints that it Conspired to Overcharge the U.S. Government By Richard Smallteacher, May 25, 2015
Judge Clears Killer Cop in 2012 Cleveland, Ohio Shooting By Samuel Davidson and Andre Damon, May 25, 2015
Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media By Christina Sarich, May 25, 2015
Secret Biological Weapons Program in the U.S.? PATRIOT Act Allows Violations of Bioweapons Law By Janet Phelan, May 25, 2015
U.S. Department of Justice Ignores Citigroup’s Criminal Record By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, May 23, 2015
Maryland Grand Jury Announces Charges against Six Cops in Killing of Freddie Gray By Nick Barrickman, May 22, 2015
Federal Court Blocks Release of CIA Torture Report By Ed Hightower, May 22, 2015
Why the $5.7 Billion Dollar Fine on Big Banks for Manipulating Global Currency and Interest Rates Is a Joke By Carey Wedler, May 22, 2015
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Deals With His Bank’s Felony Charge – Badly By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, May 21, 2015
Big Banks Busted Massively Manipulating Foreign Exchange … And Every Other Market By Washington's Blog, May 21, 2015
Official: Palestinians to Prosecute Israel at ICC on June 25 By Fars News Agency, May 21, 2015
Turkey Arrests Soldiers over Interception of Syria-bound Weapons to Terrorists By Global Research News, May 21, 2015
Tsarnaev Case Judge: FBI Interview Reports Are Unreliable—And Cast in Stone By James Henry, May 20, 2015
Monsanto Sued for Deliberate Falsification to Conceal that Glyphosate (Roundup) is Harmful to Humans and Animals By Christina Sarich, May 19, 2015
Benghazi Scandal: Obama Administration Knew Weapons Were Being Sent to Al-Qaeda in Syria, New Documents Show By Judicial Watch, May 19, 2015
Ousted Egyptian President Morsi and 105 Others Given Death Sentences By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 19, 2015
“The United States of Injustice” and the Boston Bombing Trial. Court of Public Opinion Lynching, Prosecutorial Distortions By Stephen Lendman, May 17, 2015
Omar Khadr, Guantanamo, and the “Global War On Terrorism”: Exclusive Interview with Khadr’s Lawyer Dennis Edney Global Research News Hour Episode 104 By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 16, 2015
Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death: The Boston Bombing and the Tsarnaev Trial – Lies, Anomalies and Inconsistencies By Julie Lévesque, May 15, 2015
Indian Fishing Community Sues World Bank Over Environmental Damage Caused by Tata Mundra Power Plant By Pratap Chatterjee, May 15, 2015
Five Major Banks to Plead Guilty to Rigging Currency Markets By Andre Damon, May 15, 2015
Boston Bombing: Feds Admit No Evidence Tsarnaev Brothers Involved in the Slayings By James Henry, May 14, 2015
Don’t Grade Justice on a Warped Curve: Assessing the Case of CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling By Norman Solomon, May 14, 2015
Criticism of Israel Not Allowed in Canada – Hate Crime Laws to Be Used Against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Supporters By Dan Dicks, May 14, 2015
Police State Surveillance under the US Patriot Act: Congress Should End Telephone Metadata Collection By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 13, 2015
No Charges in Madison, Wisconsin Police Killing of Unarmed Youth Tony Robinson, Jr. By Niles Williamson, May 13, 2015
One Day After Sentencing, CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Tells His Side of the Story By Lauren McCauley, May 13, 2015
Ex-Guantanamo Child Detainee Omar Khadr Released on Bail By Carl Bronski, May 12, 2015