
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Dishonest Democrats, a Lying President and Fort Hood Crime Base By Massoud Nayeri, July 07, 2020
Rapper Kanye’s Presidential Ambitions Might Doom the Democrats’ White House Plans By Andrew Korybko, July 07, 2020
Britain Is Following Its Big Brother by Imposing So-Called Humanitarian Sanctions By Andrew Korybko, July 07, 2020
RussiaGate Overdrive: Weapons of War by Other Means on Targeted Nations and Individuals By Stephen Lendman, July 07, 2020
The UAE Emirate Hybrid-Warfare and Regime Change Against Djibouti and Somalia By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, July 07, 2020
Are the Democrats a Political Party or a CIA-Backed Fifth Column? By Mike Whitney, July 06, 2020
British Government Encourages Mass Emigration from Hong Kong to Affect China By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 06, 2020
The Battle of Seattle Was Fought by the Pro-war “Left” in Northern Syria By Max Parry, July 06, 2020
CIA Information Warfare Succeeds: Occupation of Afghanistan Forced to Continue, Trump’s Real Crimes in Afghanistan Ignored By Ben Barbour, July 05, 2020
Video: String of ISIS Attacks Continues in Syrian Desert By South Front, July 05, 2020
The Unthinkable: Is a US-China War Possible? US War Ships in the South China Sea. A New Era of “Great Power Competition” By Stephen Lendman, July 05, 2020
Is Washington Provoking India into a War with China? By F. William Engdahl, July 05, 2020
Video: Syria Prepares for Military Confrontation with Turkey in Northeast By South Front, July 03, 2020
Huge COVID Case-counting Deception at the CDC By Jon Rappoport, July 03, 2020
No Israeli War on Lebanon Before the Next US Elections By Elijah J. Magnier, July 03, 2020
House Democrats Set to Give 850,000 Acres of Nevada Wildlife Refuge to Military By Center For Biological Diversity, July 03, 2020
Hundreds of Saudi and Gulf Military Personnel Trained in Britain as Yemen War Continues By Phil Miller, July 03, 2020
“Russia is Paying the Taliban”: Afghan Bounty Scandal Comes at Suspiciously Important Time for US Military Industrial Complex By Alan MacLeod, July 02, 2020
Germany-US Relations in Crisis: Former German Chancellor Says U.S.-EU Alliance Could Now End By Eric Zuesse, July 02, 2020
UK ‘Recognized’ Juan Guiado as Venezuela President, Rules High Court in Gold Dispute By Al Arabiya, July 02, 2020
Trump’s Record on Foreign Policy: Lost Wars, New Conflicts and Broken Promises By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, July 02, 2020
Former PM Mahathir Calls on Muslims to Focus on Fighting Israeli Regime By Islam Times, July 02, 2020
The 1968 My Lai Massacre: The Scene of the Crime By Seymour M. Hersh, July 01, 2020
Rupturing US/China Relations: The Destructive Race to Roll Out 5G Technology, A Breach Too Wide to Fix? By Stephen Lendman, July 01, 2020
The Truth About Russian-Taliban Ties Is as Intriguing as the Fake News About Them By Andrew Korybko, July 01, 2020
2022: A Vaccination Passport. The EU Keeps Quiet Over Suspicious Documents By Daniele Pozzati, July 01, 2020
What Is the United States Plotting in Kashmir and Balochistan? The Destabilization of Pakistan? By Germán Gorraiz López, July 01, 2020
Video: Houthis Captured 400 Km2 from Saudi-backed Forces in Central Yemen By South Front, July 01, 2020
How Venezuela Helped Defeat UN Canada’s Security Council Bid By Yves Engler, June 30, 2020
Trump Regime Further Escalates “Get Tough” on China Policy. Adding Fuel to the Fire… By Stephen Lendman, June 30, 2020
Iran Issues ‘Murder and Terrorism’ Arrest Warrant for Trump Over Soleimani Assassination By Jake Johnson, June 30, 2020
UK Confirms It Will Not Align with EU Chemicals Agency By Amanda Doyle, June 30, 2020
Video: Russian Private Military Contractors Took Control of Libya’s Largest Oil Field By South Front, June 30, 2020
The Kafkaesque Imperium: Julian Assange and the Second Superseding Indictment By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 30, 2020
The Age of Chatham House and the British Roots of NATO By Matthew Ehret-Kump, June 30, 2020
Delisting Chinese Firms from US Exchanges. “Risks of Military Confrontation”… Destabilization of Capital Markets? By Stephen Lendman, June 29, 2020
Video: UN Agenda 2030 Exposed By Rosa Koire, June 29, 2020
Сriminal Roots of Kosovo Further Exposed by Thaçi’s Indictment in The Hague By Paul Antonopoulos, June 29, 2020
Video: The Concept of Social Distancing in Schools By Leigh Dundas, June 29, 2020
The Dutch Prosecution and the Judge Have Rigged the Outcome of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 Trial on a Charge that Requires No Proof By John Helmer, June 29, 2020
US War Crimes: The Massacre at My Lai By Seymour M. Hersh, June 29, 2020
While the World Burns, the Road Map to War with Iran Continues By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 29, 2020
Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries By Raul Diego, June 29, 2020
June 27, 1954: Elected Guatemalan Leader Overthrown in CIA-Backed Coup By Juan Gonzalez, June 29, 2020
US-Iran Confrontation in Lebanon: Counter-measures and Escalation By Elijah J. Magnier, June 29, 2020
Taliban, Moscow, White House All Reject NYT’s Reporting on Afghanistan Bounties By Dave DeCamp, June 29, 2020
A Trendy Rage: Boycotting Facebook and the Stop Hate for Profit Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 29, 2020
The Fake News About Russia and the Taliban Aims to Achieve Three Strategic Objectives By Andrew Korybko, June 29, 2020
Trump Unloads on Bolton After Bolton Unloads on Trump By Philip Giraldi, June 28, 2020
Video: Idlib Militants Use Battle Tanks to Kill Each Other Under Turkish Nose By South Front, June 28, 2020
Fear in the JFK Assassination: Continued Secrecy, Fraudulent Autopsy By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 28, 2020
Is the Deep State Attempting a Hybrid War in Mexico? By Nino Pagliccia, June 28, 2020
US Plans to Break Up China: CIA Funding for Terrorists, Narco-trafficking and Proxies By Shane Quinn, June 28, 2020
Major Mexican Cartels: Drug Wars and Business By South Front, June 27, 2020
NATO at the Helm of Italian Foreign Policy By Manlio Dinucci, June 26, 2020
Spanish Government Moves Forward on Hypervigilance Project. Towards a Surveillance Police State By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 26, 2020
Journalist Julian Assange Charged with New American Indictment By Dr. Leon Tressell, June 26, 2020
Geopolitical Destabilization: India’s US-Backed “Decoupling” from China Is a Very Dangerous Development By Andrew Korybko, June 26, 2020
Media Executive Warns that Big Tech Is Secretively Seizing “All the Power” over Information By Steve Watson, June 25, 2020
The US “Soft War” on Iran and Its Allies Turns Against Washington By Elijah J. Magnier, June 25, 2020
Fear in the John F. Kennedy Assassination. “Some Americans Consider the Possibility that it Was A Regime Change Operation” By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 25, 2020
US Sends Powerful Message to Iran, Venezuela as Warship Sails Near Caracas By Almasdar News, June 25, 2020
US Government Expands Assange Indictment to Criminalize Assistance Provided to Edward Snowden By Kevin Gosztola, June 25, 2020
Trump Admitted Relocation of American Soldiers to Poland Is Aimed Against Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, June 25, 2020
UK Health Ministry Has No Records on Turkish Protective Equipment (PPE) Fiasco and Won’t Say if Files Destroyed By Ian Cobain, June 25, 2020
Bolton Weaves a Tall Tale in His Venezuela Chapter By Leonardo Flores, June 25, 2020
Normal Human Virome: 2017 Study Finds HIV, Hepatitis and Many Other Viruses Present in People By Makia Freeman, June 24, 2020
NATO 2030: How to Make a Bad Idea Worse. Expanding the “Atlantic Alliance” into the Pacific… By Matthew Ehret-Kump, June 24, 2020
Troubling India-China Border Skirmishes. Dangerous Game. Was Washington Involved in Spearheading Conflict? By Stephen Lendman, June 24, 2020
Video: The Social Impacts and Economic Dimensions of the Drug Trade By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Mehrnews, June 24, 2020
Behind the Veil of the Protest Movement, the War on the American People Is Gaining Pace By Mike Whitney, June 24, 2020
Video: “Militants” Launch Massive Drone Attack on Russian Airbase in Syria By South Front, June 24, 2020
Chinagate Is the Craziest Conspiracy Theory Yet. Alleged Pro-Trump Election Meddling By Andrew Korybko, June 24, 2020
Trump’s Advisor Peter Navarro’s Dangerous Agenda. Preventing “Made in China” from Entering the US Market? By Junaid S. Ahmad, June 23, 2020
“Beyond the Pandemic, Geopolitics as Usual”. A Permanent Brainwash By Michel Raimbaud, June 23, 2020
If Trump Is Thinking About a Meeting with Maduro, What About Trudeau? By Arnold August, June 23, 2020
Dangerous and Uncertain: Coronavirus and the Nuclear Industry By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 23, 2020
Dominant Global Viral Strain Found in Beijing Cases By Leng Shumei, June 23, 2020
Israel Leverages Dubious ‘Nuclear Archives’ to Re-enlist IAEA in Campaign Against Iran By Gareth Porter, June 23, 2020
Russia Can’t Broker China-India Peace: The Best It Can Do Is Balance Its Response to this Crisis By Andrew Korybko, June 23, 2020