Law and Justice

Rule of Law
As a branch of government it is unique from the other two branches of government – the legislative. and executive branches – in that the supreme Justices are arbiters of what is allowed or prevented by the US Constitution as the ultimate source of the rule of law in America.
Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh, that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.
The case, Saleh v. Bush, involves claims by an Iraqi mother that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz — waged a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003,
“Promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law”? Will any Saudi official involved in human rights violations not to mention State support of terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq, be called to account to the Court?
Tony Blinken Is a Cold-Blooded Sociopath By Caitlin Johnstone, January 10, 2024
Israeli Lawmakers Say It Out Loud: Mass Migration From Gaza and Jewish Settlement Instead By Noa Shpigel, January 10, 2024
‘Unimaginable Situation’ in Gaza as 600 Patients and Staff Expelled from Al-Aqsa Hospital By Oliver Mizzi, January 10, 2024
Holstering a Career: Wayne LaPierre Resigns from the National Rifle Association (NRA) of America Executive By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 09, 2024
More Israeli War Crimes: Gaza’s Child Amputees Face Further Risks Without Expert Care By Arafat Barbakh, Maggie Fick, and Emma Farge, January 09, 2024
Balls of Steel: Today’s Most Despised Knesset Member. By Mike Whitney, January 09, 2024
70 Israeli Lawmakers Sign Motion to Expel Member of Knesset for Supporting ICJ Genocide Charges By Noa Shpigel, January 09, 2024
UN Experts Call on US to Halt First Planned Execution by Nitrogen Asphyxiation By Kate Randall, January 09, 2024
“Was It A False Flag”?: Israeli Ministers Melt Down in Cabinet Meeting Over Military’s Plan to Probe Oct. 7 Failures By Jamie White, January 09, 2024
MLK Linked the Struggles to End Racism, Poverty and War By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 09, 2024
Human Rights Lawyer Accuses a French Company for Providing Funds and Material to ISIS in Syria, but Ignores the Crimes of the US and UK By Steven Sahiounie, January 08, 2024
J’Accuse … ! The Line Is Clear, COVID-19 Was a Concerted Effort by the “Global Cabal” to Control the Population By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, January 08, 2024
Unmatched Surge in Illegal Settlement Activity against Palestinians in the West Bank Since the Onset of the Gaza War By Peace Now, January 08, 2024
Understanding Power Dynamics and Moving Beyond Divisions: COVID–19 Through to Ukraine and Israel/Palestine By Vanessa Beeley and Professor Piers Robinson, January 08, 2024
UN Relief Chief: “Death and Despair”. The War in Gaza Must End By Martin Griffiths, January 08, 2024
South Africa’s ICJ Application for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza By International Court of Justice, January 08, 2024
Will Israeli Army Generals Meet the Fate of What Nazi Generals Faced at Nuremberg? By P.S. Sahni, January 08, 2024
100+ Global Rights Groups Urge Support for South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel at ICJ By Julia Conley, January 08, 2024
The Great John Pilger By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., January 08, 2024
Israel Minister Calls for ‘Ways More Painful Than Death’ for Palestinians By Middle East Monitor, January 08, 2024
‘Enormous Amount of Evidence’: Jonathan Turley Says Joe Biden’s Connection to His Son’s ‘Corruption’ Is ‘Impeachable’ By Haily Gomez, January 08, 2024
The International Court of Justice: A Glimmer of Hope and a Cloud of Doubt By Dr. Paul Larudee, January 08, 2024
Circle of Secrecy: The Iraq War’s Missing Cabinet Documents By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 08, 2024
Coalition of “Grassroots Diplomats” Take the Lead on International Solidarity with South Africa in the Absence of Diplomacy and Accountability from U.S. Officials By Melissa Garriga, January 07, 2024
Demands for Israeli Ambassador to UK’s Expulsion After ‘Clear Call for Genocide’ By Julia Conley, January 07, 2024
John Pilger on the Coming War. Speak Up, Now! “America has Gone to War with the World”. May 1, 2023 By John Pilger, January 07, 2024
The WEF and WHO – Are They Running a Death Cult? A WHO / Pharma controlled Worldwide Tyrannical “health system” By Peter Koenig, January 06, 2024
In 2023 Bethlehem Was a Solemn Ghost Town: The Coming Storm Is Upon Us By Joachim Hagopian, January 05, 2024
Behold, in Gaza, there is No New Year. All This for a Myth: We Have Lost Everything Beautiful By Abby Zimet, January 05, 2024
Gaza War: “I Wish I Could Have Died with Them.” By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2024
Between Horror and Hope. An Interview with John Pilger. His Legacy Will Live! By John Pilger and Huw Spanner, January 05, 2024
Israel in discussions with Congo to resettle Palestinians from Gaza By Middle East Monitor, January 05, 2024
Genocide and the Cost of the Israel-Gaza War. “Israel is Wiping herself Off The Map. Such a Country Cannot be Allowed to Exist”. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2024
Military Confrontation in the Red Sea and the Broader Middle East War? The Drumbeat for Western Military Action against Yemen By Daniel Larison, January 04, 2024
Global Pushback at Israeli Plans to Displace Palestinians From Gaza By TRT World, January 04, 2024
International Coalition of Human Rights and Antiwar Organizations Forms to Demand End to Genocide in Palestine By Black Alliance for Peace, January 04, 2024
Data Reveal New York Vaccine Clinics Called Ambulances to be “On Standby” By Dr. Pierre Kory, January 04, 2024
Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, January 04, 2024
Unwavering Support Makes UK Government Complicit in Israeli War Crimes in Gaza: British Muslim Expert By Burak Bir, January 04, 2024
White House Denies Genocide in Gaza as Massacres and Targeted Assassinations Continue By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 04, 2024
Over 200 Service Members Demand Biden’s Military Leadership be Court-martialed and Fired for Forced ‘Experimentation’ on Troops with COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate By Kelly Laco, January 04, 2024
US Draws Up Plan to Attack Mainland Yemen as Middle East Spirals Into War By Andre Damon, January 04, 2024
How Long Can Israel Defy the World? By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, January 04, 2024
Sunak, Cleverly and Shapps Could be in the Old Bailey Dock for Genocide. Craig Murray By Craig Murray, January 04, 2024
‘I Cannot be Quietly Complicit’: Biden Official Resigns Over Gaza Assault By Jake Johnson, January 04, 2024
Killing Australians in Lebanon: Selected Targets, Selective Morality By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 04, 2024
Blinken Again Bypasses US Congress to Send Weapons to Israel By The Cradle, January 03, 2024
October 7 As Seen Through the Lens of the Military-Intelligence Complex By Mark Taliano, January 03, 2024
War on Gaza: Turkey Backs South Africa ‘Genocide’ Case Against Israel at ICJ By Ragip Soylu, January 03, 2024
19 Years Ago Today, Journalist Gary Webb Was Murdered After Exposing CIA Drug Trafficking By Jeremy Kuzmarov, January 03, 2024
Israeli Assault Causing Disease, Hunger to Rapidly Spread Across Gaza By Julia Conley, January 03, 2024
Facebook Approved an Israeli Ad Calling for Assassination of Pro-Palestine Activist By Sam Biddle, January 03, 2024
Almost 70% of Gaza Homes Damaged or Destroyed: WSJ By Al Mayadeen, January 03, 2024
Charge Israel with Genocide at the International Court of Justice! By CODEPINK, January 03, 2024
After South African Petition, Israel on High Alert with Growing Pressure to File Genocide Charges By Mohammad Sio​​​​​​​, January 03, 2024
Far-right Israeli Minister Urges Eviction of Palestinians from Gaza By Daily Sabah, January 03, 2024
Thousands March in Istanbul, Chanting ‘Killer Israel, Get Out of Palestine’ By TRT World, January 03, 2024
The Economic Incentive: Blocking Israel’s Supply Chain By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2024
1st January AD 2024: The Genocide in Palestine and the Fascist Continuum: Nuremberg 2 Now! By Dr. David Halpin, January 02, 2024
Criminal Assumptions: The Howard Cabinet and Invading Iraq By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 02, 2024
Killing Palestinian History and Cultural Heritage: Targeting Archeological Sites, Churches, Mosques, Museums, Monuments By TRT World, January 01, 2024
Truth About How Israel’s Zionism Began and Led to Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza By Jerome Irwin, January 01, 2024
Genocidal Tremors: Taking Israel to the International Court of Justice By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 01, 2024
Tolstoy’s Speech Against War: “Thou shalt not kill!” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, January 01, 2024
Bulletproof Dreams: Turkiye Displays Paintings by Gazan Children By TRT World, January 01, 2024
Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Netanyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace” By Manlio Dinucci, January 01, 2024
Video: “The Deal of the Century”, Palestine and International Law: UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk By Michael Lynk and Michael Welch, January 01, 2024
War on Gaza: Global Leaders Must Find the Courage to Hit Israel and the US Where It Hurts By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 01, 2024
We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth By Edward Curtin, December 31, 2023
Before the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Corona Virus “Vaccines”. Nuremberg Code, Crimes against humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression” By Hannah Rose, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Piers Corbyn, and et al., December 31, 2023
There Are Human Beings in Palestine. “Against Erasure” A Pictorial History of Palestinians By Kim Petersen, December 30, 2023
American-Israeli Anthropologist Suggests that “We Are All Being Palestinized” By Jeremy Kuzmarov, December 30, 2023
Israeli Forces Raiding West Bank Cash Machines and Banks, Depriving Palestinians of their Means of Survival. What is the Trigger That “Starts Peace”? By Peter Koenig, December 29, 2023
Refusal to Explain Order to Remove Joe Biden from Search Warrant in Hunter Biden Case. Testimony of Former U.S. Assistant Attorney General (Delaware) Lesley Wolf By James Lynch, December 29, 2023
Cease-Fire Now! What I Said to the UN Security Council. Col. Ann Wright By Colonel Ann Wright, December 29, 2023
Gaza Journalist Death Toll Reaches 105 as Israel Expands Assault By The New Arab, December 29, 2023
Could States Banning Presidential Candidates Lead to America’s Collapse? By Drago Bosnic, December 29, 2023
Biden’s America Surrenders to War Criminal Netanyahu By Philip Giraldi, December 29, 2023
Israel’s Crimes and Atrocities Committed in Gaza By Peter Koenig and Press TV, December 28, 2023
Constitutional Violations: Julian Assange, Privacy and the CIA By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 28, 2023