Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Israel’s Illegal Occupation Most Malignant in the World, Says UN Rapporteur By Middle East Monitor, March 22, 2017
The International Community Must Bring an End to Israel’s Illegal Occupation of Palestine By Edu Montesanti, March 21, 2017
President Al-Assad: We Are Ready To Discuss Anything Including Constitution, Defending Borders Is Our Right By SANA, March 21, 2017
Apartheid Israel By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 21, 2017
Architect of Federal Fracking Loophole May Head Trump Environmental Council By Steve Horn, March 20, 2017
Why The UN Branded Israel An Apartheid State By Prof. Juan Cole, March 20, 2017
Palestine and Israel: Instead Of Celebrating The Balfour Declaration, Britain Should Be Ashamed Of What It Did By Sharif Nashashibi, March 20, 2017
Palestine: Resistance against Occupation, Colonialism and Apartheid By Hatem Abudayyeh and Edu Montesanti, March 20, 2017
The Complete Censored ESCWA Report: “Israel Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid” By Prof. Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley, March 19, 2017
Israel’s Crime of Apartheid: UN Agency Head’s Forced Resignation By Stephen Lendman, March 19, 2017
Trump’s Abolition Of ObamaCare Will Kill An Estimated 43,000 Americans Over 2 Trump Terms By Gideon Polya, March 19, 2017
“I Stand by my Assessment that Israel is Committing the Crime of Apartheid,” Head of UN Body Resigns Following Pressure from UN Secretary-General Guterres To Withdraw Critical Report By Middle East Eye, March 18, 2017
Rwanda: Human Rights Watch and the Absolute Truth By Ann Garrison, March 18, 2017
Trump’s Federal Budget Is VERY Libertarian By Eric Zuesse, March 18, 2017
Evaluate New Travel Ban in Light of International Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 18, 2017
Stop Protecting the Criminality of the Global Pesticides Industry By Colin Todhunter, March 16, 2017
The History of Free Speech in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16, 2017
US-backed South Sudan Regime Organizing Genocidal Crimes By Thomas Gaist, March 16, 2017
“Trumpcare” Dead on Arrival: Can We Please Now Try Single Payer? By Ellen Brown, March 15, 2017
The Republican Healthcare Bill Is Very Free-Market, Libertarian By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2017
US Constitutional Rights. Federal Courts Say Foreigners, Not US Citizens, Are Entitled To Due Process By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 15, 2017
Russia, Ukraine, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ): Opening Arguments at The Hague By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 13, 2017
Trump’s Presidency Is Already Doomed By Eric Zuesse, March 13, 2017
South Koreans Celebrate Constitutional Court’s Ruling to Impeach Park Geun-hye By Hyun Lee, March 12, 2017
Judicial Procedures against Trump’s Immigration Executive Orders against Muslims By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, March 10, 2017
Remembering Lynne Stewart. A People’s Lawyer By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2017
Ten Things the Media Will Get Wrong About Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration By Peter Van Buren, March 09, 2017
Big Brother Spying in America. Perilously Close to a “Totalitarian State” By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2017
South Korea President to be Impeached? By Seok Jin-hwan, March 08, 2017
Legal Action against South Korean ROK Government. Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case’ By Korean Committee to Save Rep. Lee Seok-ki of the Insurrection Conspiracy Case, March 08, 2017
Trump’s New Travel Ban, Demonization of Muslims By Stephen Lendman, March 08, 2017
Dr. Hassan Diab: Extradition Must Not Lead to Wrongful Conviction! By Hassan Diab Support Committee, March 05, 2017
Requiem for a Martyr: The “Blind Sheik”, Omar Abdel Rahman, Innocent Victim of Seditious Conspiracy Trial By Karin Brothers, March 05, 2017
Megabank Caught Laundering for Terrorists and Drug Cartels and the Feds Are Keeping It Secret By Jack Burns, March 05, 2017
Is Putin Beating Up Women? By Giulietto Chiesa, February 27, 2017
Free Ramsey Muñiz. Was it a Set Up? By Steve Fischer, February 27, 2017
Copyright, Intellectual Property and the Extradition Saga of Kim Dotcom By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 27, 2017
Invasion of Yemen in Blatant Derogation of International Law: Extensive War Crimes Committed By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, February 26, 2017
US Supreme Court, From Rights to Repentance: Norma McCorvey and Roe v Wade By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 24, 2017
Crimea: Time for the US Administration to Read the Truth By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, February 19, 2017
Lawsuit Against George W. Bush Et Al for Iraq War Crimes, Dismissed By California Court of Appeals By Larry Chin, February 16, 2017
Trump Not Qualified to Serve in His Own Cabinet By Oliver Ortega, February 15, 2017
Trump and Israel: Flashpoint of Jerusalem Hangs over White House Meeting By Jonathan Cook, February 14, 2017
Mixed Messages on Moving US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem By Stephen Lendman, February 14, 2017
Wall Street Journal Goes With “Alternative Facts” in AIG Hank Greenberg Saga By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, February 14, 2017
Toxic Mines or Costly Lawsuits: How the CETA Trade Agreement Would “Corner Governments” By Corporate Europe Observatory, February 13, 2017
Legal Immunity of George W. Bush in the “Commission” of War Crimes in Iraq: California 9th Circuit Opinion Released By Witness Iraq, February 12, 2017
Legal Stutters: “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry into the US”. Trump Falters in the Ninth Circuit Court By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 12, 2017
What Voter Fraud? – Mexican Citizen Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison after Illegally Voting in Texas By Zero Hedge, February 12, 2017
Towards a “Democratic Dictatorship”? Constitutional Crisis Deepens as Trump Fights “Checks and Balances” By William Boardman, February 12, 2017
South Korea’s Defunct President Park Impedes Impeachment Verdict, Refuses Cooperation with Corruption Probe By Zoom in Korea, February 12, 2017
Legal Blow to Donald Trump, US Judges Reject Travel Ban Targeted at Muslims By Middle East Monitor, February 10, 2017
Sessions Sworn in as Attorney General as Trump Signs Orders to Increase Police Powers By Tom Eley, February 10, 2017
Groundbreaking Win for Indigenous People in Colombia By Forest Peoples Programme, February 09, 2017
Relocating the American Embassy to Jerusalem? Trump is “Reevaluating The Implications” By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, February 09, 2017
The US Secretive Government’s “Kill List”: How About NOBODY Should Be “Authorized To Assassinate US Citizens” By Caitlin Johnstone, February 08, 2017
Save Lee: The Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case’ By Kim Min-woong, February 07, 2017
The Courts versus Donald Trump: Travel Ban Suspended By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 06, 2017
Moscow’s Proposed Draft Constitution for Syria Is Questionable By Sophie Mangal, February 04, 2017
Trump’s Unconstitutional Muslim Ban By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 04, 2017
Temporary Restraining Order Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban on Designated Muslims Nationwide By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2017
Trump’s Appointee to the Supreme Court: Meet Neil Gorsuch, the New Antonin Scalia By Bill Blum, February 02, 2017
The U.K. Brexit Debate: Down the Rabbit Hole with Parliament By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02, 2017
Mass Surveillance and Britain’s Legal “Dark Web”: “The Pick ‘n’ Mix Law” By Charles Farrier, February 01, 2017
Trump Nominates Ultra-Right Justice Neil Gorsuch to US Supreme Court By Patrick Martin, February 01, 2017
“Syria’s Draft Constitution” Prepared by Moscow, Without the Approval of Damascus? By Global Research News, February 01, 2017
#Monday Night Massacre as Trump Fires Acting Attorney General and Replaces Immigration ICE Director By Jon Queally, January 31, 2017
Remembering People’s Lawyer Len Weinglass: Defended the Poor and Disenfranchised who Struggled for Social Justice By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 30, 2017
The U.S. Justice System Is Criminal By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 30, 2017
The British Government Colludes with Monsanto. Crimes against Humanity and “Ecocide” By Colin Todhunter, January 27, 2017
State-Sanctioned Torture in the Age of Trump By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 26, 2017
Why There’s a Media Blackout on the Native American Dakota Oil Pipeline Blockade By Nick Bernabe, January 26, 2017
The U.S. Voters’ Rights Amendment: People Making Policy By William John Cox, January 25, 2017
Belgium to Arrest Former Israeli Foreign Minister for “War Crimes” By Middle East Monitor, January 20, 2017
Remember Don Siegelman: His Prosecution Was “Politically-inspired”… Yet Obama did Nothing By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 19, 2017
Scoundrels of Patriotism: The Freeing of Chelsea Manning By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 19, 2017
Will Obama “Get Away with It”, after Spending Two Terms “With Blood on His Hands”? By Grete Mautner, January 15, 2017
Fury at Azaria Verdict is Israel’s Trump Moment By Jonathan Cook, January 12, 2017
UN Prepares Blacklist of Israeli Companies Working in Illegal Settlements By Middle East Monitor, January 12, 2017
Political Prisoners Remain Behind Bars as Obama’s Term Nears End By Matt Peppe, January 12, 2017