Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Pedophile Scandals in the U.K. By Steven MacMillan, August 20, 2015
Notes on Police Violence in America: St. Louis Police Kill 18-year-old, Send SWAT Teams against Demonstrators By Evan Blake, August 20, 2015
From Japan to Vietnam, Radiation and Agent Orange Survivors Deserve Justice From the US By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 20, 2015
Tianjin Explosions: Chinese Authorities To Conduct Indepth Investigation, Police Arrests By People's Daily, August 19, 2015
Corporate Crime and the Plunder of Planet Earth By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 19, 2015
New York Times Mocks Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death By Stephen Lendman, August 19, 2015
Israeli President Shimon Peres (R) shakes hand with Tony Blair, Special Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East, at the start of their meeting to push for an end to the violence around Gaza, at the presidential compound in Jerusalem on November 19, 2012. AFP PHOTO/GALI TIBBON
The Corporate Funding of Tony Blair, Illegal Israeli Settlements and Islamophobia By Sarah Marusek and Prof. David Miller, August 19, 2015
Is the New U.S. ‘Law of War Manual’ Actually ‘Hitlerian’? By Eric Zuesse, August 19, 2015
The Cover-up of Torture in America’s Prisons By Andre Damon, August 18, 2015
Iraq Chilcot Inquiry: Complete Whitewash of the “Tony Blair Regime”? Ongoing Criminality of Her Majesty’s Government, By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 18, 2015
Netanyahu, the Nuclear Zionist Committed to “A Greater Israel” Threatens the UN By Anthony Bellchambers, August 18, 2015
U.S. Political Prisoner Hugo Pinell Assassinated in California Prison Yard By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 18, 2015
FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 18, 2015
Julian Assange and the Value of WikiLeaks: Subverting Illusions By Norman Solomon, August 17, 2015
Longtime Iraq War Opponent Jeremy Corbyn Has War Criminal Tony Blair Running Scared By Lindsey German, August 16, 2015
Why Israel Is So Concerned About Jeremy Corbyn? Reinstatement of the “Law on Universal Jurisdiction” By TruePolitica, August 16, 2015
News Headlines: Pentagon Guidelines Regarding Journalists, The Iran Nuclear Deal, Death of Palestinian Toddler By Citizens for Legitimate Government, August 15, 2015
“Homegrown Terrorists”: New US Draconian Laws Usher in the New World Order By Joachim Hagopian, August 15, 2015
Comparing the Ukraine and Vietnam Wars: Donbas is Recognized as a Legitimate State Under US Public Law 86-90 By George Eliason, August 15, 2015
War Criminal Tony Blair Should Be “Dragged in Shackles to Court” Over Iraq War, Says Father of Killed Soldier By Nadia Prupis, August 14, 2015
Obama’s War on Whistleblowers: Former CIA Jeffrey Sterling to Civil Rights Groups: “Where Were You?” By Andrea Germanos, August 14, 2015
Sweden May Drop Case Against Julian Assange, But Risk Remains Of Arrest And Extradition To US By Trevor FitzGibbon and Carey Shenkman, August 13, 2015
In Times of War, Pentagon Reserves Right to Treat Journalists Like Spies By Frank Smyth, August 13, 2015
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Implicated in Torture by State Prison Officials By Eric London, August 12, 2015
University of Illinois Official Who Fired Palestinian Professor Steven Salaita Admits to Destroying Evidence By Ali Abunimah, August 12, 2015
Israeli Terror and “Justice”: Palestinian Family Victimized by Immolation Ineligible for Compensation By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2015
Pentagon’s Law of War Manual Justifies War Crimes and Press Censorship By Patrick Martin, August 11, 2015
St. Louis County Declares State of Emergency in Crackdown against Police Violence Protests By Evan Blake, August 11, 2015
Handout photo shows Saadi Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, inside a prison in Tripoli
Torture and Show Trials Are Common in Neo-Colonial Libya By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 11, 2015
Gaza Flotilla Activists to Sue Israel at International Criminal Court (ICC) By Mint Press, August 11, 2015
Swan Song for the Donald? GOP Party Bosses Plan to “Take Out” Trump By Mike Whitney, August 10, 2015
Calls Rise for Tony Blair to Face War Crimes Trial By Alalam, August 10, 2015
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is Now Officially “Undesirable” in Russia By F. William Engdahl, August 10, 2015
German troops in front of buildings set ablaze in Distomo, during the massacre.
Distomo, Greece: The World War II Nazi German Massacre and Beyond By Peter Koenig, August 09, 2015
US Congress and President Obama “Officially” Recognize Donbass’: Public Law 86-90 (1959) By George Eliason, August 08, 2015
The US Senate’s “DARK Act” Would Cause America’s Crop Fields to Be Saturated with Cancer-Causing Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup) By David Gutierrez, August 07, 2015
Hundreds Dead as Refugee Boat Sinks in Mediterranean By Martin Kreickenbaum, August 07, 2015
Police State Brutality in Chicago. African Americans Lawlessly Arrested, Detained, Tortured during Secret Interrogations By Stephen Lendman, August 07, 2015
Arab League Calls for Jewish Settlers to Be Prosecuted By Middle East Monitor, August 07, 2015
50 Years After US Voting Rights Act, A New Fight for Democracy Demanded By Jon Queally, August 07, 2015
Thousands Protest Torture-murder of Mexican Photojournalist and Four Women By Rafael Azul, August 06, 2015
Citigroup’s Unchecked Crime Wave Proves that America Is Headed in the Wrong Direction By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, August 05, 2015
German Government Fires Prosecutor over Treason Charge against Internet Blog By Ulrich Rippert, August 05, 2015
The MH17 Pilot’s Corpse: More on the Cover-Up By Eric Zuesse, August 05, 2015
US State Deptartment “Doesn’t Know” Legal Authority Behind Obama’s Green Light to Attack Syrian Troops By Paul Joseph Watson, August 05, 2015
Handout photo shows Saadi Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, inside a prison in Tripoli
Gaddafi Son Tortured in Prison: Video By RT, August 05, 2015
To Topple US ‘Oligarchy,’ Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders Calls for Publicly Financed Elections By Deirdre Fulton, August 03, 2015
Jimmy Carter Is Correct: The U.S. Is No Longer a Democracy By Eric Zuesse, August 03, 2015
The MH17 Crash: Washington Wants a “Tribunal” Without an Independent Investigation By Alexander Chopov, August 01, 2015
Why Russia Shut Down National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Fronts By Robert Parry, July 31, 2015
NED logo
Kicked out of Russia: Moscow Challenges Washington’s Orwellian “National Endowment for Democracy” By Stephen Lendman, July 31, 2015
Hillary Clinton and Secret Swiss Bank Accounts By Patrick Martin, July 31, 2015
Russia’s UN Security Council Veto on MH17 Resolution to Establish and Ad Hoc Tribunal: Next Step the ICC? By Dr. Christof Lehmann, July 31, 2015
Libya: Protests against Death Sentences for Saif and other Qaddafi Government Officials By Dr. Christof Lehmann, July 31, 2015
White House Rejects Petition for Snowden Pardon Signed by 168,000 By Josh Varlin, July 30, 2015
Irresponsibly Bashing Russia Veto Against Establishing Kangaroo MH17 Tribunal By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Before they Vote in Congress, US Lawmakers to Meet Netanyahu in Israel over Iran Agreement By Press TV, July 30, 2015
Israel Intentionally Killed Civilians After Soldier’s Capture in Gaza — Amnesty By Rania Khalek, July 30, 2015
Amnesty International: Israel Committed War Crimes During Rafah ‘Carnage’ By Middle East Monitor, July 29, 2015
Friends of the Earth to Revoke ‘Unlawful’ Bee-Killer Pesticide Permit By Oliver Tickell, July 29, 2015
Libyan Kangaroo Court Sentences Gaddafi’s Son and Others to Die By Bill Van Auken, July 29, 2015
The World Order and Revolution By Robert J. Burrowes, July 29, 2015
Top ICC Official Bowing to Israeli, US pressure: Lead Counsel for Victims of Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara By Ali Abunimah, July 29, 2015
“You Can Legally Bribe a Government Official” By Janine Jackson and Lee Fang, July 29, 2015
America’s Transition from a Democracy to the National Security State. The Derogation of Civil Rights in the Homeland By Prof. Robert Abele, July 28, 2015
California Attorney and Assemblyman Challenges Mandatory Vaccination Law as Unconstitutional By J. D. Heyes, July 28, 2015
Who Was Really Paid to Bury GMO Labeling via the DARK Act? By Christina Sarich, July 28, 2015
Revelations in the Maidan Massacre Trial in Ukraine Go Unreported in the West By Ivan Katchanovski, July 27, 2015
Obama Blocks Investigator’s Access to Files Related to Department of Justice Scandals By Joe Wolverton, July 27, 2015
Fracking Goes on Trial By Julie Wassmer, July 27, 2015
GMO Labeling Laws Ditched: The Passage of the DARK Act Shows the Arrogance of US Politicians By Scott C. Tips, July 26, 2015
The Eroding Character of the American People By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 26, 2015
America’s Killer Cops: Whitewashing Sandra Bland’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, July 25, 2015
China’s NGO Law: Countering Western Soft Power and Subversion By Eric Draitser, July 25, 2015
Towards a Totalitarian State in Rwanda: A War Crimes Indictment Would Prevent President Kagame to Usurp an Unconstitutional Third Term By Eugene Ndahayo, July 25, 2015
EU Visa-Slams Ukrainians After February 2014 Ukrainian Coup By Eric Zuesse, July 24, 2015
The Best Reason to NOT Execute James Holmes: He May Have Been a Victim of Both Medical and Legal Malpractice By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 24, 2015
Unaccountable Killer Cops in America By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2015
Imprisonment for Stone-Throwing: Only in Israel By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2015
“Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines”: The U.S. Aids and Abets War Crimes in the Philippines By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 23, 2015