
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Johnson Takes Britain into Dangerous New Cold War Against China By Fiona Edwards, March 22, 2021
The Case of Alexei Navalny. Reviving the Cold War By Prof. John Ryan, March 21, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine Risks and Research By Nina Beety, March 21, 2021
Syrian Foreign Minister Arrives at Muscat… Will the Sultanate of Oman Play a Role in Resolving the Syrian Crisis? By Khaled Iskef, March 21, 2021
Pfizer Executive: Shift from Pandemic to Endemic. “Hiking Vaccine Price after Pandemic Wanes” By Kim Iversen, March 21, 2021
Eleven Years Ago: US-NATO Planned Invasion and Proxy War Against Syria By Shane Quinn, March 21, 2021
Turkey Refuses to Give Up on Its Interests in Northeastern Syria By South Front, March 21, 2021
Walmart, Amazon and the Colonial Deindustrialisation of India By Colin Todhunter, March 21, 2021
Aaugh! A Brief List of Official Russia Claims that Proved to be Bogus By Matt Taibbi, March 20, 2021
Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Government in Afghanistan By Martin Sieff, March 20, 2021
Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 20, 2021
Conspiracy Theory
The Puppet Masters: Is There Really a Deep State? By Philip Giraldi, March 19, 2021
“The Russians Are Coming, Not Again…”: Biden Regime Imposes More Illegal Sanctions on Russia By Stephen Lendman, March 19, 2021
Frosty China-US Talks in Alaska By Stephen Lendman, March 19, 2021
Has Biden’s Description of Putin as a Killer Finally Dispelled Kremlin Hopes for Good Relations? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 19, 2021
New Cold War Is Built on Humanitarian Interventionist Lies and Dismissal of Actual War Crimes By Danny Haiphong, March 19, 2021
Biden’s Tough-guy Flexing at ‘Soulless Killer’ Putin Would be Funny if the Consequences Weren’t So Serious By Scott Ritter, March 19, 2021
“Russia-AgainGate”: Dead-End In US-Russia Relations? Putin “Must Pay A Price” for Election Meddling, Says Biden By Stephen Lendman, March 18, 2021
How the US Military Subverted the Afghan Peace Agreement to Prolong an Unpopular War By Gareth Porter, March 18, 2021
UK Breaks Law on Nukes: Boris Johnson Announced a 40% Increase in Britain’s Nuclear Arsenal By Kate Hudson, March 18, 2021
Video: Israel Is Back with Airstrikes as Turkey Scrambles to Salvage Some Oil in Syria By South Front, March 18, 2021
The US Director of National Intelligence (DNI)’ Report on “Russian Meddling” Denigrates “Dissident Americans” By Andrew Korybko, March 17, 2021
RussiaGate 3.0: The Myth of “Foreign Threats” to US Elections Prevails. US Intelligence (ICA) Assessment By Stephen Lendman, March 17, 2021
Video: Bioethics and the New Eugenics By The Corbett Report, March 17, 2021
Britain’s “Pivots to Asia” to Contain China By Tom Clifford, March 17, 2021
Upcoming Sino/US Talks in Alaska By Stephen Lendman, March 17, 2021
Video: The Houthis Continue Their Push, but Is Erdogan Coming to the Saudi Kingdom’s Rescue? By South Front, March 17, 2021
New High in Americans’ Perceptions of China as “U.S.’s Greatest Enemy” By Mohamed Younis, March 17, 2021
Washington Pressured Brazil Not to Buy ‘Malign’ Russian Vaccine By John McEvoy, March 17, 2021
20+ Countries Suspend Use of AstraZeneca Vaccine, but Regulators Insist ‘Benefits Outweigh Risks’ By Megan Redshaw, March 17, 2021
US Admits Waging InfoWar Against Russia’s Sputnik Vaccine to “Combat Malign Influence” By Zero Hedge, March 17, 2021
Dangerous Waterways: U.S. Militarization of the South China Sea. US-China Adversarial Relations By Stephen Lendman, March 16, 2021
Ukraine with Turkish Support Appears to be Preparing for New Conflict Against Donbass By Paul Antonopoulos, March 16, 2021
Afghanistan: No Troop Withdrawal. US Remains Inert in the Face of Taliban Attacks By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 16, 2021
Biden’s Retaliatory Cyberattacks Against Russia Are Folly By Prof. Anatol Lieven, March 16, 2021
The First-Ever Quad Leadership Summit (US, Australia, India, Japan) Confirmed the Bloc’s Anti-China Purpose By Andrew Korybko, March 16, 2021
EU Greenlights Talks for Possible Sputnik Procurement After Dubbing Russia’s Rollout “Propaganda” By Zero Hedge, March 16, 2021
Ten Years Ago, US-NATO Regime Change Operation in Libya By Shane Quinn, March 16, 2021
Five Former OPCW Officials Join Prominent Voices to Call Out Syria Cover-up By Aaron Mate, March 15, 2021
The US Strategic “Containment” of China: Will it Encourage the Creation of a “Russia- China- North Korea Missile Alliance”? By Andrew Korybko, March 15, 2021
Biden Urged to Force End to US-Backed Saudi Blockade After Chilling Report on Starving Yemeni Children By Jake Johnson, March 15, 2021
Let’s Stop Pretending Russia and China Are Military Threats By Dave Lindorff, March 15, 2021
Israeli Attacks on Iranian Oil Tankers, US Strikes in Syria and Sanctions: The Legacy of a Failed Policy of Regime Change By Adeyinka Makinde, March 15, 2021
Why You Can’t Trust the FDA, the WHO, the CDC, the AAP, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi or Pfizer By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 15, 2021
Video: Israel’s “Green Passport”, A True Medical Apartheid. Ilana Rachel Daniel By Ilana Rachel Daniel, March 15, 2021
Video: Volatile Battlefield in Yemen. Saudi Heavy Airstrikes By South Front, March 14, 2021
Origins of the 2011 War on Syria. It Was a Conspiracy By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 13, 2021
Will Mankind be Extinct In a Few Years? Impacts of Toxic Agrochemicals, “Endoctrine Disruptors” By F. William Engdahl, March 13, 2021
The Lebanese Crisis Is Directed Against Syrian Reconstruction: Says Dr. Jamal Wakim By Dr. Jamal Wakim and Steven Sahiounie, March 13, 2021
The West-Iran Asymmetric Conflict: Will Iran be Bombed? By Jan Oberg, March 13, 2021
Ten Problems with Biden’s Foreign Policy – And One Solution By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 12, 2021
Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates with Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, March 12, 2021
COVID-19, Trust, and Wellcome: How Charity’s Pharma Investments Overlap with Its Research Efforts. BMJ By Tim Schwab, March 12, 2021
Thailand Halts AstraZeneca Vaccinations Following Concerns in Europe By Praphorn Praphornkul, March 12, 2021
Moderna’s Top Scientist: ‘We Are Actually Hacking the Software of Life’ By Leo Hohmann, March 11, 2021
mRNA Vaccine Technology is “Hacking the Software of Life”. Modifies the Human Genome By Stephen Lendman, March 11, 2021
Video: Renewed Saudi Air Strikes against Yemen. Houthi Drone Attacks on Saudi Airports By South Front, March 11, 2021
Video: US Aircraft Carrier Deploys in Mediterranean, Threatens Syria? By South Front, March 11, 2021
Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset By Raul Diego, March 11, 2021
More Countries Adopt Vaccine Passports to ‘Boost Tourism’ By Zero Hedge, March 11, 2021
Garneau and Blinken Meet to Subvert Haitian Democracy By Yves Engler, March 11, 2021
“The Real Nuclear Danger”: What Is Israel Building at Its Dimona Nuclear Site? By Richard Silverstein, March 11, 2021
Azerbaijan Preparing for New War Against Armenia By Paul Antonopoulos, March 10, 2021
Refusing to be Conscripted in the Israeli Military: “We Claim Responsibility for the Political Decisions of Our Young Son, and Our Decision Is — NO!” By Rima Najjar, March 10, 2021
US Increases Violence in Syria in Response to Attack in Iraq By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 10, 2021
India Is Wrong to Blame Iran’s IRGC for Late January’s Attempted Terrorist Attack By Andrew Korybko, March 10, 2021
China: Confronted by a hostile US Geostrategic Agenda: A Charitable Appraisal of China By Megan Sherman, March 10, 2021
Biden Iran Envoy Boasted of Depriving Civilians of Food, Driving Up Iranian Inequality in “Art of Sanctions” Manual By Max Blumenthal, March 09, 2021
Is the US Heading for Confrontation with China? The Pentagon’s Multibillion Dollar Indo-Pacific Military Deployment By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2021
The Battle for Lithium: The UK Supported the Coup in Bolivia to Gain Access to Its ‘White Gold’ By Matt Kennard, March 09, 2021
The CDC Mandate Masks Study: Is the CDC About to be Canceled by Google and Facebook for “COVID Heresy”? By Simon Black, March 09, 2021
Joe Biden Stands for Same Grotesque and Brutal Policies Against Venezuela, Shows Just How Little They Actually Care for People By Eva Bartlett, March 08, 2021
Is China Planning on Blocking US Sanctions Imposed on Iran? By Shahbazz Afzal, March 08, 2021
US Pacific Commander Defends $27 Billion Plan to Confront China By Dave DeCamp, March 08, 2021
US to Continue Using Guaido to Rob Venezuelan Assets Abroad By Telesur, March 08, 2021
France Joins America’s South China Sea Adventurism. “Provoking China” By Joseph Thomas, March 07, 2021
Why Is Brazil Such a Basket Case?—The Role of U.S. Covert Action By Aidan O’Brien, March 07, 2021
Top Pentagon Commander Requests Astronomical Sum of Money to Prepare for War with China By Richard Becker, March 07, 2021
Video: Biden’s Quest to Middle East Domination? “Promises to Send More Troops to the Region” By South Front, March 06, 2021
Towards a “New Iron Curtain”? Senator Cotton’s Anti-China Containment Strategy By Andrew Korybko, March 06, 2021